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Services on 8-9 March, the First Sunday of Great Lent - 09/03/2025

On Saturday 8 March and Sunday 9 March we had services for the First Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, and in honour of the finding of the head of the Holy Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist of the Lord, John.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Churchpeace in Ukraine, and peace in the Holy Land.  Many people received Holy Communion.  In accordance with the practice of parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, 'The Order for a Hymn of Supplication for the Conversion of those in Error' was served at the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  During this short moleben, prayers were offered for those who oppose the truth of the Gospel with heresy and for those who have fallen away from the Holy Orthodox Church through schism.

Services on 22-23 March, the Third Sunday of Great Lent - 09/03/2025

On Saturday 22 March and Sunday 23 March we will have services for the Third Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross. Matins with the bringing out of the Cross will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

The centenary of the repose of Saint Tikhon of Moscow and Saint Jonah of Hankow - 28/02/2025

This year, 2025, is the centenary of the repose of two great hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church:  Saint Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (31 January 1865 - 7 April 1925, canonised 1981) and Saint Jonah, Bishop of Hankow (17 April 1888- 20 October 1925, canonised 1996).  In recognition of this significant anniversary, the Synod of Bishops of our Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia has called upon the bishops and clergy to make a particular effort to remember these two holy bishops.  To this end, they are to be commemorated at the dismissal of each Divine Liturgy up until the Great Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple (4 December, the day of the Patriarchal enthronement of Saint Tikhon in 1918) and to remember Saint Tikhon in a sermon and with a moleben on Sunday 6 April, the Fifth Sunday in Great Lent and the eve of the anniversary of his repose.  As there will not be a service in our parish on that Sunday, arrangements for a moleben to Saint Tikhon and another to Saint Jonah will be made later in the year.  Holy Hierarchs Tikhon and Jonah, pray to God for us!

Services on 8-9 March, the First Sunday of Great Lent - 23/02/2025

On Saturday 8 March and Sunday 9 March we will have services for the First Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  In accordance with the practice of parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, 'The Order for a Hymn of Supplication for the Conversion of those in Error' will be served at the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  During this short moleben, prayers will be offered for those who oppose the truth of the Gospel with heresy and for those who have fallen away from the Holy Orthodox Church through schism.

Our Autumn 2025 Schedule of Services - 23/02/2025

Our Autumn 2025 Schedule of Services - covering March, April and May 2025 - is now available in digital format.  It includes services for Great Lent, Holy Week, and our patronal feast-day of Saint Nicholas.  Our parishioners and friends are reminded that there will be no Paschal services in our parish this year.  A copy of the English-language Autumn 2025 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Autumn 2025 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies are available in church as of the weekend of 22-23 February.

Services on 22-23 February, the Sunday of the Last Judgement - 23/02/2025

On Saturday 22 February and Sunday 23 February we had services for the Sunday of the Last Judgement.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  As Saturday 22 February was a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins was preceded by a general panikhida.  As an act of kindness in memory of their departed ones, those attending the panikhida brought non-perishable foods (tinned vegetables and fruit, long-life milk and milk alternatives, bottled water, packaged crackers) and new personal care products (soaps, shampoos and conditioners, wipes, toothbrushes and toothpaste, combs and brushes, female sanitary items) to be passed to a local charitable organisation for relief of the homeless.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Churchpeace in Ukraine, and peace in the Holy Land.

Services on 22-23 February, the Sunday of the Last Judgement - 09/02/2025

On Saturday 22 February and Sunday 23 February we will have services for the Sunday of the Last Judgement.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  As Saturday 22 February is a day of commemoration of the departed, there will be a general panikhida at 5.00pm.  Those attending the panikhida may, as an act of kindness in memory of their departed ones, bring non-perishable foods (tinned vegetables and fruit, long-life milk and milk alternatives, bottled water, packaged crackers) and new personal care products (soaps, shampoos and conditioners, wipes, toothbrushes and toothpaste, combs and brushes, female sanitary items) to be passed to a local charitable organisation for relief of the homeless.  A full list of items that may be donated is available here.

Services on 8-9 February, the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 09/02/2025

On Saturday 8 February and Sunday 9 February we had services for the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and in honour of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Matins and Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.  To the great joy of our small parish, the choir at Divine Liturgy was formed by the Russian Orthodox Male Choir of Australia (ROMCA).  At the conclusion of the Sunday service the parish rector congratulated ROMCA conductor Reader Nektary Kotlaroff and his choristers on their important and edifying work, wishing them God’s continued help and a successful trip to Russia later this year.  Following the service many of the faithful took the opportunity to speak with members of the choir and purchase recordings of their work.  A collection taken up during the service and a donation from the Parish Council raised $1500 to assist the choir.

A Pastoral Conference of the Australian New-Zealand Diocese - 05/02/2025

Updated 16 February 2025: On Tuesday 18 March and Wednesday 18 March 2025 the clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese will gather in Melbourne for their customary Great Lenten Pastoral Conference.  On Tuesday the clergy will meet at the Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral for the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion at 5.00pm and Lenten Matins and confession at 6.00pm.  On Wednesday from 8.00am the Lenten Hours, the Typika and the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be served at the Cathedral with Archbishop George presiding and Diocesan clergy concelebrating.  Those of the faithful who have the opportunity to do so are welcome to attend the services on Wednesday morning and may – if properly prepared – receive Holy Communion.  Following Divine Liturgy the clergy will meet in the cathedral hall for lunch, to hear a number of short talks, and to discuss pastoral, liturgical and administrative matters.

Services on 8-9 February, the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 26/01/2025

On Saturday 8 February and Sunday 9 February we will have services for the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and in honour of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Divine Liturgy will be sung by the Russian Orthodox Male Choir of Australia.

Services on 25-26 January, the Sunday after Theophany - 26/01/2025

On Saturday 25 January and Sunday 26 January we had services for the Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday after Theophany, and in honour of Martyrs Hermylus and Stratonicus of Belgrade (+c.315 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the HoursDivine Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Water were served on Sunday morning.  It being Australia Day, prayers for the civil authorities and a prayer of thanksgiving for the blessings bestowed upon us in this country were offered at Divine Liturgy.  A prayer of thanksgiving was also offered for the work of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Theophany, a parish in Mayfield (Newcastle) that existed from 1994-2009.

Services on 25-26 January, the Sunday after Theophany - 12/01/2025

On Saturday 25 January and Sunday 26 January we will have services for the Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday after Theophany, and in honour of Martyrs Hermylus and Stratonicus of Belgrade (+c.315 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the HoursDivine Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Water will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Note:  There will be no refreshments in the hall after Divine Liturgy on Sunday.

A service on Sunday 12 January, the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ - 12/01/2025

On Sunday 12 January we had services for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ.  There was no service on the preceding Saturday evening.  The Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Churchpeace in Ukraine, and peace in the Holy Land.  At the end of the service a prayer of blessing was read over a new icon of New Hieromartyr Silvester of Omsk (+1920), a gift to our parish from Lidia Stroud-Watts.

A service on Sunday 12 January, the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ - 07/01/2025

On Sunday 12 January we will have services for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ.  The Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am.  At the end of Divine Liturgy, prayers of blessing will be read over a new icon of New Hieromartyr Silvester of Omsk (+1920), a gift to our parish from Lidia Stroud-Watts.  Note:  There will be no service on the evening of Saturday 11 January.

Services on 6-7 January, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ - 07/01/2025

On Monday 6 January and Tuesday 7 January we had services for Christmas, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ.   All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Monday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Tuesday morning.  These were our first Christmas Day services since 2019.  On both days our small church was full to overflowing.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Churchpeace in Ukraine, and peace in the Holy Land.  A great many of the faithful received Holy Communion, and Archbishop George’s Nativity Epistle was read in place of a sermon.  Following the services on Tuesday many people gathered in the church hall for a festive meal and a visit from Father Christmas. 

The 2025 Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad - 06/01/2025

“Christmastide always evokes feelings of deep love and gratitude in a faithful heart. In these days, let us also raise up our prayerful thanks to God, offering our love to Him and our neighbours. Gratitude and love are always a sacrifice. These are the two mites of the Gospel widow.”  Metropolitan Nicholas’s Epistle is available in full in English here and in Russian here.

The 2025 Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Archbishop George of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand - 06/01/2025

“I ask all of the faithful to make an effort to extend a helping hand to all those in need, giving alms to the poor, donations to the churches, helping them to bring the Word of God and grace to the world, helping others in whatever way you can, thereby showing love to your fellow man and fulfilling the commandment of God.”  Archbishop George’s Epistle is available in full in English here and in Russian here.

2024 – The year in review - 31/12/2024

This year was one in which we celebrated a number of major anniversaries in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Hunter Valley – 75 years since the first Russian Orthodox service on the Great Feast of the Dormition in Greta in 1949; 60 years since the consecration of our current church of Saint Nicholas; 30 years since the establishment of the Theophany parish in Mayfield and 15 years since its closure and unification with our parish; 40 years of service as a reader and subdeacon by Vitaly Lupish; and 20 years of service as a reader and subdeacon by Luke Goura.  To our great sorrow, Subdeacon Vitaly departed this life in June – he had been a key figure in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church in the region since 1949 and in our parish from its foundation in 1952.  We had three weddings and ten baptisms this year - five of the baptisms were of adults, and five were of children.  Our parish continued to grow and for the first time in many years our church was regularly full.  In November we welcomed Archbishop George on his first visit to our parish since 2019 and held an exhibition of icons, sacred items and photographs from across the 75 years of Russian Orthodoxy in the region.  By the end of the year, the Parish Council had effectively finalised a ‘Master Plan’ for improvements to our church and grounds incorporating reconstruction of our church porches, improvement of our outside toilet facilities, and better paving.  All the news from 2024 can be read here.  Glory be to God for all things!

A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 29/12/2024

On Sunday 29 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers,  the Hours and Divine Liturgy  were celebrated at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast.  As in December 2023, the services were held at Boambee Memorial Hall, a short distance from Coffs Harbour.  In anticipation of the main feast of Saint Symeon on 31 December, a moleben to the saint was served immediately after Divine Liturgy and the faithful were given blessed icon-cards.  As 2024 was the fifth anniversary of services on the Mid North Coast, Father James then announced the bestowal of special Certificates of Appreciation on mission founders, benefactors and hosts Tatiana Tobin, Evan and Katerina Cotten, Evgeniya Biryukova and Ashish Sinha, and Liubov Sleaford.  Those present, amongst whom were both new faces and guests from further afield, then shared in a festive meal.

The next service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 29/12/2024

On Sunday 30 March 2025, the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent, the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at Wauchope Community Arts Hall, 2/10 Oxley Lane, Wauchope.  As Saturday 29 March will be a day of commemoration of the departed, Divine Liturgy will be followed by a litia for our departed relatives, parishioners and friends.  All are welcome! 

Services on 6-7 January, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Christmas) - 22/12/2024

On Monday 6 January and Tuesday 7 January we will have services for Christmas, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ.  These will be our first services for 2025 and our first Christmas Day services since 2019.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Monday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Tuesday.  Following Divine Liturgy there will be a festive meal in the church hall to which all are invited.

Services on 21-22 December, the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 22/12/2024

On Saturday 21 December and Sunday 22 December we had services for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Conception by Saint Anna of the Most Holy Theotokos.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy our small church was full, and prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Churchpeace in Ukraine, and peace in the Holy Land. These were our final services for 2024.

Statement on the administration of Holy Communion to those with coeliac disease and similar illnesses - 19/12/2024

From December 6-9, 2024, the final session of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia for 2024 was held in New York.  Amongst other things, the Synod considered the administration of the Mystery of Holy Communion to those who suffer from certain ailments such as coeliac disease and the associated condition of gluten-intolerance.  The Synod “considered this a welcome opportunity to restate its age-old confession on the reception of this Sacrament, which remains unchanged: Namely, that in the Divine Liturgy we, as Christians grafted into the Body of Christ through Baptism, receive our Lord in His own Precious Body and Life-creating Blood. Not only is communion in the full offering of His Body and Blood together not a source of illness or danger, but it is instead the very source of Life, healing and sanctification. As such, those suffering from any condition relating to either of the earthly gifts offered in the Liturgy, namely bread and wine, should have no fear in approaching the Chalice to receive therefrom both the Body and Blood of their Saviour, for that which was offered in human frailty is transformed by Divine Grace into that which bestows Life unto all. For any further practical counsel based on personal circumstances or concerns, the individual should, as always, seek the guidance of his or her priest.”  A full report on the meeting of the Synod is available in English here and in Russian here.

Services on 18-19 December, the day of commemoration of Saint Nicholas - 19/12/2024

On Wednesday 18 December and Thursday 19 December we had services in honour of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, archbishop of Myra in Lycia (+342 AD), the heavenly protector of our parish.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil was served on Wednesday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Thursday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in the Holy Land.  Following Divine Liturgy there was a moleben to Saint Nicholas.   The parish rector then congratulated our Warden Nikolai Goura and our Parish Council member Dean (Nicholas) Crawford on their name-day, and altar-server Daniel Goura on his recent birthday and forthcoming name-day.  After ‘Many Years’ was sung for them, those present gathered in the church for a festive meal.

Services on 21-22 December, the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 08/12/2024

On Saturday 21 December and Sunday 22 December we will have services for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Conception by Saint Anna of the Most Holy Theotokos.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  These will be our final services for 2024.

Services on 18-19 December, the day of commemoration of Saint Nicholas - 08/12/2024

On Wednesday 18 December and Thursday 19 December we will have services in honour of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, archbishop of Myra in Lycia (+342 AD), the heavenly protector of our parish.  This is the lesser patronal feast-day of our parish, the main commemoration being in May.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil will be served at 6.00pm on Wednesday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Thursday.  Following Divine Liturgy on Thursday there will be a moleben to Saint Nicholas.  Afterwards there will be a festive lunch in the church hall.

Our 2024 Annual General Meeting - 08/12/2024

On Sunday 8 December our parish held its 2024 Annual General Meeting.  The 2024 Annual Report was presented and accepted.  Nikolai Goura was elected Warden for a further three-year term, and Irene Lupish, Olga Bogacheva, Lucea Szabunia and Dean (Nicholas) Crawford were elected to serve on the 2024-25 Parish Council.

Services on 7-8 December, the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 08/12/2024

On Saturday 7 December and Sunday 8 December we had services for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, the Apodosis of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple, and in honour of Hieromartyr Clement of Rome (+101 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Churchpeace in Ukraine, and peace in the Holy Land. It being the Nativity Fast, a great many people received Holy Communion. Following the services on Sunday the third and final announcement was made concerning the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the parish.

Our 2024 Annual Report - 04/12/2024

Our 2024 Annual Report, including the independently audited 2023-24 Financial Statements, is now available.  It includes information about the governance of our parish and gives a little parish history.  It also summarises the life and activity of the parish in 2023-24 and provides details of some future plans.  A copy of the report, which will be formally presented to our parish Annual General Meeting on Sunday 8 December 2024, is available here.  We encourage our parishioners and friends with questions or comments concerning our Annual Report to contact us.

Now available - the November 2024 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/12/2024

The November 2024 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. This is a combined third and fourth issue for 2024, and so the final issue for the year.  Content includes articles in Russian and English about the seventy-fifth anniversary of Melbourne’s Holy Protection Cathedral and the bestowal of a prestigious Patriarchal award, the Order of Saint Sergius of Radonezh (First Degree) upon our Diocesan Chancellor, Mitred Archpriest Michael Protopopov; articles in Russian on the blessing of a memorial to Saint John of Kronstadt in Dandenong, Victoria, and youth matters; articles in English on the missionary parish of the Nativity of the Mother of God in Dardanup, WA and a tour of Serbia by the Russian Orthodox Male Choir of Australia; a beautiful colour supplement of photographs from Azerbaijan; notice of the ordination of a new priest for Saint John the Baptist Skete in Kentlyn, NSW, Father Apostolos Condoleon; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Services on 7-8 December, the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 24/11/2024

On Saturday 7 December and Sunday 8 December we will have services for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, the Apodosis of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple, and in honour of Hieromartyr Clement of Rome (+101 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Following the services on Sunday the 2024 Annual General Meeting of our parish will be held.

Our Summer 2024-25 Schedule of Services - 24/11/2024

Our Summer 2024-25 Schedule of Services - covering December, January and February - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Summer 2024-25 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Summer 2024-25 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies are available in church.   Services of note will be for Saint Nicholas on 18-19 December and for the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Christmas) on 6-7 January.

Services on 23-24 November, the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - 24/11/2024

On Saturday 23 November and Sunday 24 November we had services for the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Martyrs Minas (+304 AD), Victor and Stephanida (+2nd C. AD), and Vincent (+304 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Churchpeace in Ukraine, and peace in the Holy Land.  As Saturday 23 November was the anniversary of the repose of Archpriest John Lupish (+1977), a panikhida was served immediately before Matins and a memorial litia was served immediately after Divine Liturgy.  At both services Father John was commemorated together with his matushka, Maria (+1979), and his eldest son, Subdeacon Vitaly (+2024).  Following the services on Sunday an announcement was made concerning the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the parish. 

Our 2024 Annual General Meeting - 10/11/2024

Our 2024 parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 12.00pm on Sunday 8 December.  A formal Notice concerning the AGM is available here.  The Notice includes the AGM agenda, an explanation of why AGMs are held, information about preparation for and participation in the AGM, and an explanation of the role of Parish Councils and Parish Council members.  A nomination form for parish office-bearers is available here.  A form for those wishing to renew their parish membership or become parish members is available here.

Services on 23-24 November, the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - 10/11/2024

On Saturday 23 November and Sunday 24 November we will have services for the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Martyrs Minas (+304 AD), Victor (+2nd C. AD), and Vincent (+304 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  As Saturday 23 November is the anniversary of the repose of Archpriest John Lupish (+1977), a panikhida will be served at 5.00pm, immediately before Matins.

Services on 9-10 November, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - 10/11/2024

On Saturday 9 November and Sunday 10 November we had services for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Job, Abbot and Wonderworker of Pochaev (+1651 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening.  On Sunday, His Eminence Archbishop George of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand arrived for what was his first visit to our parish since May 2019.  Following the greeting and vesting of the archbishop, the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served.  Concelebrating with Vladyka George were the parish rector and Deacon Michal Matys.  At Divine Liturgy the choir sang beautifully under the direction of Ludmila Alexandrovsky, and prayers were offered for the repose of the newly-departed Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid-America (+8 November 2024).  After the dismissal, a parish Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Leonid and Tatiana Bondarchuk, and many years was sung for them and the head of the parish Ladies’ Auxiliary, Irene Lupish, whose birthday it was.  An announcement was then made concerning the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the parish.  A festive meal was held in the church hall afterwards.  Those present also took the opportunity to view a display of photographs, icons and others items prepared to commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of our community in the Hunter Region, beginning with the arrival of Archpriest John Lupish in Greta in August 1949.

Services on 26-27 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 27/10/2024

On Saturday 26 October and Sunday 27 October we had services for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council.  Matins was served on Saturday evening, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. At both services the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michael Matys.  At Divine Liturgy our small church was again full.  Prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land, and a great many people received Holy Communion.

Services on 26-27 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 13/10/2024

On Saturday 26 October and Sunday 27 October we will have services for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 12-13 October, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 13/10/2024

On Saturday 12 October and Sunday 13 October we had services for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Hieromartyr Gregory, enlightener and bishop of Greater Armenia (+335 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services our small church was full, and the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michael Matys.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.

The October 2024 working-bee at the site of the Holy Trinity Monastery, Monkerai - 08/10/2024

On the weekend of Saturday 5 October – Monday 7 October, the New South Wales (NSW) Labour Day Long Weekend, a small group of Orthodox Christians from the NSW Hunter, Central Coast and Mid North Coast regions gathered at the site of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai, NSW, for a weekend of work and prayer.  Under the leadership of site caretaker, Gregory Alexandrovsky, work undertaken included final clearing and levelling of a new road; further work on the toilet block; repositioning of the shipping containers used for storage; construction of work benches; plumbing; and a number of cleaning and maintenance tasks.  On Sunday, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the conception of Saint John the Baptist, a "reader" service comprising the Hours and Typika was held in the site’s small chapel.  God willing, there will be a further working-bee in December 2024. Note, 13 October 2024: Photographs will be added soon!

Save the date: Sunday 29 December, the patronal feast of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 29/09/2024

On Sunday 29 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday before the Nativity of ChristSaint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast will celebrate the patronal feast-day of the Mission.  We will transfer the main feast-day of Saint Symeon - he is also commemorated in February, May, June and September - from 31 December to the nearest Sunday.  Update, 22 October 2024: We will keep things simple this year with just the Hours and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday, a moleben to the saint immediately afterwards, and a festive lunch at which we will draw our fundraising raffle.  The services and lunch will be at Boambee Memorial Hall, 579 Pacific Highway, Boambee NSW 2450.  All are welcome!  Why not plan to join us?

A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 29/09/2024

On Sunday 29 September our parish rector visited Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast and conducted services for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross, and the day of commemoration of Great Martyr Euphemia the All-Praised (+304 AD).  The services were held at the Wauchope Community Arts Hall, the Mission’s Port Macquarie-Hastings region ‘home’ since April 2023.  The Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  Prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Churchpeace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land, and many of those present received Holy Communion.  At the end of the service there was a blessing of honey.  As is customary, those present afterwards shared a common meal.

Services on 12-13 October, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 22/09/2024

On Saturday 12 October and Sunday 13 October we will have services for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Hieromartyr Gregory, enlightener and bishop of Greater Armenia (+335 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 21-22 September, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 22/09/2024

On Saturday 21 September and Sunday 22 September we had services for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday before the Exaltation of the Cross, the Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, and in honour of the Righteous Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Mother of God.  Matins was served on Saturday evening, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services the parish rector served alone.  At Divine Liturgy our small church was full, and prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Churchpeace in Ukraine, and peace in the Holy Land.  In the church hall after Divine Liturgy, Central Coast author Anya Nielsen presented her two most recent books, ‘Following the Grand Tour’ and ‘Babushka’s Feast’.

Services on 21-22 September, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 08/09/2024

On Saturday 21 September and Sunday 22 September we will have services for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, and in honour of the Righteous Ancestors of God Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Mother of God.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 7-8 September, the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost - 08/09/2024

On Saturday 7 September and Sunday 8 September we had services for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the ‘Vladimir’ Icon of the Mother of God and Martyrs Adrian and Natalia and those with them (+305-311).  Matins was served on Saturday evening, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services the parish rector served alone.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Churchpeace in Ukraine, and peace in the Holy Land, and our regular parishioners were joined by newcomers wishing to learn more about the Orthodox faith.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:23-35, the appointed Gospel reading) and the history and significance of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.

A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 04/09/2024

Updated 28 September 2024: On Sunday 29 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross, and the day of commemoration of Great Martyr Euphemia the All-Praised (+304 AD), the Hours and Divine Liturgy  will be served at Wauchope Community Arts Hall, 2/10 Oxley Lane, Wauchope.  All are welcome!

Now available - the August 2024 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/09/2024

The August 2024 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. This is the second issue for 2024.  Content includes an extensive report in both Russian and English with many photographs of the July 2024 visit to our Diocese of Metropolitan Nicholas with the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God; a report of the May 2024 visit of the ‘Hawaiian-Iveron’ Icon; an article by Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff on the ministry of the matushka, the priest’s wife; a report on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Holy Fathers parish in Warrnambool, Victoria; a beautiful colour supplement of photographs from Kazan and Yaroslavl; notice of the ordination of a new deacon for the Melbourne Cathedral, Father Grigory Metlenko; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Services on 27-28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 28/08/2024

On Tuesday 27 August and Wednesday 28 August we had services for the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Tuesday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Wednesday morning.  As on Wednesday it was 75 years since the first Russian Orthodox services in the Hunter Valley, served in the Anglican Chapel at the Greta Migrant Camp just nine days after the arrival in Newcastle from Europe of Archpriest John Lupish and his family, a brief moleben of thanksgiving was served at the end of Divine Liturgy.  Afterwards, ‘Eternal Memory’ was sung for the departed hierarchs, clergy and lay people who had laboured over the course of 75 years for the benefit of the Russian Orthodox Church in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley.  Following the services on Wednesday there was a light festive meal in the church hall.

Services on 7-8 September, the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost - 25/08/2024

On Saturday 7 September and Sunday 8 September we will have services for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the ‘Vladimir’ Icon of the Mother of God and Martyrs Adrian and Natalia and those with them (+305-311).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Our Spring 2024 Schedule of Services - 25/08/2024

Our Spring 2024 Schedule of Services - covering September, October and November - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Spring 2024 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Spring 2024 Schedule of Services is available here.  Important services on the schedule include Archbishop George’s planned visit to our parish on Sunday 10 November, and a memorial service for Archpriest John Lupish (+1977) on Saturday 23 November.

Services on 24-25 August, the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost - 25/08/2024

On Saturday 24 August and Sunday 25 August we had services for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, the Afterfeast of Transfiguration, and in honour of Martyrs Photius and Anicetus and those with them (+305-306 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. At both services the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michael Matys, and at Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Churchpeace in Ukraine, and peace in the Holy Land.  On Sunday we were joined by friends from the Central Coast and by newcomers interested in learning more about Orthodox Christianity.

The August 2024 working-bee at the site of the Holy Trinity Monastery, Monkerai - 21/08/2024

On the weekend of Saturday 17 August and Sunday 18 August, a small group of men from Newcastle, Armidale, and across the Mid North Coast gathered at the site of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai, NSW, for a further weekend of work and prayer.  Unpredictable weather and poor ground conditions were no hindrance to the team of volunteers, and under the leadership of site caretaker, Gregory Alexandrovsky, work undertaken included the installation of a safe; reorganisation of the kitchen area; significant progress on the toilet block; cutting and storing an immense amount of firewood; the laying of a stone border on portions of the new roadway; removal of thistles and other weeds; and general upkeep and maintenance of the buildings and site.  The volunteers were grateful to have a new dual-axle trailer purchased by the Australian-New Zealand Diocese, and funds were raised by the volunteers themselves for the purchase of a new chainsaw.  Early on Sunday, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, the Forefeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and the commemoration of Martyr Eusignius of of Antich (+362 AD), a "reader" service comprising the Hours and Typika was held in the site’s small chapel.  All present afterwards shared a common breakfast.  God willing, there will be a further working-bee in September 2024.

Services on 9-10 November, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - 21/08/2024

On Saturday 9 November and Sunday 10 November we will have services for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Job, Abbot and Wonderworker of Pochaev (+1651 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday.  On Sunday, God willing, we will welcome His Eminence Archbishop George of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand on his first visit to our parish since May 2019.  We will greet Vladyka George at 9.00am, and following his vesting the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served.  There will be a festive meal in the church hall afterwards.  The parish is also organising a display of photographs and items to mark the seventy-fifth anniversary of our community in the Hunter Region, beginning with the arrival of Archpriest John Lupish in Greta in August 1949. 

Services on 27-28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 21/08/2024

On Tuesday 27 August and Wednesday 28 August we will have services for the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Tuesday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Wednesday.  On this day it will be 75 years since the first Russian Orthodox services in the Hunter Valley, served in the Anglican Chapel at the Greta Migrant Camp just nine days after the arrival in Newcastle from Europe of Archpriest John Lupish and his family.  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Wednesday there will be a brief moleben of thanksgiving, and afterwards there will be a light festive meal in the church hall.

Services on 24-25 August, the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost - 11/08/2024

On Saturday 24 August and Sunday 25 August we will have services for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, the Afterfeast of Transfiguration, and in honour of Martyrs Photius and Anicetus and those with them (+305-306 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 10-11 August, the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 11/08/2024

On Saturday 10 August and Sunday 11 August we had services for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Martyr Callinicus of Cilicia (+c.250 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Churchpeace in Ukraine, and peace in the Holy Land, and at the end of the service there was a blessing of honey.  The honey, a gift to our parish and the Gosford parish, was afterwards distributed amongst the faithful.

A reader service is held on the NSW Mid North Coast - 04/08/2024

On Sunday 4 August, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Holy Myrrh-bearer Mary Magdalene, Equal-to-the-Apostles, a group of lay members of the Mid North Coast Mission gathered again at a private home in Coffs Harbour for the reading of the Hours and Typika.  A copy of the order of service followed is available here.  In addition to the reading of the psalms and prayers, those present were able to venerate the Holy Gospel, the Cross, and the icons belonging to the mission. The life of Saint Mary Magdalene was then read aloud, followed by the other appointed readings from The Prologue of Ohrid by Saint Nikolai (Velimirovic).  At the conclusion of the readings, all present shared a common meal. 

Services on 10-11 August, the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 28/07/2024

On Saturday 10 August and Sunday 11 August we will have services for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Martyr Callinicus of Cilicia (+c.250 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday there will be a blessing of honey.

The baptism of an adult convert to Orthodoxy - 28/07/2024

On Saturday 27 July the parish rector baptised an adult convert to Orthodoxy, Harry McInnes.  In baptism Harry took the name John in honour of Saint John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople.  He had as his sponsor our parishioner, James Savage.  Afterwards, family members, friends and parishioners gathered in the church hall for a festive BBQ lunch.  On the following day, John received Holy Communion for the first time.  We warmly congratulate the newly-baptised servant of God John, wishing him good health, every blessing from above, and many years!  John was the sixth adult convert to be baptised in our parish since May 2023.  

Services on 27-28 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 28/07/2024

On Saturday 27 July and Sunday 28 July we had services for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Prince Vladimir, Enlightener of the Russian people (+1015 AD), and the Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Churchpeace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land, and the newly-baptised servant of God John, an adult convert to Orthodox Christianity, received Holy Communion for the first time.

The July 2024 meeting of the Parish Council - 24/07/2024

On the evening of Wednesday 24 July the Parish Council met by videoconference.  This was the sixth meeting of the Parish Council in 2024 and the first of the new financial year.  The minutes of the May 2024 meeting were ratified, and the parish rector presented his usual report on church life and his own pastoral activity.  Reports were also presented by the Warden and the Treasurer.  It was agreed that new red vestments would be purchased for the church and icon stands, and that we would again provide a calendar to parishioners and friends in 2025. A charitable donation was approved.  Design drawings of improvements to our church, amenities, hall, and grounds prepared by Beyond Space Residential Design were discussed and modifications to the plan recommended.  A draft 2023-24 Annual Report and an updated plan to ensure the safety, security and stability of our parish were tabled for further discussion in due course.  The Parish Council will meet next on Wednesday 21 August.

A weekend of work at the site of the Holy Trinity Monastery, Monkerai - 21/07/2024

Between Friday 19 July and Friday 21 July, Orthodox Christians from Newcastle, Gosford, Armidale, and across the Mid North Coast gathered at the site of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai, NSW, for a weekend of work and prayer.  Under the leadership of the site caretaker, Gregory Alexandrovsky, work undertaken included the mounting of solar panels on the roof of the main building and their connection to the previously installed inverter and battery; the pouring of footings for the shower block; removal and disposal of trees and levelling of ground for a new access road and parking area; the digging of a pit in preparation for the relocation of the toilet; and general upkeep and maintenance of the buildings and site.  An adventurous group trekked the property in an effort to establish access to highest peak on the site.  Although unsuccessful, they plan to try again soon with the aid of a drone and geolocator technology; it is hoped that a small chapel will ultimately be constructed on the peak.  In the morning on Sunday, the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the appearance of the revered “Kazan” Icon of the Mother of God in 1579 AD, a "reader" service (that is, a service without a priest) comprising the Hours and Typika was held in the small corner chapel in the main building on the site.  All present took turn in the reading and afterwards shared a common meal.  The weekend was a wonderful opportunity for Orthodox Christians of diverse backgrounds to form new friendships and strengthen existing bonds through common labour and prayer.  Much has been accomplished at the monastery site under Gregory Alexandrovsky’s leadership since 2022 – arguably more than in the entire twenty years previously.

Services on 27-28 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 14/07/2024

On Saturday 27 July and Sunday 28 July we will have services for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Prince Vladimir, Enlightener of the Russian people (+1015 AD), and the Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 13-14 July, the Third Sunday after Pentecost - 14/07/2024

On Saturday 13 July and Sunday 14 July we had services for the Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of All Saints of Russia.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  As is customary on the day of commemoration of All Saints of Russia, the church was beautifully vested in green.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in the Holy Land and the prosperity of the Russian Church.  On Sunday morning our small church was full, with our regular parishioners joined by visitors from the Mid North Coast and by newcomers interested in learning more about the Orthodox Christian faith.

Services on 11-12 July, the commemoration of the Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul - 12/07/2024

On Thursday 11 July and Friday 12 July services were held to celebrate the patronal feast of the Diocesan Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Strathfield, NSWAll-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Thursday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Friday morning.  The services on Friday were preceded by the Lesser Blessing of Water and followed by a moleben to the Mother of God and the Holy Preёminent Apostles Peter and Paul with a cross procession around the cathedral.  All the services were held in presence of the wonderworking 'Kursk-Root' Icon of the Mother of God and led by Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR).  This was Metropolitan Nicholas’ first visit to Australia as First Hierarch.  On Friday Metropolitan Nicholas, Bishop George and the clergy of the cathedral were joined by Metropolitan Siluan of the Serbian Orthodox Church, by clergymen accompanying Metropolitan Nicholas, and by Russian and Serbian Orthodox clergy from the Greater Sydney region - including our own parish clergy - and interstate.  A list of participating clergy is available here.  As the other Sydney parishes of our Diocese did not have services and it was during the winter school holidays, a great many people were present.  Following Divine Liturgy it was announced that Bishop George had been elevated to the rank of Archbishop by decision of the ROCOR Synod of Bishops, and a jubilee pectoral cross commemorating the centenary of the ROCOR was presented to cathedral Dean Archpriest George Lapardin in honour of his thirty-five years of service as a clergyman.  Congratulations and gifts were then exchanged.  Upon completion of the services on Friday there was a festive banquet in the church hall for approximately 400 people.

Youth talk by Metropolitan Nicholas - 09/07/2024

On Wednesday 24 July, His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas (Olkhovsky) of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, will give a talk to youth (ages 14-25) on the Wonderworking “Kursk-Root” Icon of the Mother of God.  The talk will be given at 7.00pm in the parish hall at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral, 3 Vernon Street, Strathfield, NSW.  There will be an opportunity to ask questions of Metropolitan Nicholas, and light refreshments will be provided.

A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 30/06/2024

On the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 29-30 June our parish rector visited Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast.  On Saturday 29 June In Brierfield, NSW, he baptised Ksenia, the infant daughter of Mitchaell Eames and Ellen Rubbo. On Sunday 30 June, the First Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday of All Saints, the Hours and Divine Liturgy  were served at Bellingen Neighbourhood Centre.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Churchpeace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land, and the newly-baptised Ksenia received Holy Communion for the first time.  Many other members of the Mission took the opportunity to confess and receive Holy Communion.  We were again joined by newcomers interested in the Orthodox faith, and after Divine Liturgy all shared a common meal.  God willing, the next services on the Mid North Coast will be Hours and Divine Liturgy in Wauchope, NSW, on Sunday 29 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Cross.

Services on 11-12 July, the commemoration of the Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul - 28/06/2024

On Thursday 11 July and Friday 12 July services in honour of the Holy, Glorious, and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul will be held at the Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield (Sydney), NSW.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Thursday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Friday.  The revered “Kursk-Root” Icon of the Mother of God will be present and Metropolitan Nicholas (Olhovsky), First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, will preside at the services.  At Bishop George’s request, all the clergy of the Greater Sydney region will gather in Strathfield for these festivities; no parish services are to be scheduled.

Important coming events in Orthodox Newcastle - 23/06/2024

On Saturday 30 June 2024, Deacon Mark Donnelly of the Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Parish and Community of Newcastle will be ordained to the priesthood during Divine Liturgy at that parish.  Deacon Mark, a convert to Orthodoxy, is a respected clergyman who is known to many in our parish.  His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia will travel to Newcastle and preside at Matins and Divine Liturgy at the Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox church.  More information is available here.  On the same day, the newly-elevated Metropolitan Siluan of the Serbian Orthodox Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand will visit Saint Naum of Ohrid Serbian Orthodox Church and preside at Divine Liturgy in anticipation of its patronal feast (“Slava”).  More information is available here.

Services on 13-14 July, the Third Sunday after Pentecost - 23/06/2024

On Saturday 13 July and Sunday 14 July we will have services for the Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of All Saints of Russia.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 22-23 June, the Great Feast of Pentecost - 23/06/2024

On Saturday 22 June and Sunday 23 June we had services for the Great Feast of Pentecost.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Saturday evening.  Prior to the service our small church had been beautifully decorated with flowers and green branches in honour of the life-giving Holy Spirit.  On Sunday morning, the Hours and Divine Liturgy were immediately followed by Vespers with the reading of the customary "kneeling prayers".  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Church, peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land, and the newly-baptised servant of God Cyprian received Holy Communion for the first time.

The baptism of an adult convert to Orthodoxy - 22/06/2024

On Saturday 22 June, the eve of the Great Feast of Pentecost, the parish rector baptised an adult convert to Orthodoxy, Corey Minns.  In baptism Corey took the name Cyprian in honour of Hieromartyr Cyprian of Carthage.  Cyprian had as his sponsor Thaddeus Anthoney.  Afterwards, family members, friends and parishioners gathered in the church hall for a festive BBQ lunch.  We warmly congratulate the newly-baptised servant of God Cyprian, wishing him good health, every blessing from above, and many years!

The funeral and burial of Subdeacon Vitaly Lupish - 21/06/2024

On Tuesday 18 June approximately 200 mourners gathered in our church for the funeral of Subdeacon Vitaly Lupish (+9 June 2024).  Our parish rector conducted the service with the assistance of Deacon Michal Matys.  A visiting choir sang beautifully under the direction of Andrei Lapteff.  Following the service many gathered in the church hall and grounds for refreshments.  The burial at Sandgate Cemetery – delayed as a result of recent heavy rain – took place on Friday 21 June.  That morning, a small group of family members and close friends gathered for a graveside service in the Macedonian section of the cemetery.  Memory eternal!

Funeral service for Subdeacon Vitaly Lupish (+9 June 2024) - 12/06/2024

The funeral for Subdeacon Vitaly Lupish will be held in our church at 10.00am on Tuesday 18 June 2024.  There will be a wake in the church hall after the service.  Update, 17 June 2024: Burial at Sandgate Cemetery will follow on Friday 21 June 2024 at 10.00am.



Services on 22-23 June, the Great Feast of Pentecost - 09/06/2024

On Saturday 22 June and Sunday 23 June we will have services for the Great Feast of Pentecost.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday, and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Divine Liturgy will be immediately followed by Vespers with the reading of the customary "kneeling prayers".



The repose of Subdeacon Vitaly Lupish - 09/06/2024

On Sunday 9 June we learned with great sadness of the repose, that morning, of Subdeacon Vitaly Lupish.  Vitaly, the eldest son of ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish, was a founding member of our parish.  An indispensable helper to his father in parish life, he was also the designer of our church and hall, a participant in both building projects, and an active member of the Parish Council.  After the repose of his mother, Matushka Maria, in 1979, he became our choir director.  Tonsured a reader and ordained subdeacon by the ever-memorable Archbishop Paul (Pavlov) in 1984, Vitaly assisted the many clergymen assigned to serve our parish after his father’s repose in 1977.  It is impossible to over-estimate Vitaly's contribution to Saint Nicholas' in the course of over 70 years. In recognition of his long and distinguished service to our parish he received a number of church awards, amongst which were the prestigious Diocesan Cross and the medal commemorating 75 years of our Diocese.  He is survived by his beloved wife Irene and their children Larissa and Alexander and their families, and by his brother John and his family, to whom we offer heartfelt condolences.  Funeral details will be shared in due course.

Services on 8-9 June, the Sixth Sunday of Pascha - 09/06/2024

On Saturday 8 June and Sunday 9 June we had services for the Sixth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Blind Man.   Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  Following Divine Liturgy a memorial litia was served for the newly-reposed Subdeacon Vitaly Lupish.

The visit of Metropolitan Nicholas and the 'Kursk-Root' Icon of the Mother of God to the Australian-New Zealand Diocese - 05/06/2024

From Friday 5 July until Friday 26 July, His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas (Olkhovsky) of Eastern America and New York will make his first visit to our Australian-New Zealand Diocese since his election as First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  Accompanying Metropolitan Nicholas will be the Wonderworking “Kursk-Root” Icon of the Mother of God, the Protectress of the Russian Diaspora.  As he will be in our Diocese for a relatively short period of time, Metropolitan Nicholas will only be able to visit parishes in New Zealand, the city of Sydney, and the state of Victoria.  In Sydney he will visit the Kentlyn Convent and the Strathfield, Croydon, Fairfield, Carlton, Centennial Park, and Cabramatta parishes.  A full schedule of planned visits, current as of 5 June 2024, is available here.  The icon will remain in Australia until Thursday 24 October 2024, during which time it is expected that it will visit all the parishes and monastic establishments of the Diocese.  An updated schedule of visits, current as of 24 June 2024, is available here.

A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 02/06/2024

On the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 29-30 June our parish rector will be visiting Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast.  On Sunday 30 June, the the First Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday of All Saints, the Hours and Divine Liturgy  will be served at Bellingen Neighbourhood Centre, 31 Hyde Street, Bellingen NSW 2454.  As the Sunday of All Saints has since 2008 been designated the Day of Youth of the Russian Church Abroad, there will be a moleben for our youth at the end of Divine Liturgy.  All are welcome!

The May 2024 meeting of the Parish Council - 30/05/2024

On the evening of Wednesday 29 May the Parish Council met by videoconference.  This was the fifth meeting of the Parish Council in 2024.  The minutes of the April 2024 meeting were ratified, and the parish rector presented his usual report covering the life of the parish and the Diocese, Orthodox life in Newcastle, and his own pastoral activity.  Reports were also presented by the Warden and the Treasurer.  Consideration was given to initial design drawings prepared by Beyond Space Residential Design, an architectural firm engaged in February 2024 to develop a plan for much-needed improvements to our church, amenities, hall, and grounds; the planned improvements include new church entrances, an accessible toilet, new paving, and a small extension to the church hall.  The Parish Council will take a break during June 2024 and next meet late in July 2024, again by videoconference.  At the July 2024 meeting it is expected that the Parish Council will consider a draft 2023-24 Annual Report and an updated plan to ensure the safety, security and stability of our parish.

Services on 21-22 May, the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 22/05/2024

On Tuesday 21 May and Wednesday 22 May we had services commemorating the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, in 1087 AD.  This is the patronal feast-day of our church.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Tuesday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Wednesday morning. Divine Liturgy on Wednesday was preceded by the Lesser Blessing of Water and followed by a moleben to Saint Nicholas with a cross procession around our small church.  It being a working day, only a small number of our parishioners and friends were able to be present.  Upon completion of the services on Wednesday there was a simple festive meal in the church hall.

Services on 8-9 June, the Sixth Sunday of Pascha - 19/05/2024

On Saturday 8 June and Sunday 9 June we will have services for the Sixth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Blind Man.   Matins will be served at 6.00 pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 21-22 May, the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 19/05/2024

On Tuesday 21 May and Wednesday 22 May we will have services commemorating the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, in 1087 AD.  This is the patronal feast-day of our church.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Tuesday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Wednesday. Divine Liturgy on Wednesday will be preceded by the Lesser Blessing of Water at 8.00am and followed by a moleben to Saint Nicholas.  Upon completion of the services on Wednesday we will have a festive meal in the church hall.  All are welcome! 

Our Winter 2024 Schedule of Services - 19/05/2024

Our Winter 2023 Schedule of Services - covering June, July and August - is now available.  Services of particular note during this period will be All-night Vigil and Divine Liturgy on Saturday-Sunday 22-22 June for the Great Feast of Pentecost, Matins and Divine Liturgy on Saturday-Sunday 13-14 July for All Saints of Russia, Matins and Divine Liturgy on Saturday-Sunday 27-28 July for the Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils and for Saint Vladimir, and All-night Vigil and Divine Liturgy on Tuesday-Wednesday 27-28 August for the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.  A copy of the English-language Winter 2023 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Winter 2023 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies are also available in church.

Services on 18-19 May, the Third Sunday of Pascha - 19/05/2024

Edited: On Saturday 18 May and Sunday 19 May we had services for the Third Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers.  On this day the Holy Orthodox Church remembers those righteous men and women who buried Christ and later came to his tomb bearing myrrh and sweet spices: Mary Magdalen; Mary, the wife of Cleopas; Joanna; Salome, mother of the sons of Zebedee; Susanna; Martha and Mary, the sisters of Saint Lazarus; Mary, mother of the Apostle James; Righteous Joseph of Arimathea; and Nicodemus.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land and the newly-baptised servant of God Joseph, an adult convert received into Orthodoxy by baptism on the previous day, received Holy Communion for the first time.  Following Divine Liturgy pieces of the Artos, a special loaf of bread blessed at the end of Divine Liturgy on Pascha and divided on Thomas Sunday in Gosford, were given to the faithful.

The visit of the myrrh-streaming Hawaiian-Iveron Icon of the Mother of God to the Australian-New Zealand Diocese - 08/05/2024

With the blessing of Bishop George, the myrrh-streaming Hawaiian-Iveron Icon of the Mother of God will visit our Australian-New Zealand Diocese from Friday 17 May 2024 until Monday 27 May 2024.  The icon will be in New South Wales from 17 May until 21 May and will visit the Kentlyn Convent and the Strathfield, Cabramatta, Fairfield, and Carlton parishes.  It will not visit our parish.   A full schedule is available here.  Information about the icon is available on the website of the Orthodox Hawaiian Iveron Icon Association. The text of the Akathist that will be sung in the presence of the icon is available in various languages on the same website here.

Services on 18-19 May, the Third Sunday of Pascha - 05/05/2024

On Saturday 18 May and Sunday 19 May we will have services for the Third Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers.  On this day the Holy Orthodox Church remembers those righteous women and men who came to the Tomb of Christ bearing myrrh and sweet spices: Mary Magdalen; Mary, the wife of Cleopas; Joanna; Salome, mother of the sons of Zebedee; Susanna; Martha and Mary, the sisters of Saint Lazarus; Mary, mother of the Apostle James; Righteous Joseph of Arimathea; and Nicodemus.  Matins will be served at 6.00 pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Orthodox Holy Week and Pascha in Wallsend, 2024 - 05/05/2024

This year, our parish again had a small number of traditional services for Holy Week and Pascha.  Matins with the reading of the Twelve Passion Gospels was served in the evening on Thursday 2 May and Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ was served in the afternoon on Friday 3 May.  On Saturday 4 May Midnight Office was served late in the evening, with Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy following in the early hours of 5 May, the Sunday of Pascha.    Easter baskets with cakes, eggs and other festive foods were blessed following Matins.  Many then remained for Divine Liturgy and a small celebration in the church hall afterwards.  At all the services, the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.

Now available - the April 2024 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 26/04/2024

The April 2024 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. This is the first issue for 2024.  Content includes the Great Lenten Epistle of Metropolitan Nicholas in both Russian and English; edifying articles by Mitred Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff and Priest Gennady Baksheev of the Holy Protection Cathedral in Melbourne; information about the Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Institute; a profile of Priest John Sullivan, rector of the Nativity of the Mother of God Mission in Dardanup, WA; a profile of Priest John Symons, rector of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross parish in Hobart, Tasmania; a beautiful colour supplement, with text in Russian and English, showcasing the magnificent New Jerusalem Monastery near Moscow; a directory of Diocesan parishes, monasteries and missions; details of various recent clergy movements and awards; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Palm Sunday Collection for the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem - 26/04/2024

On Palm Sunday each year the parishes, monasteries and missions of our Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia customarily take up a collection to benefit the Russian Eccelesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.  Many places of immense spiritual and historical significance in the Holy Land have been entrusted to our Russian Ecclesiastical Mission, and we have many monastics there who care for these holy places, undertake good works, and pray for the whole world.  As we will have no Palm Sunday services in our parish this year, those who wish to make a donation may do so via Paypal through the Mission's website.  For those planning to visit our neighbouring Gosford parish, a collection will be taken up there.

Russian Orthodox Holy Week and Pascha in Newcastle, 2024 - 21/04/2024

Our parish will have Matins with the reading of the Twelve Gospels on Great Thursday, 2 May, at 6.00pm.  On Great Friday, 3 May, we will have Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ at 3.00pm.  On Great Saturday, 4 May, we will have Midnight Office, Paschal Matins, and Divine Liturgy beginning at 11.20pm on Saturday.  Those who wish to confess so as to receive Holy Communion at Divine Liturgy in the early hours of Sunday 5 May, the Sunday of Pascha, will be able to do so from 10.30pm on Saturday 4 May.  The blessing of Easter baskets will take place after Paschal Matins – i.e., approximately 1.00am – on Sunday 5 May.  For other traditional Holy Week services, our parish rector will be serving at Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford.

Services on 20-21 April, the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent - 21/04/2024

On Saturday 20 April and Sunday 21 April we had services for the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent, the day of commemoration of Saint Mary of Egypt (+522 AD).  Matins  was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  Our small church was full on Sunday and many people received Holy Communion.  In his sermon, the parish rector spoke about Saint Mary of Egypt as a model of repentance and steadfast spiritual struggle.

A General Service of Anointing with Oil (Holy Unction) - 14/04/2024

On the evening of Sunday 14 April we had a General Service of Anointing with Oil.  Twenty-five of our parishioners gathered to pray and receive anointing with oil for the healing of soul and body.  For Orthodox Christians this service, otherwise served only for individuals who are grievously ill, is a customary part of Great Lent.

A reader service is held on the NSW Mid North Coast - 14/04/2024

On Sunday 14 April, the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent and the day of commemoration of Saint John of the Ladder, a group of lay members of the Mid North Coast Mission gathered at a private home in Coffs Harbour for the reading of the Hours and Typika.  A copy of the order of service followed is available here.  In addition to the reading of the psalms and prayers, those present were able to venerate the Holy Gospel, the Cross, and the icons of the Resurrection and Saint John of the Ladder.  The lives of Saint John and of Saint Mary of Egypt were then read aloud, followed by the appointed readings from The Prologue of Ohrid by Saint Nikolai (Velimirovic).  At the conclusion of the readings, all present shared a Lenten meal.  It is planned that the community will continue to gather this way on one Sunday of each month with the intention of supplementing the quarterly visits from a priest, strengthening friendships, and developing liturgical and other experience necessary for the growth of the Mission.

The funeral and burial of Nikolai Shalimov (+4 April 2024) - 12/04/2024

On Friday 12 April the family and friends of Nikolai Shalimov gathered in our church for his funeral.  Nikolai, who was born in 1947 and departed this life on 4 April 2024 aged 77, was a son of Michael Shalimov, one of the builders of our small church.  After the funeral service he was laid to rest in Wallsend Cemetery together with his wife Raisa (+2022) and his daughter Joanne (+2016), a short distance from the graves of parents, Michael and Nina.  We offer heartfelt condolences to Nikolai’s son Dean and the wider family.  May God give rest to his newly-departed servant!

A ROCOR Fund for Assistance appeal to the Australian-New Zealand Diocese - 07/04/2024

The Fund for Assistance (FFA) to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia has issued a Great Lent 2024 Appeal to the Faithful of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese.  The appeal has been made with support for needy clergy particularly in mind, and an undertaking that any donations made will be matched up until a target of US$10,000 is reached.  Donations can be made via the FFA website here.  Questions about the appeal can be asked here.

Services on 20-21 April, the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent - 07/04/2024

On Saturday 20 April and Sunday 21 April we will have services for the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent, the day of commemoration of Saint Mary of Egypt.  Matins will be served at 6.00 pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

A General Service of Anointing with Oil (Holy Unction) - 07/04/2024

In the Orthodox tradition it is customary during Great Lent to have a General Service of Anointing with Oil – the sacrament of Holy Unction – for the healing of soul and body.  In this service there are seven readings from the Apostol, seven readings from the Holy Gospel, seven prayers, and the faithful are - if there are sufficient clergy present - anointed seven times with the oil that is blessed and sanctified during the service.  The practice of anointing with oil for spiritual and physical healing is referred to by the Apostle James: "Is anyone among you sick?  Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.  And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven" (James 5:14-15).  This year our parish will have this service at 6.00pm on Sunday 14 April.  Note: This is a sacrament in which only baptised Orthodox Christians may fully participate.

The baptism of an adult convert to Orthodoxy - 07/04/2024

On Saturday 6 April, the eve of the Great Feast of the Annunciation of the Mother of God, the parish rector baptised an adult convert to Orthodoxy, Howard Trott.  In baptism Howard, who has been a regular worshipper at our parish for some time and is also a member of the Mid North Coast Mission, took the name Thaddeus in honour of Apostle Thaddeus.  Thaddeus had as his sponsor Gregory Alexandrovsky.  Afterwards, parishioners and friends gathered in the church hall for a festive afternoon tea.  We warmly congratulate the newly-baptised servant of God Thaddeus, wishing him good health, every blessing from above, and many years!

Services on 6-7 April, the Third Sunday of Great Lent and the Great Feast of the Annunciation - 07/04/2024

On Saturday 6 April and Sunday 7 April we had services for the Third Sunday of Great Lent and the Great Feast of the Annunciation of the Mother of God.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil, and five loaves was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.  At Divine Liturgy the choir was conducted by Nikolai Morozoff.  Our church was full on Sunday morning, with visitors from the Central Coast and from the Serbian Orthodox parish in Broadmeadow joining our regular congregation.  Many took the opportunity to confess and receive Holy Communion.  Prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land, and the newly-baptised Thaddeus (Howard) Trott received Holy Communion for the first time.  Following the dismissal at Divine Liturgy all venerated the Precious and Life-giving Cross of our Lord.

A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 31/03/2024

On Sunday 31 March our parish rector visited Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast and conducted services for the Second Sunday of Great Lent, the day of commemoration of Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica  (+1359 AD).  The services were held the Wauchope Community Arts Hall, the Mission’s Port Macquarie-Hastings region “home” since April 2023.  The Hours and Divine Liturgy  were served on Sunday morning, with many of those present confessing and receiving Holy Communion.  At these services some new items were used for the first time: a portable altar table and table of preparation made by Michael Sokolsky, and a number of folding wooden icon stands made by Mission member Howard Trott.  As Saturday 30 March had been a day of commemoration of the departed, a memorial litia was served following Divine Liturgy.  All present stayed for a common meal afterwards. 

Diocesan-wide collection for the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville, NY - 23/03/2024

Each year on the First Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia take up a collection to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York. The Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary has for over seventy-five years been the main institution of higher education in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  This collection provides financial assistance to students, covering tuition, room, and board.  As we don’t always have a service on the day of the collection and as in the post-COVID world people carry less cash, our parish now simply makes a donation from parish funds towards this collection.  Those who wish to make a direct donation to the Seminary may do so here.

Monday 6 May, Bright Monday and the day of commemoration of Saint George - 19/03/2024

Updated 29 April 2024: This year Bright Monday, the second day of Pascha, will fall on 6 May, the day of commemoration of the Holy Great-Martyr and Trophy-Bearer George.  The clergy of the Greater Sydney region have been asked to not schedule services in their own parishes on this day, but rather to celebrate Divine Liturgy together with Bishop George on the occasion of his name-day.  Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy will be served at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield on Monday morning.  The faithful who wish to do so may also attend this service.

Orthodox religious instruction for inquirers, catechumens, and the faithful - 17/03/2024

With Bishop George's blessing, from late May 2024 the English-language Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, a parish of our Diocese in Brisbane, will be offering an online course of religious instruction in Orthodox theology and practice.  This course consists of 17 sessions, each comprising an online video (which can be watched at each participant's convenience), a revision task, and an interactive Q&A session via Zoom on Sunday evenings.  The course is suitable for inquirers, catechumens (i.e. those preparing for baptism), and those who are already Orthodox Christians.  The first Zoom session will be held on Sunday 26 May, with the course scheduled to finish in October 2024.  For more information please visit:  To enrol, please visit:

The Great Lenten Epistle of the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad - 17/03/2024

Metropolitan Nicholas writes: “Great Lent is approaching – a time set aside for delving into ourselves, for examining our lives, for repentance and correction. Great Lent is not only a time to refrain from certain types of food; it is a time for asceticism of the mind and senses, when we abstain from impure thoughts, separate ourselves from our habitual sins, entertainments, and harmful routines, when we fast, as St. John Chrysostom says, "with the mouth, the eye, and the ear, and the feet, and the hands, and all the members of our bodies."  His letter can be read in full in English here and in Russian here.

Services on 6-7 April, the Third Sunday of Great Lent and the Great Feast of the Annunciation - 17/03/2024

On Saturday 6 April and Sunday 7 April we will have services for the Third Sunday of Great Lent and the Great Feast of the Annunciation of the Mother of GodAll-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil, and five loaves will be served at 6.00 pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

The appointment of new Child Safety Contact Persons - 17/03/2024

On Saturday 16 March 2024 the parish rector appointed Olga Bogacheva, Matushka Marie Carles, and James Savage to be the new Child Safety Contact Persons for our parish.  By virtue of their appointment, the Child Safety Contact Persons also become members of the parish Pastoral Council.  The Pastoral Council, which is comprised of the rector and other parish clergy, the Child Safety Contact Persons, and other persons with knowledge or experience relevant to child participation and safety, supports child-related work in our parish.  More information concerning child safety in our parish is available here.

Services on 16-17 March, the Sunday of Forgiveness - 17/03/2024

On Saturday 16 March and Sunday 17 March we had services for the Sunday of Forgiveness, the final preparatory Sunday for Great Lent.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy, the parish rector spoke about the key themes of the appointed reading from the Holy Gospel (Matthew 6:14-21): forgiving one another if we hope for God’s forgiveness, fasting joyfully, and storing up treasure in heaven. Vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness was served immediately after Divine Liturgy.  At the Sunday services the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.

Services on 16-17 March, the Sunday of Forgiveness - 03/03/2024

On Saturday 16 March and Sunday 17 March we will have services for the Sunday of Forgiveness, the final preparatory Sunday for Great Lent.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness will be served immediately after Divine Liturgy.

Services on 2-3 March, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son - 03/03/2024

On Saturday 2 March and Sunday 3 March we had services for the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, the second preparatory Sunday for Great Lent.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served at on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy, the parish rector spoke about the Parable of the Prodigal Son and preparation for Great Lent.


The February 2024 meeting of the Parish Council - 27/02/2024

On the evening of Tuesday 27 February the Parish Council met by videoconference.  This was the second meeting of the Parish Council elected in December 2023.  The minutes of the January 2024 meeting were ratified, and the parish rector presented his usual report covering parish and Diocesan life, Orthodox life in Newcastle, and his own pastoral activity.  Brief reports were also presented by the Warden, the Treasurer, and the Head Sister.  Arrangements for a pancake evening on Friday 8 March, cashless payments in church, and waste disposal were discussed.  Importantly, a decision was made to formally engage a Central Coast-based firm, Beyond Space Residential Design, to develop a plan and undertake preparatory work for much-needed improvements to our church, amenities, hall, and grounds.  The Parish Council will next meet late in March 2024, again by videoconference.

Services on 2-3 March, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son - 25/02/2024

On Saturday 2 March and Sunday 3 March we will have services for the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, the second preparatory Sunday for Great Lent.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Our Autumn 2024 Schedule of Services - 25/02/2024

Our Autumn 2024 Schedule of Services - covering March, April and May 2024 - is now available in digital format.  It includes all our services for Great Lent, Holy Week and Pascha.  Our parishioners and friends are reminded that during Autumn 2024 we will have services on the first and third Sundays of each month and on other days as scheduled; we will return to our usual pattern of services on the second and fourth Sundays of each month during Winter 2024.  A copy of the English-language Autumn 2024 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Autumn 2024 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies are available in church as of the weekend of 24-25 February.

Services on 24-25 February, the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 25/02/2024

On Saturday 24 February and Sunday 25 February we had services for the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, the first preparatory Sunday for Great Lent.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  In his sermon on Sunday the parish rector spoke about the Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee (Luke 18:10-14), noting in particular a verse from the Matins canon: “Let us make haste to follow the Pharisee in his virtues and to emulate the Publican in his humility. And let us hate what is wrong in each of them: foolish pride and the defilement of transgressions.”

A Pastoral Conference of the Australian New-Zealand Diocese - 21/02/2024

On Tuesday 2 April and Wednesday 3 April, the clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese will gather in Sydney for their customary Great Lenten Pastoral Conference.  On Tuesday the clergy will meet at the church of All Saints of Russia, Croydon, for the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion at 5.00pm and Lenten Matins and confession at 6.00pm.  On Wednesday from 8.00am the Hours and the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be served at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral, Strathfield, with Bishop George presiding and the clergy concelebrating.  Those of the faithful who have the opportunity to do so are encouraged to attend the service on Wednesday morning – smaller parishes like ours do not customarily have the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.  Those who wish to do so may – if properly prepared – receive Holy Communion.  Following Divine Liturgy the clergy will meet in the parish hall at Strathfield for lunch; to hear a number of short talks; and to discuss pastoral, liturgical and administrative matters.

Services on 10-11 February, the Thirty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 11/02/2024

On Saturday 10 February and Sunday 11 February we had services for the Thirty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of All Saints of Ekaterinburg, amongst whom are the Royal Martyrs of Russia and Venerable Symeon of Verkhoturye, the heavenly protector of our North Coast Mission.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. At both services the parish rector served alone, Deacon Michal Matys having been invited to serve at the Cabramatta parish on the occasion of Bishop George’s visit.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.

Services on 24-25 February, the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 11/02/2024

On Saturday 24 February and Sunday 25 February we will have services for the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, the first preparatory Sunday for Great Lent.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 10-11 February, the Thirty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 28/01/2024

On Saturday 10 February and Sunday 11 February we will have services for the Thirty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of All Saints of Ekaterinburg, amongst whom are the Royal Martyrs of Russia and Venerable Symeon of Verkhoturye, the heavenly protector of our North Coast Mission.  Our parish has a lovely icon of All Saints of Ekaterinburg that was brought to Australia by our parish rector after a visit to the Ekaterinburg Diocese in 2015.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 27-28 January, the Thirty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 28/01/2024

On Saturday 27 January and Sunday 28 January we had services for the Thirty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Paul of Thebes (+341 AD) and Venerable John Calabytes the Hut-dweller (+Fifth Cent.AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services the parish rector served alone.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about Saint Paul’s Letter to the Colossians, the rules for Christian living set out in it, and the examples of Christian living provided by Saints Paul and John, the saints commemorated on this day.

2024 - The year ahead - 23/01/2024

In 2024 we will celebrate a number of major anniversaries in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Hunter Valley – 75 years since the first Russian Orthodox service on the Great Feast of the Dormition in Greta in 1949; 60 years since the consecration of our current church of Saint Nicholas; 30 years since the establishment of the Theophany parish in Mayfield, and 15 years since its closure; 40 years of service as a reader and subdeacon by Vitaly Lupish; and 20 years of service as a reader and subdeacon by Luke Goura.  We plan to mark these anniversaries with a hierarchical service and a festive lunch.  An important priority this year will be the finalisation and implementation of a ‘Master Plan’ for improvements to our church and grounds – our church porches need reconstruction, and we hope to improve our outside toilet facilities and lay better paving.  We will continue to support people visiting our parish with a desire to learn more about Orthodox Christianity.  This year new arrangements for the celebration of Pascha will commence – the midnight service will now alternate between the Gosford and Wallsend parishes from year to year, beginning with Wallsend.

The January 2024 meeting of the Parish Council - 23/01/2024

On the evening of Tuesday 23 January the Parish Council met by videoconference.  This was the first meeting of the Parish Council elected in December 2023.  The minutes of the November 2023 meeting were ratified and the parish rector presented his usual report on parish life.  Office-bearers were reappointed to their roles and plans for the year ahead were reviewed and endorsed.  Plans were made to meet with an architectural firm in February 2024 to discuss improvements to our church, hall, and grounds.  The Parish Council will next meet on Tuesday 27 February 2024, again by videoconference.

Services on 27-28 January, the Thirty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 19/01/2024

On Saturday 27 January and Sunday 28 January we will have services for the Thirty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Paul of Thebes (+341 AD) and Venerable John Calabytes the Hut-dweller (+Fifth Cent.AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 18-19 January, the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Theophany) - 19/01/2024

On Thursday 18 January and Friday 19 January we had services for the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Theophany).  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Thursday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water was served on Friday morning.  At both services the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and at Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land. Following the blessing of water a brief moleben of thanksgiving was served for the benefits bestowed upon the faithful of Newcastle through the life and the work of the former Theophany parish (est.1994) in Mayfield, Newcastle, the remaining members of which joined our parish fifteen years ago, in 2009.  After the dismissal, ‘Eternal Memory’ was sung for the departed parishioners of the Theophany parish, and the parish rector congratulated the faithful on the occasion of the feast.  Some photographs taken on Friday morning can be viewed on the parish Facebook page.

Services on 18-19 January, the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Theophany) - 14/01/2024

On Thursday 18 January and Friday 19 January we will have services for the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Theophany)All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Thursday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water will be served at 9.00am on Friday.  Following the blessing of water a brief moleben of thanksgiving will be served for the work of the former Theophany parish (est.1994) in Mayfield, Newcastle, the remaining members of which joined our parish fifteen years ago, in 2009.  Eternal memory will also be sung for the departed founders and benefactors of that parish.

Services on 13-14 January, the Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - 14/01/2024

On Saturday 13 January and Sunday 14 January we had services for the Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday before Theophany, the day of commemoration of the Circumcision of the Lord, and in honour of Saint Basil the Great (+379 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday evening. At both services the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  At Divine Liturgy we were joined by friends from the Central Coast, Sydney, and the Serbian Orthodox parish in Broadmeadow.  These were our first services for 2024.

2024 - The year ahead for the Mid North Coast Mission - 10/01/2024

In 2024 we hope to have services in the Port Macquarie area on 31 March (the Second Sunday in Great Lent) and 29 September (the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost) and in the Coffs Harbour area on 30 June (the First Sunday after Pentecost) and 29 December (the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers).  Our plans for this year involve acquisition of a number of items: a portable altar table and table of preparation; folding icon stands that are easier to store and move; a ‘pop-up’ iconostasis to give a better sense of church space in the secular halls that we are using for services; and candle stands that use sand and so are easier to clean.  We expect Howard Trott to be baptised in the first half of the year.  We will continue to grow our community and to gain the experience and resources necessary for more regular services.  Please keep us in your prayers!

Services on 31 March, the Second Sunday in Great Lent - 31/12/2023

On the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 30-31 March – the Australian Easter weekend – our parish rector will be visiting Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast.  On Sunday 31 March, the Second Sunday of Great Lent and the day of commemoration of Saint Gregory Palamas, the Hours and Divine Liturgy  will be served at Wauchope Community Arts Hall, 2/10 Oxley Lane, Wauchope.  As Saturday 30 March is a day of commemoration of the departed, there will be a memorial litia with a blessing of kutiya (koliva) following Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  All are welcome!

The patronal feast of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 31/12/2023

On Saturday 30 December and Sunday 31 December, the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday before the Nativity of Christ, our parish rector Archpriest James Carles led services at  Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast in honour of its patron saint.  The December commemoration of Saint Symeon - he is also commemorated in February, May, June and September – is the main feast-day of the saint and the patronal feast-day of the Mission.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Saturday evening.  This was the first time since its establishment that the Mission had had an evening service.  Early on Sunday morning there was a lesser blessing of water, after which the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served.  Following a moleben to Saint Symeon and the customary singing of ‘Many years’, all present shared a festive meal.  The services and lunch were held at Boambee Memorial Hall, just outside Coffs Harbour.  Concelebrating at the divine services together with Father James was Archpriest Dionysios Halim, the rector of the Holy Dormition parish in Wollongong, NSW.

2023 - The year in review - 31/12/2023

This year was a peaceful and uneventful one in the life of our parish.  The COVID-19 pandemic having come to an end, we resumed social gatherings in the church hall after Sunday and feast-day services.  Our services were regularly attended by a number of people, both young and old, interested in learning more about the Orthodox Christian faith.  We had five baptisms in 2023, two of adult converts to Orthodoxy and three of children.  There was one wedding.  Two of our parishioners were laid to rest: Tamara Adamczyk (+13 January 2023) and Maria Istomyn (+12 June 2023).  We continued to pray for an end to the fratricidal war in Ukraine and from October we offered prayers for peace in the much-suffering Holy Land.  In May our clergy participated in celebrations marking the centenary of the founding of the first Russian Orthodox parish in Australia, that of what is now the Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Brisbane.  Together with the Gosford parish we provided an English-Russian 2023 wall calendar commemorating the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese.  We continued to support the Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Mission on the Mid North Coast of the New South Wales.  In December our clergy and five of our parishioners received Diocesan medals in honour of this same anniversary, and another five of our parishioners received parish awards.  All the news from 2023 can be read here.  Glory be to God for all things!

The Epistle of the Synod of Bishops to the Clergy and Flock of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 24/12/2023

On 10 December 2023, at the conclusion of its Winter session in New York, our Synod of Bishops published an Epistle to the Clergy and Flock of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  An extract: “It is necessary, in maintaining one’s Christian character, to firmly - yet calmly and with dignity - defend Holy Orthodoxy, her doctrine of marriage, of our families, of traditional values and religious freedoms. And if our word is combined with the example of an upright Christian life, marked out by active care for our children and their upbringing in the Christian spirit, then our word will prove itself a living and convincing testimony, not only for children and youth, but also for the societies around us.  Let us seek to remember that, no matter how difficult the situation in which a Christian lives, no matter what dark clouds may gather over him, he will always emerge victorious over all evils if he is able, with God’s help, to maintain his faith.”  The complete text of the Epistle is available in English here and in Russian here.

Services on 13-14 January, the Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - 24/12/2023

On Saturday 13 January and Sunday 14 January we will have services for the Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday before Theophany, the day of commemoration of the Circumcision of the Lord, and in honour of Saint Basil the Great (+379 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  These will be our first services for 2024.

The presentation of Diocesan and parish awards to our deacon and ten parishioners - 24/12/2023

On Tuesday 19 December, the summer feast-day of Saint Nicholas, and on Sunday 24 December, the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, the parish rector presented Diocesan and parish awards to our deacon and ten parishioners.  Deacon Michal Matys and our parishioners Subdeacon Vitaly Lupish, Subdeacon Luke Goura, Nikolai Goura, Irene Lupish, and Eugenia Millard received medals and certificates commemorating the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of our Diocese.  The face of the medal has a portrait of the ever-memorable Metropolitan Hilarion (+2022), the longest-serving Ruling Bishop of the Diocese, and the reverse has an inscription explaining the award.  Lucea Szabunia, Dean Crawford, Raisa Zyza, Olga Bogacheva and Paul Goura received parish Certificates of Appreciation.  Further information about awards in the Russian Orthodox Church, in our Diocese, and in our parish, is available here.

Services on 23-24 December, the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers - 24/12/2023

On Saturday 23 December and Sunday 24 December we had services for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Forefathers.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  In place of a sermon the recent Epistle of the Synod of Bishops to the Clergy and Flock of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia was read aloud in English and in Russian.  After Divine Liturgy there was a presentation of Diocesan and parish awards.  These were our final services for 2023.

Services on 18-19 December, the day of commemoration of Saint Nicholas - 19/12/2023

On Monday 18 December and Tuesday 19 December we had services in honour of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, archbishop of Myra in Lycia (+342 AD), the heavenly protector of our parish.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil was served on Monday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Tuesday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land. Following Divine Liturgy there was a moleben to Saint Nicholas and a presentation of a number of Diocesan and parish awards, after which those present gathered in the church for a festive meal.

Services on 18-19 December, the day of commemoration of Saint Nicholas - 10/12/2023

On Monday 18 December and Tuesday 19 December we will have services in honour of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, archbishop of Myra in Lycia (+342 AD), the heavenly protector of our parish.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil will be served at 6.00pm on Monday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Tuesday.  Following Divine Liturgy on Tuesday there will be a moleben to Saint Nicholas and a presentation of Diocesan and parish awards.  Afterwards there will be a festive lunch in the church hall.

Services on 23-24 December, the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers - 10/12/2023

On Saturday 23 December and Sunday 24 December we will have services for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Forefathers.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  These will be our final services for 2023.

Our 2023 Annual General Meeting - 10/12/2023

On Sunday 10 December our parish held its 2023 Annual General Meeting.  The 2023 Annual Report was presented and accepted, and Irene Lupish, Olga Bogacheva, Lucea Szabunia and Dean (Nicholas) Crawford were elected to serve on the 2023-24 Parish Council.

Services on 9-10 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 10/12/2023

On Saturday 9 December and Sunday 10 December we had services for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the wonderworking Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  At the completion of the services on Sunday, an announcement was made concerning the Annual General Meeting of the parish to be held that afternoon.

Our 2023 Annual Report - 06/12/2023

Our 2023 Annual Report, including the independently audited 2022-23 Financial Statements, is now available.  It includes information about the governance of our parish and gives a little parish history.  It also summarises the life and activity of the parish in 2022-23 and provides details of some future plans.  A copy of the report, which will be formally presented to our parish Annual General Meeting on Sunday 10 December 2023, is available here.  We encourage our parishioners and friends with questions or comments concerning our Annual Report to contact us.

Now available - the November 2023 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/12/2023

The November 2023 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. Content includes a letter of congratulations from the editor, Mitred Archpriest Michael Protopopov, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of our diocese; a brief biography of the first bishop of our Diocese, the ever-memorable Archbishop Theodore (Rafalsky)(+1955); material on the recent rediscovery in Russia of the original Kazan Icon of the Mother of God; articles in Russian on the Nativity Fast, the symbolism of icons of the Nativity of Christ, and the history of the Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, New York; the fascinating account by Mitred Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff of an Orthodox baptism and burial in the Northern Territory, with the burial having taken place on remote Yolngu land; news of the ordination of a new deacon, Father Apostolos Condolean; the decision of the Synod of Bishops in the case of Abbot Sergius (Shatrov), the respected former rector of the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Bombala, NSW; news of Russian community debutante balls in Sydney and Adelaide; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Services on 9-10 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 26/11/2023

On Saturday 9 December and Sunday 10 December we will have services for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the wonderworking Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the parish will be held.

Our Summer 2023-24 Schedule of Services - 26/11/2023

Our Summer 2023-24 Schedule of Services - covering December, January and February - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Summer 2023-24 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Summer 2023-24 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies will be available in church from the weekend of 25-26 November.   Services of note will be for Saint Nicholas on 18-19 December and for the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Theophany) on 18-19 January, a day on which we will have a Great Blessing of Water and commemorate Newcastle's former Theophany parish (1994-2009).

The November 2023 meeting of the Parish Council - 26/11/2023

On Sunday 26 November a meeting of the Parish Council was held.  The usual pastoral, administrative and financial reports were heard.  A decision was made to engage an architect to prepare plans for the replacement of the church entrances and for other works on the church grounds, including construction of an accessible toilet and new paving.  It was agreed that the Parish Council would meet again briefly before the Annual General Meeting scheduled for 10 December 2023 to endorse the final 2023 Annual Report.

Services on 25-26 November, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 26/11/2023

On Saturday 25 November and Sunday 26 November we had services for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople (+407 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  Following Divine Liturgy, a memorial litia was served for the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish (+22 November 1977), Kenneth Cross (+18 November 2018), Alexander Evteev (+8 December 2018), and Eugenia Kallaur (+19 November 2021).  At the completion of the services on Sunday, an announcement was made concerning the Annual General Meeting of the parish to be held on Sunday 10 December 2023.

The Fourteenth ROCOR All-Diaspora Orthodox Youth Conference, Stuttgart (Germany), 25 June-1 July 2024 - 22/11/2023

From 25 June to 1 July 2024 the Fourteenth All-Diaspora Orthodox Youth Conference of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) will be held in Stuttgart, Germany.  The All-Diaspora Youth Conferences, which began in Montreal, Canada, in 1972, bring together ROCOR youth from around the world.  Over the years, many important friendships have been formed at these conferences.  The theme of the 2024 Conference is “Preserving our Orthodox Identity and Heritage in the Diaspora”.  It will be held at a retreat in the mountains near Stuttgart and lectures will be in Russian, English, and German.  The conference program will also include excursions, sports, cultural activities, and a youth ball.  Youth (aged 18-24) of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese who wish to attend should email for further information.

Services on 25-26 November, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 12/11/2023

On Saturday 25 November and Sunday 26 November we will have services for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople (+407 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Our 2023 Annual General Meeting - 12/11/2023

Our 2023 parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 12.00pm on Sunday 10 December.  A formal Notice concerning the AGM is available here.  The Notice includes the AGM agenda, an explanation of why AGMs are held, information about preparation for and participation in the AGM, and an explanation of the role of Parish Councils and Parish Council members.  A nomination form for parish office-bearers is available here.  A form for those wishing to renew their parish membership is available here.

Services on 11-12 November, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost - 12/11/2023

On Saturday 11 November and Sunday 12 November we had services for the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Hieromartyr Zenobius, bishop of Aegae in Cilicia, and his sister Zenobia (+285 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.  At Divine Liturgy our small church was full, with visitors joining us from Sydney, the Central Coast, and the Mid North Coast.  Prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  Following Divine Liturgy, an announcement was made concerning the Annual General Meeting of the parish to be held on Sunday 10 December 2023.

The patronal feast of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 30/10/2023

Updated 14 November 2023: On Saturday 30 December and Sunday 31 December, the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday before the Nativity of Christ, Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast will have services in honour of Saint Symeon.  This is the main feast-day of the saint - he is also commemorated in February, May, June and September - and the patronal feast-day of the Mission.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday.  At 8.00am on Sunday there will be a lesser blessing of water, followed  by the Hours and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am, a moleben to the saint, and a festive meal.  This will be the first time that services in the Mission have coincided with a feast-day of the saint, and the first celebration of its patronal feast.  The services and lunch will be at Boambee Memorial Hall, 579 Pacific Highway, Boambee NSW 2450.  This is less than five minutes' drive from our usual venue in Boambee, and less than ten minutes' drive from the centre of Coffs Harbour.  All are welcome!  Why not plan to join us?

A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 30/10/2023

On the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 28-29 October our parish rector visited Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast. On Saturday he baptised Sophia, the infant daughter of Evan and Katerina Cotten, a couple who have been central to the life of the Mission since it began in 2019.  Sophia’s godparents were Tatiana Tobin and Gregory Alexandrovsky.  On Sunday 29 October, the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Martyr Longinus the Centurion (+1st C. AD), the Hours and Divine Liturgy  were served at Wauchope Community Arts Hall.  Prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land, and the newly-baptised Sophia received Holy Communion for the first time.  Following Divine Liturgy there was a general panikhida, Saturday having been Saint Demetrius Saturday, a day of commemoration of the departed.  A photo-report of the weekend can be viewed at the Mission's Facebook page.  God willing, the next services of the Mission will be in Coffs Harbour on Saturday-Sunday 30-31 December, the day of commemoration of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye.

Bishop George to visit the Gosford parish on Sunday 3 December - 24/10/2023

On Saturday 2 December and Sunday 3 December our neighbouring Gosford parish will have services for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, for the Forefeast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple, and in honour of Venerable Gregory the Decapolite (+816 AD).  All-night Vigil will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday.  On Sunday, the lesser blessing of water will be served at 8.00am.  Bishop George will be welcomed at 9.00am, after which there will be the vesting of the bishop, the reading of the Hours, the blessing of the parish's new iconostasis, hierarchical Divine Liturgy, and a moleben to Saint Panteleimon.  This will be Bishop George's first visit to either the Gosford or Wallsend parishes since 2019, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Following Divine Liturgy there will be a festive lunch at the Gosford parish centre for 80 people.  There is no charge for lunch, but bookings are essential, and can be made via Eventbrite here.

Services on 11-12 November, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost - 22/10/2023

On Saturday 11 November and Sunday 12 November we will have services for the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Hieromartyr Zenobius, bishop of Aegae in Cilicia, and his sister Zenobia (+285 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 21-22 October, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - 22/10/2023

On Saturday 21 October and Sunday 22 October we had services for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (787 AD) and the Holy Apostle James, son of Alphaeus (+1st C. AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the Seventh Ecumenical Council and the Orthodox Christian veneration of icons.

Now available - the September 2023 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 17/10/2023

The September 2023 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. Content includes news of recent clergy ordinations, assignments, awards and retirements; an English-language biography of the ever-memorable Protodeacon Peter Metlenko (+24 August 2023); a Russian-language article about the feast-day of Our Lady’s Dormition parish in Dandenong, Victoria, together with a comprehensive photo-report; a Russian-language history of the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, together with an explanation of icons depicting it; the text in Russian and English of a talk given by Mitred Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff in July 2023 on ”Modern Temptations” (“Современные Искушения”); and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Prayers to be offered for peace in the Holy Land - 11/10/2023

His Grace Bishop George of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand has directed that prayers be offered in the churches of our Diocese for peace in the Holy Land.  The text of the prayer to be used in Slavonic and English is available here.  The text in Russian script, together with some Russian language notes concerning the history of this prayer, is available here.  In brief, the prayer is customarily read at Divine Liturgy throughout the Orthodox Christian world on Great and Holy Saturday, the day preceding Pascha.  In our parish the prayer will be read at each Divine Liturgy, together with the prayer for peace in Ukraine.

A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 08/10/2023

On the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 28-29 October our parish rector will be visiting Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast. There will be a baptism in the region on Saturday 28 October.  On Sunday 29 October, the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Martyr Longinus the Centurion (+1st C. AD), the Hours and Divine Liturgy  will be served at Wauchope Community Arts Hall, 2/10 Oxley Lane, Wauchope.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday there will be a general panikhida.  God willing, the next services of the Mission will be in Coffs Harbour on Saturday-Sunday 30-31 December, the day of commemoration of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye.

Services on 21-22 October, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - 08/10/2023

On Saturday 21 October and Sunday 22 October we will have services for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (787 AD) and the Holy Apostle James, son of Alphaeus (+1st C. AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday there will be a meeting of the Parish Council.

Services on 7-8 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 08/10/2023

On Saturday 7 October and Sunday 8 October we had services for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Sergius of Radonezh (+1392 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.   At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  At the end of the Sunday service, a moleben to Saint Sergius was served at which prayers were again offered for peace in Ukraine; for our parishioners and friends, especially those studying; for the rulers of this country; and for the safety and well-being of our city of Newcastle and the wider Hunter Region.

2023 Orthodox Youth Conference - 30/09/2023

The 2023 Orthodox Youth Conference (“Syezd”) of our Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outisde Russia will be held in Melbourne, Victoria, from Tuesday 26 December until Saturday 30 December.  More information and a link to online registration is available in the attached image.

Services on 7-8 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 24/09/2023

On Saturday 7 October and Sunday 8 October we will have services for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Sergius of Radonezh (+1392 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 23-24 September, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 24/09/2023

On Saturday 23 September and Sunday 24 September we had services for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, and in honour of Venerable Theodora of Alexandria (+c.474 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  At the end of the Sunday service, a collection was taken up to help the Resurrection of Christ Russian Orthodox Church in Auckland, New Zealand, purchase and renovate a new parish centre.

A collection to assist the Auckland parish of our Diocese - 22/09/2023

The Russian Orthodox parish of the Resurrection of Christ in Auckland, New Zealand, was established in October 1950, now over 70 years ago.  Throughout the years since, services have been held in a tiny church in the suburb of Balmoral.  This arrangement has become increasingly unworkable in recent years as the parish has grown, primarily through post-Soviet emigration to New Zealand.  After many years of searching, the Auckland parish has recently been able to secure a four-storey building with ample off-street parking in which to establish large church, a library, a community hall, and a residential apartment.  Work has already commenced to remodel the building for parish use.  Bishop George has appealed to all parishes of our Diocese to collect funds during September to assist the Auckland parish.  We commend this worthy endeavour to our parishioners and friends, and we will take up a collection in our parish on Sunday 24 September.  Those who wish to do so may also contribute to our collection online (BSB: 032-509, Account number: 281104, “Auckland donation”), or make direct contact with the Auckland parish for its Australian bank account details.

Services on 23-24 September, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 17/09/2023

On Saturday 23 September and Sunday 24 September we will have services for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, and in honour of Venerable Theodora of Alexandria (+c.474 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  On this weekend, a collection will be taken up to assist the Resurrection of Christ Russian Orthodox Church in Auckland, New Zealand, a parish of our Diocese.

Services on 16-17 September, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 17/09/2023

On Saturday 16 September and Sunday 17 September we had services for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Right-believing Prince Peter and Princess Febronia, the Wonderworkers of Murom.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. These were extra services, not previously scheduled, as our neighbouring parish of Saint Panteleimon, Gosford, remained closed for the installation of a new iconostasis.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon a brief moleben was served to Saints Peter and Febronia, the heavenly patrons of family life, love and faithfulness, at which the couples amongst our parishioners and friends were commemorated by name.

Services on 16-17 September, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 10/09/2023

On Saturday 16 September and Sunday 17 September we will have services for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Right-believing Prince Peter and Princess Febronia, the Wonderworkers of Murom.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  At the end of Divine Liturgy there will be a brief moleben to Saints Peter and Febronia, the heavenly patrons of family life, love and faithfulness.  *** NOTE: These services are in addition to those listed in our Spring 2023 Schedule of Services. ***

Services on 9-10 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 10/09/2023

On Saturday 9 September and Saturday 10 September we had services for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the finding of the relics in 1659 of Venerable Job, the abbot and wonderworker of Pochaev.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the life and work of Saint Job of Pochaev and of his significance in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

Services on 9-10 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 03/09/2023

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 9 September and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 10 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the finding of the relics in 1659 of Venerable Job, the abbot and wonderworker of Pochaev.  Saint Job was a great publisher and defender of Orthodoxy whose influence on our Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia (ROCOR) cannot be overestimated. Leaving the Pochaev Monastery in the 1920s, the future Archbishop Vitaly (Maximenko) went to Ladomirova, Slovakia, and there established a Brotherhood of Saint Job of Pochaev.  Fleeing the Soviet forces after World War 2, the Brotherhood went to Germany, Switzerland, and then the United States, settling at the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York.  It is from this Brotherhood that many of our ROCOR hierarchs have come, and it is under Saint Job’s patronage that the Holy Trinity Monastery continues its publishing work to this day.

Services on 2-3 September, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 03/09/2023

On Saturday 2 September and Sunday 3 September we had services for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, for the Afterfeast of the Dormition, and in honour of Apostle Thaddeus of the Seventy (+c.44 AD). These were extra services, not previously scheduled, as our neighbouring parish of Saint Panteleimon, Gosford, remained closed for the installation of a new iconostasisMatins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. At both services our parish clergy, Archpriest James Carles and Deacon Michal Matys, served together.  Prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and at the Prayer before the Amvon prayers of blessing were read over four icons of Great Feasts in beautiful new kiots (hinged box-frames) made by Michael Sokolsky, and a new portable chalice for taking Holy Communion to the sick. The new icons are of the Meeting of the Lord, the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Ascension of the Lord, and the Exaltation of the Cross. A matching icon of the Dormition of the Mother of God was blessed separately.

In Memoriam: Protodeacon Peter Metlenko (+24 August 2023) - 31/08/2023

Our Australian-New Zealand Diocese recently learned with sorrow of the repose of Protodeacon Peter Metlenko, a clergyman of the Diocese for over 40 years.  Born in China in 1938, Peter Ivanovich Metlenko arrived in Australia in 1962.  He immediately became a key figure in the establishment of the parish of Our Lady’s Dormition in Dandenong, Victoria; the parish worshipped for a number of years in a chapel established in his garage and he also served as the first Starosta (or Warden) of the parish.  In 1982 the ever-memorable Archbishop Paul (Pavlov) ordained Father Peter to the diaconate, and in 2002 then-Archbishop Hilarion (Kapral) raised him to the rank of Protodeacon.  In 2010 he retired to Sydney and was assigned to the parish of Saint Vladimir, Centennial Park, of which his son, Archpriest Daniel Metlenko, is the rector.  Father Peter reposed in the Lord on 24 August 2023, and has been laid to rest beside his wife, Matushka Elizabeth (+2020), in Springvale Cemetery, Victoria.  We offer heartfelt condolences to Father Daniel and his family and pray that God will give his good and faithful servant, the newly-reposed Protodeacon Peter, rest with the saints.  Царство ему Небесное!

2023 Diocesan Teen Retreat - 29/08/2023

The 2023 Teen Retreat of our Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outisde Russia will be held in Collaroy, NSW, from Sunday 17 December until Thursday 21 December.  More information and a link to online registration is available in the attached image.  The ROCOR Teen Retreat Facebook page can be accessed here.

Services on 26-27 August, the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost - 27/08/2023

On Saturday 26 August and Sunday 27 August we had services for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, the Forefeast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, and in honour of Prophet Micah (+8th Century BC).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.  Prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and at the Prayer before the Amvon there was a blessing of honey.

Services on 2-3 September, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 26/08/2023

On Saturday 2 September and Sunday 3 September we will have services for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, for the Afterfeast of the Dormition, and in honour of Apostle Thaddeus of the Seventy (+c.44 AD). Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday. *** NOTE: These services are in addition to those listed in our Spring 2023 Schedule of Services. ***

Our Spring 2023 Schedule of Services - 26/08/2023

Our Spring 2023 Schedule of Services - covering September, October and November - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Spring 2023 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Spring 2023 Schedule of Services is available here.

Services on 26-27 August, the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost - 13/08/2023

On Saturday 26 August and Sunday 27 August we will have services for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, the Forefeast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, and in honour of Prophet Micah (+8th Century BC).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday. 

Services on 12-13 August, the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost - 13/08/2023

On Saturday 12 August and Sunday 13 August we had services for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Forefeast of the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, and in honour of Righteous Eudocimus (Evdokim) of Cappadocia (+9th Century AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services our parish clergy, Archpriest James Carles and Deacon Michal Matys, served together. At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine

Now available - the August 2023 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/08/2023

The August 2023 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. Content includes news of clergy assignments; the Russian-language text of Patriarch Kirill’s Appeal to religious leaders and representatives of international organisations in view of the persecution of the Father-Superior of the Kiev-Caves Lavra; a greatly abbreviated Russian-language text of Patriarch Kirill’s Address to the Bishops’ Conference held at the Holy Trinity-Saint Sergius Monastery on 19 July 2023; information in English and Russian about the centenary celebrations of Saint Nicholas Cathedral, Brisbane, held in late May 2023; Russian-language material on the Royal Martyrs of Russia, commemorated on 17 July; a brief article noting the repose of Michael Baden-Powell, Fourth Baron Baden-Powell, the grandson of the founder of the Scout Movement and an official of Scouts Victoria who took an interest in Russian Scouting in Australia; Russian-language extracts from the Holy Fathers on the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, celebrated on 28 August; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 30/07/2023

On Sunday 30 July, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils, Divine Liturgy was served in Boambee, near Coffs Harbour, at the home of Drs Ashish Sinha and Evgenia Biryukova.  Joining regular worshippers from across the Mid North Coast were friends from the Gold Coast (QLD) and Armidale (NSW), with approximately 30 people present.  Afterwards, most stayed for lunch and fellowship.  Following lunch the Mission Committee briefly discussed ideas for a portable iconostasis, a website, and plans for the Mission’s first patronal feast-day on December 30-31, 2023.  God willing, the next service on the Mid North Coast will be Divine Liturgy in Wauchope on Sunday 29 October.

Services on 12-13 August, the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost - 23/07/2023

On Saturday 12 August and Sunday 13 August we will have services for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Forefeast of the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, and in honour of Righteous Eudocimus (Evdokim) of Cappadocia (+9th Century AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday. 

Services on 22-23 July, the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 23/07/2023

On Saturday 22 July and Sunday 23 July we had services for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Anthony of the Kiev Caves (+1073 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services our parish clergy, Archpriest James Carles and Deacon Michal Matys, served together.  On Sunday morning our church was full, with visitors from Sydney, Armidale and elsewhere joining our regular parishioners.  In his sermon Father James spoke about Venerable Anthony of the Kiev Caves and of living a life that shows to others the love of Christ.  In this regard, he drew the attention of the faithful to Patriarch Kirill’s Report to the Bishops’ Conference of the Russian Orthodox Church on 19 July 2023, and the emphasis in that report on loving-kindness, concern, gentleness, and compassion in the internal life of the Church.  Afterwards, many of those present gathered in the church hall for fellowship and refreshments.

Services on 11-12 July, the commemoration of the Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul - 12/07/2023

On Tuesday 11 July and Wednesday 12 July we had services in honour of the Holy, Glorious, and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Tuesday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Wednesday morning.  Prior to the services, our small church was for the first time beautifully vested in the new gold vestments received in March this year.  At All-night Vigil and Divine Liturgy our parish clergy, Archpriest James Carles and Deacon Michal Matys, served together.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  In his sermon, Father James spoke of the different backgrounds of the Apostles Peter and Paul; of their repentance; and of their great labours to spread the Gospel of Christ.

Services on 22-23 July, the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 09/07/2023

On Saturday 22 July and Sunday 23 July we will have services for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Anthony of the Kiev Caves (+1073 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday. 

Sunday 30 July: A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 09/07/2023

On Sunday 30 July, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils, our parish rector will be serving at Saint Symeon of Verkohturye Mission on the New South Wales Mid North Coast.  The Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday in a temporary chapel in Boambee, near Coffs Harbour.  For further information, please contact usNOTE: Our regular worshippers and all who have expressed interest in attending will be advised of the arrangements by email one week before the service.

Services on 8-9 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 09/07/2023

On Saturday 8 July and Sunday 9 July we had services for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the appearance of the “Tikhvin” Icon of the Mother of God in 1383 AD.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  Joining us on Sunday were friends from Sydney holidaying in the Hunter Valley, and parishioners of Saint Naum of Ohrid Serbian Orthodox Church in Broadmeadow, their church being closed for building works.

Useful information about when weddings can be celebrated, together with a list of available dates in 2023, 2024 and 2025 - 26/06/2023

In conjunction with Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford, our parish has developed and published an explanation of the reasons why weddings cannot be celebrated on certain days and dates and during certain seasons. It incorporates a list of Sundays and Fridays on which weddings can be celebrated that has now been updated to include Sundays and Fridays in 2024 and 2025.  This information, which can be accessed either here or via our Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals page, has been prepared to help our parishioners and friends when planning weddings in parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. Should anyone have any questions or concerns about this information, please contact us.

Services on 11-12 July, the commemoration of the Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul - 25/06/2023

On Tuesday 11 July and Wednesday 12 July we will have services in honour of the Holy, Glorious, and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Tuesday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Wednesday.

Services on 8-9 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 25/06/2023

On Saturday 8 July and Sunday 9 July we will have services for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the appearance of the “Tikhvin” Icon of the Mother of God in 1383 AD.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday. 

Services on 24-25 June, the Third Sunday after Pentecost - 25/06/2023

On Saturday 24 June and Sunday 25 June we had services for the Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Onuphrius the Great (+4th Century) and Venerable Peter of Mount Athos (+734 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Matins and Divine Liturgy our parish clergy, Archpriest James Carles and Deacon Michal Matys, served together.  Early on Sunday morning Father James and a small group of parishioners newly-received into Orthodoxy again gathered in church to read the Prayers of Preparation for Holy Communion.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine, and prayers of blessing were read over two new icons for our church, one of Great-Martyr Panteleimon and another of Saint Gregory Palamas.

Services on 24-25 June, the Third Sunday after Pentecost - 11/06/2023

On Saturday 24 June and Sunday 25 June we will have services for the Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Onuphrius the Great (+4th Century) and Venerable Peter of Mount Athos (+734 AD).  On this day the Orthodox Church also honours All Saints of Belorussia, a commemoration of importance to our parish as Archpriest John Lupish and many of our church founders came from Belarus.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday. 

Services on 10-11 June, the First Sunday after Pentecost - 11/06/2023

On Saturday 10 June and Sunday 11 June we had services for the First Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday of All Saints and the Day of Youth of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  Prior to Divine Liturgy, the parish rector and a small group of parishioners newly-received into Orthodoxy gathered in church to read the Prayers of Preparation for Holy Communion.  At the end of Divine Liturgy a brief moleben was served for the children and young people of our parish, our Diocese, and of our ROCOR as a whole, asking God that He “deliver them from every snare of the Enemy, preserve them in Orthodoxy and the Faith, and in all godliness and purity all the days of their life”.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the commemoration of All Saints and of the way in which our Orthodox Christian saints show many different paths to holiness.  He also spoke about the history and significance of ROCOR’s Day of Youth, and of the importance of our children and young people participating appropriately, actively, and confidently in the divine services and in the broader life of the church.

A Pastoral Conference and services in Brisbane on 27-28 May to mark the centenary of Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral - 28/05/2023

On the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 27-28 May, our parish clergy,  Archpriest James Carles and Deacon Michal Matys, participated in a Pastoral Conference of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  The Pastoral Conference was convened to coincide with celebrations marking the centenary of the founding of the parish of Saint Nicholas in Brisbane, the first Russian Orthodox parish in Australia.  Solemn divine services were held on Saturday evening and Sunday morning at which three bishops served: Archbishop Gabriel (Chemodakov) of Montreal and Canada, Bishop George of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand, and Bishop Luke (Murianka) of Syracuse, Vicar of the Eastern American Diocese.  Concelebrating with them at Divine Liturgy on Sunday were forty-nine priests and deacons of our diocese, including our own parish clergy, and representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church.  The Russian Orthodox Men’s Choir of Australia sang at both services.  Updated 13 June 2023: An article with more detail and links to photographs is available here.

Services on 10-11 June, the First Sunday after Pentecost - 22/05/2023

On Saturday 10 June and Sunday 11 June we will have services for the First Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday of All Saints and the Day of Youth of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  At the end of Divine Liturgy a brief moleben will be served for the young people of our parish and for all ROCOR youth.

Our Winter 2023 Schedule of Services - 22/05/2023

Our Winter 2023 Schedule of Services - covering June, July and August - is now available.  Services of particular note during this period will be All-night Vigil and Divine Liturgy on Tuesday-Wednesday 11-12 July in honour of the Holy Preeminent Apostles Peter and Paul.  A copy of the English-language Winter 2023 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Winter 2023 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies in both languages are also available in church.

Services on 21-22 May, the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 22/05/2023

On Sunday 21 May and Monday 22 May we had services commemorating the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, in 1087 AD.  This is the patronal feast-day of our church.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Sunday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Monday morning. Divine Liturgy on Monday was preceded by the Lesser Blessing of Water and followed by a moleben to Saint Nicholas.  At All-night Vigil and Divine Liturgy our parish clergy, Archpriest James Carles and Deacon Michal Matys, served together.  It being a working day, only a small number of our parishioners and friends were able to be present.  Upon completion of the services on Monday there was an informal festive meal in the church hall.

Services on 13-14 May, the Fifth Sunday of Pascha - 14/05/2023

On Saturday 13 May and Sunday 14 May we had services for the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, the Fifth Sunday of Pascha.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. On both days the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine, and the newly baptised servants of God James and John received Holy Communion for the first time.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about our Lord’s conversation with the Samaritan Woman at Jacob’s Well (John 4:5-42), and of how all that we long for finds its true satisfaction only in Christ.

The baptism of two adult converts to Orthodoxy - 13/05/2023

On Saturday 13 May, the parish rector baptised two adult converts to Orthodoxy, Brock Savage and Jack Summerhill.  In baptism Brock and Jack took the names James and John in honour of the brother-apostles, Saints James and John the sons of Zebedee.  Both men had as their sponsor Paul Goura, and James had as an additional sponsor Natalie Thoroughgood.  Afterwards, parishioners, family members and friends – amongst whom were a number of young men who had recently been received into Orthodoxy in various Newcastle parishes – gathered in the church hall for a festive meal.  We warmly congratulate the newly-baptised servants of God James and John, wishing them good health, every blessing from above, and many years!

A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 30/04/2023

On the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 29-30 April our parish rector visited Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast. On Sunday 30 April, the Third Sunday of Pascha, the Hours and Divine Liturgy  was served at Wauchope Community Arts Hall.  Fifteen people were present.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  In his sermon, Father James spoke about the humble and faithful service of the Myrrhbearers as a model for Christian life.

Services on 21-22 May, the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 23/04/2023

On Sunday 21 May and Monday 22 May we will have services commemorating the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, in 1087 AD.  This is the patronal feast-day of our church.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Sunday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Monday. Divine Liturgy on Monday will be preceded by the Lesser Blessing of Water at 8.00am and followed by a moleben to Saint Nicholas.  Upon completion of the services on Monday we will have a festive meal in the church hall.  All are welcome! 

Services on 13-14 May, the Fifth Sunday of Pascha - 23/04/2023

On Saturday 13 May and Sunday 14 May we will have services for the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, the Fifth Sunday of Pascha.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday. 

A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 23/04/2023

On the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 29-30 April our parish rector will be visiting Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast. On Sunday 30 April, the Third Sunday of Pascha, the Hours and Divine Liturgy  will be served at Wauchope Community Arts Hall, 2/10 Oxley Lane, Wauchope, 2446.  God willing, the Mission will also have services this year on Sunday 30 July, Sunday 29 October, and Saturday-Sunday 30-31 December.

Services on 22-23 April, the Second Sunday of Pascha - 23/04/2023

On Saturday 22 April and Sunday 23 April we had services for Thomas Sunday, the Second Sunday of Pascha.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served at on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and following the Prayer before the Amvon, the Prayer at the breaking of the Artos was read.  In place of a sermon, the Paschal Epistle of Bishop George of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand was read aloud.  After the dismissal, pieces of the Artos were distributed to the faithful.

Now available - the April 2023 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 18/04/2023

The April 2023 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. Content includes news of clergy ordinations, awards, and assignments; information about the centenary celebrations of Saint Nicholas Cathedral, Brisbane, planned for late May 2023; the Russian-language text of an interesting interview with Mitred Archpriest Gabriel Makarov, the rector of the Brisbane Cathedral; a report in Russian and English on the Great Lenten Pastoral conference of the Southern Deanery of our Diocese (covering Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania), held in March this year in Warrnambool, Victoria; a report in Russian and English on the blessing in February 2023 of a new church in Lonnavale, Tasmania; articles in both languages about the suffering Ukrainian Orthodox Church; and more.  Also included is a handy supplement providing contact details for all our parishes, monasteries and missions and their clergy.  Copies are $5.00.

Services on 22-23 April, the Second Sunday of Pascha - 16/04/2023

On Saturday 22 April and Sunday 23 April we will have services for Thomas Sunday, the Second Sunday of Pascha.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon at Divine Liturgy, the Prayer at the breaking of the Artos will be read and pieces of the blessed bread will be distributed to the faithful.

Orthodox Holy Week and Pascha in Wallsend, 2023 - 16/04/2023

This year, our parish had a small number of traditional services for Holy Week and Pascha.  Matins with the reading of the Twelve Passion Gospels was served in the evening on Thursday 13 April and Vespers  with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ was served in the afternoon on Friday 14 April.  On Saturday evening we had an early Midnight Office and procession followed by Paschal Matins and the blessing of Easter baskets with cakes, eggs, and other festive foods.  The parish rector was assisted on Thursday evening and Friday afternoon by Deacon Michal Matys, and on Saturday evening by Protodeacon Martin Naef.

Russian Orthodox Holy Week and Pascha in Newcastle, 2023 - 09/04/2023

Our parish will have Matins with the reading of the Twelve Gospels on Great Thursday, 13 April, at 6.00pm.  On Great Friday, 14 April, we will have Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ at 3.00pm.  On Great Saturday, 15 April, an early Midnight Office with a procession, Paschal Matins and the blessing of Easter baskets will be served at 7.00pm, finishing at approximately 9.00pm.  There will be no services in our church on the Sunday of Pascha, 16 April.  For the other traditional Holy Week services and for the midnight Paschal services, our parish rector will be serving at Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford.

Services on 8-9 April, Palm Sunday - 09/04/2023

On Saturday 8 April and Sunday 9 April we had services for Palm Sunday, the Sixth Sunday of Great Lent and the Great Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil, and five loaves and the blessing of palms and pussy-willows was served at on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  Prior to the evening service our church had been decorated beautifully with palm fronds.  On both days the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and at Divine Liturgy on Sunday prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.

A General Service of Anointing with Oil - 30/03/2023

On the evening of Thursday 30 March we had a General Service of Anointing with Oil.  Together with the parish rector, thirty-one of our parishioners gathered to pray and receive anointing with oil for the healing of soul and body.  For Orthodox Christians this service, otherwise served only for individuals who are grievously ill, is a customary part of Great Lent.

Palm Sunday Collection for the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem - 26/03/2023

On Saturday 8 April and Sunday 9 April our parish will take up a collection to benefit the Russian Eccelesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.  This collection is customarily taken up at this time every year in all the parishes, monasteries and missions of our Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  Many places of immense spiritual and historical significance in the Holy Land have been entrusted to the our Russian Ecclesiastical Mission, and we have many monastics there who care for these holy places, undertake good works, and pray for the whole world.  Those who wish to make a donation online direct to the Mission may do so via Paypal through the Mission's website.

Services on 8-9 April, Palm Sunday - 26/03/2023

On Saturday 8 April and Sunday 9 April we will have services for Palm Sunday, the Sixth Sunday of Great Lent and the Great Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil, and five loaves and the blessing of palms and pussy-willows will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  At both services a collection will be taken up to benefit the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jersualem.

A General Service of Anointing with Oil - 26/03/2023

In the Orthodox tradition it is customary during Great Lent to have a General Service of Anointing with Oil for the healing of soul and body.  In this service there are seven readings from the Apostol, seven readings from the Holy Gospel, seven prayers, and the faithful are - if there are sufficient clergy present - anointed seven times with the oil that is blessed and sanctified during the service.  The practice of anointing with oil for spiritual and physical healing is referred to by the Apostle James: "Is anyone among you sick?  Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.  And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven" (James 5:14-15).  This year our parish will have this service at 6.00pm on Thursday 30 MarchNote: This is a sacrament in which only baptised Orthodox Christians may fully participate.

Services on 25-26 March, the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent - 26/03/2023

On Saturday 25 March and Sunday 26 March we had services for the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  As Saturday 25 March was a day of commemoration of the departed, a general panikhida was served before Matins on Saturday evening.  As an act of kindness in memory of their departed ones, those attending the panikhida brought non-perishable foods (tinned vegetables and fruit, long-life milk, pasta and pasta sauces, rice, cooking oils, and pantry items) to be passed to local charitable organisations for relief of the homeless. At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.

Services on 25-26 March, the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent - 12/03/2023

On Saturday 25 March and Sunday 26 March we will have services for the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent.  Matins will be served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served on Sunday morning.  As Saturday 25 March is a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins will be preceded by a general panikhida at 5.00pm.  Those attending the panikhida may, as an act of kindness in memory of their departed ones, bring non-perishable foods (tinned vegetables and fruit, long-life milk, pasta and pasta sauces, rice, cooking oils, and pantry items) to be passed to local charitable organisations for relief of the homeless.

Keeping children safe in our parish - 12/03/2023

At the 2022 Annual General Meeting of our parish, members endorsed a Statement of Commitment to Child Safety and to children’s participation in the life of our parish.  In collaboration with our neighbouring parish of Saint Panteleimon, West Gosford, we have now developed new policies and procedures to give effect to these commitments.  Together with general information about child safety in our parish, we have published our policies and procedures online.  Over the next few months our parish will be fully implementing the new arrangements, facilitating training for key people, and revising the policies and procedures in light of experience.  Questions, comments and feedback are welcome!

Services on 11-12 March, the Second Sunday of Great Lent - 12/03/2023

On Saturday 11 March and Sunday 12 March we had services for the Second Sunday of Great Lent.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  As Saturday 11 March was a day of commemoration of the departed, a general panikhida was served before Matins on Saturday evening.  As an act of kindness in memory of their departed ones, those attending the panikhida brought non-perishable foods (tinned vegetables and fruit, long-life milk, pasta and pasta sauces, rice, cooking oils, and pantry items) to be passed to local charitable organisations for relief of the homeless. At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  At the end of Divine Liturgy prayers of blessing were read over new gold sets of altar and church vestments, priest’s vestments, and chalice covers.

Services on 11-12 March, the Second Sunday of Great Lent - 26/02/2023

On Saturday 11 March and Sunday 12 March we will have services for the Second Sunday of Great Lent.  Matins will be served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served on Sunday morning.  As Saturday 11 March is a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins will be preceded by a general panikhida at 5.00pm.  Those attending the panikhida may, as an act of kindness in memory of their departed ones, bring non-perishable foods (tinned vegetables and fruit, long-life milk, pasta and pasta sauces, rice, cooking oils, and pantry items) to be passed to local charitable organisations for relief of the homeless.

Services on 25-26 February, the Sunday of Forgiveness - 26/02/2023

On Saturday 25 February and Sunday 26 February we had services for the Sunday of Forgiveness.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  The parish rector was assisted at both services by Deacon Michal Matys.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  Following Divine Liturgy, Vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness was served. Afterwards, many of our parishioners and friends gathered in the church hall to enjoy pancakes and a short Russian-language play about Maslenitsa performed by some of the parish children.

Our Autumn 2023 Schedule of Services - 18/02/2023

Our Autumn 2023 Schedule of Services - covering March, April and May 2023 - is now available in digital format.  It includes all our services for Great Lent, Holy Week and Pascha.  A copy of the English-language Autumn 2023 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Autumn 2023 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies are available in church as of the weekend of 10-11 February.

Services on 25-26 February, the Sunday of Forgiveness - 12/02/2023

On Saturday 25 February and Sunday 26 February we will have services for the Sunday of Forgiveness.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Following Divine Liturgy, we will have  Vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness. During Vespers, the duration of which will be approximately forty-five minutes, the church vestments are changed from gold to black and the festive melodies give way to the penitential Lenten melodies.  Afterwards all those present ask forgiveness of one another, in this way making a good beginning to Great Lent.

Services on 11-12 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son - 12/02/2023

On Saturday 11 February and Sunday 12 February we had services for the Sunday of the Prodigal Son and in honour of the Three Hierarchs: Saints Basil the Great (+379 AD), Gregory the Theologian (+389 AD), and John Chrysostom (+407 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the Parable of the Prodigal Son and the possibility of each one of us returning to our Father’s house with confidence in His love and His willingness to forgive us.  He also spoke about the lives, influence on Orthodoxy, and example of the Three Hierarchs.

In memoriam - Tamara Adamczyk - 23/01/2023

On Monday 23 January 2023 the funeral of 97 year-old Tamara Adamczyk was served in our church.  Tamara, who was a member of our parish and, before that, of the Theophany parish in Mayfield, was born in 1925.  She departed this life on 13 January 2023.  We offer heartfelt condolences to Tamara's children Wanda and Stephen, to their spouses, and to Tamara's grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  Following the funeral Tamara was laid to rest in Wallsend Cemetery beside her beloved husband Stanislaw (+2017).  May God grant her rest!

A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 22/01/2023

On the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 28-29 January our parish rector will be visiting Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast. On Sunday 29 January, the Thirty-Third Sunday after PentecostDivine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water will be served at the Kempsey CWA Hall, 3 John Street, Kempsey NSW.  God willing, the Mission will also have services this year on Sunday 30 April, Sunday 30 July, Sunday 29 October, and Saturday-Sunday 30-31 December.

Services on 11-12 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son - 22/01/2023

On Saturday 11 February and Sunday 12 February we will have services for the Sunday of the Prodigal Son and in honour of the Three Hierarchs: Saints Basil the Great (+379 AD), Gregory the Theologian (+389 AD), and John Chrysostom (+407 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 21-22 January, the Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - 22/01/2023

On Saturday 21 January and Sunday 22 January we had services for the Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday after Theophany, and in honour of Hieromartyr Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia (+1569 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  At the end of the service the parish rector spoke about the work of the former Theophany parish (1994-2009) in Mayfield, Newcastle, the remaining members of which joined our parish in 2009, and intoned ‘Eternal Memory’ for the newly-reposed Tamara (Adamczyk) and the other reposed founders, benefactors and parishioners of the Theophany parish.

Services on 21-22 January, the Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - 08/01/2023

On Saturday 21 January and Sunday 22 January we will have services for the Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday after Theophany, and in honour of Hieromartyr Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia  (+1569 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Following the blessing of water a brief moleben of thanksgiving will be served for the work of the former Theophany parish (1994-2009) in Mayfield, Newcastle, the remaining members of which joined our parish in 2009.

Services on 8 January, the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost - 08/01/2023

On Sunday 8 January we had services for the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ.  The Hours and Divine Liturgy were served.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine. In place of a sermon, the parish rector read aloud the Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad.  Afterwards, a great many of our parishioners and friends gathered in the church hall for a festive meal and a visit from Father Christmas.

The 2022/23 Nativity Epistle of Bishop George of Sydney and Australia-New Zealand - 07/01/2023

The 2022/23 Nativity Epistle of Bishop George of Sydney and Australia-New Zealand can be read in English here and in Russian here.  This is Bishop George’s first Nativity Epistle as Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese.  A further Nativity Greeting from Bishop George can be read here.

The 2022/23 Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Nicholas, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 07/01/2023

The 2022/23 Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Nicholas, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, can be read in English here and in Russian here.  This is Metropolitan Nicholas’ first Nativity Epistle as First Hierarch.

2022 - The year in review - 30/12/2022

This year we mourned the loss of ROCOR First Hierarch Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) (+16 May 2022), who as Diocesan Bishop showed great kindness to our parish and did much to help Russian Orthodox unity in Newcastle.  As the COVID-19 pandemic continued, we continued to offer prayers for deliverance from the coronavirus.  From February we laboured under the shadow of armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine, offering prayers for peace.  We had just one baptism this year, that of an infant, Vasily Watson.  The funerals of Valentina Abramow (+23 January 2022) and Raisa Shalimov (+1 August 2022), two women with a long association with our parish, were served.  We participated in the Great Lenten Pastoral Conference in March, in services in June marking the fortieth day of Metropolitan Hilarion’s repose, and in the Twentieth Australian-New Zealand Diocesan Assembly in October.  Together with the Gosford parish we provided an English-Russian wall calendar commemorating the fortieth anniversary of the repose of the noted ascetic and writer, Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) of Platina.  We received our new memorial table, new shrouds of Christ and of the Mother of God, and new sets of priests’ vestments in green and blue.  The renovation of our sacristy was completed. Our parish rector made pastoral visits to the Mid North Coast of New South Wales in January, May and July, and in November he was appointed rector of the Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission there.  All the news from 2022 can be read here.  Glory be to God for all things!

Now available - the December 2022 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 23/12/2022

The December 2022 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. This edition continues the beautiful glossy colour format introduced in December 2020.  Content includes the text in Russian and English of the Resolution of the Twentieth Diocesan Assembly held in October 2022, together with photographs from the Assembly and a list of clergy who co-served with Bishop George at Divine Liturgy on the final day of the Assembly; directives concerning clergy awards, the closure of a mission in Adelaide, and the opening of a mission on the Mid North Coast of NSW; a biography of the newest priest of our Diocese, Father Pavel Baksheev; reports and photographs on the life of the Diocese; the life and work of Archimandrite Pavel (Gruzdev), a Twentieth Century confessor and elder of the Russian Orthodox Church; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Services on Sunday 8 January, the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost - 18/12/2022

On Sunday 8 January we will have services for the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday after the Nativity of ChristThere will be no service on Saturday evening.  The Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Following Divine Liturgy there will be a festive lunch in the church hall.  A visit from Father Christmas is expected during lunch.

Services on 17-18 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 18/12/2022

On Saturday 17 December and Sunday 18 December we had services for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Sabbas the Sanctified (+532 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the formative influence of Saint Sabbas on the Typikon of the Orthodox Church.  Following Divine Liturgy there was a moleben to Saint Nicholas the wonderworker, archbishop of Myra in Lycia, in anticipation of his commemoration on Monday 19 December.  Many years was then sung for two parishioners: our warden Nikolai Goura and Parish Council member Dean (Nicholas) Crawford, both of whom celebrate their names-day on 19 December.  These were the final services in our parish for 2022.

The Mid North Coast Orthodox Mission of our Diocese is formally established - 11/12/2022

In June 2019, with Bishop George’s blessing our parish rector began to make pastoral visits to the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, serving Divine Liturgy and performing baptisms.  On 8 December 2022, having received a detailed report on these pastoral visits, Bishop George formally established a missionary community on the Mid North Coast in honour of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye.  The purpose of the mission is to make available Orthodox Christian prayers, sacraments, and teaching on the Mid North Coast; to acquire the material resources and local experience to effectively support this activity; and, in time, to establish a parish in the region.  The territory of the mission will encompass the coastal area from Forster-Tuncurry to Woolgoolga.  A copy of Bishop George’s Ukase can be viewed here.  More information about the Mid North Coast Mission is available here.

Position vacant: Diocesan Youth Coordinator - 11/12/2022

On 3 December 2022 the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of our Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia advertised a permanent part-time position for a Youth Coordinator.  The role of the Youth Coordinator will encompass evaulation, development and implementation of programs and activities for the youth of the Diocese.  More information about the position is available here.  Questions and expressions of interest should be directed to the Diocesan Office.  Additional information to help applicants:  Applications close 25 December 2022.  Send applications to the Diocesan Office with a cc to Protodeacon Alexander Abramoff.  Interviews are likely to be held during the first week of January, with 9 January 2023 the preferred start date.

Save the date: Services on 27-28 May 2023 commemorating the centenary of Saint Nicholas Cathedral, Brisbane - 11/12/2022

Updated 12 March 2023: On the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 27-28 May 2022, the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia will celebrate the centenary of the founding of the parish of Saint Nicholas in Brisbane, the first Russian Orthodox parish in Australia.  As all Diocesan clergy will gather in Brisbane that weekend for a pastoral conference on Saturday morning and for participation in the commemorative services on Saturday evening and Sunday morning, there will be no services elsewhere in the Diocese.  An episcopal, ukase, or directive, can be viewed here. A poster with contact information and booking arrangements is available in English here and in Russian here.

Services on 17-18 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 11/12/2022

On Saturday 17 December and Sunday 18 December we will have services for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Sabbas the Sanctified (+532 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Following Divine Liturgy there will be a moleben to Saint Nicholas the wonderworker, archbishop of Myra in Lycia, in anticipation of his commemoration on Monday 19 December.  These will be the final services in our parish for 2022.

Services on 10-11 December, the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 11/12/2022

On Saturday 10 December and Sunday 11 December we had services for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Monk-Martyr Stephen the New (+767 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. At both services, the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  Following Divine Liturgy the parish rector congratulated Father Michal on the recent first anniversary of his service in our parish and presented him with an embroidered orarion and cuffs, a joint gift from our parish and the Gosford parish.

Services on 10-11 December, the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 27/11/2022

On Saturday 10 December and Sunday 11 December we will have services for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Monk-Martyr Stephen the New (+767 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday. 

Services on 26-27 November, the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 27/11/2022

On Saturday 26 November and Sunday 27 November we had services for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Apostle Philip (+87 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), emphasising the relationship between love for God and love for one’s neighbour; the extraordinary call to love one’s neighbour as oneself; and of one’s neighbour as being simply any other person with whom we have contact.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday a litia was served for the ever-memorable founder of our parish, Archpriest John Lupish (+1977), Tuesday 22 November 2022 having been the forty-fifth anniversary of his repose.  After the service many of those present gathered in the church hall for a light meal, this practice having been re-established after a break of over two-and-a-half years.

Now available - the October 2022 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 24/11/2022

The October 2022 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR), is now available in our parishes. This edition continues the beautiful glossy colour format introduced in December 2020.  Content includes information in Russian and English about the September 2022 Council of Bishops; the election by that Council of Bishop Nicholas (Olhovsky) as Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York and First Hierarch of the ROCOR; and the appointment of Bishop George as Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese. Also included in both languages are articles on the repose of Queen Elizabeth II; the repose of Priest David Lloyd; the July 2022 Residential School of the Saints Cyril and Methodius Institute; the history of the Harbin Diocese of the ROCOR (with many wonderful photographs); and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Our Summer 2022-23 Schedule of Services - 19/11/2022

Our Summer 2022-23 Schedule of Services - covering December, January and February - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Summer 2022-23 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Summer 2022-23 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies will be available in church from the weekend of 26-27 November.   Services of note will be for the second day of the Great Feast of the Nativity Of the Lord (Christmas) on Sunday 8 January, and for the Sunday after the Great Feast of Baptism of the Lord (Theophany) on 23 January, a day on which we will have a Great Blessing of Water and commemorate Newcastle's former Theophany parish.  Although we will not have services this year for the summer feast of Saint Nicholas on 18-19 December, a moleben to the saint will be served after Divine Liturgy on Sunday 18 December.

Services on 26-27 November, the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 13/11/2022

On Saturday 26 November and Sunday 27 November we will have services for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Apostle Philip (+87 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday a litia will be served for the ever-memorable founder of our parish, Archpriest John Lupish (+22 November 1977).

Services on 12-13 November, the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - 13/11/2022

On Saturday 12 November and Sunday 13 November we had services for the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Apostles of the Seventy Stachys, Amplias, Urban, Narcissus, Apelles and Aristobulus (1st C. AD) and Martyr Epimachus of Alexandria (+250 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and, in view of the rising number of cases, for deliverance from the coronavirus.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about Christ's miraculous healing of the demon-possessed man (Luke 8:26-39); His miracles as signs of both His divine power and His love for humanity; and the need for a response to both those things.  He spoke about the different forms of response evident in the lives of the saints commemorated, commending in particular Saints Spyridon and Nicodemus, prosphora-bakers of the Kiev Caves (+12th C. AD), for the simplicity and faithfulness of their Christian lives.

Two appeals to assist Priest Mark Woloszyn - 31/10/2022

Father Mark Woloszyn is a priest of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia serving in the Holy Virgin Protection (“Pokrov”) Cathedral in East Brunswick, VIC.  He requires expensive surgical treatment for a serious medical condition, and two appeals have been initiated to raise funds to assist him.  The first, from Bishop George, is detailed here.  It includes details of a Diocesan bank account to which donations can be made.  The second, a GoFundMe appeal, is detailed here.  At this second link some additional information is provided concerning Father Mark’s circumstances.  We encourage those who wish to help Father Mark to respond directly to one of these two appeals.  Note: The appeal from Bishop George was updated on 3 November 2022.

Services on 29-30 October, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - 30/10/2022

On Saturday 29 October and Sunday 30 October services for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Prophet Hosea (+829 BC) and Monk-Martyr Andrew of Crete (+767 AD) were held at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield, NSW.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  As almost the entire complement of the clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese was in Sydney for the Twentieth Diocesan Assembly, most of our parishes and missions had no services.  Our parish rector served at the cathedral together with Bishop George and 49 other priests and deacons.  On Sunday morning a reader was tonsured for the Hobart parish, a number of clerics received ecclesiastical awards, and a priest was ordained for the Dandenong parish.  At the Prayer before the Amvon a moleben of thanksgiving was served for the work of the Diocesan Assembly.  Following Divine Liturgy, Diocesan Chancellor Mitred Archpriest Michael Protopopov congratulated Bishop George on his recent appointment by the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia as Ruling Bishop of our Diocese, presenting him with the gift of a panagia on behalf of the clergy. 

Services on 12-13 November, the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - 23/10/2022

On Saturday 12 November and Sunday 13 November we will have services for the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Apostles of the Seventy Stachys, Amplias, Urban, Narcissus, Apelles and Aristobulus (1st Century AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 22-23 October, the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 23/10/2022

On Saturday 22 October and Sunday 23 October we had services for the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (Nicaea, 787 AD) and the Venerable Elders of Optina Hermitage.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  Following Divine Liturgy our much-loved parishioner and long-serving (2012-2022) treasurer, Anu Kinnunen, was presented with a parish Certificate of Appreciation and a copy of our ‘Newcastle’ Icon of the Mother of God.  This was Anu’s final service in our parish, as she and her husband are returning to Europe after living in Australia for many years.  After the parish rector thanked Anu for her diligent service and her valued contributed to the social and liturgical life of the parish, ‘Many Years’ was sung for her.

The Twentieth Diocesan Assembly of the Australian New-Zealand Diocese is to be held in October 2022 - 11/10/2022

The Twentieth Diocesan Assembly of our Australian-New Zealand Diocese is to be held at the Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield, NSW, from the evening of Thursday 27 October until the afternoon of Sunday 30 October 2022.  As all Diocesan clergy will be participating in the Assembly, the only services in our Diocese on Saturday-Sunday 29-30 October will be at the Strathfield Cathedral.  Our parish delegates to the Assembly will be the parish rector and Subdeacon Luke Goura.  Information about the Nineteenth Diocesan Assembly, held in Strathfield in November 2019, is available here.  More information about the Twentieth Diocesan Assembly will be shared as it becomes available.  Update, 12 October 2022:  A copy of the Diocesan Assembly agenda is available here.

Services on 22-23 October, the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 09/10/2022

On Saturday 22 October and Sunday 23 October we will have services for the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (Nicaea, 787 AD) and the Venerable Elders of Optina Hermitage.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 8-9 October, the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost - 09/10/2022

On Saturday 8 October and Sunday 9 October we had services for the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian (+ Second Century AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services, the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michael Matys.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.

Services on 8-9 October, the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost - 25/09/2022

On Saturday 8 October and Sunday 9 October we will have services for the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian (+ Second Century AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Our 2022 Annual General Meeting - 25/09/2022

On Sunday 25 September our parish held its 2022 Annual General Meeting.  The 2022 Annual Report was presented and accepted.  A Statement of Commitment to Child Safety was adopted that will guide our parish as it works to ensure that our children are valued, safe, and involved in parish life.  Irene Lupish, Olga Bogacheva, Lucea Szabunia and Dean (Nicholas) Crawford were elected to serve on the 2022-23 Parish Council, and Subdeacon Luke Goura was chosen to represent the parish at the Twentieth Diocesan Assembly to be held in Strathfield in October 2022.

Services on 24-25 September, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 25/09/2022

On Saturday 24 September and Sunday 25 September we had services for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost and for the Apodosis of the Nativity of the Mother of God.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At these services, our parish for the first time commemorated Metropolitan Nicholas (Olhovsky) in his new capacity as First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and Bishop George in his new capacity as Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus.  Following the services on Sunday an announcement was made concerning the parish Annual General Meeting to be held that afternoon.

Our 2022 Annual Report - 19/09/2022

Our 2022 Annual Report, including the independently audited 2021-22 Financial Statements, is now available.  It includes information about the governance of our parish and gives a little parish history.  It also summarises the life and activity of the parish in 2021-22 and provides details of some future projects.  A copy of the report, which will be formally presented to our parish Annual General Meeting on Sunday 25 September 2022, is available here.  We encourage our parishioners and friends with questions or comments concerning our Annual Report to contact us.

Services on 24-25 September, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 11/09/2022

On Saturday 24 September and Sunday 25 September we will have services for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost and for the Apodosis of the Nativity of the Mother of God.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 10-11 September, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 11/09/2022

On Saturday 10 September and Sunday 11 September we had services for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in memory of the Beheading of the Holy Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist of the Lord, John.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine, for deliverance from the coronavirus, and for the aid of the forthcoming Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. In accordance with the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church on this feast of Saint John the Baptist, a litia for all Orthodox soldiers, sailors and airmen slain in battle was served immediately after Divine Liturgy.  With Bishop George's blessing, prayers were also offered for the repose of the soul of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (+9 September 2022).  Following the services on Sunday an announcement was made concerning the parish Annual General Meeting to be held on Sunday 25 September 2022.

Services on 27-28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 28/08/2022

On Saturday 27 August and Sunday 28 August we had services for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost and the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michael Matys.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus.  As on this day it was 73 years since the first Russian Orthodox services in the Hunter Valley, a moleben of thanksgiving was served at the end of Divine Liturgy.  Following Divine Liturgy an announcement was made concerning the parish Annual General Meeting to be held on Sunday 25 September 2022.  Afterwards, our parishioners and friends gathered in the church hall for a light festive meal.

Services on 10-11 September, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 28/08/2022

On Saturday 10 September and Sunday 11 September we will have services for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in memory of the Beheading of the Holy Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist of the Lord, John.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  In accordance with the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church on this day, a litia for all Orthodox soldiers slain in battle will be served immediately after Divine Liturgy.  UPDATE, 5 September 2022: In accordance with Bishop George's directive of 5 September 2022, prayers will be offered for the aid of the forthcoming Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  Our bishops will meet in New York from 11-21 September to elect a new First Hierarch and to discuss other important matters in church life.  UPDATE, 9 September 2022: To our prayers for all Orthodox soldiers slain in battle we will, with Bishop George's blessing, add prayers for the repose of the soul of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (+9 September 2022).

Our 2022 Annual General Meeting - 28/08/2022

Our 2022 parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 12.00pm on Sunday 25 September.  A formal Notice concerning the AGM is available here.  The Notice includes the AGM agenda, an explanation of why AGMs are held, information about preparation for and participation in the AGM, and an explanation of the role of Parish Councils and Parish Council members.  A nomination form for parish office-bearers is available here.  A form for those wishing to renew their parish membership is available here.

Our Spring 2022 Schedule of Services - 28/08/2022

Our Spring 2022 Schedule of Services - covering September, October and November - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Spring 2022 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Spring 2022 Schedule of Services is available here.

Services on 13-14 August, the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost - 14/08/2022

On Saturday 13 August and Sunday 14 August we had services for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord and the Holy Maccabean Martyrs (+166 BC).  On this day the Russian Orthodox Church also commemorates the Baptism of Rus' in 988 AD and the feast of the Most Merciful Saviour and the All-Holy Theotokos, established in 1162 AD to commemorate the simultaneous victory of Byzantine and Russian forces over their enemies.   Matins with the bringing out of the Cross was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michael Matys.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus.  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday there was a Blessing of Water and, in accordance with the custom of the Russian Orthodox Church, a blessing of honey.  The honey, a gift to our parish and the Gosford parish in memory of the departed servants of God Anna, Olga and Nestor, Michael and Alla, and Evgenia, was afterwards shared amongst those present.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the various historical events and saints commemorated on this day and the way in which they bear witness to the continuing relationship between God and His people.

Services on 27-28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 14/08/2022

On Saturday 27 August and Sunday 28 August we will have services for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost and the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of GodAll-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  On this day it will be 73 years since the first Russian Orthodox services in the Hunter Valley, served in the Anglican Chapel at the Greta Migrant Camp just nine days after the arrival in Newcastle from Europe of Archpriest John Lupish and his family.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday there will be a light festive meal in the church hall.

A pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast - 31/07/2022

On Saturday 30 July and Sunday 31 July our parish rector undertook a pastoral visit to the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, the third and final visit for 2022. On Sunday morning, the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and day of commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the first Six Ecumenical Councils, Divine Liturgy was served in Wirrimbi, near Macksville, at the home of Liubov Sleaford. Following the service those present shared a meal and discussed plans for the future.  We hope to have services on the Mid North Coast again in January, April, July, October and December 2023.

Services on 23-24 July, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 24/07/2022

On Saturday 23 July and Sunday 24 July we had services for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, the day of commemoration of Great-Martyr Euphemia the All-Praised (+304 AD) and Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, princess of Russia (+969 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michael Matys.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus.  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday prayers of blessing were read over a beautiful new embroidered image of the Mother of God for veneration at services for the Great Feast of the Dormition.

Services on 13-14 August, the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost - 24/07/2022

On Saturday 13 August and Sunday 14 August we will have services for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and the feast of the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.  On 14 August, the first day of the two-week Dormition Fast, the Orthodox Church also remembers the Holy Maccabean Martyrs (+166 BC).  Matins with the bringing out of the Cross will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Saturday.  Divine Liturgy on Saturday will be followed by the Lesser Blessing of Water and, in accordance with the custom of the Russian Orthodox Church, a blessing of honey.  This year we have again been given a quantity of honey that will be blessed on this day and shared amongst our parishioners and friends in memory of the departed servants of God Anna, Olga and Nestor, Michael and Alla, and Evgenia.

Services on 23-24 July, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 10/07/2022

On Saturday 23 July and Sunday 24 July we will have services for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, the day of commemoration of Great-Martyr Euphemia the All-Praised (+304 AD) and Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, princess of Russia (+969 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday prayers of blessing will be read over a beautiful new embroidered image of the Mother of God for veneration at the services for the Great Feast of the Dormition.

Services on 9-10 July, the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 10/07/2022

On Saturday 9 July and Sunday 10 July we had services for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, the day of commemoration of Venerable Sampson the Hospitable of Constantinople (+c.530 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michael Matys.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus.  Drawing on the appointed reading from the Apostol, Romans 6:18-23 (§93, Servants of righteousness), the parish rector spoke in his sermon on Sunday about being servants of righteousness rather than servants of sin.

A review of our parish child safe policies and procedures - 07/07/2022

In conjunction with Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford, our parish has commenced a review of its child safe policy and procedures to give effect to the Child Safe Standards.  The Child Safe Standards are based on the research and consultation conducted by Australia’s Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.  Now enshrined in law by amendments to the Children’s Guardian Act 2019 (NSW), the Child Safe Standards provide a framework for creating organisations that are inclusive and safe for children.  One of our first steps has been to draft a Statement of Commitment to Child Safety, a copy of which can be viewed here.  We are also working on a new and comprehensive Child Safe Policy; new role descriptions and complaint-handling procedures; and a new Child Safe Code of Conduct.  We will seek comments on all these documents from our parishioners and friends, as well as from the Diocesan and civil authorities, before implementing and formally launching the new policy and procedures later this year.

Now available - the June 2022 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/07/2022

The June 2022 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. This edition continues the beautiful glossy colour format introduced in December 2020.  Content includes details of March 2022 clergy awards, including an awards to our own parish rector; articles relating to the May 2022 repose and burial of Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) and to the Diocesan observance of the fortieth day of his repose; biographical materials, reflections, and photographs of Vladyka Hilarion; the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of divine service of Mitred Archpriest Michael Protopopov; articles on the reestablishment of canonical communion between the Serbian and Macedonian Orthodox Churches; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

The June 2022 meeting of the Parish Council - 28/06/2022

On Monday 27 June, a meeting of the Parish Council was held.  This was the first meeting of the Parish Council in 2022 and the first face-to-face meeting since September 2019.  The parish rector tabled detailed reports covering the life of the parish and the wider church from October 2021 until June 2022.  Decisions were made concerning requests for assistance, donations and collections, and new acquisitions.  A report was given on the implementation of new financial management software and the new reports were tabled and discussed.  Suggested changes to the scheduling of services, particularly during Great Lent and at Pascha, were noted and endorsed.  It was agreed that our parish Annual General Meeting would be held on Sunday 25 September 2022.  The Parish Council will meet again in July to discuss several policy documents and a draft Annual Report.

Services on 23-24 June, the fortieth day of the repose of Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) - 27/06/2022

On Thursday 23 June and Friday 24 June, clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese gathered at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield, NSW, to offer prayers on the fortieth day of the repose of Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral), Ruling Bishop of our Diocese since 1996 and First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia since 2008.  Friday 24 June was also the day of commemoration of the wonder-working “Kursk-Root” Icon of the Mother of God, the “Directress” of the Russian Diaspora; of the wonder-working “Tabynsk” Icon of the Mother of God, revered by both the Russian Orthodox faithful and the Chinese people in Harbin, China, where it was kept from 1918 until 1948; of the Holy Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas; and of the of the Hieromartyr Mitrophan and 222 other New Martyrs of China, slain during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900.  All-night Vigil was served on Thursday evening, with Mitred Archpriest Gabriel Makarov presiding and Protodeacons Alexander Abramoff and Vasily Konstantinidis assisting.  All the clergy vested for the singing of the magnification of the Mother of God before copies of the two wonder-working icons.  On Friday morning the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served, with Mitred Archpriest Michael Protopopov presiding and twenty-eight other clergymen concelebrating.  His Grace Bishop George of Canberra, recovering from illness, prayed in the altar on both days.  Following Divine Liturgy a panikhida was served for our departed First Hierarch, with the kontakion “With the saints give rest” sung together by the choir, clergy and all the faithful.  The clergy, their spouses, and special guests later gathered in the cathedral hall for a commemorative meal.  Over lunch there was discussion of Vladyka Hilarion’s gentleness, kindness, and pastoral warmth, characteristics that remained steadfast even as he rose in the church hierarchy; the possibility of a memorial within the cathedral grounds to all our departed Diocesan bishops; and missionary efforts in Vladyka’s memory.  Many years was sung for Bishop George, the Administrator of the Diocese, and for Archpriest Barnabas Jellings, celebrating his name-day that day.

Services on 9-10 July, the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 26/06/2022

Updated 10 July 2022: On Saturday 9 July and Sunday 10 July we will have services for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, the day of commemoration of Venerable Sampson the Hospitable of Constantinople (+c.530 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 25-26 June, the Second Sunday after Pentecost - 26/06/2022

On Saturday 25 June and Sunday 26 June we had services for the Second Sunday after Pentecost, the day of commemoration of All Saints who have shone forth in the land of Russia.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michael Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday there was  a memorial litia for the evr-memorable Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral), Friday 24 June having been the fortieth day of his repose.

Services on 25-26 June, the Second Sunday after Pentecost - 12/06/2022

On Saturday 25 June and Sunday 26 June we will have services for the Second Sunday after Pentecost, the day of commemoration of All Saints who have shone forth in the land of Russia.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday, and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday there will be a memorial litia for the newly-reposed Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral).

Services on 11-12 June, the Great Feast of Pentecost - 12/06/2022

On Saturday 11 June and Sunday 12 June we had services for the Great Feast of Pentecost.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Saturday evening.  Prior to the service our small church had been beautifully decorated with flowers and green branches in honour of the life-giving Holy Spirit.  On Sunday morning, the Hours and Divine Liturgy were immediately followed by Vespers with the reading of the customary "kneeling prayers".  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus.  At the end of the services on Sunday the faithful were reminded of a Diocesan collection to assist the Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Institute, the theological and higher education institute of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

Services on 23-24 June, the fortieth day of the repose of Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) - 06/06/2022

Updated 7 June 2022: On Friday 24 June, the day of commemoration of the wonderworking “Kursk-Root” and “Tabinsk” Icons of the Mother of God and of Hieromartyr Mitrophan and 222 other New Martyrs of China, slain during the Boxer Rebellion (+1900), Bishop George and the clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese will gather at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield to observe the fortieth day of the repose of Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral).  A brief biography of Metropolitan Hilarion is available here.  Bishop George's directive may be viewed here.  All-night Vigil will be served from 6.00pm on Thursday and the Hours, Divine Liturgy and a panikhida will be served from 9.00am on Friday.  Clergy have been asked to wear blue vestments.  All are welcome to attend these services.

Decisions of the Synod of Bishops following the repose of Metropolitan Hilarion - 25/05/2022

Since the repose of Metropolitan Hilarion on Monday 16 May 2022, the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) has made several decisions concerning church life.  On Tuesday 17 May it was resolved, amongst other things, that our newly-reposed First Hierarch be especially commemorated at each Divine Liturgy during the Paschal season and that a panikhida be served on the fortieth day of his repose, Friday 24 June; that the name of Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany be commemorated during the divine services in all ROCOR churches immediately following the commemoration of Patriarch Kyrill; and that Bishop George of Canberra would be appointed Acting Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New-Zealand Diocese.  On Monday 23 May it was resolved, amongst other things, to convene a Council of Bishops in New York from 13-21 September 2022 with the purpose of electing a new ROCOR First Hierarch; and to especially commemorate Metropolitan Hilarion on Sunday 26 June, the Second Sunday after Pentecost, as well as on the fortieth day of his repose.

A collection to assist Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Institute - 23/05/2022

On 19 May 2022, His Grace Bishop George of Canberra directed that a collection be taken up on Sunday 29 May to assist the Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Institute (SCMOI).  SCMOI is the theological and higher education institute of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  A letter from Bishop George containing information about the work and needs of SCMOI is available in English here and in Russian here.  As we will not have a service on Sunday 29 May, the collection will be taken up in our parish on Sunday 12 June, the Great Feast of Pentecost.  Those wishing to make a direct donation or a commitment to ongoing support are encouraged to contact SCMOI.

Services on 11-12 June, the Great Feast of Pentecost - 22/05/2022

On Saturday 11 June and Sunday 12 June we will have services for the Great Feast of PentecostAll-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday, and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Divine Liturgy will be immediately followed by Vespers with the reading of the customary "kneeling prayers".

Our Winter 2022 Schedule of Services - 22/05/2022

Our Winter 2022 Schedule of Services - covering June, July and August - is now available.  Services of note during this period include those for the Great Feast of Pentecost on 11-12 June; for the beginning of the Dormition Fast and the Procession of the Wood of the Cross on 13-14 August; and for the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God on 27-28 August.  A copy of the English-language Winter 2022 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Winter 2022 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies in both languages are also available in church.

Services on 21-22 May, the Fifth Sunday of Pascha and the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 22/05/2022

On Saturday 21 May and Sunday 22 May we had services for the Fifth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, and in honour of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, in 1087 AD.  This was the patronal feast-day of our church.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. Divine Liturgy on Sunday was preceded by the Lesser Blessing of Water and followed by a moleben to Saint Nicholas.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus.  Following the moleben the parish rector congratulated those present and spoke about the unfailing help that Christians throughout the centuries have found in the prayers of Saint Nicholas.  Many of our parishioners then gathered in our church hall for a festive meal, the first such gathering in two years.

A memorial service for the newly-reposed Metropolitan Hilarion - 21/05/2022

On Saturday 21 May, immediately before All-night Vigil for the Fifth Sunday of Pascha and in honour of Saint Nicholas, our parish rector served a panikhida for the newly-reposed Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral), First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and much-loved Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese for over twenty-five years.  Following the service, our rector spoke spoke briefly concerning Vladyka Hilarion’s great humility, kindness and pastoral dedication.

Services on 21-22 May, the Fifth Sunday of Pascha and the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 08/05/2022

On Saturday 21 May and Sunday 22 May we will have services for the Fifth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, and in honour of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, in 1087 AD.  This is the patronal feast-day of our church.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday. Divine Liturgy on Sunday will be preceded by the Lesser Blessing of Water at 8.15am and followed by a moleben to Saint Nicholas with a procession around the church.  Upon completion of the services on Sunday there will be an informal parish lunch in the church hall.  All are welcome!  For friends from Sydney and further afield, information about visiting the Hunter Valley is available here.

Services on 7-8 May, the Third Sunday of Pascha - 08/05/2022

On Saturday 7 May and Sunday 8 May we had services for the Third Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus.  At the end of Divine Liturgy the Artos was cut and distributed.

Services on 7-8 May, the Third Sunday of Pascha - 28/04/2022

On Saturday 7 May and Sunday 8 May we will have services for the Third Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and the Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  As the services scheduled for Bright Saturday were cancelled, at the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday we will cut and distribute the Artos.

Now available - the April 2022 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 25/04/2022

The April 2022 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. This edition continues the beautiful glossy colour format introduced in December 2020.  Content includes Metropolitan Hilarion’s 2022 Paschal Epistle in Russian; the Ukase concerning Priest Alexei Jukoff’s transfer from Dandenong to Adelaide to assist and then replace the retiring rector of the Saint Nicholas parish, Archpriest Vladimir Deduhin; a Russian-language obituary of the late ever-memorable Protodeacon Constantine Moshegov; information about the 2022 Great Lenten Pasoral Conference of our Diocese; Part II of ‘The Relationship Between the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and the Serbian Orthodox Church in Australia in the period from 1950 until 1969’, the English-language text of a lecture presented to the ROCOR Centenary Conference; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Services on 29-20 April, Bright Saturday - 24/04/2022

*** UPDATE 28 April 2022:  These services have been cancelled.  We apologise for any inconvenience. *** On Friday 29 April and Saturday 30 April we will have services for the First Saturday of Pascha, Bright Saturday.  Paschal Matins will be served at 7.00pm on Friday and the Paschal Hours and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Saturday.  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Saturday there will be a procession around the church and we will cut and distribute the Artos.

Orthodox Holy Week and Pascha in Wallsend, 2022 - 24/04/2022

This year, our parish again had a number of traditional services for Holy Week and Pascha.   Divine Liturgy was served in the morning on Great Thursday, 21 April.  On Great Friday, 22 April, Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ was served in the afternoon.  On Saturday 23 April Midnight Office was served late in the evening, with Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy following in the early hours of 24 April, the Sunday of Pascha.    Easter baskets with cakes, eggs and other festive foods were blessed following Matins.  At the services on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.

Orthodox Holy Week and Pascha, 2022 - 17/04/2022

The Hours, Typika and Vespers with Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Great Thursday, 21 April.  On Great Friday, 22 April, we will have Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ at 3.00pm.  On Great Saturday, 23 April, we will have Midnight Office at 11.20pm. Paschal Matins, to be followed by the blessing of kulichi and eggs and by Divine Liturgy, will begin at 12.00am on Sunday 24 April.  For a number of other traditional Holy Week services, our parish rector will be serving at Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, GosfordNOTE: The service planned for the evening of Wednesday 20 April has been cancelled because of illness.

Services on 9-10 April, the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent - 10/04/2022

On Saturday 9 April and Sunday 10 April we had services for the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent, the commemoration of Saint Mary of Egypt.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At both services the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus. Following the Prayer before the Amvon on Sunday, prayers of blessing were read over a new Shroud ("плащаница") of Christ, new blue and green sets of priests' vestments donated in memory of the departed servants of God Michael and Alla, and an analogion cover embroidered with an image of the Holy Trinity.  All these items were the work of the Saint Elisabeth Convent in Minks, Belarus.

Services on 9-10 April, the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent - 27/03/2022

On Saturday 9 April and Sunday 10 April we will have services for the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent, the commemoration of Saint Mary of Egypt.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday. Updated 3 April 2022: At the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday 10 April, prayers of blessing with be read over a new Shroud ("плащаница") of Christ and new blue and green sets of priests' vestments.

Services on 26-27 March, the Third Sunday of Great Lent - 27/03/2022

On Saturday 26 March and Sunday 27 March we had services for the Third Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross. Matins with the bringing out of the Cross was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At both services the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.  As Saturday 26 March was a day of commemoration of the departed, a general panikhida was served immediately before Matins on Saturday evening.  As an act of kindness in memory of the departed, several people attending the panikhida brought non-perishable foods to be passed to a local charitable organisation for relief of the homeless.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus.

A Pastoral Conference of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese - 16/03/2022

On Tuesday 22 March and Wednesday 23 March, the clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese will gather in Sydney for their customary Great Lenten Pastoral Conference.  God willing, our parish clergy, Archpriest James Carles and Deacon Michal Matys, will be participating.  On Tuesday the clergy will meet at the church of All Saints of Russia, Croydon, for the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion at 5.00pm and Lenten Matins and confession at 6.00pm.  On Wednesday from 8.00am the Hours and the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be served at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral, Strathfield, with Bishop George presiding and the clergy concelebrating.  Those of the faithful who wish to do so are welcome to attend the service on Wednesday morning and – if properly prepared – to receive Holy Communion.  Following Divine Liturgy the clergy will meet to hear a talk, presented online, by His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe, and to discuss pastoral, liturgical and administrative matters.

Services on 26-27 March, the Third Sunday of Great Lent - 13/03/2022

On Saturday 26 March and Sunday 27 March we will have services for the Third Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross. Matins with the bringing out of the Cross will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  As Saturday 26 March is a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins will be preceded by a general panikhida at 5.00pm.  Those attending the panikhida may, as an act of kindness in memory of their departed ones, bring non-perishable foods (tinned vegetables and fruit, long-life milk, pasta, rice, cooking oils, and pantry items) and new personal care products (socks, wipes, toothbrushes and toothpaste, combs and brushes, female sanitary items) to be passed to local charitable organisations for relief of the homeless.

Services on 12-13 March, the First Sunday of Great Lent - 13/03/2022

On Saturday 12 March and Sunday 13 March we had services for the First Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  Prayers were offered for the restoration of peace between Russia and Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon, a brief moleben was served ‘For the Conversion of Those in Error’, at which prayers were offered for those who oppose the truth of the Gospel with heresy and for those who have fallen away from the Holy Orthodox Church through schism.  In his sermon, the parish rector spoke about the restoration of the icons to the churches on the First Sunday of Great Lent in 843 AD, the event leading to the establishment of the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, and about the essential place of icons in the defence of the doctrine of the Incarnation of Christ.  At the end of Divine Liturgy, a collection was taken up to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York.

A service on 6 March, Forgiveness Sunday - 06/03/2022

Early in the evening on Sunday 6 March, Forgiveness Sunday, we had Vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness.  During this service the church vestments were changed from gold to black and the festive melodies gave way to the solemn Lenten melodies.  At the end of the service the parish rector spoke briefly about the Gospel injunction to grant forgivenss to others if we are to hope for forgiveness from God (Matthew 6:14-15).  Following this, all present venerated the Gospel, the Cross, and the Holy Icons, and asked forgiveness of one another in accordance with Orthodox custom.

Diocesan-wide collection for the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville, NY - 27/02/2022

Each year on the First Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia take up a collection to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York. The Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is the main institution of higher education in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. This collection provides financial assistance to students, covering tuition, room and board. Our collection will be taken up on Sunday 13 March, and collection envelopes will be available in church from the evening of Saturday 12 March. Please give generously!

Services on 12-13 March, the First Sunday of Great Lent - 27/02/2022

On Saturday 12 March and Sunday 13 March we will have services for the First Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  In accordance with the practice of parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, 'The Order for a Hymn of Supplication for the Conversion of those in Error' will be served at the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  During this short moleben, prayers will be offered for those who oppose the truth of the Gospel with heresy and for those who have fallen away from the Holy Orthodox Church through schism.  Also on this day, a collection will be taken up to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York.

A service on 6 March, Forgiveness Sunday - 27/02/2022

On Sunday 6 March, the Sunday of Forgiveness, we will have Vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness at 5.00pm.  During this service, the duration of which will be approximately forty-five minutes, the church vestments are changed from gold to black and the festive melodies give way to the penitential Lenten melodies.  Afterwards all those present ask forgiveness of one another, in this way making a good beginning to Great Lent.

Services on 26-27 February, the Sunday of the Last Judgement - 27/02/2022

On Saturday 26 February and Sunday 27 February we had services for the Sunday of the Last Judgement.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  As Saturday was a day of commemoration of the departed, a general panikhida was served immediately before Matins on Saturday evening.  As an act of kindness in memory of the departed, several people attending the panikhida brought non-perishable foods and sanitary items to be passed to a local charitable organisation for relief of the homeless.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus.  Following Divine Liturgy, a collection as taken up to benefit Orthodox Action.  Afterwards, the Ladies’ Auxiliary served pancakes in the church hall.

Archpastoral Epistle to the Clergy and Flock of the Eastern American and Australian-New Zealand Dioceses on Great Lent and on the Events on the Holy Ukrainian Land - 24/02/2022

On 24 February 2022 Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese, issued an 'Archpastoral Epistle to the Clergy and Flock of the Eastern American and Australian-New Zealand Dioceses on Great Lent and on the Events on the Holy Ukrainian Land.'  The Epistle can be read in Russian here and in English here.

Our Autumn 2022 Schedule of Services - 19/02/2022

Our Autumn 2022 Schedule of Services - covering March, April and May 2022 - is now available in digital format.  It includes all our services for Great Lent, Holy Week, Pascha and our patronal feast of Saint Nicholas.  A copy of the English-language Autumn 2022 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Autumn 2022 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies will be available in church from the weekend of 26-27 February.

February 2022 collection for Orthodox Action - 13/02/2022

Each year in February the parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia take up a collection to assist the work of Orthodox Action, a charitable organisation that operates in Sydney and Melbourne under the auspices of the Diocese and the heavenly protection of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco.  Orthodox Action works to help the poor and needy, destitute children and orphanages in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union.  In 2022 our parish will take up this collection on Sunday 27 February.  Collection envelopes will be available in church from the evening of Saturday 26 February.  Please give generously!

Services on 26-27 February, the Sunday of the Last Judgement - 13/02/2022

On Saturday 26 February and Sunday 27 February we will have services for the Sunday of the Last Judgement.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  As Saturday 26 February is a day of commemoration of the departed, there will be a general panikhida at 5.00pm.  Those attending the panikhida may, as an act of kindness in memory of their departed ones, bring non-perishable foods (tinned vegetables and fruit, long-life milk, pasta, rice, cooking oils, and pantry items) and new personal care products (socks, wipes, toothbrushes and toothpaste, combs and brushes, female sanitary items) to be passed to local charitable organisations for relief of the homeless.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday a collection will be taken up to benefit Orthodox Action.

Services on 12-13 February, the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 13/02/2022

On Saturday 12 February and Sunday 13 February we had services for the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  Prior to the service on Saturday evening, prayers of blessing were read over our new memorial table, largely the work of the late ever-memorable Protodeacon Vasily Hadarin (+13 February 2021), and a panikhida was served for him.  At Matins and Divine Liturgy our parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michael Matys.  Also assisting at both services was Subdeacon Irenaeus (Ryan) Strickler, now living in the Hunter Valley and teaching at the University of Newcastle.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy, the parish rector spoke about emulating the humility of the Publican and the virtue of the Pharisee while avoiding the sinfulness of the one and the foolish pride of the other.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday, the first anniversary of Protodeacon Vasily’s repose, he was again commemorated at a memorial litia

The funeral of Valentina Abramow - 03/02/2022

On Thursday 3 February our parish rector served the funeral of Valentina Abramow, née Katonin.  Both the Abramow and Katonin families have a long and important association with our parish.  Valentina, who was born in Europe in 1943, departed this life on 23 January 2022.  She was laid to rest in Wallsend Cemetery, a short distance from her parents Michael and Maria.  We offer heartfelt condolences to Valentina’s husband of nearly 55 years, Eddie; to their children Michael, Natalie and Phillip; to her grandchildren; and to her sister Anna.  Memory eternal!

A pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast - 30/01/2022

On Saturday 29 January and Sunday 30 January our parish rector undertook a pastoral visit to the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, the first such visit since May 2021. On Sunday morning, the Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost and day of commemoration of Saint Anthony the Great, Divine Liturgy was served in Boambee, near Coffs Harbour, at the home of Drs Ashish Sinha and Evgenia Biryukova.  Joining locals for the service were friends from the Central Coast (NSW) and the Gold Coast (QLD) and enquirers from Armidale (NSW).  Following the Prayer before the Amvon, it being the first service after Theophany, the Great Blessing of Water was served. After lunch the members of the community held a meeting at which they reviewed the activities and achievements of the past three years, discussed future plans, and elected a "mission committee" comprising Katerina Cotten, Tatiana Tobin, Evan Cotten, and Dr Evgenia Biryukova.  The committee will now seek Bishop George’s blessing of its decisions.  God willing, there will be services on the Mid North Coast again in May, July and October 2022.

Services on 12-13 February, the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 23/01/2022

On Saturday 12 February and Sunday 13 February we will have services for the Sunday of the Publican and the PhariseeMatins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.  At 5.15pm on Saturday, prayers of blessing will be read over our new memorial table, largely the work of the late ever-memorable Protodeacon Vasily Hadarin, and a panikhida will be served for him.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday, the first anniversary of Father Vasily’s repose, he will again be commemorated at a memorial litia.

Services on 22-23 January, the Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost - 23/01/2022

On Saturday 22 January and Sunday 23 January we had services for the Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost, for the Sunday after Theophany, and in honour of Saint Theophan the Recluse of Vysha Monastery (+1894).   Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water was served at on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy and the Blessing of Water our parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michael Matys.  Following the blessing of water a brief moleben of thanksgiving was served for the work of the former (1994-2009) Theophany parish in Mayfield, Newcastle, the remaining members of which joined our parish in 2009, and Eternal Memory was sung for the departed founders, parishioners and benefactors of that parish.

Services on 22-23 January, the Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost - 09/01/2022

On Saturday 22 January and Sunday 23 January we will have services for the Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost and for the Sunday after Theophany.   Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.  Following the blessing of water a moleben of thanksgiving will be served for the work of the former (1994-2009) Theophany parish in Mayfield, Newcastle, the remaining members of which joined our parish in 2009.  The NSW Government requirement that face masks be worn in indoor areas other than places of residence should be noted.

Services on 8-9 January, the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ - 09/01/2022

On Saturday 8 January and Sunday 9 January we had services for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in time of Devastating Epidemic was read.  In place of a sermon at Divine Liturgy, the parish rector read aloud Metropolitan Hilarion’s Nativity Epistle in both Russian and English.

Information about the Holy Trinity Orthodox Monastery of Monkerai - 01/01/2022

Our parish often receives enquiries about the Holy Trinity Orthodox Monastery of Monkerai and its founder, Father John MacPherson.  To help consistently answer such enquiries and to provide some history, to date, of an interesting episode in the history of Russian Orthodoxy in the Hunter Region, some information has been compiled here.

Now available - the December 2021 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 31/12/2021

The December 2021 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. This edition continues the beautiful glossy colour format introduced in December 2021.  Content includes Metropolitan Hilarion’s 2021-22 Nativity Epistle in Russian; ‘Скорбней Юбилей’, a Russian-language article about the centenary of the 1922 Soviet decree confiscating church valuables; details of clergy movements and awards; a Russian-language list of living and departed Diocesan clergy for commemoration in church and in private prayer; ‘The Relationship Between the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and the Serbian Orthodox Church in Australia in the period from 1950 until 1969’, the English-language text of a lecture presented to the ROCOR Centenary Conference; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

2021 - The year in review - 31/12/2021

This year, like 2020, was dominated by the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 and the public health measures implemented to manage it.  Our parish had no public services from Monday 2 August until Saturday 23 October – a period of almost three months! – and various other restrictions were in place for the entire year.  We had five baptisms including Gabriel Golovdovski and Lira Koster.  We laid to rest two long-serving and much loved members of the parish, Anna Morhun and Eugenia Thoroughgood (nee Kallaur).  Prayers were offered on the two-hundredth anniversary of the assassination of Emperor Paul I of Russia.  We acquired new blue and green vestments for the altar table and church, a new seven-branched lampstand for the sanctuary, and a new candle-stand for the church.  Together with the Gosford parish we provided an English-Russian wall calendar commemorating the centenary of the First All-Diaspora Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  Our website provided updated information to help with the planning of weddings and instructive material about Sunday commemorations and readings and certain Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church.  The renovation of our sacristy was almost completed and planning for further improvements to the church and grounds commenced.  Our parish rector made pastoral visits to the Mid North Coast of New South Wales in January and May.  All the news from 2021 can be read here.  Glory be to God for all things!

Services on 8-9 January, the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ - 19/12/2021

On Saturday 8 January and Sunday 9 January we will have services for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 18-19 December, the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 19/12/2021

On Saturday 18 December and Sunday 19 December we had services for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, archbishop of Myra in Lycia (+c.345 AD).  This summer feast-day of Saint Nicholas is the lesser patronal feast-day of our church.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At both services, our parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.  Divine Liturgy was preceded by a blessing of water and followed by a moleben to Saint Nicholas with a procession around the church.  At the end of the moleben the parish rector offered congratulations to our Warden Nikolai Goura and Parish Council member Dean (Nicholas) Crawford, both of whom were celebrating their name-day.

A baptism - Lira Koster - 18/12/2021

On Saturday 18 December the parish rector baptised the infant Lira, the first child of James and Masha Koster.  Lira, who was baptised in honour of the Martyr Valeria of Caesarea, had as her godparents Victorya Atrahimovich and Craig Beck.  We warmly congratulate James, Masha, Victorya and Craig, and pray that God will grant His newly-baptised servant Valeria good health, every blessing from above, and many years!

Useful information about when weddings can be celebrated, together with a list of available dates in 2022 and 2023 - 17/12/2021

In conjunction with Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford, our parish has developed and published an explanation of the reasons why weddings cannot be celebrated on certain days and dates and during certain seasons. It incorporates a list of Sundays and Fridays on which weddings can be celebrated that has now been updated to include Sundays and Fridays in 2023.  This information, which can be accessed either here or via our Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals page, has been prepared to help our parishioners and friends when planning weddings in parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. Should anyone have any questions about this information, please contact us.

Our 2021 Annual General Meeting - 12/12/2021

On Sunday 12 December our parish held its 2021 Annual General Meeting.  The 2021 Annual Report was presented and accepted.  The path of parish life and plans for the future were discussed, following which Nikolai Goura was elected Warden for a sixth consecutive three-year term, and Irene Lupish, Olga Bogacheva, Lucea Szabunia, Anu Kinnunen and Dean (Nicholas) Crawford were elected to serve on the 2021-22 Parish Council.  

Services on 18-19 December, the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 12/12/2021

On Saturday 18 December and Sunday 19 December we will have services for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, archbishop of Myra in Lycia (+c.345 AD).  This summer feast-day of Saint Nicholas is the lesser patronal feast-day of our church.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday.  On Sunday there will be a blessing of water at 8.00am, followed by Divine Liturgy at 9.00am and a moleben to Saint Nicholas with a procession around the church.  These will be our final services for 2021.  All are welcome to join us!

Services on 11-12 December, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 12/12/2021

On Saturday 11 December and Sunday 12 December we had services for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Martyr Paramon and 370 martyrs with him in Bithynia (+250 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At both services, our parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in time of Devastating Epidemic was read.  Following Divine Liturgy an announcement was made concerning the parish Annual General Meeting to be held that afternoon.

The repose and funeral of Eugenia Thoroughgood (née Kallaur) - 08/12/2021

On Friday 19 November we learned with great sadness of the repose, early that morning, of Eugenia (“Zhenya”) Thoroughgood (née Kallaur, b.1938), a much-loved member of our parish.  Born in Belarus, Zhenya came to Australia via Poland, Germany, and Italy, arriving in October 1949.  After living for a time at the Greta Migrant Camp, Zhenya’s family became deeply involved in our parish, with her father Anton helping build our church and later serving as a trustee.  Zhenya, a humble and pious woman who rarely missed a service, for many years sang in the choir and helped with cleaning and the changing of the church vestments.  Her funeral was served on Friday 26 November; she was laid to rest in Sandgate Cemetery on Wednesday 8 December, her burial having been delayed by heavy rain.  We offer heartfelt condolences to Zhenya’s daughters Karen, Tania and Natalie, and to her grandchildren.  May God grant this good and faithful servant of our parish rest with the saints and make her memory to be eternal!

Our 2021 Annual Report - 03/12/2021

Our 2021 Annual Report, including the independently audited 2020-21 Financial Statements, is now available.  It includes information about the governance of our parish and gives a little parish history.  It also summarises the life and activity of the parish in 2020-21 and provides details of some future projects.  A copy of the report, which will be formally presented to our parish Annual General Meeting on Sunday 12 December 2021, is available here.  We encourage our parishioners and friends with questions or comments concerning our Annual Report to contact us.

Services on 11-12 December, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 28/11/2021

On Saturday 11 December and Sunday 12 December we will have services for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Martyr Paramon and 370 martyrs with him in Bithynia (+250 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  As from 8 November 2021 density limits of one person per two square metres apply to places of worship in NSW – allowing us up to 65 people in church – all who wish to attend these services may do so.  The NSW Government requirement that face masks be worn whilst indoors at public places up until 95 per cent double vaccination or 15 December 2021, whichever comes first, should be noted.  Following Divine Liturgy, the 2021 Annual General Meeting of our parish will be held.

Services on 27-28 November, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost - 28/11/2021

On Saturday 27 November and Sunday 28 November we had services for the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Martyrs and Confessors Gurias, Samonas, and Abibus of Edessa (+3rd-4th Century AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At both services, our parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in time of Devastating Epidemic was read. Following Divine Liturgy a memorial litia was served for the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish (+22 November 1977); our much-loved parishioner Evgenia Thoroughgood (+19 November 2021); and Protodeacon Anatol Daniluk (+16 November 2021), a long-serving cleric of the Białystok and Gdańsk Diocese of the Polish Orthodox Church and a preceptor of Deacon Michal.  Afterwards, an announcement was made concerning the parish Annual General Meeting to be held, God willing, on Sunday 12 December 2021, and a collection was taken up to benefit the Fund for Assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

Our Summer 2021-22 Schedule of Services - 21/11/2021

Our Summer 2021-22 Schedule of Services - covering December, January and February - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Summer 2021-22 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Summer 2021-22 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies in both languages will be available in church from the weekend of 27-28 November.   Services of note will be for the summer feast of Saint Nicholas on 18-19 December; the Sunday after the Great Feast of the Nativity Of the Lord (Christmas) on 8-9 January; the Sunday after the Great Feast of Baptism of the Lord (Theophany) on 22-23 January, a day on which we commemorate Newcastle's former Theophany parish; and the commemoration of the departed on Saturday 26 February.

A collection to benefit the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 16/11/2021

In parishes of our Diocese a collection is generally taken up every year during November to help the work of the Fund for Assistance (FFA) to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR).  The FFA supports the participation of our youth in church life; helps with the financial, insurance and health care needs of clergy; and provides emergency relief to missions of the ROCOR, particularly in poorer countries.  This year, the collection will be taken up in our parish on Sunday 28 November.  Collection envelopes will be available in church from Saturday 27 November.  Those who wish to support the work of the FFA but will be in church on this day may make a direct donation here.

Services on 27-28 November, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost - 14/11/2021

On Saturday 27 November and Sunday 28 November we will have services for the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Martyrs and Confessors Gurias, Samonas, and Abibus of Edessa (+3rd-4th Century AD).  Orthodox Christian experience bears witness to these saints as great helpers in prayer to married couples, particularly when there is animosity between the spouses.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  On Sunday 28 November the Nativity Fast begins.  As from 8 November 2021 density limits of one person per two square metres apply to places of worship in NSW – allowing us up to 65 people in church – all who wish to attend these services may do so.  The NSW Government requirement that face masks be worn whilst indoors at public places up until 95 per cent double vaccination or 15 December 2021, whichever comes first, should be noted.

Services on 13-14 November, the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost - 14/11/2021

Updated 28 November: On Saturday 13 November and Sunday 14 November we had services for the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Unmercenary Healers and Wonderworkers, Cosmas and Damian of Mesopotamia (+3rd Century AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At both services, our parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.  Our choir was beautifully augmented on Sunday by a small group of experienced singers from the Sydney parishes visiting the Hunter Valley for the weekend.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in time of Devastating Epidemic was read.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon there was a blessing of honey that was afterwards distributed to those present. In his sermon, the parish rector spoke about Saints Cosmas and Damian, saints who were skilled physicians; about unmercenary healers who, recognising their skill as God’s gift, have taken literally Christ’s instruction to “freely give” (Matthew 10:8); about each one of us using our own specific gifts for the glory of God; and about the importance, particularly in our current circumstances, of understanding and accepting that God helps us by means of the medical skill and wisdom that he has given to physicians.  An announcement was made concerning the parish Annual General Meeting to be held, God willing, on Sunday 12 December 2021.

Notice of 2021 Annual General Meeting - 12/11/2021

Our 2021 parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 12.00pm on Sunday 12 December.  A formal Notice concerning the AGM is available here.  The Notice includes the AGM agenda, an explanation of why AGMs are held, information about preparation for and participation in the AGM, and an explanation of the role of Parish Councils and Parish Council members.  A nomination form for parish office-bearers is available here.  A form for those wishing to renew their parish membership is available here.

Saint Jonah's Russian Orthodox School Committee hosts an online forum about home-schooling - 07/11/2021

On Sunday 7 November Saint Jonah’s Russian Orthodox School Committee, a Sydney-based charitable organisation supporting initiatives in education from a Russian Orthodox perspective, hosted an online forum on home education.  Participating in the forum were Bishop George, Archpriest George Lapardin, members of the Committee, teachers from within the Russian Orthodox community, and parents considering home education.  Presentations were given by two home educators, Katherine Iliuk and our own Matushka Marie Carles.  Matushka Marie, who has over 25 years’ experience as a home educator, spoke about the reasons for home-schooling, the various methods of home-schooling, the practicalities of each method, and the pros and cons for parents and children.  Candidly reflecting on her own experience as a home educator, she emphasised the need to consider the long-term personal, social, and occupational implications of home-schooling for the children involved.  Following the presentations, participants were able to ask questions of the speakers, share their own experiences, and make comments.

Now available - the October 2021 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/11/2021

The October 2021 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, has recently become available in our parishes. This edition continues the beautiful glossy colour format introduced in December 2021.  Content includes, in both Russian and English, Metropolitan Hilarion’s Jubilee Epistle; details of clergy awards and movements; an appeal and a statement from Bishop George relating to the COVID-19 pandemic; ‘Why Keep the Ten Commandments’; material on Saint Alexander Nevsky; ‘About the Power of a Child’s Prayer’; ‘The Beginning of Construction of the First Church [in Australia] in Memory of the All-Russian Wonder-Worker, St John of Kronstadt’; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Services on 13-14 November, the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost - 24/10/2021

Updated 8 November 2021: On Saturday 13 November and Sunday 14 November we will have services for the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Unmercenary Healers and Wonderworkers, Cosmas and Damian of Mesopotamia (+3rd Century AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday there will be a blessing of honey.  As from 8 November 2021 density limits of one person per two square metres apply to places of worship in NSW – allowing us up to 65 people in church – all who wish to attend these services may do so.  The NSW Government requirement that face masks be worn whilst indoors at public places up until 95 per cent double vaccination or 15 December 2021, whichever comes first, should be noted.

Services on 23-24 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 24/10/2021

On Saturday 23 October and Sunday 24 October we had services for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in time of Devastating Epidemic was read.  Serving together with the parish rector, Archpriest James Carles, was Deacon Michal Matys, a cleric of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese who has recently moved to the Hunter region.  Many of the faithful took the opportunity to confess and receive Holy Communion.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon, prayers of blessing were read over a new seven-branched lampstand for the sanctuary and a new candlestand for the church.  In his sermon Father James spoke about the history of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, the authority of the Seven Ecumenical Councils and other councils of bishops, and the importance of attending to reliable authorities in spiritual matters.  At the dismissal, Father James expressed his joy at the recommencement of services following the long COVID-19-related lockdown and welcomed Father Michal and his family to the parish.

Services on 23-24 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 10/10/2021

On Saturday 23 October and Sunday 24 October we will have services for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Attendance at both services is open to all who wish to attend, but if the number of people in church exceeds 32 it may be necessary to manage the situation so as to give as many as possible the opportunity to venerate the icons, light candles, and participate in the services.  General information concerning attendance at services in our parish as COVID-19 restrictions ease is available here.  The NSW Government requirement that face masks be worn whilst indoors at public places up until 30 November 2021 should be noted.

The October 2021 meeting of the Parish Council - 07/10/2021

On Thursday 7 October, the Parish Council met by teleconference.  The usual reports on parish life and finances were tabled and discussed.  A decision was made to recommence services in our parish on the weekend of 23-24 October, provided that the 80 per cent vaccination target is reached in New South Wales and vaccination status has no impact on church attendance.  It was further agreed that the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the parish would be convened on Sunday 12 December, and that an architect would be engaged to help the Parish Council develop a Master Plan for ongoing improvements to the parish buildings and grounds.  The Parish Council is due to meet next in November 2021.

The October 2021 meeting of the Parish Council - 02/10/2021

On Thursday 7 October our Parish Council will meet by teleconference.  In addition to the usual reports, consideration will be given to plans for re-opening parish life in accordance with the NSW Government "roadmap" and plans for the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM).  At this stage, it is expected that services will recommence in our parish on the weekend of 23-24 October, provided that NSW has reached the 80 per cent vaccination target and all are free to attend, regardless of vaccination status.  God willing, our AGM will be held on Sunday 12 December.

Australian parishes of our Diocese to serve a moleben on Sunday 19 September - 18/09/2021

At the request of Bishop George of Canberra, Administrator of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, the Australian parishes of our diocese will on Sunday 19 September serve the “Moleben sung in time of devastating epidemic and death bearing pestilence”.  Noting “the turmoil in our country at the present time”, Bishop George has asked that the moleben be served after Divine Liturgy “so that God may have mercy on us and grant us peace and health”.  As our church in Wallsend remains closed for public services the moleben will not be served in our parish.  May our merciful God nevertheless deliver us from sickness, death, and strife amongst His people!

The August 2021 meeting of the Parish Council - 31/08/2021

On Tuesday 31 August the Parish Council met by teleconference.  The usual reports on parish life and finances were tabled and discussed.  Our parish rector reported that a new seven-branched lampstand had been purchased for the sanctuary and that a new candle-stand had been purchased for placement before our icon of the Mother of God, "All Creation Rejoices in Thee".  An update was given on ongoing renovations and a number of proposed improvements to the parish facilities and grounds; a decision on further work was set aside until the Parish Council can meet in person to discuss the matter.  It was noted that places of worship in regional New South Wales had been closed to the public since the first week of August, and that it remained unclear when public services would again be possible.  The Parish Council will meet again prior to the next public services.

Jubilee Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad - 28/08/2021

In a Jubilee Epistle to the clergy and faithful of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, Metropolitan Hilarion writes: “In this special year of the 800th anniversary of the birth of the Holy Right-Believing Alexander, that wise diplomat and ruler, and the centennial of the I All-Diaspora Council – which took place from November 21 to December 2, 1921, in Sremski Karlovci – the Russian Orthodox people living in the Diaspora are called to augmented prayer, the doing of good deeds in all respects, and a private examination of the tablets of history, so that, by drawing from it much-needed strength and inspiration, they might continue in fortitude and renewal of spirit the patient bearing of their life’s cross. We celebrate anniversaries in our lives and honour the jubilee celebrant; so must we also unite ourselves in one common assembly and with great zeal confirm ourselves in Holy Orthodoxy, by no means shaming the memory of the Venerable Prince and of our ever-memorable forebears in the Diaspora, or the honour of our dear Mother – the Local Russian Orthodox Church”. The complete Jubilee Epistle can be read in Russian here and in English here.

An academic conference to mark the Centenary of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 27/08/2021

In 2020 our Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia observed the centenary of its foundation.  To mark this historic anniversary, an academic conference will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, in November this year.  Titled ‘Links between Times: Conclusions and Perspectives – On the Centennial of the Russian Church Abroad’, the conference has been organised by the Archive of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the website Historical Studies of the Russian Church Abroad.  The conference will be broadcast live.  A detailed program with information about registration is available here.

Services on 13-14 August, the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord - 01/08/2021

On Friday 13 August and Saturday 14 August we will have services for the feast of the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.  On 14 August, the first day of the two-week Dormition Fast, the Orthodox Church also remembers the Holy Maccabean Martyrs (+166 BC).  Matins with the bringing out of the Cross will be served at 6.00pm on Friday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Saturday.  Divine Liturgy on Saturday will be followed by the Lesser Blessing of Water and, in accordance with the custom of the Russian Orthodox Church, a blessing of honey.  This year we have been given a quantity of honey that will be blessed on this day and shared amongst our parishioners and friends in memory of the departed servants of God Protodeacon Vasily, Paraskeva, Olga and Anna.  Update, 12 August 2021: As places of worship in Newcastle and the Hunter Region are currently closed, these services have been cancelled.  We plan to bless honey at a time when all can be present.

Services on 31 July - 1 August, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 01/08/2021

On Saturday 31 July and Sunday 1 August we had services for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils and the finding of the relics of Saint Seraphim of Sarov (1903).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  As a result of ongoing COVID-19-related restrictions in New South Wales, attendance at both services was limited to 32 people.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in time of Devastating Epidemic was read and, following the Prayer before the Amvon, a brief moleben to Saint Seraphim was served.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils and of Saint Seraphim of Sarov as defenders of Orthodoxy, both intellectually and in their manner of life.

Services on 24-25 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 26/07/2021

On Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 July we had services for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Martyrs Hilary and Proclus of Ancyra (+Second Century AD) and Venerable Michael Maleinos (+961 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in time of Devastating Epidemic was read.  As a result of ongoing COVID-19-related restrictions in New South Wales, attendance at both services was limited to 32 people.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the lives and witness of the saints commemorated.

Services on 31 July - 1 August, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 25/07/2021

On Saturday 31 July and Sunday 1 August we will have services for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils and the finding of the relics of Saint Seraphim of Sarov (1903).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  As the COVID-19 situation in New South Wales remains unstable, our parishioners and friends are encouraged to monitor this website and NSW Government announcements concerning restrictions limiting attendance or requiring the wearing of masks at services.

Services on 10-11 July, the Third Sunday after Pentecost - 11/07/2021

On Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 July we had services for the Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Unmercenary Healers and Wonderworkers Cyrus and John (+ 412 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.   As a result of ongoing COVID-19-related restrictions in New South Wales, attendance at services was limited to 32 people.  In his sermon on Sunday the parish rector spoke about the commemorations of saints on the first three Sundays after Pentecost and of seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness (Matthew 6:33).

Services on 24-25 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 11/07/2021

On Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 July we will have services for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Martyrs Hilary and Proclus of Ancyra (+Second Century AD) and Venerable Michael Maleinos (+961 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  As the COVID-19 situation in New South Wales remains unstable, parishioners and friends are encouraged to monitor this website for advice restrictions limiting attendance or requiring the wearing of masks at services.

Services on 10-11 July, the Third Sunday after Pentecost - 27/06/2021

On Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 July we will have services for the Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Unmercenary Healers and Wonderworkers Cyrus and John (+ 412 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  UPDATE, 7 July 2021: As a result of COVID-19 restrictions that took effect in New South Wales from 6.00pm on Saturday 26 June and have now been extended until 11.59pm on Friday 16 July 2021, attendance at these services will be restricted to 32 people, and those attending services should wear face masks.

Services on 26-27 June, the First Sunday after Pentecost - 27/06/2021

On Saturday 26 June and Sunday 27 June we had services for the First Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday of All Saints and the Day of Youth of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  As a result of COVID-19 restrictions that took effect in New South Wales on Saturday 26 June, attendance at services was limited to 32 people.  At the end of Divine Liturgy a brief moleben was served for the young people of our parish and for all ROCOR youth.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the history of the commemoration of All Saints on the First Sunday after Pentecost and of this day as the ROCOR Day of Youth.

Services on 26-27 June, the First Sunday after Pentecost - 13/06/2021

On Saturday 26 June and Sunday 27 June we will have services for the First Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday of All Saints and the Day of Youth of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  At the end of Divine Liturgy a brief moleben will be served for the young people of our parish and for all ROCOR youth.  UPDATE: As a result of COVID-19 restrictions that take effect from 6.00pm on Saturday 26 June,  attendance at services this weekend is limited to 30, or one person per four square metres.  It is also a requirement that face masks be worn in places of religious worship.

Services on 12-13 June, the Seventh Sunday of Pascha - 13/06/2021

On Saturday 12 June and Sunday 13 June we had services for the Seventh Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council and the Afterfeast of Ascension.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in time of Devastating Epidemic was read.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon, prayers of blessing were read over two new sets of vestments for the altar and icon stands, one green and one blue, ordered by our Ladies' Auxiliary from the sewing workshop of Saint Elisabeth Convent in Minsk, Belarus.  Prayers of blessing were also read over new icons of Martyr Natalia and Saint Nina, Equal-to-the-Apostles, gifts to our parish from the Kuleschow family.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the history and accomplishments of the First Ecumenical Council.

Services on 12-13 June, the Seventh Sunday of Pascha - 23/05/2021

On Saturday 12 June and Sunday 13 June we will have services for the Seventh Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, and for the Afterfeast of the Ascension.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  UPDATE: Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday the prayers of blessing will be read over two new sets of vestments for the altar and icon stands, one green and one blue, the work of Saint Elisabeth Convent in Minsk, Belarus.

Services on 22-23 May, the Fourth Sunday of Pascha - 23/05/2021

On Saturday 22 May and Sunday 23 May we had services for the Fourth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Paralytic.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday the Prayer in time of Devastating Epidemic was read.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the forty-day celebration of the Resurrection of Christ in the liturgical life of the Orthodox Church and of Christ as a compassionate God able to raise us up who are “paralysed grievously by all manner of sins and unseemly deeds” (from the kontakion for the Sunday of the Paralytic).

Services on 21-22 May, the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 22/05/2021

On Friday 21 May and Saturday 22 May we had services commemorating the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, in 1087 AD.  This is the patronal feast-day of our church.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Friday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Saturday morning. Divine Liturgy was preceded by the Lesser Blessing of Water and followed by a moleben to Saint Nicholas with a procession around the church.  Praying in the altar during Divine Liturgy was Priest Theodor Postelnisescu of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of Australia and New Zealand, and we were joined in church by friends from the Gosford parish.  Following the services our parish rector spoke about the veneration of Saint Nicholas throughout the Christian world, thanked Father Theodor for his prayers, and congratulated all present on the patronal feast-day of the parish.  A festive BBQ lunch was then held in the church hall and grounds, the first major social gathering in the parish since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our Winter 2021 Schedule of Services - 20/05/2021

Our Winter 2021 Schedule of Services - covering June, July and August - is now available in PDF format.  Services of note during this period include those for Saint Seraphim of Sarov on 31 July-1 August, for the beginning of the Domition Fast and the Procession of the Wood of the Cross on 13-14 August, and for the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God on 27-28 August.  A copy of the English-language Winter 2021 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Winter 2021 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies in both languages will be available in church as of the weekend of 22-23 May.

Services on 8-9 May, the Second Sunday of Pascha - 09/05/2021

On Saturday 8 May and Sunday 9 May we had services for the Second Sunday of Pascha, Thomas Sunday.  All-night Vigil was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon at Divine Liturgy, the Prayer at the breaking of the Artos was read.  In place of a sermon, the parish rector read aloud Metropolitan Hilarion’s Paschal Epistle in Russian and in English.  After the veneration of the cross, pieces of the Artos were distributed to the faithful.

Services on 21-22 May, the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 02/05/2021

On Friday 21 May and Saturday 22 May we will have services commemorating the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, in 1087 AD.  This is the patronal feast-day of our church.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Friday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Saturday. Divine Liturgy on Saturday will be preceded by the Lesser Blessing of Water at 8.15am and followed by a moleben to Saint Nicholas with a procession around the church.  Upon completion of the services on Saturday we will have a festive barbeque in the church grounds.  All are welcome!  For friends from Sydney and further afield, information about visiting the Hunter Valley is available here.

A pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast - 02/05/2021

With the blessing of Bishop George, our parish rector will be making a seventh pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast on the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 29-30 May. On Sunday, the Fifth Sunday of Pascha, Divine Liturgy will be served in Barraganyatti. The Russian Orthodox community on the Mid North Coast is under the heavenly protection of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye. Those interested are welcome to contact us.

Services on 22-23 May, the Fourth Sunday of Pascha - 02/05/2021

On Saturday 22 May and Sunday 23 May we will have services for the Fourth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Paralytic.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 8-9 May, the Second Sunday of Pascha - 02/05/2021

On Saturday 8 May and Sunday 9 May we will have services for the Second Sunday of Pascha, Thomas Sunday.  All-night Vigil will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon at Divine Liturgy, the Prayer at the breaking of the Artos will be read and pieces of the blessed bread will be distributed to the faithful.

Now available - the April 2021 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 02/05/2021

The April 2021 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, has recently become available in our parishes. This Paschal edition continues the beautiful glossy colour format introduced in December 2021.  Content includes Metropolitan Hilarion’s Paschal Epistle in Russian and English; details of ordinations and clergy appointments; a list of living and departed clergy of the Diocese for commemoration in prayer; a letter from the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in Australia to the NSW Attorney-General concerning confession and mandatory reporting of child sexual offences; a directory of clergy and parishes; ‘Christian Morals and Values Shaping the Future of the Russian World’, a paper presented at a seminar in Germany in 2015; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Holy Week and Pascha in Newcastle, 2021 - 02/05/2021

This year, our parish again had a number of traditional services for Holy Week and PaschaMatins with the reading of the Twelve Passion Gospels was served in the evening on Thursday 29 April, Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ at midday on Friday 30 April, Matins with Lamentations before the Tomb of Christ in the evening on Friday 30 April, and Divine Liturgy in the morning on Saturday 1 May.  On Saturday evening we had an early Midnight Office and procession followed by Paschal Matins and the blessing of Easter baskets with cakes, eggs, and other festive foods.

The 2021 Paschal Epistle of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia - 01/05/2021

The 2021 Paschal Epistle of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia may be read in English here and in Russian hereAn extract: "From year to year, from century to century, from millennium to millennium, this thanksgiving triumphantly resounds throughout the world – resounds despite all temptations, hardships and ordeals. And it does not stop today, when the world is suffering from the baneful pestilence.  At these trying times it is particularly important to support those diseased and infirm, those grieving over the loss of their relatives and friends, those who have lost their livelihood, those who cannot come to church. Let us do what we can to help the afflicted, let us not walk with indifference past the people in need of our concern, attention and care".

The 2021 Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 01/05/2021

The 2021 Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, may be read in English here and in Russian hereAn extract: "Together, as we send up gratitude to God, Who has spared our souls from death, for the preservation of our life and the opportunity to spend the present highly-exalted days in church, we should not forsake those lessons that are given to us by current events. Let us not neglect the health measures implemented for staving off the coronavirus infection, as the Sacred Scriptures say: “before you fall ill, take care of your health” (Sirach 18:19). This means that precaution is itself a lifesaving medicine. Let us also not forsake prayer that the plague – which has distressed many with the fear of death – will pass, that the Lord, just as in the Old Testament, will relent “concerning the disaster” and say to the Angel who is afflicting us, "Enough! Withdraw your hand" (2 Samuel 24:16)".

Services on 24-25 April, Palm Sunday - 26/04/2021

On Saturday 24 April and Sunday 25 April we had services for Palm Sunday, the Sixth Sunday of Great Lent and the Great Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil, and five loaves and the blessing of palms and pussy-willows was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  Prior to the services our small church had been cleaned and beautifully decorated with palm branches.  On Sunday we were joined by friends from the Gosford parish for our largest service since the COVID-19 pandemic began.  Many of those present received Holy Communion. As 25 April was Anzac Day, the major day of commemoration in Australia of those fallen in war, Divine Liturgy was followed by a memorial litia for all Orthodox Christian soldiers, sailors, airmen and nurses who have fallen in the field of battle, and for all Orthodox Christians who have died in war.  A collection was then taken up to benefit the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jersualem, raising over $500.

Russian Orthodox Holy Week and Pascha in Newcastle, 2021 - 21/04/2021

Our parish will have Matins with the reading of the Twelve Gospels on Great Thursday, 29 April, at 6.00pm.  On Great Friday, 30 April, Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ will be served at 12.00pm and Matins with Lamentations before the Tomb of Christ will be served at 6.30pm.  On Great Saturday, 1 May, Hours, Typika and Vespers with Divine Liturgy will be served at 8.00am and an early Midnight Office with a procession and Paschal Matins will be served at 7.00pm.  Regrettably, we will have no services on Sunday 2 May.  For a number of other traditional Holy Week and Paschal services, our parish rector will be serving at Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, GosfordAttendance at services in both parishes is now open to all on the understanding that we are permitted a maximum of 65 people in church at any one time.

A General Service of Anointing with Oil - 21/04/2021

On the evening of Tuesday 20 April we had a General Service of Anointing with Oil.  Together with the parish rector, thirty of our parishioners gathered to pray and receive anointing with oil for the healing of soul and body.  For Orthodox Christians this service, otherwise served only for individuals who are grievously ill, is a customary part of Great Lent.

The April 2021 meeting of the Parish Council - 12/04/2021

On Monday 12 April the Parish Council met by teleconference.  The usual reports on parish life and finances were tabled and discussed and an update was given on our renovations and other proposed improvements to the parish facilities and grounds.  The arrangements for managing attendance at the Easter services were considered, together with plans for our patronal feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas on 21-22 May.  It was noted that the Ladies' Auxiliary, having received donations for this purpose, would be purchasing new blue and green covers for the altar table and icon stands.  The Parish Council is due to meet again in mid-May 2021.

Palm Sunday Collection for the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem - 11/04/2021

On Sunday 25 April our parish will take up a collection to benefit the Russian Eccelesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.  This collection is customarily taken up on this Sunday every year in all the parishes, monasteries and missions of our Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  Collection envelopes will be available in church from the evening of Saturday 24 April.  Many places of immense spiritual and historical significance in the Holy Land have been entrusted to the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission, and we have many monastics there who care for these holy places, undertake good works, and pray for the whole world.  The monastics there are in particular need of support at present as the coronavirus has halted the flow of pilgrims.  Those who wish to make a donation online direct to the Mission may do so via Paypal through the Mission's website.

Services on 24-25 April, Palm Sunday - 11/04/2021

On Saturday 24 April and Sunday 25 April we will have services for Palm Sunday, the Sixth Sunday of Great Lent and the Great Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil, and five loaves and the blessing of palms and pussy-willows will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  As 25 April is Anzac Day, Divine Liturgy will be followed by a litia for all Orthodox Christian soldiers, sailors and airmen who have died in war.  At the end of the services on Sunday, a collection will be taken up to benefit the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jersualem.

Services on 10-11 April, the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent - 11/04/2021

On Saturday 10 April and Sunday 11 April we had services for the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  As Saturday 10 April was a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins was preceded by a general panikhida during which prayers were offered for the newly-reposed Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (+9 April 2021), Russian Orthodox clergy victims of the coronavirus, the ever-memorable departed clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese, and our departed founders, benefactors, parishioners and relatives.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday the Prayer in time of Devastating Epidemic was read.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about Saint John of the Ladder and the significance of his life and work.

Services on 10-11 April, the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent - 28/03/2021

On Saturday 10 April and Sunday 11 April we will have services for the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  As Saturday 10 April is a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins will be preceded by a general panikhida at 5.00pm.

Services on 27-28 March, the Second Sunday of Great Lent - 28/03/2021

On Saturday 27 March and Sunday 28 March we had services for the Second Sunday of Great Lent.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  As Saturday 27 March was a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins was preceded by a general panikhida during which prayers were offered for the ever-memorable Emperor Paul I of Russia (+23 March 1801), Metropolitan Laurus (Shkurla) (+16 March 2008), Russian Orthodox clergy victims of the coronavirus, and our departed founders, benefactors, parishioners and relatives.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday the Prayer in time of Devastating Epidemic was read.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about Saint Gregory Palamas and his defence of the Orthodox Christian experience of God in prayer.  On Sunday a collection was taken up to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York.

The repose and funeral of Donald John ("Don") Sleaford - 26/03/2021

On Saturday 21 March the Mid North Coast Orthodox community learned with sadness of the repose of Donald John (“Don”) Sleaford after a grievous illness.  Don, who was born in the United Kingdom in February 1936, was received into the Orthodox Church in October 2020.  On Friday 12 March, the end of his earthly course drawing near, Don received the sacraments of Anointing with Oil and Holy Communion.  His funeral was served on Friday 26 March in the chapel at the Memorial Gardens in Everingham Lane, Frederickton.   We offer heartfelt condolences to Don’s wife, Liubov, and to his son Paul.  May God grant him rest where there is no more sickness or sorrow, but life everlasting!

A Pastoral Conference of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese - 19/03/2021

On Tuesday 30 March and Wednesday 31 March many of the clergymen of our Australian-New Zealand Diocese will gather in Sydney for their customary Great Lenten Pastoral Conference.  On Tuesday evening the clergy will meet at the church of All Saints of Russia, Croydon for the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion at 5.00pm and Lenten Matins and confession at 6.00pm.  On Wednesday morning from 8.00am the Hours and the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be served at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral, Strathfield, with Bishop George presiding and the clergy concelebrating.  Our parish rector Archpriest James Carles plans to attend.  Those of the faithful who wish to do so are welcome to attend the service on Wednesday morning and – if properly prepared – to receive Holy Communion.  Following Divine Liturgy the clergy will meet privately to discuss a range of pastoral, liturgical and administrative matters.

Diocesan-wide collection for the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville, NY - 16/03/2021

Each year on the First Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia take up a collection to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York. The Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is the main institution of higher education in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. This collection provides financial assistance to students, covering tuition, room and board. As this year we will not have Divine Liturgy on the First Sunday in Great Lent our collection will be taken up on Sunday 28 March, the Second Sunday in Great Lent. Collection envelopes will be available in church from the evening of Saturday 27 March. Please give generously!

Services on 27-28 March, the Second Sunday of Great Lent - 16/03/2021

On Saturday 27 March and Sunday 28 March we will have services for the Second Sunday of Great LentMatins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  As Saturday 27 March is a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins will be preceded by a general panikhida at 5.00pm, during which prayers will be offered for Emperor Paul I of Russia (+1801).  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday a collection will be taken up to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York.

Services on 13-14 March, the Sunday of Forgiveness - 16/03/2021

On Saturday 13 March and Sunday 14 March we had services for the Sunday of ForgivenessMatins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in time of Devastating Epidemic was read and the newly-baptised infant Gabriel Golovodovski received Holy Communion for the first time. In his sermon the parish rector spoke about forgiveness, the Lenten obedience of fasting and the approach to it set out in the Holy Scriptures, and Great Lent as a time to “lay up treasures in heaven” (Matthew 6:19-20).  Vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness was served immediately after Divine Liturgy.

Prayers to be offered on the anniversary of the assassination of Emperor Paul I of Russia (+1801) - 16/03/2021

Paul I (1754-1801) was Emperor of Russia from 1796 until his assassination on 24 March 1801.  Devoted to Russia and steadfast in the Orthodox faith from his childhood, he opposed the revolutionary and anti-religious currents that were then disturbing Europe.  During his brief reign he improved the circumstances of peasants, serfs and soldiers, and did much to aid the education and living conditions of the Orthodox clergy.  He was brutally murdered by members of the nobility and military leaders who resented his reforms.  Emperor Paul’s memory having long been revered by the Russian Orthodox Church, the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia has directed that prayers be offered in his memory on the Saturday closest to the two-hundred and twentieth anniversary of his assassination, Saturday 27 March.  In this parish he will be commemorated at the general panikhida to be served at 5.00pm that day.

Updated information concerning weddings in the Russian Orthodox Church - 13/03/2021

The information on this website concerning weddings in the Russian Orthodox Church has been updated to address modesty of attire and the visibility of tattoos and piercings during the wedding ceremony.  The updated information can be viewed here.  Any questions about this information should be directed to the parish rector.

Services on 27-28 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son - 28/02/2021

On Saturday 27 February and Sunday 28 February we had services for the Sunday of the Prodigal Son.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy the parish rector spoke about the willingness of our Heavenly Father to accept our repentance even though we, like the Prodigal Son, have been insolently wasteful with all that God has given us.  On Sunday a collection was taken up to benefit a Diocesan charitable organisation, Orthodox Action.

Services on 13-14 March, the Sunday of Forgiveness - 28/02/2021

On Saturday 13 March and Sunday 14 March we will have services for the Sunday of ForgivenessMatins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am.  Vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness will be served immediately after Divine Liturgy.

Our Autumn 2021 Schedule of Services - 25/02/2021

Our Autumn 2021 Schedule of Services - covering March, April and May 2021 - is now available in digital format.  It includes all our services for Great Lent, Holy Week, Pascha and our patronal feast of Saint Nicholas.  A copy of the English-language Autumn 2021 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Autumn 2021 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies will be available in church from the weekend of 27-28 February.

February 2021 collection for Orthodox Action - 20/02/2021

Each year in February the parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia take up a collection to assist the work of Orthodox Action, a charitable organisation that operates in Sydney and Melbourne under the auspices of the Diocese and the heavenly protection of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco.  Orthodox Action works to help the poor and needy, destitute children and orphanages in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union.  In 2021 our parish will take up this collection on Sunday 28 February.  Collection envelopes will be available in church from the evening of Saturday 27 February.  Please give generously!

Archpastoral Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, to the Clergy and Flock of the Eastern American and Australian-New Zealand Dioceses - 19/02/2021

On 18 February 2021 Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, published an Archpastoral Epistle to the Clergy and Flock of the Eastern American and Australian-New Zealand Dioceses.  The full text of the Epistle can be read in English here and in Russian hereAn extract: "Dear fathers, brothers, and sisters! Bowing reverently before the memory of the above-mentioned giants of the Russian Church, let us take an interest in their lives, labors, and legacies, and let us take up the “exhausting and difficult task” of working on ourselves during the approaching Great Lent. Let us augment our prayers and reading, and take care for the doing of good deeds, taking hold of ourselves and declaring war on our sinful habits. It is truly comforting to observe how, in preparation for this salvific time, full of the most beautiful and meaningful services of the Church year, the pandemic has begun to die down, quarantine measures are being relaxed, and the normal flow of life is gradually returning. Nevertheless, I call on the rectors of the parishes and monasteries to continue to act with careful circumspection, adhering to common sense, sanitary norms, and the regulations set by local authorities, taking the recommended precautionary measures as circumstances dictate, while the order of receiving Communion should remain unchanged. Manifestations of disobedience and "zeal not according to knowledge" (Romans 10:2) on these matters, as the pandemic has shown us, lead not only to outbreaks of sickness, but also to serious divisions among the people, to say nothing of every manner of other temptations. Therefore, obey readily and without complaint the directives of the Hierarchy and local governments, which in the present circumstances are being undertaken precisely for our benefit. Calling on God’s aid, let us also call on doctors and medics to offer assistance in the parishes, remembering the words of the most wise Sirach: "the Lord hath created the physician… and medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them" (Sirach 38:1,4). The great luminaries of Christ’s Church respected doctors and medical science. The Holy Hierarch Basil the Great says, “Humanity is the regular business of all you who practice as physicians… for health we are dependent on your skill” (Letter to Eustathius the Physician). In his Letter to Olympias, the Holy Hierarch John Chrysostom asks for remedy for himself, and counsels others to make use of the aid of physicians and medicines".

Services on 13-14 February, the Thirty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 14/02/2021

On Saturday 13 February and Sunday 14 February we had services for the Thirty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Zaccheus Sunday; the Forefeast of the Great Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple; and in honour of Martyr Tryphon (+250 AD).   Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  Prayers for deliverance from the coronavirus were offered at Divine Liturgy.  In his sermon on Sunday the parish rector spoke about Zaccheus (Luke 19:1-9) as a model of repentance and on the importance of allowing the possibility of repentance in others, no matter their way of life.

Services on 27-28 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son - 14/02/2021

On Saturday 27 February and Sunday 28 February we will have services for the Sunday of the Prodigal SonMatins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 8.30am on Sunday.  Following Divine Liturgy a collection will be taken up to benefit Orthodox Action.

A pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast - 24/01/2021

With the blessing of Bishop George, our parish rector will be making a sixth pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast on the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 30-31 January. A new home will be blessed near Port Macquarie on Saturday, and on Sunday, the Thirty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Saints Athanasius the Great (+373 AD) and Cyril (+444 AD), archbishops of Alexandria, Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water will be served in Barraganyatti. The Russian Orthodox community on the Mid North Coast is under the heavenly protection of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye. Those interested are welcome to contact us.

Services on 13-14 February, the Thirty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 24/01/2021

On Saturday 13 February and Sunday 14 February we will have services for the Thirty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Zaccheus Sunday; the Forefeast of the Great Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple; and in honour of Martyr Tryphon (+250 AD).   Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy  will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.  Provided numbers in church do not exceed 65, all are welcome to attend.

Services on 23-24 January, the Sunday after Theophany - 24/01/2021

On Saturday 23 January and Sunday 24 January we had services for the Thirty-Third Sunday after Pentecost and for the Sunday after Theophany.   Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water was served on Sunday morning.  Following the blessing of water a moleben with prayers of thanksgiving was served for the founders, benefactors and parishioners of the former Theophany church (1994-2009), all of whom joined our parish in 2009.

Services on 9-10 January, the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ - 10/01/2021

On Saturday 9 January and Sunday 10 January we had services for the Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost and for the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  In place of a sermon at Divine Liturgy, the parish rector read aloud the Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.

Services on 23-24 January, the Sunday after Theophany - 10/01/2021

On Saturday 23 January and Sunday 24 January we will have services for the Thirty-Third Sunday after Pentecost and for the Sunday after Theophany.   Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.  Provided numbers in church do not exceed 65, all are welcome to attend.

The funeral and burial of Anna Pavlovna Morhun - 05/01/2021

On Tuesday 5 January, our parish rector served the funeral of 97-year-old Anna Morhun, our long serving Head Sister and a tireless worker for our church.  In view of concern about the COVID-19 pandemic, the funeral was a small gathering of close family and friends.  Following the service, the newly reposed Anna was laid to rest in Sandgate Cemetery beside her beloved husband Ivan (+1998).

Now available - the December 2020 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 31/12/2020

The December 2020 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, has recently become available in our parishes. This edition commemorates the centenary of the foundation, in 1920, of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, and is in a beautiful new format that includes colour photographs and QR codes with links to further information.  Content includes details of ordinations, clergy awards, and appointments; reports on feast-day celebrations in Geelong and at the Kazan Convent in Kentlyn, NSW; an extensive report marking the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of Saint John the Baptist Skete in Kentlyn, together with an appeals for funds to assist with the rebuilding of the skete; an obituary of His Holiness Irenej, Patriarch of Serbia, who reposed this year as a result of the coronavirus; the Jubilee Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion; a beautiful colour reproduction of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God, suitable for framing; materials on globalisation from the perspective of the Russian Orthodox Church; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

2020 - The year in review - 31/12/2020

For us as for everyone, 2020 was dominated by the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 and the public health measures implemented to manage it.  Our parish had no services from Monday 23 March until Thursday 21 May and restrictions on attendance were in place from Saturday 21 March until the end of the year.  We had four baptisms: Thea Yakimov, Timothy Martin, and Sophia and Katie Edwards.  Funerals were served for Nicholas Markatcheff and Olga Osadczuk.  Our long-serving Head Sister, Anna Pavlova Morhun, departed this lifeLitanies and prayers were offered to mark the Centenary of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, and together with the Gosford parish we provided an English-Russian wall calendar commemorating this milestone in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church.  Our website provided information to help with the planning of weddings and instructive material about Sunday commemorations and readings, certain Great Feasts, and the system of tones used for singing in the Russian Orthodox Church.  The extension to our sanctuary was effectively completed and work to renovate the sacristy commenced.  Our beautiful new icon case was received and blessed, and we purchased a set of new white vestments for our church.  Our parish rector made pastoral visits to the Mid North Coast of New South Wales in August and November.  All the news from 2020 can be read here.  Glory be to God for all things!

Services on 9-10 January, the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ - 27/12/2020

On Saturday 9 January and Sunday 10 January we will have services for the Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost and for the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ.   Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.  Provided numbers in church do not exceed 65, all are welcome to attend.

Services on 26-27 December, the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost - 27/12/2020

On Saturday 26 December and Sunday 27 December we had services for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Forefathers, the ancestors of Christ according to the flesh and all the great fathers, mothers and prophets of the Old Testament.   Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  Following Divine Liturgy a memorial litia was served for the newly-reposed handmaiden of God Anna and for Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, Metropolitan Amfilohije (Radovic) of Montenegro and the Littoral, and more than one hundred hierarchs and clergymen of the Russian Orthodox Church who have departed this life in 2020 as a result of the coronavirus.  A comprehensive list of the departed clergy is available in Russian here, and a shorter list in English that includes monastics is available here.  These were our final services for 2020.

The repose of Anna Pavlovna Morhun - 21/12/2020

Updated: On Monday 21 December we learned with deep sadness of the repose, early that morning, of Anna Pavlovna Morhun.  Anna Pavlovna was active in the life of our parish from the time of its foundation in 1952.  She was a member of the Parish Council and active in the Ladies' Auxiliary for most of that period, filling the role of Head Sister for over fifty years.  She continued to be actively involved in church life well into her nineties, cooking, cleaning the church, and changing the vestments.  She received a gramota from Archbishop Sava (Raevsky) in 1964, a medal from then Archbishop Hilarion in 1998 on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the establishment of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese, and in 2017 Bishop George awarded her the prestigious Diocesan Cross.  May God grant this good and faithful servant of our parish rest with the saints, and make her memory to be eternal!  

Services on 18-19 December, the day of commemoration of Saint Nicholas - 19/12/2020

On Friday 18 December and Saturday 19 December we had services in honour of Saint Nicholas, the Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia.  All-night vigil was served on Friday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Saturday morning.  Immediately after Divine Liturgy a moleben was served to Saint Nicholas, following which the parish rector congratulated two parish members on their name-day: our warden, Nikolai Goura, and Parish Council member Dean (Nicholas) Crawford.  Many years was then sung for them both.  This commemoration of Saint Nicholas is the "lesser" patronal feast of our church, the main feast-day for us being that of the Translation of the relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra to Bari, commemorated on 22 May. 

Services on 26-27 December, the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost - 13/12/2020

On Saturday 26 December and Sunday 27 December we will have services for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Forefathers, the ancestors of Christ according to the flesh and all the great fathers, mothers and prophets of the Old Testament.   Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.  As this will be the final service of 2020, a memorial litia will be served following Divine Liturgy for the clergy and monastics who have departed this life during 2020 as a result of the coronavirusProvided numbers in church do not exceed 65, all are welcome to attend.

Services on 18-19 December, the day of commemoration of Saint Nicholas - 13/12/2020

On Friday 18 December and Saturday 19 December we will have services in honour of Saint Nicholas, the Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia.   This is the "lesser" patronal feast of our church, the main feast-day for us being that of the Translation of the relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra to Bari, commemorated on 22 May.  All-night vigil will be served at 6.00pm on Friday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Saturday morning.  A brief moleben to Saint Nicholas will follow Divine Liturgy.  Provided numbers in church do not exceed 65, all are welcome to attend.

Services on 12-13 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 13/12/2020

On Saturday 12 December and Sunday 13 December we had services for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called.   Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday the parish rector spoke about Christ's healing of the infirm woman on the Sabbath (Luke 13:10-17) and the importance of not weaponising spiritual disciplines against one another, and about the life and Christian example of the Holy Apostle Andrew.  As from 7 December we were allowed 65 people in church, these were the first services since the beginning of March at which attendance was essentially unrestricted.

A fifth pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast - 29/11/2020

With the blessing of Bishop George, on Saturday 28 November and Sunday 29 November our parish rector undertook a further pastoral visit to the Mid North Coast of New South Wales. On Saturday Evan Cotton was baptised, and on Sunday, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and the commemoration of the Apostle and Evangelist Matthew, Divine Liturgy was served in Boambee, a suburb of Coffs Harbour, in a temporary chapel at the home of Ashish Sinha and Evgenia Biryukova. At Divine Liturgy the newly-baptised Evan received Holy Communion for the first time, and in place of a sermon the parish rector read aloud the Jubilee Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia

Our Summer 2020-21 Schedule of Services - 22/11/2020

Our Summer 2020-21 Schedule of Services - covering December, January and February - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Summer 2020-21 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Summer 2020-21 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies in both languages are available in church as of Sunday 22 November. UPDATED 4 December 2020:  From Monday 7 December 2020 attendance numbers at religious services in New South Wales are subject to the two square metre rule.  We are permitted 65 people because the total area of our church and choir loft is approximately 130 squares metres. As no more than 50 people generally attend services in our parish, restrictions have effectively been lifted for all but the very largest services.  None of the services in the current schedule are expected to have more than 65 people in attendance.

Services on 12-13 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 22/11/2020

On Saturday 12 December and Sunday 13 December we will have services for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called.   Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.  Updated 4 December 2020:  From Monday 7 December 2020 attendance numbers at religious services in New South Wales are subject to the two square metre rule.  We are permitted 65 people because the total area of our church and choir loft is approximately 130 squares metres. As no more than 50 people generally attend services in our parish, restrictions have effectively been lifted for all but the very largest services.  This means that there is no need to await an invitation to this service.  In addition, the wearing of masks is no longer recommended in churches such as ours where there is no congregational singing.

Services on 21-22 November, the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 22/11/2020

On Saturday 21 November and Sunday 22 November we had services for the for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Martyrs Onesiphorus and Porphyrius of Ephesus (+3rd-4th C. AD) and Venerable Matrona of Constantinople (+492 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  As 22 November was the anniversary of the repose of the founder of our parish, the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish (+1977), former parishioners of Father John gathered for a panikhida prior to Matins on Saturday evening.  Serving together with the parish rector at Matins and Divine Liturgy was Protodeacon German Polorotov, a cleric of Saint Ksenia of St Petersburg Russian Orthodox Church in Tweed Heads, NSW.  Attendance at both services was restricted by public health regulations to thirty people.   At Divine Liturgy on Sunday Father John was commemorated at the Great Entrance, and in place of a sermon the parish rector read aloud the Jubilee Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

A pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast - 15/11/2020

With the blessing of Bishop George, our parish rector will be making a fifth pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast on the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 28-29 December. There will be an adult baptism on the Saturday, and on Sunday, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Apostle and Evangelist Matthew, Divine Liturgy will be served in Coffs Harbour. The Russian Orthodox community on the Mid North Coast is under the heavenly protection of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye. Those interested are welcome to contact us.  It is hoped that in 2021 there will be services on the Mid North Coast in January, May, August and October.

Our 2020 Annual Report - 15/11/2020

Our 2020 Annual Report, including the independently audited 2019-20 Financial Statements, is now available. A copy of the report can be accessed in PDF form here.  In view of ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, and with Bishop George’s blessing, there will be no parish Annual General Meeting this year.  Instead, the 2020 Annual Report was endorsed by the Parish Council at a meeting on Monday 2 November 2020.  We encourage our parishioners and friends with questions or comments in relation to our Annual Report to contact us.

Services on 21-22 November, the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 08/11/2020

On Saturday 21 November and Sunday 22 November we will have services for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Martyrs Onesiphorus and Porphyrius of Ephesus (+3rd-4th C. AD) and Venerable Matrona of Constantinople (+492 AD).   Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.  As 22 November is the anniversary of the repose of the founder of our parish, the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish (+1977), a panikhida will be served at 5.00pm on Saturday evening.  It is important to note that attendance at Divine Liturgy on Sunday is by invitation only.  Provided that numbers do not exceed 30, attendance at the Saturday evening services is open to all who wish to attend.  The NSW Department of Health recommendation that face masks be worn in places of religious worship should be noted.

Services on 7-8 November, the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - 08/11/2020

On Saturday 7 November and Sunday 8 November we had services for the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost, in honour of Great-Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica (+306 AD), and in memory of the great and dreadful earthquake in Constantinople in 740 AD that caused much death and destruction. Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  As this Saturday was Saint Demetrius Saturday, a day of commemoration of the departed, a general panikhida was served before Matins.  At the panikhida, in accordance with the instructions of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, we commemorated their Beatitudes the ever-memorable Metropolitans Anthony and Anastassy; the Metropolitans Philaret, Vitaly and Laurus; our ever-memorable Diocesan hierarchs Archbishops Theodore, Savva, Theodosy, Afanasy, and Paul; all those who for Christ and the Russian Church laboured in divers lands, and the other archpastors, pastors, founders and benefactors of the Russian Diaspora; the elect sons and daughters of the Church of Russia, who faithfully struggled for her unity, good estate and honour in the realms of piety, blessedness, governance, the protection of the persecuted and the veneration of the New Martyrs and Confessors; all our righteous ancestors, for their peaceful repose and blessed memory; and the clergy and monastics of the Russian Orthodox Church who have departed this life as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.  Attendance at the services was restricted by public health regulations to thirty people.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy the parish rector spoke about the history of the earthquake in 740 AD, about how the people of Constantinople responded to it with repentance, and how the experience of the Christian people throughout the ages is woven into the liturgical life of the Orthodox Church.

Services on 7-8 November, the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - 25/10/2020

On Saturday 7 November and Sunday 8 November we will have services for the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost, in honour of Great-Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica (+306 AD), and in memory of the great and dreadful earthquake in Constantinople in 740 AD that caused much death and destruction.   Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.  As this Saturday is a day of commemoration of the departed, Saint Demetrius Saturday, a general panikhida will be served at 5.00pm.  It is important to note that attendance at Divine Liturgy on Sunday is by invitation only.  Provided that numbers do not exceed 30, attendance at the Saturday evening services is open to all who wish to attend.  The NSW Department of Health recommendation that face masks be worn in places of religious worship should be noted.

Services on 24-25 October, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - 25/10/2020

On Saturday 24 October and Sunday 25 October we had services for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  Attendance at both services was restricted by public health regulations to thirty people.   In his sermon at Divine Liturgy the parish rector spoke about the Seventh Ecumenical Council, the work of the Holy Fathers who participated in it, and the importance of sacred images to our Orthodox faith and life.

Services on 10-11 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 11/10/2020

On Saturday 10 October and Sunday 11 October we had services for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint Chariton the Confessor (+c.350 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning. Attendance at both services was restricted by public health regulations to thirty people.  In anticipation of the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God on Wednesday 14 October, Divine Liturgy was preceded by the Lesser Blessing of Water and followed by a moleben to the Mother of God.  The moleben was served before our new icon of the Mother of God, after which prayers of blessing were read over the icon and new white vestments for the Divine Table, the Table of Oblation, and the icon stands.  The parish rector then congratulated Matushka Marie with the approach of her name-day (12 October, Saint Mary of Palestine), thanking her for her work conducting the choir, baking prosphora, and organising attendance in both our parish and the Gosford parish.  Many Years was sung for her, and Head Sister Irene Lupish presented her with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.  Updated 16 October 2020: Following the service, local historian Alek Schulha, a dear friend of our parish, drew the winning ticket in a fundraising raffle organised by the parish Ladies' Auxiliary that raised over $2000.00.

Services on 24-25 October, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - 11/10/2020

On Saturday 24 October and Sunday 25 October we will have services for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council.   Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.  It is important to note that attendance at Divine Liturgy on Sunday is by invitation only.  Provided that numbers do not exceed 30, attendance at the Saturday evening service is open to all who wish to attend.  The NSW Department of Health recommendation that face masks be worn in places of religious worship should be noted.

Now available - the September 2020 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/10/2020

The September 2020 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, has recently become available in our parishes. As usual, it contains a number of interesting articles in both Russian and English. This issue includes the Russian-language text of the Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion on the fiftieth anniversary of the canonisation of Saint Herman of Alaska; the Russian and English texts of the Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion to Participants in ROCOR Centenary celebrations in Sydney in July 2020 organised by the Two-Headed Eagle Society; the text of episcopal circulars and decrees; a ‘Homily on the Veneration of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross’ by Saint Theodore the Studite; a moving article by Matushka Karen Baker reflecting on the coronavirus pandemic and on the death of her husband in a motor vehicle accident, leaving her a young widow with six children; and others.  Copies are $5.00.

Services on 10-11 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 27/09/2020

On Saturday 10 October and Sunday 11 October we will have services for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint Chariton (+c.350 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.  In anticipation of the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God on Wednesday 14 October, Divine Liturgy will be preceded by the Lesser Blessing of Water at 8.15am and followed by a moleben to the Mother of God.  It is important to note that attendance at Divine Liturgy on Sunday is by invitation only.  Provided that numbers do not exceed 30, attendance at the Saturday evening service is open to all who wish to attend.  The NSW Department of Health recommendation that face masks be worn in places of religious worship should be notedUpdate, 6 October 2020: Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday we will read prayers of blessing over new white vestments for the Divine Table, the Table of Oblation, and the icon stands, and over the icons in a new icon-case.

Services on 26-27 September, the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross - 27/09/2020

On Saturday 26 September and Sunday 27 September, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, we had services for the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves and the bringing out of the Cross was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  Attendance at the services remained restricted by public health regulations to a total of thirty people.

Services on 12-13 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 13/09/2020

On Saturday 12 September and Sunday 13 September we had services for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Right-believing Prince Peter and Princess Febronia (+1228 AD), Wonderworkers of Murom, and exemplars of love, faithfulness and family life.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served at on Sunday morning. Attendance at both services was restricted by public health regulations to thirty people. At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in Time of Epidemic was offered.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon a moleben to Saints Peter and Febronia was served at which all the married couples in our parish were commemorated by name.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the lives of these saints, their example of love and faithfulness, and the help given through their prayers.

Services on 26-27 September, the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross - 13/09/2020

On Saturday 26 September and Sunday 27 September, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, we will have services for the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.  As this is a Great Feast of the Lord the usual Resurrection service is set aside.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves and the bringing out of the Cross will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.  It is important to note that attendance at Divine Liturgy on Sunday is by invitation only.  Provided that numbers do not exceed 30, attendance at the Saturday evening service is open to all who wish to attend.  The NSW Department of Health recommendation that face masks be worn in places of religious worship should be noted.

A fourth pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast - 30/08/2020

With the blessing of Bishop George, on Saturday 29 August and Sunday 30 August our parish rector undertook a further pastoral visit to the Mid North Coast of New South Wales. On Sunday morning, the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost and the Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, Divine Liturgy was served in Barraganyatti in a temporary chapel at the home of Evan and Katerina Cotten.  This was the first service on the Mid North Coast for 2020, planned services in March and May having been postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic

Services on 27-28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 28/08/2020

On Thursday 27 August and Friday 28 August we had services for the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Thursday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Friday morning.  As it was 71 years to the day since the first Russian Orthodox services in the Hunter Valley, served in the Anglican Chapel at the Greta Migrant Camp by Archpriest John Lupish, a prayer of thanksgiving was offered at Divine Liturgy.  Placed in our church for veneration at these services was a very old hand-painted copy of the wonderworking Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God.  This copy, painted in Russia and later taken to China before coming to Australia, was badly burned many years ago but has since, through the grace of God, wondrously restored. The icon belongs to the Erzikoff family who, in an act of great kindness, permitted us to have it in our parish on this day.

Services on 12-13 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 28/08/2020

On Saturday 12 September and Sunday 13 September we will have services for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Right-believing Prince Peter and Princess Febronia (+1228 AD), Wonderworkers of Murom, and exemplars of love, faithfulness and family life.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  At the end of Divine Liturgy, a moleben to Saints Peter and Febronia will be served.  It is important to note that attendance at Divine Liturgy on Sunday is by invitation only.  Provided that numbers do not exceed 30, attendance at the Saturday evening service is open to all who wish to attend.  The NSW Department of Health recommendation that face masks be worn in places of religious worship should be noted.

Services on 22-23 August, the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost - 23/08/2020

On Saturday 22 August and Sunday 23 August we had services for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Archdeacon and Martyr Lawrence (+258 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served at on Sunday morning. Attendance at both services was restricted by public health regulations to thirty people. At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in Time of Epidemic was offered.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon there was a blessing of honey that was afterwards distributed to those present.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:23-25, the appointed reading from the Holy Gospel) and the importance of showing to others the same generous mercy we have received from God.

A pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast - 22/08/2020

With the blessing of Bishop George, our parish rector will be making a pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast on the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 29-30 August. On Sunday, the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost and the Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, Divine Liturgy will be served in Baraganyatti, a small town approximately 75 kilometres north of Port Macquarie. In view of ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, attendance at Divine Liturgy will be by invitation only.  God willing, a Russian Orthodox mission under the heavenly protection of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye will soon be formally established in the area. Those interested are welcome to contact us.

A memorial service at Greta Cemetery on the seventy-first anniversary of the first Orthodox burial there - 22/08/2020

On 23 August 1949, just four days after his arrival in Australia, Archpriest John Lupish served the funeral of one year-old Irene Solomko. She was then laid to rest in the Greta Cemetery together with a number of other infants who died in an epidemic of measles that swept through the Greta Migrant Camp at that time.   Father John would preside at five more burials at Greta: Wsewolod (Vsevelod) Shipilow (+1949, a boy of 18 months), Larisa Klebakin (+1950), Lydia Elagin (+1956), Alexander Melnik (+1970) and Ivan Elagin (+1977).  Since 2015 a general memorial service has been held in the Greta Cemetery each year on the Saturday closest to the anniversary of that first burial.  This year’s memorial service was held on Saturday 22 August.  Joining our parish rector for the service on a cold and windy morning were Alek Schulha, author of ‘Beneath the Shadows of Mount Molly Morgan: History and Stories of Greta Camp 1939-1960’; Alek’s wife, Lee Schulha; George Solomko, one of the younger brothers of Irene; George’s daughter Lara Sullivan; Volodymyr Udovenko; Anna Katonin; and John Armstrong.  Prayers were offered for the repose of the ever-memorable Archpriest John (+1977), his matushka Maria (+1979), for the child Irene, and all those Orthodox Christians buried in the Greta Cemetery.  May their memory be eternal!

Our Spring 2020 Schedule of Services - 18/08/2020

Our Spring 2020 Schedule of Services - covering September, October and November - is now available in PDF format.  Services of note during this period include those for Saints Peter and Fevronia on 12-13 September, for the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross on 26-27 September, and on the anniversary of the repose of our parish founder, the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish, on 21-22 November.  A copy of the English-language Spring 2020 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Spring 2020 Schedule of Services is available hereNOTE: As of 1 June 2020, the number of people able to be present at all services in our church is restricted by New South Wales Government public health orders to thirty (30).  In view of this, attendance at Sunday services will be by invitation only.  As attendance at evening services is generally low these services are open to all who wish to attend.  The NSW Department of Health recommendation that face masks be worn in places of religious worship should be noted.

Services on 1-2 August, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost - 02/08/2020

On Saturday 1 August and Sunday 2 August we had services for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Prophet Elias (+9th Century BC).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served at on Sunday morning. Attendance at both services was restricted by public health regulations to thirty people. At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in Time of Epidemic was offered.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the instructions given by the Apostles Paul and James in the two appointed readings (1 Corinthians 1:10-18 and James 5:10-20): avoiding division in the life of the Church, being patient in suffering, praying in times of trouble, seeking anointing when sick, and confessing one’s sins.

Services on 27-28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 02/08/2020

On Thursday 27 August and Friday 28 August we will have services for the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Thursday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Friday.  On this day it will be 71 years since the first Russian Orthodox services in the Hunter Valley, served in the Anglican Chapel at the Greta Migrant Camp just nine days after the arrival in Newcastle from Europe of Archpriest John Lupish and his family.  Provided that numbers do not exceed 30, attendance at the Thursday evening service is open to all who wish to attend.  Those wishing to attend Divine Liturgy on Friday should register by emailing  The NSW Department of Health recommendation that face masks be worn in places of religious worship should be noted.

A memorial service at Greta Cemetery on the seventy-first anniversary of the first Orthodox burial there - 02/08/2020

Just four days after his arrival in Australia on 19 August 1949, seventy-one years ago this year, Archpriest John Lupish served the funeral of one year-old Irene Solomko. The child Irene died in an epidemic of measles and broncho-pneumonia that swept through the Greta Migrant Camp that year and was laid to rest in the Greta Cemetery.  Father John later presided at five more burials at Greta: that of another child, Vsevelod Shinilov (+1949), Larisa Klebakin (+1950), Lydia Elagin (+1956), Alexander Melnikov (+1970) and Ivan Elagin (+1977).  In 2015 it was resolved that a memorial service would be held at Greta Cemetery each year on the closest convenient Saturday to the anniversary of Irene Solomko's burial.  This year, the memorial service will be held on Saturday 22 August at 11.00am.  At the service prayers will be offered for the repose of the ever-memorable Archpriest John (+1977), his matushka Maria (+1979), and all those Orthodox Christians buried in the Greta Cemetery.  Kutiya, the sweet grain dish customarily prepared for Orthodox services for the departed, will be blessed and shared.

Services on 22-23 August, the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost - 02/08/2020

UPDATED 8 August: On Saturday 22 August and Sunday 23 August we will have services for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Archdeacon and Martyr Lawrence (+258 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  It is important to note that attendance at Divine Liturgy on Sunday is by invitation only.  Provided that numbers do not exceed 30, attendance at the Saturday evening service is open to all who wish to attend.  The NSW Department of Health recommendation that face masks be worn in places of religious worship should be noted.

Useful information about when weddings can be celebrated, together with a list of available dates in 2020, 2021 and 2022 - 01/08/2020

In conjunction with Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford, our parish has developed and published an explanation of the reasons why weddings cannot be celebrated on certain days and dates and during certain seasons. It incorporates a list of Sundays and Fridays on which weddings can be celebrated that has now been updated to include Sundays and Fridays in 2021 and 2022.  This information, which can be accessed either here or via our Needs page under Weddings, has been prepared to help our parishioners and friends when planning weddings in parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. Should anyone have any questions about this information, please contact us.

Services on 1-2 August, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost - 26/07/2020

On Saturday 1 August and Sunday 2 August we will have services for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Prophet Elias (+9th Century BC).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  It is important to note that attendance at Divine Liturgy on Sunday is by invitation only.  Provided that numbers do not exceed 30, attendance at the Saturday evening service is open to all who wish to attend.

Services on 25-26 July, the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 26/07/2020

On Saturday 25 July and Sunday 26 July we had services for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served at on Sunday morning. Attendance at both services was restricted by public health regulations to thirty people. At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in Time of Epidemic was offered.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the history and significance of the Ecumenical Councils and of the importance of focusing on eternal rather than passing truths.

Services on 11-12 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 12/07/2020

On Saturday 11 July and Sunday 12 July we had services for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Preёminent Apostles Peter and Paul.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in Time of Epidemic was offered.  Attendance at both services was restricted by public health regulations to thirty people.

Services on 25-26 July, the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 12/07/2020

On Saturday 25 July and Sunday 26 July, we will have services for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  It is important to note that attendance at Divine Liturgy on Sunday is by invitation only.  Provided that numbers do not exceed 30, attendance at the Saturday evening service is open to all who wish to attend.

Services on 11-12 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 28/06/2020

On Saturday 11 July and Sunday 12 July, we will have services for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Preёminent Apostles Peter and Paul.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  It is important to note that attendance at Divine Liturgy on Sunday is by invitation only.  Provided that numbers do not exceed 30, attendance at the Saturday evening service is open to all who wish to attend.

Services on 27-28 June, the Third Sunday after Pentecost - 28/06/2020

On Saturday 27 June and Sunday 28 June we had services for the Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow and Wonderworker of All Russia (+1461 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in Time of Epidemic was offered and the Archpastoral Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion to the Clergy and Flock of the Dioceses of Eastern American and Australia & New Zealand was read in place of a sermon. Attendance at both services was restricted by public health regulations to thirty people.

Services on 13-14 June, the First Sunday after Pentecost - 14/06/2020

On Saturday 13 June and Sunday 14 June we had services for the First Sunday after Pentecost, the day of commemoration of All Saints. Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in Time of Epidemic was offered. Attendance at both services was restricted by public health regulations to thirty people.

Services on 27-28 June, the Third Sunday after Pentecost - 14/06/2020

On Saturday 27 June and Sunday 28 June we will have services for the Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow and Wonderworker of All Russia (+1461 AD). Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  It is important to note that attendance at Divine Liturgy on Sunday is by invitation only.  Provided that numbers do not exceed 30, attendance at the Saturday evening service is open to all who wish to attend.

Services on 13-14 June, the First Sunday after Pentecost - 06/06/2020

On Saturday 13 June and Sunday 14 June we will have services for the First Sunday after Pentecost, the day of commemoration of All Saints. Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  As the Sunday of All Saints is the Day of Youth of the Russian Church Abroad, special prayers will be offered for our children and young people.

Our Winter 2020 Schedule of Services - 01/06/2020

Our Winter 2020 Schedule of Services - covering June, July and August - is now available in PDF format.  Services of note during this period include those for Saints Peter and Paul on 11-12 July and the Dormition of the Mother of God on 27-28 August.  A copy of the English-language Winter 2020 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Winter 2020 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies in both languages will be available in church as of 13-14 June.  NOTE: As of 1 June 2020, the number of people able to be present at all services in our church is restricted by New South Wales Government public health orders to thirty (30).  In view of this, attendance at Sunday services will be by invitation only.  Those wishing to attend specific weekday Divine Liturgies should express interest in doing so by emailing  As attendance at evening services is generally low these services are open to all who wish to attend.

Services on 23-24 May, the Sixth Sunday of Pascha - 24/05/2020

On Saturday 23 May and Sunday 24 May we had services for the Sixth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Blind Man, and in honour of Saints Methodius and Kirill, teachers of the Slavs.  This Sunday is so named because the appointed reading from the Holy Gospel gives an account of the healing of the man blind from birth (John 9:1-38).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in Time of Epidemic was offered. Once again, attendance was restricted by public health regulations to ten people in addition to essential workers. 

Services on 21-22 May, the Feast of the translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 22/05/2020

On Thursday 21 May and Thursday 22 May we had services for the feast-day of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia, modern-day Turkey, to Bari in Italy.  These were our first services since 21-22 March, the Third Sunday in Great Lent, and attendance was restricted by public health regulations to ten people in addition to essential workers.  On Thursday evening All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served.  As this feast-day of Saint Nicholas is the patronal feast of our parish, the customary blessing of water was served early on Friday morning.  A significant number of those present received Holy Communion.  A moleben to Saint Nicholas was served immediately after Divine Liturgy, following which the usual prayers were offered for the Patriarch and the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Australian and Russian lands, parish office-bearers, the people present, and for our departed founders and parishioners.

Services on 23-24 May, the Sixth Sunday of Pascha - 16/05/2020

On Saturday 23 May and Sunday 24 May we will have services for the Sixth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Blind Man.  This Sunday is so named because the appointed reading from the Holy Gospel gives an account of the healing of the man blind from birth (John 9:1-38).  On this day the Russian Orthodox Church also keeps the memory of Saints Methodius and Kirill, teachers of the Slavs.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday. In accordance with the directions of the civil authorities, attendance will be limited to ten people present in addition to the clergy, servers, singers and helpers necessary for the orderly conduct of the services.  Those wishing to attend must advise us of their interest by email so that places can be allocated.  Only those who are well and willing to formally register their attendance will be considered.

Services on 21-22 May, the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 16/05/2020

On Thursday 21 May and Friday 22 May we will have services in commemoration of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, in 1087 AD.  This is the patronal feast-day of our church.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Thursday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Friday. Divine Liturgy on Friday will be preceded by the Lesser Blessing of Water at 8.15am and followed by a moleben to Saint Nicholas.  In accordance with the directions of the civil authorities, attendance will be limited to ten people present in addition to the clergy, servers, singers and helpers necessary for the orderly conduct of the services.  Attendance at these services will be arranged in advance and our church remains closed for public services.

The May 2020 meeting of the Parish Council - 13/05/2020

On Wednesday 13 May the Parish Council met by teleconference.  Particular attention was given to the COVID-19 crisis, its impact on all aspects of parish life, and the possibility of recommencing open-door services, albeit with restricted numbers, from 15 May.  After some discussion during which the difficulty of restricting attendance was discussed, it was agreed that services with ten worshippers present, in addition to essential workers, would begin as of 21-22 May, the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas and the patronal feast of our parish.  The Parish Council is due to meet again on Monday 22 June.

Now available - the April 2020 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 28/04/2020

The April 2020 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, has recently become available in our parishes. As usual, it contains a number of interesting articles in both Russian and English. This issue includes the Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion in Russian and English; “Домашнее Богослужение Воскресного Дня”; “How Saint Valentina of Minsk helped during the Great Patriotic War”; the text of episcopal statements, letters and decrees; materials relating to the coronavirus pandemic; and a directory of Diocesan parishes and clergy.  Copies are $5.00.  During the period in which our church is closed, we will post a copy to any of our parishioners who would like one.

Services on 26 April, Thomas Sunday - 26/04/2020

On Sunday 26 April, Thomas Sunday, our parish rector served behind closed doors in the Gosford parish.  Thomas Sunday is so named because the appointed reading from the Gospel (John 20:19-31) gives an account of the initial unbelief and subsequent confession of faith of the Apostle Thomas.  At Divine Liturgy all the commemoration books of our parish were read.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon the prayer at the breaking of the Artos was read and the artosi for both our parish and the Gosford parish were cut for distribution.  The pieces of the artos have been frozen and will be distributed when the churches reopen.  Following Divine Liturgy a general pannikhida was served in anticipation of Radonitsa (the "Day of Rejoicing"), a commemoration of the departed that in the Russian Orthodox tradition is customarily observed on the second Tuesday after Pascha.  In accordance with the instructions of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia we commemorated their Beatitudes the ever-memorable Metropolitans Anthony and Anastassy; Metropolitans Philaret, Vitaly and Laurus; our ever-memorable Diocesan hierarchs Archbishops Theodore, Savva, Theodosy, Afanasy, and Paul; the departed clergy of our Diocese; all those who for Christ and the Russian Church laboured in divers lands, and the other archpastors, pastors, founders and benefactors of the Russian Diaspora; for the elect sons and daughters of the Church of Russia, who faithfully struggled for her unity, good estate and honour in the realms of piety, blessedness, governance, the protection of the persecuted and the veneration of the New Martyrs and Confessors; for all our righteous ancestors, and for their peaceful repose and blessed memory.  At this service the names of the departed in all the commemoration books of our parish and the Gosford parish were read.

The funeral of Nicholas Markatcheff - 23/04/2020

On 23 April, Bright Thursday, our parish rector served the graveside funeral of 96 year-old Nicholas Markatcheff. Nicholas, who was born in Harbin, China, in May 1923, departed this life on Bright Monday. His funeral was served in Wallsend Cemetery according to the Paschal rite. We offer heartfelt condolences to Nicholas’ son Simon and his family. May God grant him rest!

No services to be held at Rookwood Cemetery on Radonitsa - 21/04/2020

Having received advice from Rookwood General Cemetery, Bishop George has advised the clergy of the Sydney Deanery that there are to be no services at the cemetery on Radonitsa this year.  In the Russian Orthodox tradition, Radonitsa (the "Day of Rejoicing") is the first day after Pascha on which the departed are commemorated.  It is customarily observed on the second Tuesday after Pascha.  Instead of graveside services, Bishop George has recommended that a general memorial service be served in church.  Although our church remains closed, our parish rector will commemorate our departed founders, benefactors, parishioners and relatives in a general memorial service following Divine Liturgy in Gosford on Thomas Sunday, Sunday 26 April.

The 2020 Paschal Epistle of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia - 19/04/2020

The 2020 Paschal Epistle of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia may be read in English here and in Russian here.

The 2020 Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 19/04/2020

The 2020 Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, may be read in English here and in Russian here.

Now available - the January 2020 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 11/04/2020

The January 2020 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, has recently become available in our parishes. As usual, it contains a number of interesting articles in both Russian and English. This issue includes the Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion in Russian and English; the text of episcopal statements, letters and decrees; a list of living and departed clergy of the Diocese for remembrance in prayer; and a directory of Diocesan parishes and clergy.  Copies are $5.00.  During the period in which our church is closed, we will post a copy to any of our parishioners who would like one.

Our parishioners are commemorated at services in the Gosford parish - 11/04/2020

During the period of the closure of our church in Wallsend, our parish rector has been serving behind closed doors in the Gosford parish.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday 5 April, the Fifth Sunday in Great Lent, and on Saturday 11 April, Lazarus Saturday, our parishioners were commemorated at Divine Liturgy.  Following Divine Liturgy on both days a moleben was served to our heavenly protector, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia, at which all our parishioners were again commemorated. 

Palm Sunday Collection for the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem - 11/04/2020

Every year on Palm Sunday the parishes, monasteries and missions of our Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia take up a collection to benefit the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.  Many places of immense spiritual and historical significance in the Holy Land have been entrusted to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, and we have many monastics there who care for these holy places, undertake good works, and pray for the whole world.  As our churches around the world are closed, our parishioners and friends are encouraged to make a donation online direct to the Mission.

Prayers to be offered during the period of church closure to the public - 28/03/2020

Updated 11 April 2020: On Wednesday 25 March Bishop George wrote to the clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia to advise them that Divine Liturgy could now only be served behind locked doors with only the clergy and a limited number of singers and servers present.  Our parish rector is endeavouring to serve Divine Liturgy in the Gosford parish on Sundays and major feast-days.  Commemoration books from our parish and the Gosford parish will be read alternately, and our commemoration books have already been taken to Gosford for this purpose.  Regrettably, we are unable to accept orders for candles or prosphora.  As the services in Gosford will not be live streamed those wishing to watch services from other parishes in our Diocese can access links here.

The March 2020 meeting of the Parish Council - 26/03/2020

On Thursday 26 March the Parish Council met by teleconference.  A report was heard on parish life, with particular attention was given to the COVID-19 crisis and its impact.  Our parish rector said that the church must remain closed for public worship, but that he would be serving Divine Liturgy privately at the Gosford church each Sunday and major feast-day.  He undertook to collect, with the assistance of the parish warden, the commemoration books of all our parishioners to be read at Divine Liturgy, thus ensuring that prayers continued to be offered for all our living and departed relatives, benefactors and friends.  In addition, molebens to Saint Panteleimon and Saint Nicholas would be served following Divine Liturgy on alternating Sundays.  Other matters discussed included the possibility of the parish rector taking Holy Communion to the faithful in their own homes and progress on our church extensions and renovations.  Consideration was also given to the likely adverse financial impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the parish.  The Parish Council agreed to meet more often during the present crisis.

No public services until further notice - 23/03/2020

Updated 11 April 2020: Under Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order 2020, places of public worship in New South Wales are closed to members of the public, other than for weddings and funerals, as of 12.00am on Tuesday 31 March 2020.  This means that there will be no public services in our church until further notice.  If weddings or funerals are to be held, weddings are limited to five people and funerals are limited to ten people, both numbers including the priest conducting the service.  If the situation changes we will let our parishioners and friends know.

Services on 21-22 March, the Third Sunday in Great Lent - 22/03/2020

On Saturday 21 March and Sunday 22 March we had services for the Third Sunday in Great Lent, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross and the day of commemoration of the Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (+ c.320 AD).  As Saturday 21 March was a day of commemoration of the departed a general pannikhida was served prior to the Saturday evening service.  In accordance with the instructions of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia we commemorated their Beatitudes the ever-memorable Metropolitans Anthony and Anastassy; the Metropolitans Philaret, Vitaly and Laurus; our ever-memorable Diocesan hierarchs Archbishops Theodore, Savva, Theodosy, Afanasy, and Paul; our parish founder Archpriest John Lupish and his matushka Maria; our church builders Alexander Medwedew, Vitaly Korotkich, and Michael Shalimov, and all who laboured with them; all those who for Christ and the Russian Church laboured in divers lands, and the other archpastors, pastors, founders and benefactors of the Russian Diaspora; for the elect sons and daughters of the Church of Russia, who faithfully struggled for her unity, good estate and honour in the realms of piety, blessedness, governance, the protection of the persecuted and the veneration of the New Martyrs and Confessors; and for all our righteous ancestors, and for their peaceful repose and blessed memory.  Matins with the bringing out of the Cross was served on Saturday evening.  As there was a Public Health Order in place limiting the number of people who could be inside our small church at any one time, Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning was served outside in the church grounds.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer in time of Devastating Epidemic was read and the newly-baptised infant Timothy Martin received Holy Communion for the first time.  In his sermon our parish rector spoke about the Cross as the emblem of Christ’s victory over sin and death and of its being set forth at the mid-point of Great Lent to encourage us.  He also spoke about the steadfastness in the face of bitter persecution of the Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste and of their enduring example to us.

A baptism - Timothy Martin - 21/03/2020

On Saturday 21 March the parish rector baptised Timothy Martin, the infant son of Shannon Martin and Olga Bogacheva and a younger brother to Ekaterina and Matthew.  Timothy, whose godparents were Paul Goura and Svetlana Parshakova, was baptised in honour of the Apostle Timothy of the Seventy.  We warmly congratulate Shannon, Olga, Paul, and Svetlana, and wish the newly-baptised servant of God Timothy many years!

Services on 21-22 March, the Third Sunday in Great Lent - 08/03/2020

On Saturday 21 March and Sunday 22 March we will have services for the Third Sunday in Great Lent, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross, and in honour of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (+ c.320 AD). Matins with the bringing out of the Cross will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  As Saturday 21 March is a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins will be preceded by a general memorial service at 5.00pm.  In accordance with the instructions of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, at the memorial service we will commemorate their Beatitudes the ever-memorable Metropolitans Anthony and Anastassy; the Metropolitans Philaret, Vitaly and Laurus; all those who for Christ and the Russian Church laboured in divers lands, and the other archpastors, pastors, founders and benefactors of the Russian Diaspora; for the elect sons and daughters of the Church of Russia, who faithfully struggled for her unity, good estate and honour in the realms of piety, blessedness, governance, the protection of the persecuted and the veneration of the New Martyrs and Confessors; and for all our righteous ancestors, and for their peaceful repose and blessed memory. UPDATE 21 March 2020: In view of the new public health regulation that limits the number of people who may be in church to twenty-eight, on Sunday 22 March Divine Liturgy will be served outside in the church grounds.

Services on 7-8 March, the First Sunday in Great Lent - 08/03/2020

On Saturday 7 March and Sunday 8 March we had services for the First Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, and in honour of the first (4th Century AD) and second (452 AD) findings of the head of Saint John the Baptist.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday the Prayer in time of Devastating Epidemic was read, and following the Prayer before the Amvon a brief Service of Supplication for Those in Error was served in accordance with the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the importance of purity not only of faith, but of life.  Following the service a collection was taken up to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York, raising $265.00.

A service on Sunday 1 March, Forgiveness Sunday - 01/03/2020

Late in the afternoon on Sunday 1 March we served Vespers for Forgiveness Sunday, the final Sunday before the beginning of Great Lent.  During this service the church vestments were changed from gold to black and the festive melodies gave way to the penitential Lenten melodies.  At the end of the service the parish rector gave a brief sermon on the importance of asking and bestowing forgiveness and of the meaning of the Lenten journey.  Following this, all present asked forgiveness of one another in accordance with Orthodox custom and so began Great Lent.

Services on 7-8 March, the First Sunday in Great Lent - 23/02/2020

On Saturday 7 March and Sunday 8 March we will have services for the First Sunday in Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy. Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  In accordance with the practice of parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, 'The Order for a Hymn of Supplication for the Conversion of those in Error' will be served at the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  During this short service, prayers will be offered for those who oppose the truth of the Gospel with heresy and for those who have fallen away from the Holy Orthodox Church through schism.  A collection will be taken up on this day to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, NY.

Vespers on Sunday 1 March, Forgiveness Sunday - 23/02/2020

On Sunday 1 March, the Sunday of Forgiveness, Vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness will be served at 5.00pm.  During this service, the duration of which will be approximately 45 minutes, the church vestments are changed from gold to black and the festive melodies give way to the penitential Lenten melodies.  Afterwards all those present ask forgiveness of one another, in this way making a good beginning to Great Lent.

Services on 22-23 February, the Sunday of the Last Judgment - 23/02/2020

On Saturday 22 February and Sunday 23 February we had services for the Sunday of the Last Judgement, so named because of the passage from the Holy Gospel (Matthew 25:31-46) appointed to be read at Divine Liturgy on this day.  As Saturday 22 February was a day of commemoration of the departed a general pannikhida was served prior to the Saturday evening service.  In accordance with the instructions of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia we commemorated their Beatitudes the ever-memorable Metropolitans Anthony and Anastassy; the Metropolitans Philaret, Vitaly and Laurus; all those who for Christ and the Russian Church laboured in divers lands, and the other archpastors, pastors, founders and benefactors of the Russian Diaspora; for the elect sons and daughters of the Church of Russia, who faithfully struggled for her unity, good estate and honour in the realms of piety, blessedness, governance, the protection of the persecuted and the veneration of the New Martyrs and Confessors; and for all our righteous ancestors, and for their peaceful repose and blessed memory.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and Orthodox unity.  In his sermon our parish rector spoke about the Last Judgement and the way in which the Holy Scriptures set out for us the way to “gather witnesses” in preparation for it: by showing kindness and mercy to those around us, and by not scandalising or confusing others (1 Corinthians 8:8-9:2).  After the dismissal a collection was taken up to benefit Orthodox Action, a Diocesan charitable organisation that operates under the heavenly protection of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco.  UPDATE: Our collection for Orthodox Action raised $370.00.

A Pastoral Conference of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese - 21/02/2020

On Tuesday 24 March and Wednesday 25 March many of the clergymen of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese will gather in Sydney for their customary Great Lenten Pastoral Conference.  On Tuesday evening the clergy will meet at the church of All Saints of Russia in Croydon for the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion at 5.00pm and Lenten Matins and confession at 6.00pm.  On Wednesday morning from 8.00am the Hours and the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be served at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield with Bishop George presiding and the clergy concelebrating.  Those of the faithful who wish to do so are welcome to attend the service on Wednesday morning and – if properly prepared – to receive Holy Communion.  Following Divine Liturgy the clergy will meet to discuss a range of pastoral, liturgical and administrative matters including plans for our Diocesan celebration of the centenary of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  UPDATE 13 March 2020: In view of the escalating COVID-19 crisis, the Pastoral Conference has been cancelled.

Maslenitsa in Newcastle! - 21/02/2020

On Friday 28 February our Ladies' Auxiliary will be hosting a pancake dinner at 6.30pm in the church hall at 3 Irving Street, Wallsend.  The cost will be $50.00 for adults and $15.00 for children aged 10-16.  No children under 12. In addition to pancakes with traditional toppings, both savoury and sweet, appetisers and desserts will be served.  BYO drinks.  Bookings are essential – please contact Irene on 0406 633 263 or Elena on 0403 556 634.  Please join us!

Our Autumn 2020 Schedule of Services - 21/02/2020

Our Autumn 2020 Schedule of Services - covering March, April and May 2020 - is now available in digital format.  It includes all our services for Great Lent, Holy Week and Pascha.  A copy of the English-language Autumn 2020 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Autumn 2020 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies are available in church.

Special litanies and prayerful supplications to mark the Centenary of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 20/02/2020

At the December 2019 session of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) consideration was given to special litanies and other prayerful supplications to mark this year’s centenary of ROCOR’s foundation.  It was agreed that at the dismissal of every Divine Liturgy this year the prayers of a number of saints important to ROCOR would be invoked: our Fathers among the saints, Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, the new Confessor; the Blessed New-Martyr Peter, Metropolitan of Krutitsia; John, the Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco, the Wonderworker; Jonah, the Bishop of Hankow in Manchuria; and the Holy Martyr Alexander of Munich.  In our parish, these commemorations will begin on Sunday 22 February, the Sunday of the Last Judgement.  In addition, instructions were given for the commemoration at all memorial services of their Beatitudes the ever-memorable Metropolitans Anthony and Anastassy; the Metropolitans Philaret, Vitaly and Laurus; all those who for Christ and the Russian Church laboured in divers lands, and the other archpastors, pastors, founders and benefactors of the Russian Diaspora; for the elect sons and daughters of the Church of Russia, who faithfully struggled for her unity, good estate and honour in the realms of piety, blessedness, governance, the protection of the persecuted and the veneration of the New Martyrs and Confessors; for our righteous ancestors, and for their peaceful repose and blessed memory.  We will begin this commemoration at our next general pannikhida on Saturday 22 February.  A copy of the full Synod Memorandum is available in English here and in Russian here.

Diocesan-wide collection for the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville, NY - 16/02/2020

Each year on the First Sunday in Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia take up a collection to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York. The Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is the main institution of higher education in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. This collection provides financial assistance to students, covering tuition, room and board. This year our collection will be taken up on Sunday 8 March.  Collection envelopes will be available in church from the evening of Saturday 22 February. Please give generously!

Services on 22-23 February, the Sunday of the Last Judgment - 09/02/2020

On Saturday 22 February and Sunday 23 February we will have services for the Sunday of the Last Judgement, so named because of the passage from the Holy Gospel appointed to be read at Divine Liturgy (Matthew 25:31-46).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  As Saturday will be a day of commemoration of the departed there will be a general memorial service at 5.00pm.  This Sunday, the last day before Pascha on which the faithful eat meat, is also called Meatfare Sunday.

Services on 8-9 February, the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 09/02/2020

On Saturday 8 February and Sunday 9 February we had services for the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and in honour of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine, for Orthodox unity, and for the prosperity of the Russian Orthodox Church.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee, the witness of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, and the importance of humility and courage in Christian life.

The repose of Archpriest Michael Konstantinoff - 04/02/2020

On 4 February we learned with sadness of the repose on the previous day of Archpriest Michael Konstantinoff, for many years a friend of our parish.  Born in Tientsin, China, in 1939, he arrived in Australia in 1959 and settled in Sydney.  Having married in 1963 he was ordained deacon in 1970 and priest in 1971.  Upon ordination to the priesthood Father Michael was appointed rector of the parish of Archangel Michael, Blacktown, and in 1976 he was appointed rector of parish of Saint George, Carlton, going on to serve the two parishes on a rotation basis for the next thirty years.  In 1977 he served together with Archbishop Theodosy (Putilin) and Father Nicholas Grant at the funeral of our founding rector, Archpriest John Lupish.  Although in 2007 he left the jurisdiction of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia Father Michael retained the friendship and respect of many in our parish, and we offer heartfelt condolences to Matushka Irene and their children.  May God give him rest!

February 2020 collection for Orthodox Action - 26/01/2020

Each year in February the parishes of Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia take up a collection to assist the work of Orthodox Action, a charitable organisation that operates in Sydney and Melbourne under the auspices of the Diocese and the heavenly protection of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco.  Orthodox Action works to help the poor and needy, destitute children and orphanages in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union.  In 2020 our parish will take up this collection on Sunday 23 February.  Collection envelopes will be available in church from the evening of Saturday 8 February.  Please give generously!

Services on 8-9 February, the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 26/01/2020

On Saturday 8 February and Sunday 9 February we will have services for the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and in honour of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  The Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee is the day in the liturgical life of the Orthodox Church on which we begin to use the Lenten Triodion, the beautiful service-book appointed for use up until Great and Holy Saturday.

Services on 25-26 January, the Thirty-Third Sunday after Pentecost - 26/01/2020

On Saturday 25 January and Sunday 26 January we had services for the Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday after Theophany, and in honour of the Martyrs Hermylus and Stratonicus of Belgrade (+c.315 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Church and for relief from fire and drought.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon at Divine Liturgy a moleben of thanksgiving was served for the blessings that we enjoy in this country (26 January being Australia Day) and for the work of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Theophany (1994-2009).  At the end of the service "Eternal Memory" was intoned for the departed founders, benefactors and parishioners of the Theophany parish.

Services on 17-18 January, the Eve of Theophany - 18/01/2020

On Friday 17 January and Saturday 18 January we had services for the Eve of Theophany, the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.  Matins was served on Friday evening, and on Saturday morning Divine Liturgy was followed by Vespers and the Great Blessing of Water.  At Vespers, many of those present assisted with the thirteen appointed readings from the Old Testament.

Services on 25-26 January, the Thirty-Third Sunday after Pentecost - 18/01/2020

On Saturday 25 January and Sunday 26 January we will have services for the Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday after Theophany, and in honour of the Martyrs Hermylus and Stratonicus of Belgrade (+c.315 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday we will have a brief moleben of thanksgiving for the work of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Theophany (1994-2009) and serve a litia for the departed founders, benefactors and parishioners of that parish.

Services on 17-18 January, the Eve of Theophany - 12/01/2020

On Friday 17 January and Saturday 18 December we will have services for the Eve of Theophany.  Matins will be served at 7.00pm on Friday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Saturday morning.  Immediately following divine Liturgy we will have Vespers with the thirteen appointed readings from the Old Testament and the Great Blessing of Water. The main services for Theophany will be on Saturday evening and Sunday morning in the Gosford parish.

Services on 11-12 January, the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost - 12/01/2020

On Saturday 11 January and Sunday 12 January we had services for the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ, and in honour of the Righteous Joseph the Betrothed, David the King, and Saint James, Brother of the Lord. Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning. At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for deliverance from fire and smoke, and for rain. In place of a sermon on Sunday the parish rector read aloud the Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad.

Now available - the November 2019 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/01/2020

The November 2019 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. As usual, it contains a number of interesting articles in both Russian and English. In Russian: "Мельбурн: 70 лет приходу Покровского собора"; "Австралийцы поют в Соборе Кремля"; Указы; and more. In English: details of a number of service awards recently given to Diocesan clergy; the Resolution of the Nineteeth Triennial Assembly of Clergy and Laity of the Diocese; "Five ways Eastern Orthodoxy differs from other Christian denominations"; "Christmas Lent"; "Can a Christian marry a Muslim?"; "What is Patriarch Bartholomew's error?"; "Shame before Confession"; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

2019 - The year in review - 31/12/2019

2019, the year in which we celebrated 70 years of Russian Orthodoxy in the Hunter Valley, was an eventful year in parish life. Happily, some significant improvements were made to our small church: the floor was polished for the first time in over fifty years, new carpets and furniture were purchased, and the long-planned extension to the sanctuary was completed to lock-up stage. We had six baptisms: Anastasia Crawford, Jason Greig, Ella James, Alice Vigovska, Maximus Regan, and one other child. Five of our older parishioners departed this life: Peter Schulha, Vitaly Korotkich, Rufina Tomalcheva, Nina Diamante and Galina Evteeva. Great Feasts celebrated during the year include the Nativity of Christ (Christmas), the Baptism of the Lord (Theophany), and the Dormition of the Mother of God. In January we were honoured to receive the revered Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God, and in May Bishop George visited and the Russian Orthodox Male Choir of Australia sang at Divine Liturgy.  In September our Russian-language playgroup Teremok celebrated 10 years of activity.  Our parish rector made pastoral visits to the Mid North Coast of New South Wales in June, September and December.  All the news from 2019 can be read here.  Glory be to God for all things! 

The funeral of Galina Evteeva - 30/12/2019

On 30 December our parish rector served the funeral of Galina Evteeva. Galina, who was born in Russia in July 1946, departed this life on 24 December, just over twelve months after the untimely repose of her only son, Alexander. On the evening before her repose she received Anointing with Oil and the Prayer at the Departure of the Soul was read. We offer heartfelt condolences to Galina’s daughter-in-law Elena and to her grandchildren Sophia and David. Memory eternal!

A third pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast - 29/12/2019

With the blessing of Bishop George, on Saturday 28 December and Sunday 29 December our parish rector undertook a further pastoral visit to the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, the area between Forster-Tuncurry and Woolgoolga. On Sunday morning, the Twenty-Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, Divine Liturgy was served in Barraganyatti in the home of Evan and Katerina Cotten.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy Father James spoke about the faithfulness of the Holy Forefathers despite all around them worshipping false gods, the Parable of the Banquet (Luke 14:16-24, the appointed Gospel reading), and the principles of Christian life that the Apostle Paul sets out in his Letter to the Colossians (3:4-11, the appointed Epistle reading).  Future visits to the Mid North Coast are planned for March, May, August and November 2020. In March, God willing, Divine Litugy will be served in Coffs Harbour. Those interested in this outreach initiative may contact the Mid North Coast Orthodox community by email.

Orthodox Christmas in Newcastle - 21/12/2019

As our parish rector will be serving in the Gosford parish on 6-7 January, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ, there will be no Christmas services in our parish this year. Those who are unable to travel to Gosford are encouraged to attend the services at Saint Naum of Ohrid Serbian Orthodox Church in Broadmeadow, NSW.

Services on 21-22 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 21/12/2019

On Saturday 21 December and Sunday 22 December we had services for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Conception by Saint Anna of the Mother of God. At the request of some of our parishioners of Macedonian Orthodox tradition, Great Vespers with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil, and five loaves was served on Saturday evening.  Divine Liturgy was served as usual on Sunday morning. At the Prayer before the Amvon the prayer of blessing was read over a number of new subdeacons' vestments. It being the Sunday after the commemoration of Saint Nicholas on 19 December, a moleben to Saint Nicholas was served following Divine Liturgy. At Divine Liturgy and during the moleben prayers were offered for rain and for deliverance from fire. After the moleben the parish rector congratulated our warden, Nikolai Goura, on his recent name-day, and presented the newly-blessed vestments to Subdeacon Luke Goura, it being the fifteenth anniversary of his tonsure as a reader and the tenth anniversary of his ordination as subdeacon. A set of new white vestments was also presented to Subdeacon Vitaly Lupish in recognition of his long service.

Services on 11-12 January, the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost - 21/12/2019

On Saturday 11 January and Sunday 12 January we will have services for the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ, and in honour of the Righteous Joseph the Betrothed, David the King, and Saint James, Brother of the Lord. Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.

Pilgrimage to Tubabao, 17-27 February 2020 - 19/12/2019

With blessing of His Grace Bishop George of Canberra, Abbot Dorofei (Urusov) will be leading a pilgrimage to the island of Tubabao in The Phillippines.  In 1949-50 Tubabao was a place of refuge for Russians leaving China after the communist victory there in 1949.  The great hierarch and wonderworker of the Russian diaspora, Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco, lived and served on Tubabao during this time.  This pilgrimage will honour the place of his prayer and commemorate the Russian presence on the island.  The program will include Divine Liturgy, a memorial service, benevolent work including a dinner for the children of the island, creative evenings, visits to natural attractions, and cultural activities.  Contact details are available here, and some historical information is available here.

A baptism - Maximus Regan - 08/12/2019

On Sunday 8 December the parish rector baptised Maximus Regan, the infant son of Matt and Katy Regan and a younger brother to Oliver.  Maximus, whose godparents were Natasha Goura and Andrew Regan, was baptised in honour of Saint Maximus the Confessor.  We warmly congratulate Matt, Katy, Natasha and Andrew, and wish the newly-baptised servant of God Maximus many years!

Services on 7-8 December, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 08/12/2019

On Saturday 7 December and Sunday 8 December we had services for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, the Leave-taking of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple, and in honour of Hieromartyr Clement, Bishop of Rome (+101 AD). Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  During Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine, and for Orthodox unity, and for rain. As Sunday 8 December was the first anniversary of the untimely repose of our parishioner Alexander Evteev, a pannikhida was served before the evening service on Saturday and a memorial litia was served following Divine Liturgy on Sunday. Following the litia his family and friends gathered in our church hall for a commemorative meal.

A pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast - 08/12/2019

With the blessing of Bishop George, our parish rector will be making a pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast on the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 28-29 December. On Sunday, the Twenty-Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, Divine Liturgy will be served in Baraganyatti, a small town approximately 75 kilometres north of Port Macquarie. Following Divine Liturgy there will be a festive meal. God willing, through these visits a Russian Orthodox mission under the heavenly protection of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye will be established in the area. Those interested are welcome to contact us.

Services on 21-22 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 08/12/2019

On Saturday 21 December and Sunday 22 December we will have services for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Conception by Saint Anna of the Mother of God. Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.  As we will not have services this year on 18-19 December, the day of commemoration of Saint Nicholas, a moleben to Saint Nicholas will be served following Divine Liturgy on Sunday.

Services on 7-8 December, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 24/11/2019

On Saturday 7 December and Sunday 8 December we will have services for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, the Leave-taking of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple, and in honour of Hieromartyr Clement, Bishop of Rome (+101 AD). Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.

Services on 23-24 November, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost - 24/11/2019

On Saturday 23 November and Sunday 24 November we had services for the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Martyrs Menas of Egypt (+304 AD), Victor at Damascus (Second Century AD), and Vincent of Spain (+304 AD), together with Venerable Theodore the Studite (+826 AD). Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning. As Friday 22 November was the anniversary of the repose of the founder of our parish, the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish (+1977), a panikhida was served before Matins on Saturday evening and a litia was served after Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. During Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine, and for Orthodox unity, and for rain. In his sermon the parish rector spoke about Venerable Theodore the Studite, a lesser-known saint who was nevertheless of immense significance in the history of the Orthodox veneration of icons, monasticism and liturgics. At the dismissal a collection was taken up to benefit the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia,with $140.00 raised.

Our Summer 2019-2020 Schedule of Services - 22/11/2019

Our Summer 2019-2020 Schedule of Services - covering December, January and February - is now available.  A copy of the English-language Summer 2019-2020 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Summer 2019-2020 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies in both languages will be available in church from the evening of Saturday 23 November.

The Nineteenth Diocesan Assembly of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese is held in Strathfield, NSW - 17/11/2019

From the evening of Thursday 14 November until the afternoon of Sunday 17 November, our parish rector Archpriest James Carles, together with delegate Paul Pereboeff, participated in the work of the Nineteenth Diocesan Assembly of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and the associated divine services.  The Assembly was held on the grounds of Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield, NSW.  On Friday and Saturday the Assembly heard reports and considered proposals concerning the life and administration of the Diocese and its various parishes, missions, monasteries and organisations.  Consideration was also given to Diocesan observance of two significant anniversaries in 2020: the two hundredth anniversary of the first Russian Orthodox services in Australia, and the centenary of the foundation of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  On Saturday a Diocesan Council was elected to assist His Grace Bishop George of Canberra administer the Diocese over the coming three years.  On Sunday morning the gathering of clergy and delegates from across Australia and New Zealand culminated in Divine Liturgy at which His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada presided together with Bishop George.  During the Divine Liturgy a number of clergymen received awards for their service to the Holy Orthodox Church.  Amongst those receiving awards were two clergymen who have served in our parish, Abbot Benjamin (Forbes) and Archpriest Daniel Metlenko, both of whom received the right to wear the jewelled pectoral cross.  Photographs of the service are available here.  Update on 22 January 2020: A copy of the final resolution of the Nineteenth Diocesan Assembly is available in Russian here and in English here.

An All-Diocesan concelebration on 17 November, the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - 10/11/2019

In conjunction with the Nineteenth Diocesan Assembly of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, all Diocesan clergy will concelebrate Divine Liturgy at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield, on Sunday 17 November.  His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada will preside at Divine Liturgy together with His Grace Bishop George of Canberra.  The meeting of Archbishop Gabriel will take place at 9.00am on Sunday.

Services on 23-24 November, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost - 10/11/2019

On Saturday 23 November and Sunday 24 November we will have services for the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Martyrs Menas of Egypt (+304 AD), Victor at Damascus (Second Century AD), and Vincent of Spain (+304 AD), together with Venerable Theodore the Studite (+826 AD). Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.

A collection to benefit the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 10/11/2019

In parishes of our Diocese a collection is generally taken up every year during November to help the work of the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  The Fund for Assistance supports the moral-spiritual education of our youth, provides aid to our clergy, and distributes emergency relief to the missions of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  This year, the collection will be taken up in our parish on Sunday 24 November.  Collection envelopes will be available in church from Sunday 10 November.  Those who wish to make a donation but who are unable to be in church on this day may make a direct donation to the Fund for Assistance here.

Services on 9-10 November, the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost - 10/11/2019

On Saturday 9 November and Sunday 10 November we had services for the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint Job of Pochaev (+1651 AD). Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  After the Prayer before the Amvon a moleben was served before a copy of the “Unburnt Bush” Icon of the Mother of God for the deliverance of the New South Wales Mid North Coast and other place from cruel fires.  In His sermon the parish rector spoke about the significance of Saint Job of Pochaev and the Pochaev Monastery in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and people.

Services on 9-10 November, the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost - 27/10/2019

On Saturday 9 November and Sunday 10 November we will have services for the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint Job of Pochaev (+1651 AD). Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.

Services on 26-27 October, the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 27/10/2019

On Saturday 26 October and Sunday 27 October we had services for the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, convened in Nicaea in 787 AD. Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning. In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the view of the Holy Fathers that images of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Mother, the saints, and scenes from sacred history would lead the faithful to more fervently contemplate holy things. He noted the particular importance of this in our own times when unprofitable images are so prevalent.

The funeral and burial of Christine Georgiou - 26/10/2019

On Saturday 26 October our parish rector served the funeral of Christine Georgiou.  Christine, who was born in Greece in September 1933, departed this life on 17 October in Gloucester, NSW, after having received Holy Communion and Anointing with Oil.  She was afterwards laid to rest on the family property in Dewitt, NSW, near Barrington Tops.  We offer heartfelt condolences to Christine’s daughter Nitsa, and to her many friends.  Memory eternal!

The funeral of Nina Diamante - 16/10/2019

On Thursday 17 October our parish rector served the funeral of Nina Diamante (nee Kowalczuk).  The responses were sung by Readers Nektary Kotlaroff and Eustratius Papageorgiou of the Russian Orthodox Male Choir of Australia.  Nina, who was born in Minsk, Belarus, in 1936, departed this life on 10 October at 83 years of age.  She was afterwards laid to rest in a crypt at Sandgate Cemetery alongside her beloved husband Silvio.  We offer heartfelt condolences to Nina's children Maria, Anna, Peter and Paul and their families, and to her sister Maria and wider family.  May God grant His newly-departed handmaiden rest with the saints and life everlasting!

Our 2019 Annual General Meeting - 14/10/2019

On Sunday 13 October our parish held its 2019 Annual General Meeting.  The 2019 Annual Report was presented and accepted.  Irene Lupish, Olga Bogacheva, Lucea Szabunia, Anu Kinnunen, Dean Crawford and Paul Pereboeff were elected to serve on the 2019-20 Parish Council.  Subdeacon Luke Goura and Elise Goura were elected Child Safety Contact Persons, and Paul Pereboeff were chosen as the parish delegate to the Nineteenth Diocesan Assembly.

Services on 26-27 October, the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 13/10/2019

On Saturday 26 October and Sunday 27 October we will have services for the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.

Services on 12-13 October, the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost - 13/10/2019

On Saturday 12 October and Sunday 13 October we had services for the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Hieromartyr Gregory, enlightener of Greater Armenia (+c.335).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  In anticipation of the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, the patronal feast of the first Orthodox church in the Hunter Valley, Divine Liturgy on Sunday was preceded by a blessing of water and followed by a moleben to the Mother of God with a procession around the church.  At the end of the moleben Many Years was sung for Matushka Marie, who had celebrated her name-day on the previous day.  Following the service the 2019 Annual General Meeting of our parish was convened.

Our 2019 Annual Report - 08/10/2019

Our 2019 Annual Report, including the independently audited 2018-19 Financial Statements, is now available.  The 2019 Annual Report will be presented to our parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) this coming Sunday, 13 October 2019.  A copy of the report is available in PDF form here.  Copies will be emailed to parish members this week .  We encourage our parishioners and friends with questions or comments in relation to our Annual Report to contact us.

A second pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast - 29/09/2019

With the blessing of Bishop George, on Saturday 28 September and Sunday 29 September our parish rector undertook a further pastoral visit to the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, the area between Forster-Tuncurry and Woolgoolga.  On Saturday morning a home was blessed in Wirrimbi, just north of Macksville, and on Sunday morning, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday after the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, Divine Liturgy was served in Barraganyatti in the home of Evan and Katerina Cotten.  At the end of Divine Liturgy there was a blessing of water, after which an icon of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye, the work of a member of the community, was blessed.  Later in the day beehives belonging to the Cotten family were blessed.  God willing, Father James will visit the area again at the end of December 2019, performing a baptism and serving Divine Liturgy in Coffs Harbour.  It is hoped that these visits will lead to the formal establishment of a mission under the heavenly protection of Saint Symeon, a revered saint of Siberia and the Russian Far East.  Those interested in this initiative may contact the Mid North Coast Orthodox community by email

Services on 12-13 October, the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost - 22/09/2019

On Saturday 12 October and Sunday 13 October we will have services for the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Hieromartyr Gregory, enlightener of Greater Armenia (+c.335).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.  As Monday 14 October will be the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, the patronal feast of the first Orthodox church in the Hunter Valley, Divine Liturgy on Sunday will be preceded by a blessing of water at 8.15am and followed by a moleben to the Mother of God with a procession around the church.  Our parish Annual General Meeting will be held at 12.30pm.

Services on 21-22 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 22/09/2019

On Saturday 21 September and Sunday 22 September we had services for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, for the Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, and in honour of the Holy Righteous Ancestors of God Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Holy Virgin Mary.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy the parish rector spoke about Saints Joachim and Anna as examples of faithfulness to one another and to God’s will.  Following Divine Liturgy an announcement was made concerning the forthcoming parish Annual General Meeting.

Celebrating 10 years of our Russian-language playgroup, "Teremok" - 14/09/2019

On Saturday 14 September 2019 our Russian-language playgroup “Teremok” celebrated its tenth anniversary.  On a beautiful spring morning, playgroup families and friends gathered under the oak tree in our church yard to watch the children give a performance that included the Russian folktale “Repka” ("The Giant Turnip").  Afterwards there was morning tea with a large birthday cake for all to share.  Irene Lupish and Alla O’Regan gives speeches of congratulations and encouragement and the children enjoyed the visit of a petting zoo. We warmly congratulate playgroup coordinator Anastasia Harwood and all her helpers on this important anniversary.

The funeral and burial of Rufina Tomalcheva - 10/09/2019

On Tuesday 10 September our parish rector served the funeral of Rufina Tomacheva (nee Balahnina).  The responses were sung by Reader Nekatry Kotlaroff, the conductor of the Russian Orthodox Male Choir of Australia.  Rufina, who was born in Kurgan, Russia, in 1936, departed this life on 4 September at 83 years of age.  She was afterwards laid to rest in Wallsend Cemetery with many other of our parishioners.  We offer hearfelt condolences to Rufina's daughter Irina and her family.  May God grant His newly-departed handmaiden rest with the saints and life everlasting!

Services on 21-22 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 08/09/2019

On Saturday 21 September and Sunday 22 September we will have services for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, and in honour of the Holy Righteous Ancestors of God Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Holy Virgin Mary.  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday morning.

Services on 7-8 September, the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost - 08/09/2019

On Saturday 7 September and Sunday 8 September we had services for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God (1395 AD) and the Martyrs Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia (+305-311 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine, church unity, and the prosperity of the Russian Orthodox Church.  Following Divine Liturgy the parish rector announced that the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the parish would be held on Sunday 13 October 2019.

Notice of 2019 Annual General Meeting - 07/09/2019

Our 2019 parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 12.30pm on Sunday 13 October 2019.  A formal Notice concerning the AGM is available here.  The Notice includes the AGM agenda, an explanation of why AGMs are held, information about preparation for and participation in the AGM, an explanation of the role of Parish Councils and Parish Council members, and information about the forthcoming Diocesan Assembly.  A nomination form for office-bearers is available here.

A pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast - 01/09/2019

With the blessing of Bishop George, our parish rector will be making a further pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast on the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 28-29 September.  Homes will be blessed on Saturday and on Sunday, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Cross, Divine Liturgy will be served in Baraganyatti, a small town approximately 75 kilometres north of Port Macquarie.  Following Divine Liturgy there will be a festive meal.  God willing, through these visits a Russian Orthodox mission under the heavenly protection of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye will be established in the area.  A further visit is planned for 28-29 December, with Divine Liturgy to be served in Coffs Harbour on Sunday 29 December, the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers.  Those interested are welcome to contact us.

Useful information about when weddings can be celebrated, together with a list of available dates in 2019 and 2020 - 30/08/2019

In conjunction with Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford, our parish has developed and published an explanation of the reasons why weddings cannot be celebrated on certain days and dates and during certain seasons. It incorporates a list of Sundays and Fridays on which weddings can be celebrated that has now been updated to include Sundays and Fridays in 2020.  This information, which can be accessed either here or via our ‘Needs’ page under ‘Weddings’, has been prepared to help our parishioners and friends when planning weddings in parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. Should anyone have any questions about this information, please contact us.

Services on 27-28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 28/08/2019

On Tuesday 27 August and Wednesday 28 August we had services for the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Tuesday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Wednesday morning.  On this day in 1949 - 70 years ago this year - that the first known Orthodox Christian services in the Hunter Valley were served by Archpriest John Lupish (+1977) in the Anglican chapel at Greta Migrant Camp.  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Wednesday prayers of thanksgiving were offered on the occasion of this significant anniversary. During the service prayers were also offered for peace in Ukraine and for Orthodox Christian unity.

Services on 7-8 September, the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost - 25/08/2019

On Saturday 7 September and Sunday 8 September we will have services for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God (1395 AD) and the Martyrs Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia (+305-311 AD).

A baptism – Alice Vigovska - 25/08/2019

On Sunday 25 August the parish rector baptised 15 year-old Alice Vigovska, the daughter of Gennady Khalin and Olena Vigovska.  Alice, who was given the name Elena in baptism in honour of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Elena, had as her godparents Nataliya Kravchenko and Victor Kravchenko.  We warmly congratulate Alice and her godparents, and pray that God will grant His newly-baptised handmaiden good health, every blessing from above, and many years!

Services on 24-25 August, the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost - 25/08/2019

On Saturday 24 August and Sunday 25 August we had services for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and in honour of Martyrs Photius and Anicetus (+305-306 AD).  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday there was a blessing of honey, the jars of which were then distributed amongst the faithful.

A memorial service at Greta Cemetery on the seventieth anniversary of the first Orthodox burial there - 24/08/2019

On 23 August 1949, just four days after his arrival in Australia, Archpriest John Lupish served the funeral of one year-old Irene Solomko. She was then laid to rest in the Greta Cemetery together with a number of other infants who died in an epidemic of measles that swept through the Greta Migrant Camp at that time.   Father John went on to preside at five more burials at Greta: Wsewolod (Vsevelod) Shipilow (+1949, a boy of 18 months), Larisa Klebakin (+1950), Lydia Elagin (+1956), Alexander Melnik (+1970) and Ivan Elagin (+1977).  In June 2015 our parish rector resolved that a general memorial service would be held in the Greta Cemetery each year on the Saturday closest to the anniversary of that first burial.  This year’s memorial service was held on Saturday 24 August.  Joining Father James for the service was Alex Schulha, the son of Peter and Nadezhda Schulha, one of the first couples married in Greta by Father John.  Prayers were offered for the repose of the ever-memorable Archpriest John (+1977), his matushka Maria (+1979), for Peter (+2019) and Nadezhda Schulha (+2006), and all those Orthodox Christians buried in the Greta Cemetery, amongst whom are a great many Ukrainian Orthodox.  May their memory be eternal!

Services on 27-28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 24/08/2019

On Tuesday 27 August and Wednesday 28 August we will have services for the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Tuesday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Wednesday.  On this day it will be exactly 70 years since the first Russian Orthodox services in the Hunter Valley, served in the Anglican Chapel at the Greta Migrant Camp just 9 days after the arrival in Newcastle from Europe of Archpriest John Lupish and his family.

Our Spring 2019 Schedule of Services - 24/08/2019

Our Spring 2019 Schedule of Services - covering September, October and November - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Spring 2019 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Spring 2019 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies in both languages are available in church as of Saturady 24 August 2019.  Regrettably, this year we will be unable to have services for the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God on 13-14 October and on the anniversary of the repose of Archpriest John Lupish (+1977) on 21-22 November.  In view of this, the lesser blessing of water and a moleben to the Mother of God will be served on Sunday 13 October and a pannikhida for Father John will be served at 5.00pm on Saturday 23 November.

Services on 24-25 August, the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost - 11/08/2019

On the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 24-25 August we will have services for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and in honour of Martyrs Photius and Anicetus (+305-306 AD).  Matins will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday there will be a blessing of honey.

Services on 10-11 August, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost - 11/08/2019

On Saturday 10 August and Sunday 11 August we had services for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Martyr Callinicus of Gangra in Asia Minor (3rd-4th C.).  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday the parish rector spoke about the integrity and the heroic endurance of Martyr Callinicus and the importance of these things in bearing witness to the Christian faith, both in ancient times and in the present day.

A memorial service at Greta Cemetery on the seventieth anniversary of the first Orthodox burial there - 01/08/2019

Just four days after his arrival in Australia on 19 August 1949, seventy years ago this year, Archpriest John Lupish served the funeral of one year-old Irene Solomko. The child Irene died in an epidemic of measles and broncho-pneumonia that swept through the Greta Migrant Camp that year and was laid to rest in the Greta Cemetery.  Father John later presided at five more burials at Greta: that of another child, Vsevelod Shinilov (+1949), Larisa Klebakin (+1950), Lydia Elagin (+1956), Alexander Melnikov (+1970) and Ivan Elagin (+1977).  In 2015 it was resolved that a memorial service would be held at Greta Cemetery each year on the closest convenient Saturday to the anniversary of Irene Solomko's burial.  This year, the memorial service will be held on Saturday 24 August at 11.00am.  At the service prayers will be offered for the repose of the ever-memorable Archpriest John (+1977), his matushka Maria (+1979), and all those Orthodox Christians buried in the Greta Cemetery.  Kutiya, the sweet grain dish customarily prepared for Orthodox services for the departed, will be blessed and shared.

Now available - the July 2019 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/08/2019

The July 2019 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes.  As usual, it contains a range of interesting articles in both Russian and English.  In Russian: “Богородице-Казанский Монастырь готовится отметить 60-летие”; “Православный Богословский Институт Святых Кирилла и Мефодия”; “Храмы и их история память о Романовых за Рубежом”; “О неприкосновенности жизни человека с момента зачатия”; and more.  In English: material concerning the twentieth anniversary of the Holy Fathers Mission in Warrnambool, Victoria; an article about the July 2019 residential school of the Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Institute; an interview with Metropolitan Onuphry (Berezovsky), Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church; lives of the Orthodox Popes of Rome; and an article about why some priests can refuse to be spiritual fathers.  Copies are $5.00.

Services on 27-28 July, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Saint Vladimir, enlightener of the Russian people - 28/07/2019

On Saturday 27 July and Sunday 28 July we had services for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the first six Ecumenical Councils and Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir, enlightener of the Russian people (+AD 1015).  Serving together with the parish rector on Saturday evening was Protodeacon German Polorotov, a cleric of the Saints Cyril and Methodius Community and Saint Xenia church in Tweed Heads, NSW.  On the following morning a blessing of water was served at 8.00am in commemoration of the baptism of Rus’.  Joining Fathers James and German and presiding at Divine Liturgy was Archpriest Quentin de Castelbajac, rector of the parish of Saint John the Russian in Lyon, France.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon there was a brief moleben to Saint Vladimir, and at the dismissal the faithful were sprinkled with the holy water.

Services on 10-11 August, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost - 28/07/2019

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 10 August and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 11 August, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Martyr Callinicus of Gangra in Asia Minor (3rd-4th C.).

Services on 27-28 July, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 14/07/2019

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 27 July and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 28 July, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the first six Ecumenical Councils and Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir, enlightener of the Russian people (+AD 1015).  On this day we will have a blessing of water at 8.00am and Divine Liturgy will be followed by a moleben to Saint Vladimir with a procession around the church.

Services on 13-14 July, the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 14/07/2019

On Saturday 13 July and Sunday 14 July we had services for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Unmercenary Healers Cosmas and Damian of Rome (+284 AD).  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy the parish rector spoke about the way in which Saints Cosmas and Damian, gifted physicians, had radically applied the injunction of Christ: “Freely ye have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8).  Noting that the kindness and selfless generosity of these two brother-saints had drawn many to the Gospel, he emphasised the importance of the pursuit of holiness in the Christian life as a means of revealing the truth to those around us.

The Serbian Orthodox parish of Saint Naum of Ohrid celebrates its patronal feast - 06/07/2019

On Saturday 6 July the Saint Naum of Ohrid Serbian Orthodox parish in Broadmeadow celebrated its patronal feast-day (or “slava”).  Saint Naum, one of the disciples of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Apostles to the Slavs, is commemorated on 3 July.  His Grace Siluan, Ruling Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand, presided at Divine Liturgy, concelebrating with the rector of that parish, Presbyter Dalibor Pavlovic; our rector Archpriest James Carles; Presbyter Branko Bosancic, rector of Saint John the Baptist Serbian Orthodox parish in Wollongong, NSW); and Deacon Milosh Raketich.  Praying in church was Protopresbyter-Stavrophore Miodrag Peric, the Serbian Orthodox Dean of New South Wales, and many visitors from Sydney and Wollongong.  At the end of Divine Liturgy there was a threefold procession around the church with readings from the Holy Gospel and the blessing of the slavksi kolach – a special rounded loaf of bread - and of koliva.  Many gathered in the parish hall afterwards for a festive meal and a programme of spiritual and cultural items.

Services on 13-14 July, the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 30/06/2019

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 13 July and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 14 July, the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Holy Unmercenary Healers Cosmas and Damian of Rome (+284 AD).

Services on 29-30 June, the Second Sunday after Pentecost - 30/06/2019

On Saturday 29 June and Sunday 30 June we had services for the Second Sunday after Pentecost, the day of commemoration of All Saints who have shone forth in the land of Russia.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and the unity of the Orthodox Church and the Prayer for the Prosperity of the Russian Church was read.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the establishment in 1918 of the commemoration of All Saints of Russia, the icon of the feast painted by the ever-memorable Archimandrite Kyprian (Pyzhov) of Jordanville (+2001), and the importance of creating an environment in which holiness can flourish.

The repose and funeral of Vitaly Korotkich - 25/06/2019

On Tuesday 18 June we learned with great sadness of the repose that morning of another of our oldest parishioners, church builder and long-serving chorister and Parish Council member Vitaly Korotkich (b.1925).  Our parish rector served the funeral in our church on Tuesday 25 June.  Vitaly was afterwards laid to rest at Wallsend Cemetery alongside his beloved wife Lydia (+1996).  Eternal memory!

Services on 29-30 June, the Second Sunday after Pentecost - 23/06/2019

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 29 June and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 30 June, the Second Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of All Saints who have shone forth in the land of Russia.

Services on 22-23 June, the First Sunday after Pentecost - 23/06/2019

On Saturday 22 June and Sunday 23 June we had services for the First Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday of All Saints.  As it was the Day of Youth of the Russian Church Abroad, special prayers were offered for the children and young people of our parish and Diocese.  Following the dismissal, a memorial litia was served for the newly-reposed Vitaly Korotkich.

A pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast - 22/06/2019

With the blessing of Bishop George, on Friday 21 June and Saturday 22 June our parish rector undertook a pastoral visit to the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, the area between Forster-Tuncurry and Woolgoolga.  A home was blessed in Port Macquarie on Friday afternoon and on Saturday morning, the day of the Leavetaking of Pentecost, Divine Liturgy was served in the home of Evan and Katerina Cotten in Barraganyatti, a village mid-way between Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour.  Approximately 20 people gathered for Divine Liturgy, after which an eight year-old child, Aarya, the daughter of Ashish Sinha and Evgenia Biryukova, was baptised.  In baptism Aarya was given the name Anastasia.  At a festive meal afterwards those present enthusiastically discussed the possibility of further services and the establishment of a mission under the heavenly protection of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye.  God willing, Father James will visit the area again at the end of September 2019, once again blessing homes and serving Divine Liturgy.  Those interested in this initiative may contact the Mid North Coast Orthodox community by email.

The repose of Vitaly Korotkich - 18/06/2019

On Tuesday 18 June we learned with great sadness of the repose that morning of another of our oldest parishioners, church builder and long-serving chorister and Parish Council member Vitaly Korotkich.  Our parish rector will serve the funeral in our church at 10.00am on Tuesday 25 June 2019.  Vitaly will afterwards be laid to rest at Wallsend Cemetery alongside his beloved wife Lydia.  Eternal memory!

The repose and funeral of Peter Schulha - 11/06/2019

On Friday 31 May we learned with great sadness of the repose on the previous day of one of our oldest parishioners, Peter Schulha of Metford (b.1926).  With Bishop George's blessing, our parish rector served the funeral at Saint Peter's Anglican Church, East Maitland on Tuesday 11 June.  Peter was afterwards laid to rest at East Maitland Cemetery alongside his beloved wife Nadia (+March 2006), his father George, and other family members.  Eternal memory!

Services on 22-23 June, the First Sunday after Pentecost - 09/06/2019

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 22 June and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 23 June, the First Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of All Saints. As the Sunday of All Saints is the Day of Youth of the Russian Church Abroad, special prayers will be offered for our children and young people.

Services on 8-9 June, the Seventh Sunday of Pascha - 09/06/2019

On Saturday 8 June and Sunday 9 June we had services for the Seventh Sunday of Pascha and in honour of the 318 Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, convened in Nicaea (modern-day Iznik, Turkey) in 325 AD.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy the parish rector spoke about the history and significance of the Council and of the importance of faithfulness, like that of the Fathers, to Apostolic teaching, Holy Scripture, and the tradition of the Orthodox Church.  Following the dismissal a litia was served for the repose of the soul of our newly-reposed parishioner, Peter Schulha.

A baptism - Ella James - 08/06/2019

On Saturday 8 June the parish rector baptised Ella James, the four year-old daughter of Meeyeon (Salome) D’Arcy and Darren James.  Ella, who was baptised in honour of the New-Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth, had as her godparents Meejung Hughes, Parichat James, Mark Evans and Warren James.  We warmly congratulate Meeyeon, Darren, and Ella’s godparents, and pray that God will grant health and many years to His newly-baptised handmaiden Ella.

Russian and other Orthodox Kids' Camp, 15-20 December 2019 - 01/06/2019

A group of young families working under the auspices of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin parish in Cabramatta, NSW, is again organising a camp for Russian and other Orthodox children and young people aged 8-17 to be held in Toukley, NSW - here on the Central Coast - from 15 December - 20 December 2019.  The cost will be $425.00 per person, or $399.00 if payment is made by 30 September 2019.  For those interested, more information is available here.

A pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast - 01/06/2019

With the blessing of Bishop George, our parish rector will on Friday 21 June and Saturday 22 June be making a pastoral visit to the New South Wales Mid North Coast, the area from Forster-Tuncurry to Woolgoolga.  Homes in the area will be blessed and on Saturday morning Divine Liturgy will be served in Baraganyatti, a small town approximately 75 kilometres north of Port Macquarie.  Following Divine Liturgy a child will be baptised and there will be a festive meal.  God willing, this will be the first of a number of visits with a view to establishing a Russian Orthodox Mission in the area under the heavenly protection of Saint Symeon of Verkoturye.  Those interested are welcome to contact us.

The repose of Peter Schulha - 31/05/2019

On Friday 31 May we learned with great sadness of the repose on the previous day of one of our oldest parishioners, Peter Schulha of Metford.  With Bishop George's blessing, our parish rector will serve the funeral at Saint Peter's Anglican Church, East Maitland, at 10.00am on Tuesday 11 June 2019.  Peter will afterwards be laid to rest at East Maitland Cemetery alongside his beloved wife Nadia (+March 2006) and other family members.  Eternal memory!

The Nineteenth Diocesan Assembly of the Australian New-Zealand Diocese is to be held in November 2019 - 29/05/2019

On 29 May 2019 His Grace Bishop George of Canberra advised parish rectors and monastic superiors that the Nineteenth Diocesan Assembly of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese would be convened at the Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield, NSW, in November 2019.  Commencing on the evening of Thursday 14 November and concluding on the afternoon of Sunday 17 November, the Assembly will coincide with Diocesan celebrations of the thirty-fifth anniversary of Metropolitan Hilarion’s consecration to the episcopacy on 10 December 1984.  As all Diocesan clergy will be participating in the Assembly and associated commemorative activities, the only services in our Diocese on Saturday-Sunday 16-17 November will be at the Strathfield Cathedral.  Information about the Eighteenth Diocesan Assembly, held in Cabramatta in November 2016, is available here.

Services on 25-26 May, the Fifth Sunday after Pascha - 26/05/2019

On Saturday 25 May and Sunday 26 May we had services for the Fifth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman.  This Sunday is so named because the appointed reading from the Holy Gospel is the account of the conversation of Christ with the Samaritan Woman at Jacob's Well (John 4:5-42).  As our parish had celebrated its patronal feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas on Wednesday 22 May, His Grace Bishop George of Canberra visited us on Sunday and presided at Divine Liturgy.  Adding to the festivity of the occasion, the Russian Orthodox Male Choir of Australia sang at Divine Liturgy in place of our parish choir and following the service there was a moleben – or service of intercession - to Saint Nicholas, a procession around the church, and a festive lunch in the church hall for our parishioners and guests.  Joining us for the moleben were Priest Dalibor Pavlovic and parishioners from the Serbian Orthodox parish of Saint Naum of Ohrid in Broadmeadow.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy Bishop George spoke about the need to choose between truth and falsehood.  Speaking in the hall during lunch, our parish rector welcomed Bishop George, Father Dalibor and his parishioners, and Reader Nektary Kotlaroff and the choir.  Noting that the faithful were encouraged to see young people in the diaspora holding fast to the faith and traditions of the Orthodox Church, he congratulated the members of the choir on their efforts and achievements to date.  He then wished them all the best for their trip to the United States in late 2019.

Services on 8-9 June, the Seventh Sunday of Pascha - 26/05/2019

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 8 June and Divine Liturgy on Sunday 9 June, the Seventh Sunday of Pascha.  On this day the Orthodox Church commemorates the 318 Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, convened in Nicaea (modern-day Iznik, Turkey) in 325 AD.

Our Winter 2019 Schedule of Services - 25/05/2019

Our Winter 2019 Schedule of Services - covering June, July and August - is now available in PDF format.  Services of note during this period include the commemoration of All Saints of Russia on Saturday-Sunday 29-30 June, the commemoration of Saint Vladimir on Saturday-Sunday 27-28 July, the annual memorial service at Greta Cemetery on Saturday 24 August, and services for the Dormition of the Mother of God on Tuesday-Wednesday 27-28 August.  The services for the Dormition will also mark 70 years of Russian Orthodoxy in the Hunter Valley.  A copy of the English-language Winter 2019 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Winter 2019 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies in both languages are now available in church.

Services on 21-22 May, Mid-Pentecost and the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 22/05/2019

On Tuesday 21 May and Wednesday 22 May we had services for the feast of Mid-Pentecost and in honour of the patronal feast of our parish, the commemoration of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, in 1087 AD.  Mid-Pentecost is the twenty-fifth day of Pascha, half-way to the Great Feast of Pentecost on the fiftieth day. On this day the Orthodox Church commemorates Christ's teaching in the temple "in the midst of the Judaic feast" (John 7:14-30) and customarily blesses water as a sign of the grace of the Holy Spirit and with reference to the "living water" promised by our Lord Jesus Christ to all that believe in Him (John 7:37-38).  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Tuesday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Wednesday morning following a Lesser Blessing of Water.  Our small week-day congregation was augmented with visitors from the Serbian and Macedonian communities in Newcastle, this commemoration of Saint Nicholas being greatly loved amongst the Slavic peoples.

Services on 11-12 May, the Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women - 12/05/2019

On Saturday 11 May and Sunday 12 May we had services for the Third Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women.  This Sunday is so named because the appointed reading from the Holy Gospel at Divine Liturgy (Mark 15:43-16:8) gives an account of the service to our Lord Jesus Christ of the Myrrh-Bearing Women and with them Righteous Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus.  Amongst the Myrrh-Bearing Women the Orthodox Church includes Mary Magdalene; Mary, the wife of Cleopas; Joanna; Salome, mother of the sons of Zebedee; Susanna; Martha and Mary, the sisters of Lazarus; and Mary, Mother of the Apostle James.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon the prayer at the breaking of the Artos was then read.  In place of a sermon, the parish rector read aloud the Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion.  As it was Mothers’ Day, the parish rector congratulated the mothers of the parish and, after wishing them all help from God in their maternal duties, intoned “Many Years” for them.  Flowers were them presented to Matushka Marie on behalf of the parish and pieces of the blessed Artos were given to the faithful as they venerated the Cross.

Services on 25-26 May, the Fifth Sunday after Pascha - 12/05/2019

Our next weekend services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 25 May and Divine Liturgy on Sunday 26 May, the Fifth Sunday after Pascha and the Sunday of the Samaitan Woman, so named because the appointed reading from the Holy Gospel is the account of the conversation of Christ with the Samaritan Woman at Jacob's Well (John 4:5-42).  On Sunday His Grace Bishop George of Canberra will preside at Divine Liturgy and the Russian Orthodox Male Choir of Australia will sing in place of our parish choir.  Following Divine Liturgy there will be a moleben to Saint Nicholas, a procession around the church, and a festive lunch in the church hall for our parishioners and guests.  Please join us!

Services on 21-22 May, the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 12/05/2019

Our next services will be All-night vigil at 6.00pm on Tuesday 21 May and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Wednesday 22 May, the feast of Mid-Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, in 1087.  This is the patronal feast-day of our church.  Divine Liturgy on Wednesday will be preceded by the Lesser Blessing of Water at 8.15am.  As the day of the feast is a working-day, the customary moleben to Saint Nicholas, procession and festive lunch will be on Sunday 26 May when Bishop George visits.

Services on 11-12 May, the Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women - 07/05/2019

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 11 May and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 12 May, the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers.  On this day the Holy Orthodox Church remembers those righteous women and men who came to the Tomb of Christ bearing myrrh and sweet spices: Mary Magdalen; Mary, the wife of Cleopas; Joanna; Salome, mother of the sons of Zebedee; Susanna; Martha and Mary, the sisters of Saint Lazarus; Mary, mother of the Apostle James; Righteous Joseph of Arimathea; and Nicodemus.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon at Divine Liturgy, the Artos will be broken and distributed.

Services on 6-7 May, Radonitsa - 07/05/2019

On Monday 6 May and Tuesday 7 May we had services for the second Tuesday of Pascha, “Radonitsa” - the day of rejoicing.  In the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church, this is the first day after Pascha on which services for the departed are customarily offered.  Matins was served on Monday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Tuesday morning.  Immediately following Divine Liturgy a general panikhida was served in church, at which all of the departed clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese were mentioned by name, together with our departed parishioners, family members and friends.  Prayers were also offered for those who perished in the aircraft fire in Moscow on 5 May 2019.  Graveside litias were then served in Wallsend, Sandgate and East Maitland cemeteries.

Holy Week and Pascha in Wallsend, 2019 - 28/04/2019

This year, our parish again had a number of traditional services for Holy Week and Pascha.  In the evening on Thursday 25 April, Great and Holy Thursday, Matins with the reading of the Twelve Passion Gospels was served.  On Friday 26 April, Great and Holy Friday, Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ was served at 3.00pm.  On Saturday 27 April, Great and Holy Saturday, Midnight Office was served late in the evening, with Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy following in the early hours of Sunday 28 April, the Sunday of Pascha.  Easter baskets containing eggs, cakes and other festive foods were blessed following Matins.  Following Divine Liturgy, a small group of the faithful gathered in the church hall for a festive meal.

Now available - the April 2019 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 24/04/2019

The April 2019 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes.  As usual, it contains a range of interesting articles in both Russian and English.  In Russian: Пасхальное Послание Митрополита Илариона; "О призвании общественном служении женщины-христианки"; and more.  In English: The Paschal Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia; the Communique of the 2019 Lenten Conference of the Clergy of the Diocese; a brief obituary of Father Seraphim Slade;  details of a number of awards given to clergymen of the Diocese; and more.  A Russian-language copy of the decision of the Synod of Bishops to deprive Abbot Christopher (Vakhabov) of the priesthood is also included, together with an English-language translation. Copies are $5.00.

Services on 19-20 April, Lazarus Saturday - 20/04/2019

On Friday 19 April and Saturday 20 April we had services for the sixth Saturday of Great Lent, Lazarus Saturday.  On this day the Orthodox Church commemorates the resurrection of Lazarus of Bethany from the dead after four days in the grave.  Many parishioners received Holy Communion at Divine Liturgy on Saturday morning.  At the end of the service palms and pussy-willow branches were blessed in anticipation of Palm Sunday and a collection was taken up to assist the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.

Services on 6-7 May, Radonitsa - 20/04/2019

On Monday 6 May we will have Matins at 7.00pm and on Tuesday 7 May we will have Divine Liturgy at 9.00am for Radonitsa, the Day of Rejoicing.  In the Russian Orthodox tradition this is the first day after Pascha on which the departed are commemorated.  After Divine Liturgy there will be a general memorial service in church followed by individual graveside services at Wallsend, Sandgate, and East Maitland Cemeteries.

Russian Orthodox Holy Week and Pascha in Newcastle - 20/04/2019

On Great and Holy Thursday, 25 April, Matins with the reading of the Twelve Gospels will be served at 6.00pm.  On Great and Holy Friday, 26 April, we will have Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ at 3.00pm.  On Saturday 27 April we will have Midnight Office at 11.20pm.  This service will be preceded by the reading of the Acts of the Apostles from 10.30pm.  Paschal Matins with Divine Liturgy will begin at 12.00am on Sunday 28 April.  The blessing of Easter eggs and cakes will take place at approximately 1.00am on Sunday 28 April, after Paschal Matins and prior to Divine Liturgy.  For a number of other traditional Holy Week and Paschal services, our parish rector will be serving at Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford.

A General Service of Anointing with Oil - 16/04/2019

On the evening of Tuesday 16 April our parish rector presided at a General Service of Anointing with Oil.  Serving together with him was Priest Dalibor Pavlovic of the Serbian Orthodox Church of Saint Nahum of Ohrid in Broadmeadow.  Together with the clergy, approximately 35 faithful from both parishes gathered in our church to pray and receive anointing with oil for the healing of soul and body.  For Orthodox Christians this service, otherwise served only for individuals who are grievously ill, is a customary part of Great Lent.

Palm Sunday Collection for the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem - 14/04/2019

On Saturday 20 April 2019, Lazarus Saturday, our parish will take up a collection to benefit the Russian Eccelesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.  This collection is generally taken up on Palm Sunday every year in all the parishes, monasteries and missions of our Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  Collection envelopes will be available in church from the evening of Friday 19 April.  Many places of immense spiritual and historical significance in the Holy Land have been entrusted to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, and we have many monastics there who care for these holy places, undertake good works, and pray for the whole world.  Please give generously!  Those who wish to make a donation online direct to the Mission may do so here.

A General Service of Anointing with Oil - 14/04/2019

In the Orthodox tradition it is customary to have a General Service of Anointing with Oil during Great Lent.  In this service there are seven readings from the Apostol, seven readings from the Holy Gospel, seven prayers, and the faithful are - if there are sufficient clergy present - anointed seven times with the oil that is blessed and sanctified during the service for the healing of soul and body.  The practice of anointing with oil for spiritual and physical healing is referred to by the Apostle James: "Is anyone among you sick?  Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.  And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven" (James 5:14-15).  This year our parish will have this service at 6.00pm on Tuesday 16 April.  God willing, we will have with us Father Dalibor Pavlovic of the Serbian Orthodox church of Saint Naum of Ohrid.  Church Slavonic, English and Serbian will be used during the service.  Note: This is a sacrament in which only baptised Orthodox Christians may participate.

Services on 19-20 April, Lazarus Saturday - 14/04/2019

Our next services will be Matins at 7.00pm on Friday 19 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Saturday 20 April, Lazarus Saturday.  On this day, the sixth Saturday of Great Lent, the Orthodox Church commemorates the resurrection of Lazarus of Bethany after four days in the grave (John 11:1-45).  As we will not have services on Palm Sunday there will be a blessing of palms and pussy-willows at the end of Divine Liturgy.  Following the service on Saturday a collection will be taken up in aid of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.

A baptism - Jason Greig - 14/04/2019

On Sunday 14 April the parish rector baptised Jason Greig, the infant son of Chris Greig and Maria Olyunina.  He was baptised in honour of the Apostle Jason of the Seventy.  Jason had as his godparents Alexander and Virinea Sukhikh.  We warmly congratulate Chris, Maria, Alexander and Virinea and wish the newly-baptised Jason many years!

Services on 13-14 April, the Fifth Sunday in Great Lent - 14/04/2019

On Saturday 13 April and Sunday 14 April we had services for the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent and in honour of Saint Mary of Egypt (c.421 AD).  After a period of three weeks without services, our small church looked beautiful with the floor newly sanded and polished for the first time since it was laid in the 1960s.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday the parish rector spoke about the life of Saint Mary of Egypt and of her as a model of repentance.  

Services on 13-14 April, the Fifth Sunday in Great Lent - 24/03/2019

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 13 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 14 April, the Fifth Sunday in Great Lent and the day of commemoration of Saint Mary of Egypt.

Services on 23-24 March, the Second Sunday of Great Lent - 24/03/2019

On Saturday 23 March and Sunday 24 March we had services for the Second Sunday of Great Lent and in honour of Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica (+AD 1359).  As Saturday 23 March was a day of commemoration of the departed, the service on Saturday evening was preceded by a general panikhida at which many departed clergymen of our Diocese, parishioners, relatives and friends were commemorated by name.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday the parish rector spoke about the life and teaching of Saint Gregory Palamas and about the approachability and mercy of God.  Following Divine Liturgy a collection was taken up to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, NY.

Services on 9-10 March, the Sunday of Forgiveness and Cheesefare Sunday - 10/03/2019

On Saturday 9 March and Sunday 10 March we had services for the Sunday of Forgiveness and Cheesefare Sunday.  After the Prayer before the Amvon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday, the prayer of blessing was read over two beautiful new server's vestments, one red and one black.  At the end of Divine Liturgy the newly-blessed vestments - the work of the Convent of Saint Elisabeth in Minsk, Belarus - were presented to Subdeacon Luke Goura as a gift from the parish in antcipation of the fifteenth anniversary of his tonsure as a reader in May 2004.  Vespers was then served, during which the church vestments were changed from gold to black and the ordinary melodies gave way to the solemn melodies of Great Lent.  In accordance with Orthodox practice, at the end of Vespers all present asked forgiveness of one another.  At Bishop George’s request, a collection was taken up to benefit Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Institute, the theological and higher education institute of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

Diocesan-wide collection for the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville, NY - 10/03/2019

Each year on the First Sunday in Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia take up a collection to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York.  The Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is the main institution of higher education in the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  This collection provides financial assistance to students, covering tuition, room and board.  As this year we will not have Divine Liturgy on the First Sunday in Great Lent our collection will be taken up on Sunday 24 March, the Second Sunday in Great Lent.  Please give generously!

Services on 23-24 March, the Second Sunday of Great Lent - 10/03/2019

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 23 March and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 24 March, the Second Sunday of Great Lent and the day of commemoration of Saint Gregory Palamas (+1359 AD).  As Saturday 23 March is a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins on this evening will be preceded by a general memorial service at 5.00pm.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday a collection will be taken up to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York.

A collection to benefit Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Institute - 03/03/2019

Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Institute (SCMOI) is the newly-established theological and higher learning institute of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  It provides undergraduate and postgraduate award courses by arrangement with the Adelaide College of Divinity and the Uniting College for Leadership and Theology.  At Bishop George’s request  and so as to coincide with the commencement of the academic year on 4 March 2019, a collection to support SCMOI will be taken up in our parish on Sunday 10 March.

Our Autumn 2019 Schedule of Services - 01/03/2019

Our Autumn 2019 Schedule of Services - covering March, April and May 2019 - is now available.  It includes all our services for Great Lent, Holy Week, Pascha, Radonitsa and our patronal feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari.  A copy of the English-language Autumn 2019 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Autumn 2019 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies are available in church.

Services on 9-10 March, the Sunday of Forgiveness and Cheesefare Sunday - 24/02/2019

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 9 March and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 10 March, the Sunday of Forgiveness - so named for the appointed reading from the Holy Gospel, Matthew 6:14-21 - and Cheesefare Sunday - so named because this is the last day before Pascha on which dairy products are eaten.  In accordance with the practice of many parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, Vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness will be served immediately after Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  During this service, the duration of which will be approximately 45 minutes, the church vestments are changed from gold to black and the festive Sunday melodies give way to the penitential Lenten melodies.

A baptism - Anastasia Crawford - 23/02/2019

On Saturday 23 February the parish rector baptised Anastasia Crawford, the infant daughter of Stephen and Deborah Crawford and a younger sister to Florence. Anastasia had as her godparents Nathalie Crawford and Duncan Crawford.  We warmly congratulate Stephen, Deborah, Nathalie and Duncan and wish the the newly-baptised Anastasia many years!

Our 2018 Annual General Meeting - 10/02/2019

WIth Bishop George's blessing our 2018 parish Annual General Meeting (AGM), initially scheduled for Sunday 25 November 2018 but postponed due to unforeseen circusmtances, will now be held at 12.00pm on Sunday 24 February 2019.  A formal Notice concerning the AGM - including the agenda and important information for parish members - is available here.  A copy of the 2018 Annual Report is available here.

Services on 9-10 February, the Thirty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 10/02/2019

On Saturday 9 February and Sunday 10 February we had services for the Thirty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.  As this Sunday was the final Sunday before the beginning of the period of preparation for Great Lent, the first appointed reading from the Holy Gospel (Luke 19:1-10) at Divine Liturgy concerned Zaccheus, the tax collector from Jericho who changed his way of life after encountering Christ and receiving Him into his home.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday the parish rector spoke about Zaccheus as a model of repentance and the New Martyrs and Confessors as models of faithfulness to Christ in the face of persecution.  Following Divine Liturgy announcements were made concerning the forthcoming collection to assist Orthodox Action and the rescheduled parish Annual General Meeting to be held on Sunday 24 February 2019.

Services on 23-24 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son - 10/02/2019

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 23 February and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 24 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday a collection will be taken up to assist Orthodox Action and the parish will hold its 2018 Annual General Meeting.

February 2019 collection for Orthodox Action - 03/02/2019

Each year in February the parishes of Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia take up a collection to assist the work of Orthodox Action, a charitable organisation that operates in Sydney and Melbourne under the auspices of the Diocese and the heavenly protection of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco.  Orthodox Action works to help the poor and needy, destitute children and orphanages in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union.  In 2019 our parish will take up this collection on Sunday 24 February.  Collection envelopes will be available in church from the the evening of Saturday 9 February.  Please give generously!

Services on 26-27 January, the Thirty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 27/01/2019

On Saturday 26 January and Sunday 27 January we had services for the Thirty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and the Leavetaking of the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.  Matins on Saturday evening was served by Father Dionysios Halim and Protodeacon German Polorotoff, a cleric of the Saints Cyril and Methodius Community in Tweed Heads, NSW.  On Sunday morning our parish rector Archpriest James Carles presided at Divine Liturgy for the first time since November 2018, concelebrating together with Fathers Dionysios and German.  At the Prayer before the Amvon a brief moleben of thanksgiving was served in recognition of the work of the former Theophany parish of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) (1994-2009), and following the dismissal prayers were offered for the living and departed founders, benefactors and parishioners of that church.  At the conclusion of the service our parish rector thanked Father Dionysios for his work in the parish and his personal support over the previous two months, presenting him with a copy of the parish icon of the Mother of God, “Protectress of Newcastle”.  A festive meal was then held in to church hall in honour of the parish rector’s fiftieth birthday.

Services on 9-10 February, the Thirty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 27/01/2019

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 9 February and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 10 February, the Thirty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.  This Sunday will also be Zaccheus Sunday (so named for the reading from the Holy Gospel appointed for that day, Luke 19:1-10), the final Sunday before the beginning of the period of preparation for Great Lent.

A visit of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God to our parish - 25/01/2019

On Friday 25 January our small parish had the great honour of receiving the revered Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God, one of the great treasures of the Russian Orthodox Church and the “Directress” of the Russian Diaspora.  A small group of the Russian and Serbian Orthodox faithful of Newcastle gathered early in the evening for a moleben to the Mother of God with the reading of the Akathist in Slavonic and English.  Following the service the faithful venerated the icon and were anointed with oil from the map that burns before it in the cathedral dedicated to it in New York.

Services on 26-27 January, the Thirty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 19/01/2019

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 26 January and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 27 January, the Thirty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, the Leavetaking of the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, and the day of commemoration of Saint Nina, Equal-to-the-Apostles and Enlightener of Georgia (+335 AD).  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday prayers will be offered for the living and departed founders, benefactors and parishioners of the former Theophany parish of the Russian Orthodox Church (1994-2009).

A visit of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God to our parish - 19/01/2019

On Friday 25 January 2019 our parish will have the great honour of receiving the wonder-working "Kursk-Root" Icon of the Mother of God, one of the great treasures of the Russian Orthodox Church and the "Directress" of the Russian Diaspora.  A moleben with an akathist to the Mother of God will be served in the presence of the icon at 6.00pm on Friday evening.  For those interested, there will be a similar service at Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church in Gosford at 10.00am on Saturday 26 January.

Services on 18-19 January, the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Theophany) - 19/01/2019

On Friday 18 January and Saturday 19 January we had services for the Great Feast of the Baptism of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ - Theophany. All-night vigil - Great Compline and Matins - withe the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Friday evening and Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water was served on Saturday morning.  The services were led by Father Dionysios Halim, with our parish rector concelebrating at Divine Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Water.

Services on 12-13 January, the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ - 12/01/2019

On Saturday 12 January and Sunday 13 January we had services for the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ and in honour of Saints Joseph the Betrothed, David the King and James the Brother of the Lord, kinsmen of the Lord customarily remembered on this Sunday. Our parish rector served at Divine Liturgy for the first time since November 2018, concelebrating with Father Dionysios Halim.

Services on 18-19 January, the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Theophany) - 12/01/2019

Our next services will be All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves at 6.00pm on Friday 18 January and Divine Liturgy with the Great Blesing of Water at 9.00am on Saturday 19 January, the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Theophany). At these services our parish rector will concelebrate with Father Dionysios Halim.

Services on 6-7 January, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Christmas) - 07/01/2019

On Sunday 6 January and Monday 7 January we had services for the Great Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ. The services were led by Father Dionysios Halim, with our parish rector joining him during the evening service for the customary blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves and the singing of the festal magnification. Our small church was beautifully adorned with a Christmas tree and green branches. On Monday the faithful from across the Hunter Valley and from Sydney, the Central Coast and the Mid North Coast gathered for Divine Liturgy. In place of a sermon, our parish rector read aloud the Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion in Russian and English. Many remained afterwards for a festive meal in the church hall and a visit from Father Christmas.

Now available - the January 2019 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/01/2019

The January 2019 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. As usual, it contains a range of interesting articles in both Russian and English. In Russian: “Послание Архиерейского Синода Клиру и Пастве Русской Зарубежной Церкви”; "Патриаршество на Руси"; "Торжество Православия – торжество здравого смысла”; and more. In English: “The Epistle of the Synod of Bishops to the Clergy and Flock of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia”; “Prototypes of the Nativity: What did prophets say about the coming of the Saviour?”; “Where do liturgical colours come from?”; “A list of last minute rules and suggestions in preparation for Great Lent”; and more. Also included is a useful list of Diocesan parishes, monastic establishments and clergy. Copies are $5.00.

Services on 6-7 January, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Christmas) - 23/12/2018

Our next services - and the first for 2019 - will be All-night vigil (Great Compline and Matins) at 6.00pm on Sunday 6 January and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Monday 7 January, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Christmas).  Priest Dionysios Halim will preside at these services.  Divine Liturgy on Monday will be followed by a festive meal in the church hall with a visit from Father Christmas.  Please join us!

Services on 22-23 December, the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost - 23/12/2018

On Saturday 22 December and Sunday 23 December we had services for the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Martyrs Menas, Hermogenes and Eugraphus of Alexandria (+c.313 AD) and Saint Ioasaph, bishop of Belgorod (+1754 AD). Priest Dionysios Halim presided at these services, the last in our parish for 2018. Our small church was full on Sunday morning. In his sermon at Divine Liturgy Father Dionysios spoke about the appointed reading from the Holy Gospel, Luke 17:12-19, the account of the ten lepers that were healed by our Lord Jesus Christ and of whom only one, a Samaritan, returned to give thanks to God.

The repose and funeral of Alexander Evteev - 21/12/2018

On Sunday 9 December we learned with great sorrow of the sudden repose late on the previous day of our parishioner, 46 year-old Alexander Evteev.  Alexander’s funeral was served on Friday 21 December by the Dean of New South Wales, Mitred Archpriest Nikita Chemodakov.  At the funeral our small church was filled to overflowing as over 100 family members, friends and colleagues from the University of Newcastle gathered to pray for his repose and bid him farewell.  We offer Alexander’s wife Elena and their children, 9 year-old Sophia and 5 year-old David, our heartfelt condolences.  May God grant his newly-departed servant Alexander rest with the saints and life everlasting, and may He console his bereaved young family!  For those wishing to assist the family, information is available here.

Services on 8-9 December, the Twenty-Eighth Sunday after Pentecost - 09/12/2018

On Saturday 8 December and Sunday 9 December we had services for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint Innocent of Irkutsk (+1731 AD). Set forth for veneration by the faithful during these services was a beautiful old icon of Saint Innocent of Irkutsk brought to Australia from China over fifty years ago and later given to the Gosford parish. As our parish rector was recovering following surgery Priest Dionysios Halim presided at these services.

Services on 22-23 December, the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost - 09/12/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 22 December and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 23 December, the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Martyrs Menas, Hermogenes and Eugraphus of Alexandria (+c.313 AD). Father Dionysios Halim will be presiding at these services, our final services for 2018.

Our Summer 2018-19 Schedule of Services - 28/11/2018

Our Summer 2018-19 Schedule of Services is now available.  Copies in PDF format are available in English here and in Russian here.  Printed copies will be available in church from the weekend of 8-9 December.  Major services during Summer 2018-19 will be for the Great Feasts of the Nativity of Christ (Christmas) on 6-7 January and the Baptism of Christ (Theophany) on 18-19 January.  As our parish rector is recovering from surgery following a serious ankle injury there will be fewer services during December.  We apologise for any inconvenience.

The repose and funeral of Kenneth Cross - 26/11/2018

On Sunday 18 November we learned with great sadness of the repose of Kenneth (“Ken”) Cross (b. 7 September 1935), a parishioner and a long-standing friend of our parish and of the former Theophany parish of the Moscow Patriarchate in Mayfield.  A loving and devoted husband, Ken actively supported his wife Mary in her involvement in church life before himself being received into the Holy Orthodox Church by Chrismation in August 2015.  His funeral was served in our church on Monday 26 November by the Dean of New South Wales, Mitred Archpriest Nikita Chemodakov.  We offer Ken’s wife Mary and their son David our heartfelt condolences.  May God grant his newly-departed servant Kenneth rest with the saints and life everlasting!

Services on 24-25 November, the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 25/11/2018

On Sunday 25 November we had Divine Liturgy for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria (+612 AD), and venerable Nilus the Faster of Sinai (+5th Century AD).  As our parish rector was recovering following surgery there was no service on Saturday evening and Priest Dionysios Halim presided at Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  Following the service a collection was taken up to benefit the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

Services on 8-9 December, the Twenty-Eighth Sunday after Pentecost - 25/11/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 8 December and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 9 December, the Twenty-Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Saint Innocent of Irkutsk (+1731 AD).  As our parish rector continues to recover from surgery, Father Dionysios Halim will preside at these services.

Our 2018 Annual Report - 23/11/2018

Our 2018 Annual Report, including the independently audited 2017-18 Financial Statements, is now available.  The 2018 Annual Report was prepared for presentation to the parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for 25 November 2018 but since postponed.  A copy of the report is available in PDF form here. We encourage our parishioners and friends with questions or comments to contact us.  The parish AGM will be rescheduled at the earliest opportunity.

A collection to benefit the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 20/11/2018

In parishes of our Diocese a collection is generally taken up every year during November to help the work of the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  The Fund for Assistance supports the moral-spiritual education of our youth, provides aid to our clergy, and distributes emergency relief to the missions of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  This year, the collection will be taken up in our parish on Sunday 25 November.  Collection envelopes are available in church.  Those who wish to make a donation but who are unable to be in church on this day may make a direct donation to the Fund for Assistance here.

Services on 24-25 November, the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 20/11/2018

There will be no evening service on Saturday 24 November.  Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Sunday 25 November, the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Saint John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria (+610 AD), and Venerable Nilus the Faster of Sinai (+451 AD).  Father Dionysios Halim will be presiding at Divine Liturgy, following which a collection will be taken up to benefit the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  The parish Annual General Meeting scheduled for this day has been postponed.

No services on 21-22 November - 18/11/2018

Due to unforseen circumstances the services in memory of Archpriest John Lupish scheduled for Wednesday 21 November and Thursday 22 November have been cancelled.  We apologise for any inconvenience.

Services on 10-11 November, the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 11/11/2018

On Saturday 10 November and on Sunday 11 November we had services for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Nun-Martyr Anastasia the Roman (+ Third C. AD) and of Saint Abramius the Recluse (+360 AD) and Blessed Maria, his niece, of Mesopotamia (+397 AD).  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday, prayers were again offered for Orthodox Church unity, for relief from drought in Australia, and for peace in Ukraine.  As Sunday was Remembrance Day and the one-hundredth anniversary of the end of the Great War (1914-18), a general memorial service for all Orthodox Christian soldiers, sailors and airmen slain in battle was served following Divine Liturgy.  Announcements were then made concerning the coming parish Annual General Meeting and a collection to benefit the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

Now available - the November 2018 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/11/2018

The November 2018 issue of the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia is now available in our parishes.  As usual, it contains a range of interesting articles in both Russian and English.  In Russian: “Заявление Священного Синода Русской Православной Церкви в связи с посягательством Константинопольского Патриархата на каноническую территорию Русской Православной Церкви”; “Великая княгиня Мария Владимировна: позиция Константинополя ведет к раздроблению православных устоев” “Архтырская икона”; and more.  In English: "Russian Orthodox Church: It is impossible to continue in Eucharistic Communion with the Patriarchate of Constantinople”; “Statement of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia”; “A list of responsibilities of a Godparent in the Orthodox Church”; “Church Canons: A Beginner’s Guide”; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Notice of 2018 Annual General Meeting - 28/10/2018

Our 2018 parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 12.00pm on Sunday 25 November 2018.  A formal Notice concerning the AGM - including the agenda and important information for parish members - is available hereNOTE: Due to unforeseen circumstances our 2018 Annual General Meeting has been postponed.  Alternative arrangements will be announced at the earliest opportunity.

Services on 27-28 October, the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - 28/10/2018

On Saturday 27 October and Sunday 28 October we had services for the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Euthymius the New of Thessalonica (+889 AD) and Monk-Martyr Lucian, priest of Antioch (+312 AD).  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday, prayers were offered for Orthodox Church unity, for relief from drought in Australia, and for peace in Ukraine.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about these special prayers being offered at each Divine Liturgy, the reasons for them, and the importance of prayer at home for these things.  Following Divine Liturgy announcements were made concerning the coming parish Annual General Meeting and a collection to benefit refugees in south-eastern Ukraine displaced as a result of ongoing social and political turmoil in that country.

Services on 10-11 November, the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 28/10/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 10 November and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 11 November, the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Nun-Martyr Anastasia the Roman (+ Third C. AD) and of Saint Abramius the Recluse (+360 AD) and Blessed Maria, his niece, of Mesopotamia (+397 AD).  As Sunday 11 November will be Remembrance Day and the one-hundredth anniversary of the end of the Great War (1914-18), a general memorial service for all Orthodox Christian soldiers, sailors and airmen slain in battle will be served immediately after Divine Liturgy.

A baptism - Hunter Lev Buxton - 20/10/2018

On Saturday 20 October the parish rector baptised Hunter Lev Buxton, the infant son of Michael Buxton and Anastasia Khristosova.  Hunter, who was baptised in honour of the Hieromartyr Lev Ershov (+1918), had as his godparents Oleg Khristosov and Erin Buxton.  We warmly congratulate Michael and Anastasia on the baptism of their son and wish the newly-illumined servant of God Lev many years!

Services on 27-28 October, the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - 14/10/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 27 October and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 28 October, the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Venerable Euthymius the New of Thessalonica (+889 AD) and Monk-Martyr Lucian, priest of Antioch (+312 AD).

Services on 13-14 October, the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God - 14/10/2018

On Saturday 13 October and Sunday 14 October we had services for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and for the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God.  Revered throughout the Russian Orthodox Church, this feast is of particular important to the faithful in Newcastle – it was the patronal feast of the first Orthodox church in the Hunter Valley, established in the Greta Migrant Camp in 1949.  Although that small Holy Protection church closed together with the camp in 1960, our parish continues to observe its patronal feast-day.  On Saturday evening, All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served. On Sunday morning the lesser blessing of water was served, followed by Divine Liturgy, a moleben to the Mother of God, and a procession around the church.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the Orthodox veneration of the Mother of God.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were especially offered for peace in Ukraine.  Following the services on Sunday a collection was taken up to assist the Synodal Liturgical Music Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

2018 Annual Diocesan Teen Retreat - 01/10/2018

This year our Diocese will hold its eighth annual Orthodox Teen Retreat.  Established in 2011, our Diocesan Teen Retreats cater for young people aged 14-17.  This year’s Teen Retreat will be held to the south of Sydney at Stanwell Tops from Sunday 16 December until Friday 21 December.  The theme is 'Bringing the saints to our lives'.  For more information visit

Services on 22-23 September, the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost - 23/09/2018

On Saturday 22 September and Sunday 23 September we had services for the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, the Sunday before the Exaltation of the Cross, and the day of commemoration of the Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora and Nymphodora (+310 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening, and on Sunday morning His Grace Bishop George of Canberra presided at Divine Liturgy.  Following Divine Liturgy Mrs Anna Morhun was presented with a parish Certificate of Appreciation to mark her retirement from the Parish Council after over 60 years of service.  Many of those present later gathered in the church hall for a festive lunch.

Services on 13-14 October, the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God - 23/09/2018

On Saturday 13 October and Sunday 14 October we will have services for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God.  In our parish this feast-day is celebrated with particular joy as it was the patronal feast of the Orthodox Chapel at the Greta Migrant Camp.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be served at 6.00pm on Saturday.  On Sunday Divine Liturgy at 9.00am will be preceded by a blessing of water at 8.15am.  Following Divine Liturgy there will be a moleben to the Mother of God with a procession around the church.

Annual Diocesan Youth Conference, 27-31 December 2018 - 14/09/2018

This year our Diocese is again convening a Diocesan youth conference or "Syezd".  Established in 1965 at the instigation of the ever-memorable Archbishop Sava (Raevsky, +1976), these conferences have been an important spiritual and social event for the youth of our Diocese ever since.  This year’s conference – the theme of which is ‘The Life and Wisdom of the Holy Fathers’ – will be held from 27-31 December in Melbourne and is open to young people aged 18 - 30.  More information is available here.

The patronal feast-day ("Slava") of the Sisterhood of Saint Naum of Ohrid Serbian Orthodox Church - 14/09/2018

At 10.00am on Saturday 22 September, the Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, Divine Liturgy will be served at Saint Naum of Ohrid Serbian Orthodox Church in Broadmeadow (Newcastle), NSW, in honour of the patronal feast of the parish sisterhood.  God willing, our parish rector and parishioners will be joining Father Dalibor Pavlovic and his congregation for this important feast-day in the life of our closest neighbouring Orthodox parish.

Services on 22-23 September, the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost - 14/09/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 23 September and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 23 September, the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, and the day of commemoration of the Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora and Nymphodora at Nicomedia (+310 AD).  God willing, His Grace Bishop George of Canberra will be presiding at Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  The service on Sunday will be followed by a lunch reception for Vladyka George in the church hall.

A collection to assist the work of the Synodal Liturgical Music Commission - 14/09/2018

In accordance with a 2015 resolution of the Synod of Bishops, on Sunday 14 October a collection will be taken up to support the work of the Synodal Liturgical Music Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. Envelopes for this purpose will be available in church as of Sunday 23 September 2018. Please give generously!

Services on 8-9 September, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 09/09/2018

On Saturday 8 September and Sunday 9 September we had services for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Venerable Poemen the Great (+450 AD), a wise spiritual guide and one of the greatest of the Egyptian Desert Fathers.  At Divine Liturgy, prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for rain.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about monasticism in the Egyptian desert and the teachings of Saint Poemen.  Noting that it was the name-day of Patriarch Pimen (Izvekov) (+1990), Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia from 1970 until 1990, the rector also spoke about the difficult conditions of church life in Russia during the Soviet years and of the immense changes in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church since Patriarch Pimen’s repose.

The 2019 Pastoral Conference of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese - 01/09/2018

On Tuesday 26 March and Wednesday 27 March 2019 the clergymen of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese will gather in Sydney for their customary Great Lenten Pastoral Conference.  On Tuesday evening the clergy will meet at the church of All Saints of Russia in Croydon for the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion at 5.00pm and Lenten Matins and confession at 6.00pm.  On Wednesday morning from 8.00am the Hours and the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be served at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield with Bishop George presiding and the clergy concelebrating.  Those of the faithful who wish to do so are welcome to attend the service on Wednesday morning and – if properly prepared – to receive Holy Communion.  Following Divine Liturgy the clergy will meet to discuss a range of pastoral and liturgical matters.

Services on 8-9 September, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 28/08/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 8 September and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 9 September, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Venerable Poemen the Great (+450 AD), a wise spiritual guide and one of the greatest of the Egyptian Desert Fathers.

Services on 27-28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 28/08/2018

On Monday 27 August and Tuesday 28 August we had services for the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Monday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Tuesday morning.  The feast of the Dormition has a special significance for our parish as it was on this day in 1949 - 69 years ago this year - that the first known Orthodox Christian services in the Hunter Valley were served by Archpriest John Lupish (+1977) in the Anglican chapel at Greta Migrant Camp.  Despite it being a working day, Divine Litugry on Tuesday was well-attended, with friends from Gosford joining our parishioners.  Prayers were again offered for rain, and after the service many of those present gathered in the hall for light refreshments.

Services on 27-28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 26/08/2018

Our next services will be All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine and oil, beginning at 6.00pm on Monday 27 August, and Divine Liturgy beginning at 9.00am on Tuesday 28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.   On this day it will be exactly 69 years since the first Russian Orthodox services in the Hunter Valley, served in the Anglican Chapel at the Greta Migrant Camp just 9 days after the arrival in Newcastle from Europe of Archpriest John Lupish and his family.

Our Spring 2018 Schedule of Services - 26/08/2018

Our Spring 2018 Schedule of Services - covering September, October and November - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Spring 2018 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Spring 2018 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies in both languages are available in church.  Services of note during Spring are Bishop George's visit on Sunday 23 September, services for the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God on Saturday-Sunday 13-14 October, a memorial service for Orthodox soldiers fallen in war on Sunday 11 November, and services on the anniversary of the repose of Archpriest John Lupish (+1977) on Wednesday-Thursday 21-22 November.

Services on 25-26 August, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 26/08/2018

On Saturday 25 August an Sunday 26 August we had services for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost and for the Leave-taking of the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday prayers were offered for relief from drought in accordance with Bishop George’s directive.  Receiving Holy Communion for the first time were the newly-baptised children Larissa and Nicholas Korlevic.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon there was a blessing of honey, a gift to the parish, that was then distributed amongst the faithful.  After the dismissal a memorial litia was served for the ever-memorable Alexander Medwedew (+2005), one of our church builders and a long-serving warden (starosta), it being the anniversary of his repose.

A memorial service at Greta Cemetery - 25/08/2018

On 19 August 1949, just four days after his arrival in Australia, Archpriest John Lupish served the funeral of one year-old Irene Solomko. She was then laid to rest in the Greta Cemetery together with a number of other infants who died in an epidemic of measles that swept through the Greta Migrant Camp at that time.   Father John went on to preside at five more burials at Greta: Wsewolod (Vsevelod) Shipilow (+1949, a boy of 18 months), Larisa Klebakin (+1950), Lydia Elagin (+1956), Alexander Melnik (+1970) and Ivan Elagin (+1977).  In June 2015 our parish rector resolved that a general memorial service would be held in the Greta Cemetery each year on the Saturday closest to the anniversary of that first burial.  This year’s memorial service was held on Saturday 25 August.  Although in previous years our rector was joined by Archpriest Michael Solomko, Irene Solomko's younger brother and the President of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand, Father Michael was travelling abroad this year and so unable to be present.  As usual, prayers were offered for the repose of the ever-memorable Archpriest John (+1977), his matushka Maria (+1979), and all those Orthodox Christians buried in the Greta Cemetery, amongst whom are a great many Ukrainian Orthodox.  May their memory be eternal!

A baptism - Larissa and Nicholas Korlevic - 19/08/2018

On Sunday 19 August, the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the parish rector baptised two year-old Lorelei and five month-old Nello, the children of Andrew and Olga Korlevic. In baptism Lorelei was given the name Larissa in honour of the Martyr Larissa, and Nello was given the name Nicholas in honour of Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia. Larissa’s godparents were Anastasia Harwood, Mark McGee and Rachel McGee and Nicholas’s godparents were Anastasia Harwood, Angello Korlevic and Olivia Korlevic.  We warmly congratulate Andrew and Olga and the godparents of their children, praying that God will grant His newly-baptised servants Larissa and Nicholas many years!

Services on 25-26 August, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 12/08/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Sunday 25 August and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 26 August, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Leave-taking of the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and the day of commemoration of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk (+1783 AD).  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday there will be a brief moleben to Saint Tikhon, after which the faithful will be anointed with oil from his shrine.

Services on 11-12 August, the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost - 12/08/2018

On Saturday 11 August and Sunday 12 August we had services for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Apostles of the Seventy Silas, Silvanus, Crescens, Epenetus and Andronicus (+1st C.).  In accordance with Bishop George’s directive, prayers were offered at Divine Liturgy for relief from drought.

Prayers for rain are being offered in the parishes and monasteries of our Diocese - 01/08/2018

In view of ongoing severe drought conditions in significant parts of Australia, His Grace Bishop George issued a directive on 1 August 2018 that all parishes and monasteries of the Diocese offer prayers for God’s mercy and for rain.  These prayers will continue until further notice.

A memorial service at Greta Cemetery - 01/08/2018

Just four days after his arrival in Australia on 19 August 1949, Archpriest John Lupish served the funeral of one year-old Irene Solomko. The child Irene died in an epidemic of measles and broncho-pneumonia that swept through the Greta Migrant Camp that year and was laid to rest in the Greta Cemetery.  Father John later presided at five more burials at Greta: that of another child, Vsevelod Shinilov (+1949), Larisa Klebakin (+1950), Lydia Elagin (+1956), Alexander Melnikov (+1970) and Ivan Elagin (+1977).  In 2015 it was resolved that a memorial service would be held at Greta Cemetery each year on the closest convenient Saturday to the anniversary of Irene Solomko's burial.  This year, the memorial service will be held on Saturday 25 August at 11.00am.  At the service prayers will be offered for the repose of the ever-memorable Archpriest John (+1977), his matushka Maria (+1979), and all those Orthodox Christians buried in the Greta Cemetery.  Kutiya will be blessed, and there will be light refreshments afterwards for those who have travelled to Greta for the sevice.  Unfortunately Archpriest Michael Solomko, the brother of Irene and President of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand will be unable to join our parish rector this year as he will be representing the Consistory at commemorative events in the United States and Canada.  

Services on 11-12 August, the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost - 22/07/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 11 August and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 12 August, the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Apostles Silvas and Silvanus of the Seventy (+1st C.).

Services on 21-22 July, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost - 22/07/2018

On Saturday 21 July and Sunday 22 July we had services for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Hieromartyr Pancratius, bishop of Taormina in Sicily (+1st C.), an eyewitness in his childhood of our Lord’s ministry and a disciple of the Apostle Peter.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday we had visitors from Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney.  In place of a sermon our parish rector read aloud in Russian and in English the Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, on the 100th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of the Righteous Royal Passion-Bearers.  Following Divine Liturgy the parish children played games in the church yard before toasting marshmallows over a campfire.

Services on 21-22 July, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost - 08/07/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 21 July and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 22 July, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Hieromartyr Pancratius, bishop of Taormina in Sicily (+1st C.).  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday there will be a campfire in the church grounds over which the children will be able to cook sausages and toast marshmallows.

Services on 7-8 July, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 08/07/2018

On Saturday 7 July and Sunday 8 July we had services for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Right-believing Prince Peter and Princess Febronia, Wonderworkers of Murom, the heavenly patrons of love, faithfulness and family life.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday there was a moleben to Saints Peter and Febronia at which all the married couples in our parish were commemorated by name and those present were sprinkled with holy water.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the life of Saints Peter and Febronia and the help that they give to those who are married by their example and by their prayers.

The Serbian Orthodox parish of Saint Naum of Ohrid celebrates its fiftieth anniversary - 07/07/2018

On Saturday 7 July, the feast-day of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, the Saint Naum of Ohrid Serbian Orthodox parish in Broadmeadow celebrated both its patronal feast-day (or “slava”) – Saint Naum is commemorated on 3 July – and the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the parish.  His Grace Siluan, Ruling Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand, presided at Divine Liturgy, concelebrating with the rector of that parish, Priest Dalibor Pavlovic, with our rector Archpriest James Carles, and with Deacon Petar Mrakic.  Following the reading from the Holy Gospel Vladyka Siluan gave an edifying sermon on the significance of Saint John the Baptist.  At the end of Divine Liturgy there was a threefold procession around the church with readings from the Holy Gospel and the blessing of kolachi - special rounded loaves of bread - and of koliva.  Many gathered in the parish hall afterwards for a festive meal and a programme of spiritual and cultural items.  Father Dalibor gave an interesting lecture on the history of the parish, noting the assistance that the parish had received from the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish and other priests of the Russian Orthodox Church over the years.  We warmly congratulate Father Dalibor and the Serbian Orthodox people of Newcastle on this jubilee and wish them every blessing from the Lord.

Now available - the July 2018 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/07/2018

The July 2018 issue of the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia is now available in our parishes.  As usual, it contains a range of interesting articles in both Russian and English.  In Russian: Послание митрополита Восточно-Американского и Нью-Йоркского Илариона, Первоиерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви, по случаю 100-летия мученической кончины святых и благоверных Царственных Страстотерпцев; "Прислужник Св. Иоанна Шанхайского - История Русского рассеяния"; "Созерцатель или созидатель" - памяти прот. Симеона Кичакова; and more.  In English: "Why do we pray for the dead on the second, ninth and fortieth day of a person's repose, and what is the basis for the practice?"; "Eight tips for Christian parents on raising chldren in today's world"; "The life story of Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir"; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Services on 7-8 July, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - 24/06/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 7 July and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 8 July, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Right-believing Prince Peter and Princess Febronia, Wonderworkers of Murom, the heavenly patrons of love, faithfulness and family life.  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday there will be a moleben to Saints Peter and Febronia at which all the couples in our parish will be commemorated by name.

Services on 23-24 June, the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 24/06/2018

On Saturday 23 June and Sunday 24 June we had services for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the 222 New Martyrs of China slain during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer for Ukraine was read.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the background to the Boxer Rebellion, the fruits of Russian Orthodox missionary activity amongst the people of China, the bravery of the New Martyrs of China when faced with bitter torments from their countrymen, the history of their veneration, and their enduring witness to Christ.

Services on 23-24 June, the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 10/06/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 23 June and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 24 June, the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the New Martyrs of China slain during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900.

Services on 9-10 June, the Second Sunday after Pentecost - 10/06/2018

On Saturday 9 June and Sunday 10 June we had services for the Second Sunday after Pentecost, the day of commemoration of All Saints who have shone forth in the land of Russia.  Following the Litany of Fervent Supplication at Divine Liturgy the Prayer for the Prosperity of the Russian Church was read.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the history of the feast of All Saints of Russia, the beautiful icon painted in its honour by the ever-memorable Archimandrite Kyprian (Pyzhov) (+2001) of Jordanville, and the various paths to holiness amongst the saints.

Our Orthodox Faith and Life: What is prosphora? - 10/06/2018

On Sunday 10 June our parish published an educational leaflet, 'What is prosphora?'.  This leaflet, prepared in collaboration with our neighbouring parish of Saint Panteleimon, Gosford, explains the symbolism and use of prosphora, the small loaves of bread offered during Divine Liturgy.  The leaflet also explains the commemoration of the names of the living and the departed at Divine Liturgy.  Printed copies are available in church.

Services on 9-10 June, the Second Sunday after Pentecost - 27/05/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 9 June and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 10 June, the Second Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of All Saints of Russia.

Services on 26-27 May, the Great Feast of Pentecost - 27/05/2018

On Saturday 26 May and Sunday 27 May we had services for the Great Feast of Pentecost, the commemoration of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles.  All-night vigil with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy followed immediately by Vespers and the customary "kneeling prayers" was served on Sunday morning.  Prior to the services our small church was beautifully decorated with green branches in honour of the Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life.  On Sunday we were joined by many friends from the Gosford parish and our rector concelebrated with Father Theodor Postelnisescu, rector of the Romanian Orthodox Community of the Apostle Andrew

Our Winter 2018 Schedule of Services - 22/05/2018

Our Winter 2018 Schedule of Services - covering June, July and August - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Winter 2018 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Winter 2018 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies in both languages are available in church.

Services on 21-22 May, the Feast of the translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 22/05/2018

On Monday 21 May and Tuesday 22 May we services had for the feast-day of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia, modern-day Turkey, to Bari in Italy.  On Monday evening All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served.  As this feast-day of Saint Nicholas is the patronal feast of our parish, the customary blessing of water was served early on Tuesday morning.  Although only a small number of parishioners were able to be present that day, we were joined by friends from the Gosford parish and from Saint Naum of Ohrid Serbian Orthodox Church in Broadmeadow, NSW.  At Divine Liturgy our rector concelebrated with Father Dalibor Pavlovic, rector of the Broadmeadow parish.  A moleben to Saint Nicholas was served immediately after Divine Liturgy, following which the usual prayers were offered for the Patriarch and the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Australian and Russian lands, parish office-bearers, the people present, and for our departed founders and parishioners.  Congratulating the people with the feast-day, the parish rector spoke about the universal veneration of Saint Nicholas and of the reason for this, the unfailing help that Christians have received through his prayers over many centuries.  Following the service many of those present gathered in the church hall for a simple feast-day lunch.

Our next services: 26-27 May, the Great Feast of Pentecost - 13/05/2018

Our next services will be All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves at 6.00pm on Saturday 26 May and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 27 May, the Great Feast of Pentecost and Trinity Sunday. On this day the Orthodox Church commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and disciples.  In accordance with the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church, our church will be decorated with green branches and Vespers with the kneeling prayers will be served immediately after Divine Liturgy. The small bunches of flowers customarily held by the faithful on this feast-day will be available to our parishioners and friends on Sunday morning.

Services on 12-13 May, the Sunday of the Blind Man - 13/05/2018

On Saturday 12 May and Sunday 13 May we had services for the Sixth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Blind Man.  On this day the Holy Orthodox Church remembers the healing of the man born blind (John 9:1-38).  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about this miracle and about Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov), Bishop of the Caucasas and the Black Sea (+1867 AD), a revered hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church commemorated on this day.  As it was Mother's Day, at the end of the service the Ladies' Auxiliary presented Matushka Marie Carles with flowers on behalf of the parish.  The rector congratulated her and all the mothers present, following which "Many years" was sung.

Now available - the April 2018 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/05/2018

The April 2018 issue of the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia is now available in our parishes.  In addition to the Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion in both Russian and English, there is a range of interesting articles in both languages.  In Russian: "Догмат о Пресвятой Троице"; "Царь-Освободитель - 200 лет со дня рождения Александра II"; and more.  In English: "Why on the right hand: The meaning of [wedding] rings in the Orthodox Tradition”; "A few tips on helping your children grow to become faithful Orthodox adults"; and more.  Also included is a list of Diocesan recipients of the Partriarchal Medal commemorating the centenary of the re-establishment of the Patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church and a list of living and departed Diocesan clergy for commemoration in prayer.  Copies are $5.00.

Our parish feast-day: 21-22 May, the commemoration of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari - 01/05/2018

On 21-22 May we will have services in honour of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, the patronal feast of our parish.  At 6.00pm on Monday 21 May we will have All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves.  At 8.15am on Tuesday 22 May we will have the lesser blessing of water, and at 9.00am we will have Divine Liturgy.  Following the service there will be a moleben to Saint Nicholas with a procession around the church, after which there will have a festive lunch for those able to join us.

A wedding - Philip Richards and Salome (MeeYeon) D'Arcy - 29/04/2018

On the afternoon of Sunday 29 April the parish rector presided at the marriage of Philip Richards and Salome (MeeYeon) D'Arcy.  Many family members and friends gathered in our small church for the occasion, and afterwards a reception was held in the parish hall.  We warmly congratulate Philip and MeeYeon and wish them many years of happiness together.

The April 2018 meeting of the Parish Council - 23/04/2018

On Monday 23 April there was a meeting of the Parish Council.  The usual pastoral, administrative, and financial reports were then presented and progress on parish governance, decorative and building projects was reviewed.  At the meeting the long-serving head of our parish Ladies' Auxiliary, Anna Morhun, advised the Parish Council of her intention to retire from her position, effective immediately.  In announcing her retirement she spoke warmly of all that had been accomplished in parish life, but stated that her age and increasing infirmity prevented her from continuing.  Mrs Morhun, who turned 95 early in April, has been active in our parish since it was established in 1952, filling the role of Head Sister for over 50 years.  In 2017 she received the prestigious Diocesan Cross in recognition of her service.  Her retirement will be formally acknowledged with a moleben of thanksgiving during May 2018.

Our next services: 12-13 May, the Sunday of the Blind Man - 22/04/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 12 May and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 13 May, the Sixth Sunday of Pascha.  As the appointed Gospel reading (John 9:1-38) concerns Christ's healing of the man blind from birth, this Sunday is known as the Sunday of the Blind Man.

Services on 21-22 April, the Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers - 22/04/2018

On Saturday 21 April and Sunday 22 April we had services for the Third Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers.  On this day the Holy Orthodox Church remembers those righteous women and men who were present at Christ's burial and later came to His Tomb bearing myrrh and sweet spices: Mary Magdalen; Mary, the wife of Cleopas; Joanna; Salome, mother of the sons of Zebedee; Susanna; Martha and Mary, the sisters of Saint Lazarus; Mary, mother of the Apostle James; Righteous Joseph of Arimathea; and Nicodemus.  Receiving Holy Communion for the first time was the newly-baptised Salome D'Arcy.  Following the dismissal the parish rector congratulated Salome on the occasion - also her first name-day - and many years was sung for her.

A baptism - Salome D'Arcy - 21/04/2018

On Saturday 21 April the parish rector baptised 34 year-old MeeYeon D’Arcy.  MeeYeon was given the name Salome in baptism in honour of Righteous Salome the Myrrhbearer, mother of the sons of Zebedee, Apostles James and John.  Her godmother was the long-serving head of our parish Ladies' Auxiliary, Anna Morhun.  We warmly congratulate the newly-baptised handmaiden of God Salome and wish her many years!

Our next services: 21-22 April, the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers - 17/04/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 21 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 22 April, the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers.  On this day the Holy Orthodox Church remembers those righteous women and men who came to the Tomb of Christ bearing myrrh and sweet spices: Mary Magdalen; Mary, the wife of Cleopas; Joanna; Salome, mother of the sons of Zebedee; Susanna; Martha and Mary, the sisters of Saint Lazarus; Mary, mother of the Apostle James; Righteous Joseph of Arimathea; and Nicodemus.

Services on 16-17 April, Radonitsa - 17/04/2018

On Monday 16 April and Tuesday 17 April we had services for the second Tuesday of Pascha, “Radonitsa” - the day of rejoicing.  In the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church, this is the first day after Pascha on which services for the departed are customarily offered.  Matins was served on Monday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Tuesday morning.  Immediately following Divine Liturgy a general panikhida was served in church, at which a great many of the departed were mentioned by name.  Amongst those commemorated were the ever-memorable Archbishop Sava (Raevsky)(+1976), the anniversary of whose repose it was, and the ever-memorable Monk Joseph (in the world, Reader Isaac Lambertsen)(+2017).  Archbishop Sava was the second Ruling Bishop of our Diocese and the hierarch who, in 1966, consecrated our church.  Monk Joseph was a graduate of the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, NY, who translated the entire Menaion, Octoechos and Pentecostarion from Church Slavonic into English.  Eternal memory!  Graveside litias were then served in Wallsend, Sandgate and East Maitland cemeteries.

Services on 13-14 February, Bright Saturday - 14/04/2018

On Friday 13 April and Saturday 14 April we had services for the Saturday after Pascha, Bright Saturday.  Paschal Matins was served on Friday evening and the Paschal Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Saturday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the choir sang under the direction of Elena Gan.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon at Divine Liturgy the prayer at the breaking of the Artos was read.  In place of a sermon, the parish rector read aloud the Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion in Russian and in English.  At the dismissal, pieces of the blessed Artos were given to the faithful.

Our next services: 16-17 April, Radonitsa - 09/04/2018

Our next weekday services will be Matins at 7.00pm on Monday 16 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Tuesday 17 April for Radonitsa, the Day of Rejoicing.  In the Russian Orthodox tradition this is the first day after Pascha on which the departed are commemorated.  After Divine Liturgy there will be a general memorial service in church followed by individual graveside services at Wallsend, Sandgate, and East Maitland Cemeteries.  During the memorial service in church we will particularly commemorate the ever-memorable Archbishop Sava (Raevsky)(+1976), it being the forty-second anniversary of his repose.

A fundraising dinner to benefit the Presentation Sisterhood in Bungarby, NSW - 08/04/2018

At 5.00pm on Sunday 20 May 2018 a fundraising dinner will be held in the church hall at Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Cathedral, 3 Vernon Street, Strathfield, to assist the Presentation Sisterhood in Bungarby, NSW, a monastic community of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  A French-themed dinner will be served, and during the evening well-known Serbian Orthodox priest Father Rade Radan will give a talk entitled 'Serpents and Doves'.  Child-minding will be available.  Tickets are $50.00 for adults, $40.00 for pensioners, and $15.00 for children aged 15 and younger.  Seating will be at tables of 8.  More information is available at

“Heart of Gold” 2018 – A concert to benefit orphaned and abandoned children and the needy in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine - 08/04/2018

On Sunday 29 April 2018 at 2.00pm at the Russian Club, 7 Albert Road, Strathfield, Orthodox Action Sydney will present its seventeenth charity concert, “Heart of Gold” 2018.  The program will feature a mixture of classical music, Russian folklore, humour, and dancing.  All funds raised will benefit orphaned and abandoned children and the needy in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.  Tickets are $30.00 for adults, $25.00 for pensioners and students, and $10.00 for children 5-10 years of age.  More information can be obtained by contacting Vera on 9747-3109 or Natasha on 9730-2367.

Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Institute inaugural free lecture series - 08/04/2018

Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Institute (SCMOI) is the newly-established theological and higher learning institute of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  It provides undergraduate and postgraduate award courses by arrangement with the Adelaide College of Divinity and the Uniting College for Leadership and Theology.  SCMOI is offering a free online lecture series on "Sexuality, Homosexuality and the Bible" beginning on Thursday 19 April 2018.  Online registration is available here:

Our next services: 13-14 April, Bright Saturday - 08/04/2018

Our next services will be Paschal Matins at 7.00pm on Friday 13 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Saturday 14 April, Bright Saturday.  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Saturday we will cut and distribute the Artos, the special bread blessed on Pascha in commemoration of the Resurrection of Christ.

Holy Week and Pascha in Newcastle - 08/04/2018

This year, our parish had a number of traditional services for Holy Week and Pascha.  Matins with the singing of the exapostilarion “Thy Bridal chamber” ("Чертог твой") was served in the evening on Wednesday 4 April. On Thursday 5 April, Great and Holy Thursday, Divine Liturgy was served in the morning and Matins with the reading of the Twelve Passion Gospels was served in the evening.  On Friday 6 April, Great and Holy Friday, Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ was served at 3.00pm.  On Saturday 7 April, Great and Holy Saturday, Midnight Office was served late in the evening, with Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy following in the early hours of Sunday 8 April, the Sunday of Pascha.   Concelebrating with the parish rector at Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy was Priest Theodor Postelnisescu, the rector of the Romanian Orthodox Community of the Apostle Andrew.  Easter baskets containing eggs, cakes and other festive foods were blessed following Matins.  Following Divine Liturgy, the clergy and a small group of the faithful gathered in the church hall for a festive meal.

Russian Orthodox Holy Week and Pascha in Newcastle - 31/03/2018

Our parish will have Matins at 7.00pm on Wednesday 4 April.  On Great and Holy Thursday, 5 April, Vespers and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am and Matins with the reading of the Twelve Gospels will be served at 6.00pm.  On Great and Holy Friday, 6 April, we will have Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ at 3.00pm.  On Saturday 7 April we will have Midnight Office at 11.20pm.  This service will be preceded by the reading of the Acts of the Apostles from 9.00pm.  Paschal Matins with Divine Liturgy will begin at 12.00am on Sunday 8 April.  The blessing of Easter eggs and cakes will take place at approximately 1.00am on Sunday 8 April, after Paschal Matins and prior to Divine Liturgy.  For a number of other traditional Holy Week and Paschal services, our parish rector will be serving at Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford.

Services on 30-31 March, Lazarus Saturday - 31/03/2018

On Friday 30 March and Saturday 31 March we had services for the sixth Saturday of Great Lent, Lazarus Saturday.  On this day the Orthodox Church commemorates the resurrection of Lazarus of Bethany from the dead after four days in the grave.  Many parishioners confessed their sins in preparation to receive Holy Communion on Saturday.  At the end of the service pussy-willow branches were blessed in anticipation of Palm Sunday and a collection was taken up to assist the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.  A memorial litia was also served for the men, women and children who perished in the fire in Kemerovo, Russia, on 25 March 2018.

Our next services: 30-31 March, Lazarus Saturday - 27/03/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 7.00pm on Friday 30 March and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Saturday 31 March, Lazarus Saturday.  On this day, the sixth Saturday of Great Lent, the Orthodox Church commemorates the resurrection of Lazarus of Bethany after four days in the grave (John 11:1-45).  As we will not have services on Palm Sunday there will be a blessing of palms and pussy-willows at the end of Divine Liturgy.  Following the service on Saturday there will be a memorial litia for the victims of the Kemerovo tragedy in Russia and a collection in aid of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.

A General Service of Anointing with Oil - 27/03/2018

On the evening of Tuesday 27 March our parish rector presided at a General Service of Anointing with Oil.  Serving together with him was Priest Dalibor Pavlovic of the Serbian Orthodox Church of Saint Nahum of Ohrid in Broadmeadow.  Approximately 25 faithful from both parishes gathered in our church to pray and receive anointing with oil for the healing of soul and body.  For Orthodox Christians this service, otherwise served only for individuals in circumstances of great need, is a customary part of Great Lent. 

Services on 24-25 March, the Fifth Sunday in Great Lent - 25/03/2018

On Saturday 24 March and Sunday 25 March we had services for the Fifth Sunday in Great Lent, the day of commemoration of Saint Mary of Egypt (+AD 421).  Joining us for Divine Liturgy on Sunday was Father Theodore Postelnisescu, the rector of Newcastle’s Romanian Orthodox Community of the Holy Apostle Andrew.   In his sermon at Divine Liturgy the parish rector spoke about the life of Saint Mary of Egypt and of her enduring example of repentance.

A General Service of Anointing with Oil, Tuesday 27 March - 22/03/2018

In the Orthodox tradition it is customary to have a General Service of Anointing ("Соборование") during Great Lent.  In this service there are seven readings from the Apostol, seven readings from the Holy Gospel, seven prayers, and the faithful are - if there are sufficient clergy present - anointed seven times with oil - blessed and sanctified during the service - for the healing of soul and body.  The practice of anointing with oil for spiritual and physical healing is referred to by the Apostle James: "Is anyone among you sick?  Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.  And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven" (James 5:14-15).  This year our parish will have this service at 6.00pm on Tuesday 27 March.  God willing, we will have with us Father Dalibor Pavlovic of the Serbian Orthodox church of Saint Naum of Ohrid.  Church Slavonic, English and Serbian will be used during the service.  Note: This is a sacrament in which only baptised Orthodox Christians may participate.

Our next services: 24-25 March, the Fifth Sunday in Great Lent - 11/03/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 24 March and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 25 March, the Fifth Sunday in Great Lent and the day of commemoration of Saint Mary of Egypt (+ AD 421), the great exemplar of repentance.

Services on 10-11 March, the Third Sunday in Great Lent - 11/03/2018

On Saturday 10 March and Sunday 11 March we had services for the Third Sunday in Great Lent, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross.  As Saturday 10 March was a day of commemoration of the departed there was a general pannikhida prior to the service on Saturday evening , at which were commemorated the departed hierarchs and clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese, together with our departed parishioners, family members and friends.  In accordance with Orthodox custom an image of the Holy Cross, beautifully decorated with flowers, was set forth for veneration at the end of the Saturday evening service.

A Pastoral Conference of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese - 08/03/2018

On Tuesday 13 March and Wednesday 14 March many of the clergymen of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese will gather in Sydney for their customary Great Lenten Pastoral Conference.  On Tuesday evening the clergy will meet at the church of All Saints of Russia in Croydon for the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion at 5.00pm and Lenten Matins and confession at 6.00pm.  On Wednesday morning from 8.00am the Hours and the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be served at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield with Bishop George presiding and the clergy concelebrating.  Those of the faithful who wish to do so are welcome to attend the service on Wednesday morning and – if properly prepared – to receive Holy Communion.  Following Divine Liturgy the clergy will meet to discuss a range of pastoral and liturgical matters and to hear presentations from a number of speakers.

Our next services: 10-11 March, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross - 25/02/2018

Our next services will be Matins with the bringing out of the Cross at 6.00pm on Saturday 10 March and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 11 March, the Third Sunday of Great Lent and the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross.  As Saturday 10 March is a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins that evening will be preceded by a general memorial service at 5.00pm.

Services on 24-25 February, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy - 25/02/2018

On Saturday 24 February and Sunday 25 February we had services for the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, the First Sunday of Great Lent.  In accordance with the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church, at Divine Liturgy on Sunday the Prayer before the Amvon was followed by a brief Service of Supplication for Those in Error.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the history of the commemoration of the Triumph of Orthodoxy and of the importance of each individual Orthodox Christian striving to preserve the Truth.  Following the service a collection was taken up to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, NY.

Our Autumn 2018 Schedule of Services - 24/02/2018

Our Autumn 2018 Schedule of Services - covering March, April and May 2018 - is now available in PDF format.  It includes all our services for Great Lent, Holy Week, Pascha, our patronal feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, and the Great Feast of Pentecost.  A copy of the English-language Autumn 2018 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Autumn 2018 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies are available in church.

Our next services: 24-25 February, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy - 18/02/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 24 February and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 25 February, the First Sunday in Great Lent and the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy.  In accordance with the practice of parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia on the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, 'The Order for a Hymn of Supplication for the Conversion of those in Error' will be served at the end of Divine Liturgy.  During this short service, prayers will be offered for those who oppose the truth of the Gospel with heresy and for those who have fallen away from the Holy Orthodox Church through schism.  A collection will be taken up on this day to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, NY.

A service on Sunday 18 February, Forgiveness Sunday - 18/02/2018

Late in the afternoon on Sunday 18 February we served Vespers for Forgiveness Sunday, the final Sunday before the beginning of Great Lent.  During this service the church vestments were changed from gold to black and the ordinary melodies gave way to the solemn melodies of Great Lent.  At the end of the service the parish rector gave a brief sermon on the importance of asking and bestowing forgiveness, after which all present asked forgiveness of one another in accordance with Orthodox custom on this day.

The repose of Archpriest John Stukacz - 14/02/2018

On 14 February we learned with sorrow of the repose that day of Archpriest John Stukacz, a former rector of our parish and Dean of New South Wales.  Born in Belarus in 1930, he arrived in Australia in 1950 as a displaced person.  Settling in Adelaide, he became in time the choir conductor in the parish of Saint Nicholas there.  After the completion of his study at the Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville in 1964 and marriage in 1966 he was ordained deacon and then priest.  He served in Adelaide and London (UK) before returning to Australia permanently in 1976.  In 1977 he was appointed senior priest of Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield and Dean of New South Wales.  He served here in Wallsend during the 1990s.  Although in 2007 he left the jurisdiction of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia he retained the respect of many in our parish, and we offer heartfelt condolences to Matushka Marina and their children.  May God give him rest!

Diocesan-wide collection for the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville - 11/02/2018

Each year on the First Sunday in Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, parishes of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia take up a collection to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York.  The Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is the main institution of higher education in the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  This collection provides financial assistance to students, covering tuition, room and board.  Our collection will be taken up this year on Sunday 25 February.  Please give generously!

Our next service: Vespers on 18 February, the Sunday of Forgiveness - 11/02/2018

On Sunday 18 February, the Sunday of Forgiveness, Vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness will be served at 4.00pm.  During this service, the duration of which will be approximately 45 minutes, the church vestments are changed from gold to black and the festive melodies give way to the penitential Lenten melodies.  Afterwards all those present ask forgiveness of one another, in this way making a good beginning to Great Lent.

Services on 10-11 February, the Sunday of the Last Judgement and the day of commemoration of All Saints of Yekaterinburg - 11/02/2018

On Saturday 10 February and Sunday 11 February we had services for the Sunday of the Last Judgment and in honour of All Saints of Ekaterinburg.  As Saturday 10 February was a day of commemoration of the departed a general panikhida was served immediately prior to the Saturday evening service.  At the end of the panikhida koliva was blessed and shared amongst those present.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday the Prayer for the Prosperity of the Russian Church was read and - following the Prayer before the Amvon - a moleben to All Saints of Ekaterinburg was served.  In his sermon the rector spoke first about compassionate service to one's fellow man being accounted as service to Christ Himself, and then about the example of the saints of Ekaterinburg both new and old. At the dismissal a collection was taken up to assist the work of Orthodox Action in Sydney and Melbourne.

The repose and funeral of Vasily (“Bill”) Bukovec - 05/02/2018

On Monday 29 January we learned with sorrow of the repose of Vasily (“Bill”) Bukovec, a long-term parishioner and one of the builders of our church.  Mr Bukovec – who reached 100 years of age in 2016 – had been in declining health for some time.  He received Holy Communion and Anointing with Oil in the days prior to his repose.  He is survived by his daughters Olga, Nina and Elizabeth and by his grandsons Allan, Jamie, Justin, Billy and Christian and their families, to whom we offer heartfelt condolences.  His funeral service was held in our church on Monday 5 February 2018, after which he was laid to rest beside his beloved wife Anna in Sandgate Cemetery.  May his memory be eternal!

A wedding - Anthony Kloczko and Yuliya Kuznetsova - 02/02/2018

On the afternoon of Friday 2 February the parish rector presided at the marriage of Anthony Kloczko and Yuliya Kuznetsova.  Our small church was full to overflowing with family and friends.  The family of the groom has had a long connection with our parish.  We warmly congratulate Anthony and Yuliya and wish them many years of happiness together.

Now available - the January 2018 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/02/2018

The January 2018 issue of the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia is now available in our parishes.  In addition to the Nativity Epistle of Patriarch Kyrill in Russian and the Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion in both Russian and English, there is a range of interesting articles in both languages.  In Russian: "Памятник Царю-Мученику Николаю установлен в Австралии"; "Делегация Украиской Православной Церкви Московского Патриархата в Австралии" and more.  In English: "Australian and New Zealand Seventh Annual Teen Retreat”; a number of articles about Orthodox Christian practices; and more.  Also included are notices concerning recent ordinations and clergy movements.  Copies are $5.00.

The Final Report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse - 01/02/2018

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse completed its work late in 2017.  The seventeen-volume Final Report of the Royal Commission, which looked into the history of abuse in a range of institutions and organisations in Australia including religious groups, was published on 15 December 2017.  The Final Report Preface and Executive Summary summarises the findings and lists all the recommendations. There is also a brief guide to the Final Report.  The Royal Commission made 28 recommendations that set out governance standards – including the ten Child Safe Standards – and compliance mechanisms designed to ensure that children stay safe in religious institutions.  Our Parish Council is now familiarising itself with the findings and recommendations of the Royal Commission so as to develop, in conjunction with the Diocesan authorities, policies and procedures to ensure that our parish and our Diocese remain child-safe and child-friendly.

The repose and funeral of Vasily (“Bill”) Bukovec - 29/01/2018

On Monday 29 January we learned with sorrow of the repose of Vasily (“Bill”) Bukovec, a long-term parishioner and one of the builders of our church.  Mr Bukovec – who reached 100 years of age in 2016 – had been in declining health for some time.  He received Holy Communion and Anointing with Oil in the days prior to his repose.  He is survived by his daughters Olga, Nina and Elizabeth and by his five grandsons and their families, to whom we offer heartfelt condolences.  His funeral service will be held in our church at 11.00am on Monday 5 February 2018, after which he will be laid to rest beside his beloved wife Anna in Sandgate Cemetery.  May his memory be eternal!

Maslenitsa in Newcastle! - 28/01/2018

On Friday 16 February our Ladies' Auxiliary will be hosting a pancake dinner at in the church hall at 3 Irving Street, Wallsend.  The cost will be $45.00 for adults and $15.00 for children aged 10-16.  Children under 10 will be admitted free. In addition to pancakes with traditional toppings, both savoury and sweet, appetisers and desserts will be served.  BYO drinks.  UPDATE: More information is available in Russian here and in English here.  Please join us!

February 2018 collection for Orthodox Action - 28/01/2018

Each year in February the parishes of Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia take up a collection to assist the work of Orthodox Action, a charitable organisation that operates in Sydney and Melbourne under the auspices of the Diocese and the heavenly protection of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco.  Orthodox Action works to help the poor and needy, destitute children and orphanages in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union.  In 2018 our parish will take up this collection on Sunday 11 February.  Collection envelopes will be available in church from the preceding evening.  Please give generously!

Our next services: 10-11 February, the Sunday of the Last Judgement - 28/01/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 10 February and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 11 February, the Sunday of the Last Judgment and the day of commemoration of All Saints of Ekaterinburg.  This Sunday is also referred to as Meatfare Sunday as it is the last day on which Orthodox Christians customarily eat meat before Pascha.  As Saturday 10 February is a day of commemoration of the departed there will be a general panikhida at 5.00pm, immediately prior to Matins.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday a collection will be taken up to assist the work of Orthodox Action in Sydney and Melbourne.

A baptism - Leo Marshall - 28/01/2018

On Sunday 28 January, the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, the parish rector baptised the infant Leo, the son of Tony and Iryna Marshall and a younger brother to Sofia.  Leo was baptised in honour of the Holy Martyr Leo and had as his sponsors Igor Masalitin and Natalia Khyzniak.  We warmly congratulate Tony, Iryna, Igor and Natalia and wish the newly-illumined servant of God Leo many years!

Services on 27-28 January, the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 28/01/2018

On Saturday 27 January and Sunday 28 January we had services for the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, the first Sunday of preparation for Great Lent.  As it was our first Sunday service after Theophany the founders, benefactors and parishioners of the former Theophany parish in Mayfield, both living and departed, were commemorated in prayer at the end of Divine Liturgy. At lunch in the church hall our parish rector received congratulations and was presented with a cake on the occasion of his birthday.

Our next services: 27-28 January, the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 18/01/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 27 January and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 28 January, the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee.  The hymnody on this Sunday, the first preparatory Sunday for Great Lent, draws on the Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee (Luke 18:10-14).  As this will be the first Sunday service after the Great Feast of Theophany, the commemoration of the Baptism of the Lord, Divine Liturgy will be followed by a moleben for the founders, benefactors and parishioners of the former Theophany parish in Mayfield, NSW, and a memorial service for those amongst them who have departed this life.

Services on 17-18 January, the Eve of Theophany - 18/01/2018

On Wednesday 17 January and Thursday 18 January we had services for the Eve of Theophany, the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.  Matins was served on Wednesday evening, and on Thursday morning Vespers with the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great was served together with the Great Blessing of Water.  At Vespers, many of those present assisted with the thirteen appointed readings from the Old Testament.

Our next services: 17-18 January, the Eve of Theophany - 14/01/2018

Our next service will be Matins at 7.00pm on Wednesday 17 January for the Eve of the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, or Theophany.  At 9.00am on Thursday 18 January, we will have Vespers with the thirteen appointed readings from the Old Testament followed by Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water.  As the forecast is for a very hot day on Thursday, the blessing of water will be served inside the church.  The main services for Theophany will be on Thurday evening and Friday morning in the Gosford parish.

Services on 13-14 January, the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord and the commemoration of Saint Basil the Great - 14/01/2018

On Saturday 13 January and Sunday 14 January we had services for the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord and in honour of Saint Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia (+379 AD).  On Sunday His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral), First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, presided at Divine Liturgy.  We were also joined by Protodeacon Martin Naef from the Gosford parish.  As it was 1 January 2018 on the Julian Calendar a brief moleben for the beginning of the New Year was served at the end of Divine Liturgy.  Following the dismissal, Vladyka Hilarion gave an edifying sermon in Russian and English in which he reflected on the various commemorations of the day.  A festive lunch was then held in the church hall in Vladyka’s honour.  During a word of welcome over lunch the parish rector noted Vladyka's recent particpation, together with the other hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, in the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church commemorating the centenary of the election and enthronement of Saint Tkhon the Confessor as Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, and thanked him for his wise leadership as First Hierarch.

Our next services: 13-14 January, the Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - 08/01/2018

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 13 January and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 14 January, the Sunday before Theophany and the day of commemoration of the Circumcision of the Lord and of Saint Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia (+379 AD).  On Sunday Metropolitan Hilarion will be presiding at Divine Liturgy.

Russian Orthodox Christmas in Newcastle - 08/01/2018

On Monday 8 January, we had a service for the Second Day of the Nativity of Christ.  Joining our parish rector was Father Dalibor Pavlovic, the rector of Saint Naum of Ohrid Serbian Orthodox Church in Broadmeadow, NSW.   Divine Liturgy was served in Church Slavonic, Serbian and English.  In place of a sermon, our parish rector read aloud the Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York in Russian and in English.  Following the service all gathered in the church hall for a festive meal and a visit from Father Christmas.

A service on Monday 8 January, the Second Day of the Nativity of Christ - 24/12/2017

Our next service will be Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Monday 8 January, the Second Day of the Nativity of Christ.  There will be a festive lunch afterwards in the church hall – those planning to join us are asked to bring a plate of food or some sweets to share.  A visit from Father Christmas is expected during lunch.

A baptism - Eva Arhipova - 24/12/2017

On Sunday 24 December, the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, the parish rector baptised the infant Eva, the infant daughter of Vitalii Athipov and Elena Arhipova and a younger sister to Matvei and Zahar.  Eva was baptised in honour of the Holy Foremother Eve and had as her sponsors Reader George Karmadonoff and Lubov Pekhovkina.  We warmly congratulate Vitalii, Elena, George and Lubov and wish the newly-illumined handmaiden of God Eva many years!

Services on 23-24 December, the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost - 24/12/2017

On Saturday 23 December and Sunday 24 December we had services for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Forefathers, the ancestors of Christ according to the flesh.  On Sunday morning our small church was fuller than usual, friends from the Gosford parish and from Sydney having joined us for Divine Liturgy.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the faith and faithfulness of the Holy Forefathers, of putting off the old man and putting on the new (Colossians 3:4-11), and of constantly accepting by one's way of life the invitation to the Great Banquet (Luke:14-16-24).

Our next services: 23-24 December, the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers - 19/12/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 23 December and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 24 December, the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers.  This will be our final service for 2017 and the last service until Monday 8 January 2018, the Second Day of the Nativity of Christ.

Services on 18-19 December, the day of commemoration of Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia - 19/12/2017

On Monday 18 December and Tuesday 19 December, the lesser patronal feast of our church, we had services in honour of Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia.  All-night vigil with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil was served on Monday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Tuesday morning.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon a brief moleben to Saint Nicholas was served at which our parishioners and their families, together with others who have asked for our prayers, were commemorated by name.  After the dismissal, the rector congratulated parish Warden Nikolai Goura and Parish Council member Nicholas (Dean) Crawford, both of whom were celebrating their name-day.  He thanked them both for their work for the parish and wishing them every blessing from God.  Many years was then sung for them both, after which those present enjoyed a festive meal in the church hall.

Our next services: 18-19 December, the feast of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia - 10/12/2017

Our next services will be All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine oil and five loaves at 6.00pm on Monday 18 December and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Tuesday 19 December, the day of repose of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia and the lesser patronal feast-day of our parish.  Divine Liturgy will be followed by a brief moleben to Saint Nicholas.

Services on 9-10 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God - 10/12/2017

On Saturday 9 December and Sunday 10 December we had services for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God, the "Directress" of the Russian Diaspora.  At Matins on Saturday evening the faithful were anointed with oil from the lamp that burns before the original Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God in the Synodal Cathedral in New York, and prior to Divine Liturgy on Sunday an akathist was read in Slavonic and English before a copy of the icon.  As Sunday was the six-month anniversary of the repose of our parishioner Vadim ("Jim") Zdanowicz a memorial litia was served after Divine Liturgy.  Later in the day our parish rector visited the Russian and other Orthodox Kids' Camp being held in Toukley on the New South Wales Central Coast, there serving the customary moleben before the beginning of a good work.

Our December 2017 parish newsletter - 10/12/2017

Our December 2017 parish newsletter was published on 10 December 2017.  It includes parish news for August-December, information about the month ahead, and the Epistle of the Holy Council of Bishops to the Clergy, Monks and Nuns and All Faithful Children of the Russian Orthodox Church in both Russian and English.  To read it click here.  Copies are available in church and will be distributed together with the Summer 2017-18 Schedule of Services by post and email during the week beginning 11 December 2017.

Updated information about marriage in the Russian Orthodox Church, together with a list of available dates in 2018 and 2019 - 09/12/2017

In conjunction with Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford, our parish has developed and published an explanation of the legal and church requirements for marriage in parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  This information has now been comprehensively revised and updated to reflect the adoption by the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church of the document ‘On the Canonical Aspects of Church Marriage’ (‘О канонических аспектах церковного брака’) on 2 December 2017 and the commencement of amendments to the Australian Marriage Act 1961 (Cth) on 9 December 2017.  It includes an explanation of why weddings cannot be celebrated on certain days and dates and during certain seasons, and provides a helpful list of Sundays and Fridays on which weddings can be celebrated that has now been updated to include Sundays and Fridays in 2019.  The information can be accessed here.  Should anyone have any questions about this information, please contact us.

Our next services: 9-10 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God - 04/12/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 9 December and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 10 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God "Of the Sign", the Directress of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  Divine Liturgy on Sunday will be preceded by an akathist in honour of the icon at 8.15am.

Services on 3-4 December, the Great Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple - 04/12/2017

On Sunday 3 December and Monday 4 December we had services for the Great Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Sunday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Monday morning.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy the parish rector explained the history and significance of the feast and spoke of the importance of each Orthodox Christian being filled and formed by the life of the Church in order to worthily receive Christ.

Our next services: 3-4 December, the Great Feast of the entry of the Mother of God into the Temple - 26/11/2017

Our next services will be All-night Vigil at 6,00pm on Sunday 3 December and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Monday 4 December, the Great Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple.

Services on 25-26 November, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 26/11/2017

On Saturday 25 November and Sunday 26 November we had services for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople (+407 AD).  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday the parish rector spoke about the immense influence of Saint John on the life of the Holy Orthodox Church and about his personal example to each Orthodox Christian: ascetic struggle, a love for the Holy Scriptures, care for the poor, a willingness to stand up to the elites of this world, and an unshakeable commitment to the purity of the Orthodox faith.  Following Divine Liturgy a memorial litia was served for the ever-memorable servants of God Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesenky), third First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (+21 November 1985); Archpriest John Lupish, the founder of our parish (+22 November 1977); and the Russian heroes of the White Movement who, fleeing the Bolshevik yoke, arrived in Gallipoli on 22 November 1920.  A collection was then taken up to aid the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outisde Russia, raising $190.00.

Our Summer 2017-18 Schedule of Services - 25/11/2017

Our Summer 2017-18 Schedule of Services - covering December, January and February - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Summer 2017-18 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Summer 2016-17 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies in both languages will be available in church from the evening of Saturday 25 November.

Services on 21-22 November, the anniversary of the repose of Archpriest John Lupish (+1977) - 22/11/2017

On Tuesday 21 November and Wednesday 22 November we had services in prayerful remembrance of the fortieth anniversary of the repose of the ever-memorable founder of our parish, Archpriest John Lupish.  A Great Pannikhida or “parastas” was served on Tuesday evening.  On Wednesday morning, the anniversary of Father John’s repose in 1977, Divine Liturgy for the departed was served.  Following a memorial litia and the blessing of koliva at the end of Divine Liturgy, our rector spoke briefly about Father John’s simple and steadfast service over twenty-five years in the parish and of the importance of remembering our leaders, those who have spoken the word of God to us (Hebrews 13:7).  Gathered in church were family members including Father John’s two sons Subdeacon Vitaly Lupish and John Lupish and his youngest grand-daughter Elizabeth; former parishioners of Father John’s; and a small number of our current parishioners.  Over lunch in the church hall Father John’s sons spoke movingly about his courage, his humility, his kindness, and his willingness to endure difficulty for the sake of others.  After lunch a graveside pannikhida was served at Sandgate Cemetery.  May Father John’s memory be eternal!

Our next services: 25-26 November, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Saint John Chrysostom - 12/11/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 25 November and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 26 November, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Saint John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople (+407 AD). Update: Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday there will be a memorial litia for the ever-memorable Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesenky), third First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (+21 November 1985); for the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish, founder of our parish (+22 November 1977); and for the Russian heroes of the White Movement who, fleeing the Bolshevik yoke, arrived in Gallipoli on 22 November 1920.

Services on 11-12 November, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost - 12/11/2017

On Saturday 11 November and Sunday 12 November we had services for the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Hieromartyr Zenobius, bishop of Aegae in Cilicia, and his sister Martyr Zenobia (+285 AD).  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday, parish rector Archpriest James Carles explained that the persecuting judge had offered Zenobius two choices: “Life and death – life if you bow down before the gods, and death if you do not”.  Zenobius’ reply, he said, had been that “Life without Christ is not life, but death; and death for Christ’s sake is not death, but life”, and so the courageous brother and sister had been tortured and put to death.  Referring to the current debate in Australia around religious freedom Father James commended to the faithful the example of the martyrs and confessors, noting that a lack of religious freedom in earlier times had not prevented them from confessing Christ.  Following the service parish Warden Nikolai Goura and Head Sister Anna Morhun congratulated Father James on his recent name-day – the day of commemoration of the Apostle James, Brother of the Lord, on 5 November – presenting him with a gift on behalf of the parish and wishing him continued good health.

A collection to benefit the ROCOR Fund for Assistance - 01/11/2017

In parishes of our Diocese a collection is generally taken up every year during November to help the work of the Fund for Assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  The Fund for Assistance supports the moral-spiritual education of our youth, provides aid to our clergy, and distributes emergency relief to the missions of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  This year, the collection will be taken up in our parish on Sunday 26 November.  Collection envelopes are available in church.  Those who wish to make a donation but who are unable to be in church on this day may make a direct donation to the Fund for Assistance here.

The fortieth anniversary of the repose of Archpriest John Lupish - 01/11/2017

On Wednesday 22 November it will be the fortieth anniversary of the repose of the ever-memorable founder of our parish, Archpriest John Lupish.  To prayerfully observe this anniversary we will have a Great Panikhida ("parastas") at 7.00pm on Tuesday 21 November and Divine Liturgy for the departed at 9.00am on Wednesday 22 November.  Following Divine Liturgy a panikhida will be served at Father John's grave in Sandgate Cemetery.

Our next services: 11-12 November, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost - 22/10/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 11 November and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 12 November, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Hieromartyr Zenobius, bishop of Aegae in Cilicia, and his sister Martyr Zenobia (+285 AD).

Bishop George presents awards to five of our parishioners - 22/10/2017

Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday 22 October Bishop George of Canberra presented awards to five of our parishoners.  Nikolai Goura and Eugenia Millard were presented with parish Certificates of Appreciation and Subdeacon Vitaly Lupish, Irene Lupish and Anna Morhun were presented with the prestigious Diocesan Cross.  Nikolai Goura received his award for his significant contribution over many years to the life of the Russian Orthodox Church in Newcastle and his twelve years of faithful service as the Warden of our parish, and Eugenia Millard was recognised for her work in our parish and in the Russian Orthodox Church of the Theophany in Mayfield, NSW.  It was particularly noted on Eugenia's certificate that she has been exemplary in her devotion to both parishes; her fundraising; her care for the beauty and cleanliness of the church; and her faithful service as a reader and chorister.  The Diocesan Crosses - the first awarded in our parish - were bestowed on the recipients in recognition of their distinguished service to the parish and the wider Russian Orthodox Church for over fifty years.  We warmly congratulate Nikolai, Eugenia, Subdeacon Vitaly, Irene and Anna, and wish them every blessing in this life and in the age to come.

Services on 21-22 October, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - 22/10/2017

On Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 October we had services for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Apostle James, son of Alphaeus (+1st Century AD) and the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council.  To the great joy of our parish, Bishop George of Canberra presided at Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  At the end of Divine Liturgy special prayers were again offered, in the context of the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey, for God's mercy and forgiveness, for the defeat of all impiety, and for the strengthening of lawful and blessed marriage.  In his sermon Bishop George spoke about the raising of the widow’s son (Luke 7:11-16), the power of prayer to change  the course of our lives, and of the particular need for prayer given the contemporary attacks in Australia and throughout the Western world on Christian culture and tradition.  Following the service a number of parish and Diocesan awards were presented, after which all gathered in the church hall for a festive lunch.  Joining us for lunch was Father Dalibor Pavlovic, the rector of Saint Naum of Ohrid Serbian Orthodox Church in Broadmeadow, a number of his parishioners, guests from Sydney, and visitors from abroad.  During the meal the parish rector welcomed Bishop George, thanking him for his pastoral attention and for his words of instruction and encouragement.  He also welcomed the visitors and congratulated the recipients of the awards, praising their example of service to the parish.

Our next services: 21-22 October, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council - 14/10/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 21 October and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 22 October, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council.  God willing, Bishop George will be presiding at Divine Liturgy on Sunday in his first visit to our parish since October 2016.  At the end of Divine Liturgy there will be a presentation of Diocesan and parish awards, after which there will be a festive lunch in the church hall.  Our parishioners and friends are asked to be at church in time to greet Bishop George on his arrival at 9.00am.

Services on 13-14 October, the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God - 14/10/2017

On Friday 13 October and Saturday 14 October we had services for the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God. This feast-day is of particular importance to our parish, the first Russian Orthodox church in the Hunter Valley – the small barracks chapel at the Greta Migrant Camp – having been dedicated in honour of it in 1949.  Because of this we have come to observe it as a second patronal feast-day, with All-night vigil served on the eve and the Lesser Blessing of Water, Divine Liturgy and a moleben to the Mother of God served on the day of the feast itself.  Following the moleben the parish rector, congratulating the faithful on the feast, spoke briefly about the origin of the commemoration and of the many examples of the protection of nations, cities and individuals through the prayers of the Mother of God.  Set in the middle of the church for veneration was the parish icon of the Mother of God, "Protectress of Newcastle".

2017 Annual Diocesan Teen Retreat - 08/10/2017

This year our Diocese will hold its seventh annual Orthodox Teen Retreat.  Established in 2011, our Diocesan Teen Retreats cater for young people aged 14-17.  This year’s Teen Retreat will be held to the south of Sydney at Stanwell Tops from Sunday 17 December until Friday 22 December.  The programme will include services on 18-19 December for the commemoration of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia.  For more information visit

Our next services: 13-14 October, the feast of Protection of the Mother of God - 08/10/2017

Our next services will be All-night Vigil at 6.00pm on Friday 13 October and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Saturday 14 October, the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God.  This feast is of particular significance to our parish as the first Orthodox church in the Hunter Valley, the chapel at the Greta Migrant Camp, was dedicated in its honour.  Divine Liturgy will be preceded by the blessing of water at 8.15am on Saturday and followed by a moleben to the Mother of God with a procession around the church.

Our 2017 Annual General Meeting - 08/10/2017

On Sunday 8 October our parish held its 2017 Annual General Meeting.  The 2017 Annual Report was presented and accepted and a draft 2017-18 budget was considered.  Nikolai Goura was elected Warden for a further three-year term.   Anna Morhun, Irene Lupish, Anu Kinnunen, Lucea Szabunia, Olga Bogacheva and Dean Crawford were again elected to the Parish Council, and Matushka Marie Carles and Olga Bogacheva were reappointed to the role of Child Safety Contact Persons.

Services on 7-8 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 08/10/2017

On Saturday 7 October and Sunday 8 October we had services for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of one of the most beloved of Russian saints, Venerable Sergius the Abbot and Wonderworker of Radonezh (+1392).  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday the parish rector referred to the words of Saint Sergius: “If you want to serve God, prepare your heart not for food, not for drink, not for rest, not for ease, but for suffering, so that you may endure all temptations, trouble and sorrow.  Prepare for severities, fasts, spiritual struggles and many afflictions, for “by many afflictions is it appointed to us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (Acts 14:22)”.  At the end of the Sunday service special prayers were again offered for God's mercy and forgiveness, for the defeat of all impiety, and for the strengthening of lawful and blessed marriage, and the final announcement concerning the parish Annual General Meeting was made.

Our next services: 7-8 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 24/09/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 7 October and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 8 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Saint Sergius of Radonezh.  Following Divine Liturgy we will have the 2017 Annual General Meeting of our parish.

Services on 23-24 September, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 24/09/2017

On Saturday 23 September and Sunday 24 September we had services for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, and in honour of Venerable Theodora of Alexandria (+c.480 AD).  As it was also the day of commemoration of Saints Sergius and Herman of Valaam, Venerable Euphrosynus the Cook of Alexandria (+9th Century), and Venerable Silouan of Mount Athos (+1938 AD), icons of these saints – including one of saints Sergius and Herman blessed on their relics – were placed in the middle of the church for veneration.  Receiving Holy Communion for the first time was the newly-baptised infant Ella Martinov.  After the Prayer before the Amvon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday special prayers were again offered, in the context of the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey, for God's mercy and forgiveness, for the defeat of all impiety, and for the strengthening of lawful and blessed marriage.  At the end of the Sunday service the parish rector welcomed Ms Sonia Hornery MP, State Member of Parliament for Wallsend, presenting her with a Certificate of Appreciation acknowledging her support for the parish and the wider Russian-speaking community.  Remarking on her ten years of parliamentary service, he wished for her God’s help in her work, strength, wisdom, and consolation in difficult times.  Ms Hornery was also given flowers by the parish children and a copy of the parish icon of the Mother of God, “Protectress of Newcastle”.  She afterwards joined parishioners in the hall for refreshments and a presentation of Russian-language songs and poems by students from our playgroup and Russian school.

A baptism - Ella Martinov - 23/09/2017

On Saturday 23 September the parish rector baptised Ella Martinov, the infant daughter of Andrew and Holly Martinov.  Ella was baptised in honour of Saint Helen, Equal-to-the-Apostles. Her godparents were Julianne Strelkoff and Kane Hermann.  We warmly congratulate Andrew, Holly, Julianne and Kane, and wish the newly-baptised handmaiden of God Ella many years!

A baptism - Zivah Moorhead - 16/09/2017

On Saturday 16 September the parish rector baptised Zivah Moorhead, the infant daughter of Alexander Limareff and Tahlia Moorhead.  Zivah was baptised in honour of Martyr Zevina. Her godparents were Brenden Moorhead, Maria Limareff and Maureen Moorhead.  We warmly congratulate Alexander, Tahlia, Brenden, Maria, and Maureen, and wish the newly-baptised handmaiden of God Zivah many years!

Our next services: 23-24 September, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 10/09/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 23 September and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 24 September, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, and the day of commemoration of Venerable Theodora of Alexandria (+c.480 AD).  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday we will welcome Ms Sonia Hornery, the NSW Member of Parliament for Wallsend, to our parish.

Services on 9-10 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 10/09/2017

On Saturday 9 September and Sunday 10 September we had services for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Job, the abbot and wonderworker of Pochaev (+1651 AD).  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday the parish rector spoke about the life and missionary work of Saint Job and of his particular influence on the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  In a moleben at the end of the service special prayers were offered for God's mercy and forgiveness, for the defeat of all impiety, and for the strengthening of lawful and blessed marriage.  A collection was taken up to assist the Synodal Liturgical Music Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, and it was announced that the parish Annual General Meeting would be held on Sunday 8 October 2017.

A baptism - Sara Corbett - 09/09/2017

On Saturday 9 September the parish rector baptised Sara Corbett, the youngest daughter of Brett and Vera Corbett and a sister to Mia and Ava.  Sara was baptised in honour of Righteous Sarah, the wife of Abraham. Her godparents were Anthony Kloczko and Jeanne Clarke.  We warmly congratulate Brett, Vera, Anthony and Jeanne, and wish the newly-baptised handmaiden of God Sara many years!

Notice of 2017 Annual General Meeting - 09/09/2017

Our 2017 parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 12.00pm on Sunday 8 October 2017.  A formal Notice concerning the AGM - including the agenda and important information for parish members - is available here.

Resources to help in understanding the issues in the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey - 07/09/2017

Our parishioners and friends who wish to better understand what is at stake in the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey are encouraged to visit the excellent Speak up for Marriage website, an initiative of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and New Zealand.  A great deal of useful information can also be obtained from the Coalition for Marriage and the Marriage Alliance.  In addition, a number of excellent articles concerning the challenges to religious freedom posed by a change to the definition of marriage have been written by distinguished journalist Paul Kelly, Editor-at-Large of national newspaper The Australian.

Special prayers to be offered for the duration of the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey - 07/09/2017

Withe blessing of His Grace, Bishop George of Canberra, we will offer special prayers after the Prayer before the Amvon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday 9 September and every Sunday from 12 September until 5 November, the term of the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey.  These prayers will be for God's mercy and forgiveness, for the defeat of all impiety, and for the strengthening of lawful and blessed marriage.  The prayers of Saints Peter and Febronia of Murom, heavenly protectors of love, faithfulness, and honourable marriage, will be particularly invoked.  May God help us!

Our next services: 9-10 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Saint Job of Pochaev - 27/08/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 9 September and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 10 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Venerable Job, the abbot and wonderworker of Pochaev.  Saint Job was a great publisher and defender of Orthodoxy whose influence on our Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia cannot be overestimated. Leaving the Pochaev Monastery in the 1920s, the future Archbishop Vitaly (Maximenko) went to Ladomirova, Slovakia, and there established a new Brotherhood of Saint Job of Pochaev.  Fleeing the Soviet forces after World War 2, the Brotherhood went to Germany, Switzerland, and then the United States, settling at the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York.  It is from this Brotherhood that many of our hierarchs have come, and it is under Saint Job’s patronage that the Holy Trinity Monastery continues its publishing work to this day.

Services on 26-27 August, the Twelth Sunday after Pentecost and the Forefeast of the Dormition - 27/08/2017

On Saturday 26 August and Sunday 27 August we had services for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, the Forefeast of the Dormition, and in honour of the Prophet Micah.  In anticipation of the Great Feast of the Dormition and in accordance with a resolution of the Holy Synod, on this day our parish observed the centenary of the 1917-18 Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Council, a momentous event in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church that culminated in the restoration of the Patriarchate and the enthronement of Patriarch Tikhon (Belavin), opened in the Dormition Cathedral on the day of the feast in 1917.  A moleben to the canonised participants in the Council was served following the Prayer before the Amvon and an Epistle of Patriarch Kyrill on the occasion of the centenary of the Council was read aloud in Russian in place of a sermon.  A link to the English-language text of the Epistle is available here. Following the service a memorial litia was served for the other participants in the Council.

Our August 2017 parish newsletter - 26/08/2017

Our August 2017 parish newsletter was published on 26 August 2017.  It includes parish news for July-August, information about the month ahead, an important 'Pastoral Epistle concerning Marriage', and more.  To read it click here. Copies are available in church and will be distributed by post during the week beginning 28 August 2017.

Our Spring 2017 Schedule of Services - 26/08/2017

Our Spring 2017 Schedule of Services - covering September, October and November - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Spring 2017 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Spring 2017 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies are available in church.

A collection to assist the work of the Synodal Liturgical Music Commission - 20/08/2017

In accordance with a 2015 resolution of the Synod of Bishops, on Sunday 10 September and Sunday 24 September a collection will be taken up to support the work of the Synodal Liturgical Music Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  Envelopes for this purpose will be available in church as of Sunday 27 August 2017.  Please give generously!

Our next services: 26-27 August, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 19/08/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 26 August and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 27 August, the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, the day of commemoration of the Prophet Micah, and the Forfeast of the Dormition.  In accordance with a resolution of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, Divine Liturgy will be followed by a moleben to the canonised participants in the 1917-18 Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church and a memorial litia for the other participants.  The Council, a momentous event in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church that culminated in the restoration of the Patriarchate and the enthronement of Patriarch Tikhon (Belavin), opened in the Dormition Cathedral on the day of the feast in 1917.  Following these services an Epistle of Patriarch Kyrill on the occasion of the centenary of the Council will be read aloud.

Services on 18-19 August, the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord - 19/08/2017

On Friday 18 August and Saturday 19 August we had services for the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.  Prior to the service on Friday a reliquary containing portions of the relics of twenty-four New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia was brought to our church, remaining with us throughout the evening and on the following day.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was then served.  On Saturday morning Divine Liturgy was served, after which there was the customary blessing of apples, grapes and other fruit.  A moleben was then served to the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, prior to which the parish rector spoke about the life and witness of three of them in particular – Saint Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev (+1918); Saint Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow (+1925); and Saint Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol (+1961).

Our next services: 18-19 August, the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord - 13/08/2017

Our next services will be All-night Vigil with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil at 6.00pm on Friday 18 August and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Saturday 19 August, the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.  In accordance with the custom of the Russian Orthodox Church there will be a blessing of grapes, apples and other fruit at the end of Divine Liturgy on Saturday.  A reliquary with relics of twenty-four New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia will be present during both services, and a moleben to the saints will be served immediately after the Saturday service.

Services on 12-13 August, the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost - 13/08/2017

On Saturday 12 August and Sunday 13 August we had services for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Righteous Eudocimus (Evdokim) of Cappadocia (9th C. AD).  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the life of Saint Evdokim, his veneration in the Russian Orthodox Church as an intercessor for families, and the need for his prayers at a time when many forces threaten family life.  It being the anniversary of the repose of the ever-memorable Archbishop Theodosy (Putilin) (+1980), Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese from 1970-80, a memorial litia was served for him following Divine Liturgy.

A general memorial service at the Greta Cemetery - 12/08/2017

Just four days after his arrival in Australia on 19 August 1949, Archpriest John Lupish served the funeral of one year-old Irene Solomko. She was then laid to rest in the Greta Cemetery together with a number of other infants who died in an epidemic of measles that swept through the Greta Migrant Camp at that time.   Father John went on to preside at five more burials at Greta: Wsewolod (Vsevelod) Shipilow (+1949, a boy of 18 months), Larisa Klebakin (+1950), Lydia Elagin (+1956), Alexander Melnik (+1970) and Ivan Elagin (+1977).  In June 2015 our parish rector resolved that a memorial service would be held in the cemetery there each year on the Saturday closest to the anniversary of that first burial.  This year’s memorial service was held on Saturday 12 August.  As in 2015 and 2016, our rector was joined by Archpriest Michael Solomko, Irene Solomko's younger brother and the President of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand.  At the service prayers were offered for the repose of the ever-memorable Archpriest John (+1977), his matushka Maria (+1979), and all those Orthodox Christians buried in the Greta Cemetery, amongst whom are a great many Ukrainian Orthodox, and kutiya was blessed.  In 2018, God willing, the memorial service will be held on Saturday 18 August.

Now available - the August 2017 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/08/2017

The August 2017 issue of the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia is now available in our parishes.  In addition to Epistle of the Council of Bishops of ROCOR in both Russian and English, there is a range of interesting articles in both languages.  In Russian: "На восстановление единства Русской Церкве была воля Божия"; "К 100-летию Февральской буржуазно-демократической революции"; "Успение Пресвятой Богородицы" and more.  In English: "Bishop George of Canberra visits the Eastern American Diocese"; "The opening of the relics of our Father among the Saints Mardarije, first Serbian bishop of America and Canada", "The Life of Saint Mardarije of Libertyville (+1935)"; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

A collection to aid the construction of a church of Saint Nicholas in the Transbaikal Territory - 28/07/2017

Under the leadership of Sophia Mikhailovna Boikov, the Sydney-based Russo-Chinese Orthodox Mission is raising funds for the construction of a church in Shonoktui, a small village in the Borzinsky district of the Zabaykalsky Krai.  The Zabaykalsky Krai, or Transbaikal Territory, is a federal subject of Russia that shares borders with China and Mongolia.  The church is to be dedicated to Saint Nicholas, the wonderworker of Myra in Lycia, and will be within the Chita Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.  The building project has the blessing of the Diocesan authorities in Russia and the collection of funds in this Diocese has the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion and Bishop George.   In July 2016 a cross was blessed at the site on which the church will be constructed.   Donations can be made at the candle-desk in our church, or by direct deposit to the account of the Russo-Chinese Orthodox Mission (Commonwealth Bank of Australia BSB 062-130 ACN 10484933).  This is a worthy project – please give generously!

A Russian Orthodox Sacred Music Conference, Brisbane 2017 - 28/07/2017

From Wednesday 27 September until Monday 2 October this year, a Russian Orthodox Sacred Music Conference will be held in Brisbane.  Organised by the Diocesan Liturgical Music Committee, the conference programme will include lectures from eminent guest speakers including Archpriest Andre Papkov from Chicago, USA, intensive choral workshops and rehearsals at Saint Seraphim’s church and Saint Nicholas Cathedral, common meals, and a hierarchical All-night Vigil and Divine Liturgy at the church of Our Lady of Vladimir.  The cost – not including accommodation – will be $200.00 per person and $150.00 for students, with discounts available for early registration.  Details of accommodation packages will be made available in due course.  See also: 

A memorial service at Greta Cemetery - 23/07/2017

Just four days after his arrival in Australia on 19 August 1949, Archpriest John Lupish served the funeral of one year-old Irene Solomko. The child Irene died in an epidemic of measles and broncho-pneumonia that swept through the Greta Migrant Camp that year.  She was laid to rest in the Greta Cemetery.  Father John later presided at five more burials at Greta: that of another child, Vsevelod Shinilov (+1949), Larisa Klebakin (+1950), Lydia Elagin (+1956), Alexander Melnikov (+1970) and Ivan Elagin (+1977).  In 2015 it was resolved that a memorial service would be held at Greta Cemetery each year on the closest convenient Saturday to the anniversary of Irene Solomko's burial.  This year, the memorial service will be held on Saturday 12 August at 11.00am.  Serving together with our parish rector will be Archpriest Michael Solomko, the brother of Irene and a priest of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand.  At the service prayers will be offered for the repose of the ever-memorable Archpriest John (+1977), his matushka Maria (+1979), and all those Orthodox Christians buried in the Greta Cemetery.  Kutiya will be blessed, and there will be light refreshments afterwards for those who have travelled to Greta for the sevice.

Our next services: 12-13 August, the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost - 23/07/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 12 August and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 13 August, the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, the day of commemoration of Righteous Eudocimus of Cappadocia (9th C.), and the Forefeast of the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday there will be a brief memorial service for the ever-memorable Archbishop Theodosy (Putilin) (+1980), Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese from 1970-1980, it being the anniversary of his repose.

Our July 2017 parish newsletter - 23/07/2017

Our June 2017 parish newsletter was published on 23 July 2017.  It includes parish news for June-July, information about the month ahead, details of the forthcoming Russian Orthodox Sacred Music Conference, and more.  To read it click here. Copies are available in church and will be distributed by post during the week beginning 24 July 2017.

Services on 22-23 July, the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 23/07/2017

On Saturday 22 July and Sunday 23 July we had services for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Anthony of the Kiev Caves (+1073 AD), the founder of Russian monasticism.  At Divine Liturgy the customary Prayer for Ukraine was read.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the life and monastic struggle of Venerable Anthony, the continuing importance of the monastic life, and the opportunities to practice humility and obedience when living in the world.  It being a sunny winter day, the parish children played soccer together in the churchyard following the service.

Our next services: 22-23 July, the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 09/07/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 22 July and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 23 July, the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Venerable Anthony of Kiev Caves (+1073 AD).

Services on 8-9 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 09/07/2017

On Saturday 8 July and Sunday 9 July we had services for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, one of the great spiritual treasures of the Russian Orthodox Church.  Traditionally understood to be the work of the Apostle Luke, the icon was kept in Constantinople for many centuries before coming to Russia in the 1300s.  Taken to the United States in 1949, it was triumphantly returned to the Tikhvin Monastery in Russia’s north in 2004.  After serving a brief moleben before a copy of the icon at the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday, the parish rector spoke about its history and the experience of Christian people receiving answer to prayers offered before it.  At the end of the service prayers of blessing were read over new incense received from the Saint Elizabeth Skete in Mohawk, New York.

An article about Orthodox Christianity is published in the July 2017 edition of 'Aurora', the magazine of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle - 05/07/2017

An article about Orthodox Christianity entitled 'Feasts and fasts: the Eastern Orthodox Church', appeared in the July 2017 edition of Aurora, the magazine of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.  Written by our parish rector at the invitation of Aurora's editor, the article briefly summarises the history, beliefs and spiritual life of the Orthodox Church.  The article can be read here.

The repose and funeral of Peter Latunin - 30/06/2017

On Wednesday 28 June we learned with sadness of the repose that day of one of the oldest members of our parish, Peter Latunin (b.1920).  Peter's wife Antonina (+2008) was the daughter of Mitred Archpriest Mychajlo Mursa (+1966), a priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.  His funeral was held in our church on the afternoon of Friday 30 June, following which he was laid to rest beside his wife in Sandgate Cemetery.  Speaking at the funeral, our parish rector noted that Peter was one of a remarkable generation of men and women who, having endured revolution, famine and war, made a new life in Australia whilst preserving their Orthodox Christian faith.  We offer our sincere condolences to Peter's daughters Larissa and Anna and their families, and ask our parishioners and friends to remember the newly-reposed servant of God Peter in their prayers. May God grant him rest!

Our next services: 8-9 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 25/06/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 8 July and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 9 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God.

Our June 2017 parish newsletter - 25/06/2017

Our June 2017 parish newsletter - the first in nearly five years - was published on 25 June 2017.  It includes parish news, the recent Epistle of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, news about Diocesan youth activities, and more.  To read it click here.  Copies are available in church and will be distributed by post during the week beginning 26 June 2017.


Services on 24-25 June, the Third Sunday after Pentecost - 25/06/2017

On Saturday 24 June and Sunday 25 June we had services for the Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint Onuphrius the Great (+4th C. AD) and Venerable Peter of Mount Athos (+734 AD).  As many of our parish founders came from Belarus, in addition to the icon of Saints Onuphrius and Peter and the other saints commemorated on this date, the parish icon of All Saints of Belorussia was placed in the centre of the church for veneration.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday Matushka Marie helped the parish children to make candles for home use by recycling the stumps from our church candles.

The repose and funeral of Vadim ("Jim") Zdanowicz - 15/06/2017

On Saturday 10 June we learned with sadness of the repose of our parishioner Vadim (“Jim”) Zdanowicz. Jim arrived in Australia at the age of 10 in 1949 and had a long involvement in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church in New South Wales - his father, Gennady Ivanovich Zdanowicz, was a key figure in the early life of the Diocese who served as Warden of both Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield, and the Church of All Saints of Russia, Croydon. Jim prepared himself carefully for the end of his life, receiving Holy Communion for the last time just a few hours before his repose. Our parish rector presided at Jim’s funeral at the Croydon church on Thursday 15 June and at his burial afterwards alongside his parents, Gennady Ivanowich and Anna Dmitrievna, in the Russian Orthodox section of Rookwood Necropolis. Jim is survived by his wife Eleanor and his children George and Kathy, to him we offer heartfelt condolences. May his memory be eternal!

Our next services: 24-25 June, the Third Sunday after Pentecost - 11/06/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 24 June and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 25 June, the Third Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Saint Onuphrius the Great (+4th C. AD) and Venerable Peter of Mount Athos (+734 AD).

Services on 10-11 June, the Sunday of All Saints - 11/06/2017

On Saturday 10 June and Sunday 11 June we had services for the Sunday of All Saints, the First Sunday after Pentecost. Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday a collection was taken up to assist the construction of a memorial church in Sremski-Karlovci, Serbia, raising $359.00.

Diocesan Youth Symposium in honour of the Royal Martyrs of Russia - 14-17 July, 2017 - 08/06/2017

From Friday 14 July to Monday 17 July this year, Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral will host a four-day youth symposium in honour of the Royal Martyrs of Russia.  The keynote speaker at the Symposium will be His Eminence Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen), retired First Hierarch of the Orthodox Church in America and now a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  All-night Vigil for the Royal Martyrs will begin at 10.00pm on Sunday 16 July and be followed by a midnight Divine Liturgy.  More information is available at

The repose and funeral of Alma Kaiko - 07/06/2017

On Tuesday 30 May 2017 we learned with sadness of the repose that day of 88 year-old Alma Kaiko, a long-term friend and supporter of our parish.  Alma's husband of 57 years was Wlodzimierz (Walter) Kaiko (d. 2007), one of our church builders and for many years our senior altar-server, and together with him Alma did much for the benefit of Saint Nicholas'.  Lutheran by faith, Alma's funeral was held at the LifeWay Lutheran Church in Broadmeadow on Wednesday 7 June with our parish rector Archpriest James Carles, Subdeacon Vitaly Lupish and his family, and Head Sister Anna Morhun in attendance.  Alma was afterwards laid to rest beside her husband in Sandgate Cemetery.  We offer condolences to Wlodzimierz's and Alma's children Leo, Ralph, Elizabeth and Alexander and their families, and pray that God will give rest to his departed servant.

Our new postal address - 07/06/2017

As of 7 June 2017, our postal address will be PO Box 545 Wallsend NSW 2287.  We ask our parishioners and friends to amend their records accordingly.

A reliquary with relics of the New Martyrs of Russia will visit New South Wales parishes in July and August 2017 - 06/06/2017

On 6 June 2017 His Grace Bishop George announced that a reliquary containing relics of the New Martyrs of Russia will, in this year of the centenary of the Russian Revolution and the beginning of persecution by the godless authorities, visit parishes, monasteries and missions of our Diocese.  The reliquary will visit New South Wales parishes during July and August.  UPDATE, 17 July 2017: God willing, the relics will visit our parish on 18-19 August, being present for veneration during All-night Vigil and Divine Liturgy on the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.  Further information will be posted soon about the saints whose relics are enshrined in the reliquary.

Our next services: 10-11 June, the Sunday of All Saints - 28/05/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 10 June and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 11 June, the First Sunday after Pentecost, the day of commemoration of All Saints and the Day of Youth of the Russian Church Abroad.  On this day we will take up a collection to assist the construction of a Memorial Church in Sremski-Karlovci, Serbia.

Services on 27-28 May, the Seventh Sunday of Pascha - 28/05/2017

On Saturday 27 May and Sunday 28 May we had services for the Seventh Sunday of Pascha, the Afterfeast of the Ascension, and in honour of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday the parish rector spoke about the history, purpose and enduring significance of the Council.  Addressing the congregation after the dismissal, he spoke further about the visit of the relics of Saint Nicholas to Russia and of the participation of Metropolitan Hilarion and other bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia in the consecration of the new church dedicated to the Resurrection of Christ and to the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia at Moscow's Sretensky Monastery.

Services on 21-22 May, the Feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 22/05/2017

On Sunday 21 May and Monday 22 May we services had for the feast-day of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia, modern-day Turkey, to Bari in Italy.  On Sunday evening All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served.  As this feast-day of Saint Nicholas is the patronal feast of our parish, the customary lesser blessing of water was served early on Monday morning.  It being a working day, only a small number of parishioners and friends were present.  Divine Liturgy followed, and then a moleben to Saint Nicholas with a cross procession and the sprinkling of the Holy Water.  Following the moleben the usual prayers were offered for the Patriarch and the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Australian and Russian lands, parish office-bearers and all present, and for our departed founders and parishioners.  Congratulating the people with the feast-day, the parish rector spoke about Saint Nicholas and the help that Christians have received through his prayers over many centuries.  He also noted the particular joy with which this feast-day had been prepared for in Russia this year, a portion of Saint Nicholas’ relics being due to arrive in Moscow from Bari.  Following the service many of those present gathered in the church hall for a convivial feast-day lunch.

Our Winter 2017 Schedule of Services - 22/05/2017

Our Winter 2017 Schedule of Services - covering June, July and August  - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Winter 2017 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Winter 2017 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies in both languages are now available in church.  

Diocesan-wide collection on the Sunday of All Saints to assist the construction of a Memorial Church in Sremski-Karlovci, Serbia - 18/05/2017

On Sunday 11 June, the Sunday of All Saints and the Day of Youth of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, the parishes and missions of our Diocese will be taking up a collection to assist in the construction in Sremski-Karlovci, Serbia, of a Memorial Church to Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) and all the Russian emigres laid to rest in the Serbian land.  Sremski-Karlovci, a town on the banks of the Danube River in central Serbia, was for a number of years home to the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and headquarters of the Russian emigres under General PN Wrangel.  This year, the centenary of the beginning of the revolutionary turmoil that forced so many Russians abroad, is also the centenary of the beginning of their presence and influence in Serbia.  The memorial church is to be dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalene, Equal-to-the-Apostles, and will be built in Russian architectural style.  More information about this edifying and worthy project of the Serbian Orthodox Church is available in Russian and English here.  Please be prepared to give generously!

Our next services: 27-28 May, the Seventh Sunday of Pascha - 14/05/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 27 May and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 28 May, the Seventh Sunday of Pascha and the day of commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council (325 AD).

Services on 13-14 May, the Fourth Sunday of Pascha - 14/05/2017

On Saturday 13 May and Sunday 15 May we had services for the Fifth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman (John 4:5-42).  In his sermon on Sunday the parish rector spoke about Christ’s mercy to the Samaritan Woman and about her response.  Following Divine Liturgy a memorial litia was served for Mitred Archpriests Michael Li and Michael Klebansky, long-serving priests of our Diocese who both departed this life on 12 May 2016.   It being Mothers’ Day, our Head Sister Anna Morhun then presented Matushka Marie with flowers, after which “Many Years” was sung for all the mothers of our parish.

Now available - the April 2017 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/05/2017

The April 2017 issue of the official journal of the Australian-New Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia is now available in our parishes.  In addition to Metropolitan Hilarion's Paschal Epistle in both Russian and English, there is a range of interesting articles in Russian and English.  In Russian: "Любимый ученик Христа: Апостол Иоанн Богослов"; "Подвижники Божии ХХ век: Игумен Ипполит (Халин)"; "Игуменья Тамара и паломники Елеонский горы".  In English: "The Ascension of the Lord"; "Not Abdication of the Tsar, but Abdication from the Tsar", the text of a lecture given by Tatyana Mironova at the International Historical-Theological Conference at Tsarkoye Selo; an interview with Metropolitan Onuphry (Berezovsky) about the newly-reposed Archimadrite Kirill (Pavlov); and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Our parish feast-day: 21-22 May, the commemoration of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari - 01/05/2017

On 21-22 May we will have services in honour of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, the patronal feast of our parish.  At 6.00pm on Sunday 21 May we will have All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves.  At 8.15am on Monday 22 May we will have the lesser blessing of water, and at 9.00am we will have Divine Liturgy.  Following the service there will be a moleben with a procession around the church, after which there will have a festive lunch for those able to join us.

The May 2017 meeting of the Parish Council - 01/05/2017

On Monday 1 May 2017 there was a meeting of the Parish Council.  The usual pastoral, administrative, and financial reports were then presented and progress on parish governance, decorative and building projects was reviewed.  The Parish Council is scheduled to meet next on 19 June 2017.

Our next services: 13-14 May, the Fifth Sunday of Pascha - 25/04/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 13 May and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 14 May, the Fifth Sunday of Pascha and the day of commemoration of the Samaritan Woman (John 4:5-42).

Services on 24-25 April, the second Tuesday of Pascha ("Radonitsa") - 25/04/2017

On Monday 24 April and Tuesday 25 April we had services for the second Tuesday of Pascha and in honour of Venerable Basil the Confessor, bishop of Parium, modern-day Kemer in Turkey.  Saint Basil (+8th C. AD) was a steadfast defender of the veneration of icons.  From ancient times the second Tuesday of Pascha been one on which prayers for the departed resume after Holy Week and Bright Week.  Following Divine Liturgy on Tuesday morning a general memorial service was served in church.  As in Australia it was Anzac Day, prayers were offered for the souls of all Orthodox soldiers who had fallen in battle.  The parish rector and the faithful then proceeded to Wallsend and Sandgate Cemeteries for services by the graves of their departed relatives and friends.

Services on 22-23 April, Thomas Sunday - 23/04/2017

On Saturday 22 April and Sunday 23 April we had services for the Second Sunday of Pascha, Thomas Sunday.  At All-night vigil and at Divine Liturgy the choir again sang under the direction of Matushka Marie Carles.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon at Divine Liturgy, the parish rector read the Prayer at the Cutting of the Artos, pieces of which were later distributed amongst the faithful.  In place of a sermon, the Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion was read aloud in Russian and in English

Our next services: Radonitsa, 24-25 April - 17/04/2017

Our next weekday services will be Matins at 7.00pm on Monday 24 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Tuesday 25 April for Radonitsa, the Day of Rejoicing, the first day after Pascha on which the departed are commemorated.  As this year Radonitsa falls on Anzac Day we will also take the opportunity to commemorate all Orthodox warriors who have fallen in battle.  After Divine Liturgy there will be a general memorial service in church, followed by individual graveside services at Wallsend, Sandgate, and East Maitland Cemeteries.  At Sandgate Cemetery we will visit the grave of the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish (+1977), the founder of our parish, the fortieth anniversary of whose repose we commemorate this year.

Our next services: 22-23 April, Thomas Sunday - 17/04/2017

Our next services will be All-night Vigil at 6.00pm on Saturday 22 April and Divine Liturgy with the cutting of the artos at 9.00am on Sunday 23 April, Thomas Sunday.

Holy Week and Pascha in Newcastle - 17/04/2017

This year, our parish had a number of traditional services for Holy Week and Pascha.  Matins with the reading of the Twelve Passion Gospels was served in the evening on Thursday 13 April, Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ at midday on Friday 14 April, Matins with Lamentations before the Tomb of Christ in the evening on Friday 14 April, and Divine Liturgy in the morning on Saturday 15 April.  On Saturday evening we had an early Midnight Office and procession followed by Paschal Matins and the blessing of Easter eggs and cakes.  During Bright Week, Divine Liturgy with a Paschal procession was served in the morning on Monday 17 April.

Russian and other Orthodox Kids' Camp, 10-16 December 2017 - 16/04/2017

A group of young families working under the auspices of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin parish in Cabramatta, NSW, is again organising a camp for Russian and other Orthodox children and young people aged 8-17 to be held in Toukley, NSW - to be held not far from us on the Central Coast - from 10 December - 16 December 2017.  The cost will be $399.00 per person.  For those interested, more information is available here.

Russian Orthodox Holy Week and Pascha in Newcastle - 09/04/2017

Our parish will have the following services for Holy Week and Pascha: Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ at 12.00pm on Friday 14 April, Matins with Lamentations before the Tomb of Christ at 6.30pm on Friday 14 April, Divine Liturgy at 8.00am on Saturday 15 April, and an early Midnight Office with a procession and Paschal Matins at 7.00pm on Saturday 15 April.  Regrettably, we will have no services on Sunday 16 April.  Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Bright Monday, 17 April.  For a number of other traditional Holy Week and Paschal services, our parish rector will be serving at Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford.

Services on 8-9 April, Palm Sunday - 09/04/2017

On Saturday 8 April and Sunday 9 April we had services for the Great Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday.  On Saturday evening All-night vigil with the litia, the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine, oil, and the blessing of palms and pussy willows was served.   On Sunday morning there was a great many people in church, the majority of whom received Holy Communion.   After the dismissal a memorial litia was served for the newly-reposed Archdeacon Eugene Burbelo, with the parish rector speaking briefly about Father Eugene’s long and distinguished service to the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  The customary collection for the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem was then taken up.

Our next services: 8-9 April, Palm Sunday - 26/03/2017

Our next services will be All-night Vigil at 6.00pm on Saturday 8 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 9 April, the Great Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem - Palm Sunday.  During All-night Vigil, wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be blessed at Vespers and palms and pussy-willow branches will be blessed at Matins.

Services on 25-26 March, the Fourth Sunday in Great Lent - 26/03/2017

On Saturday 25 March and Sunday 26 March we had services for the Fourth Sunday in Great Lent, the Sunday of Saint John of the Ladder.  As Saturday 25 March was a day of commemoration of the departed there was a general pannikhida prior to the service on Saturday evening.  This year being the centenary of the Russian Revolution, prayers were  again especially offered for "the repose of the departed servants of God who innocently died, endured suffering and torture, were exiled and imprisoned and tasted bitter death" during the harsh years of Soviet persecution.  Also commemorated was the ever-memorable Emperor Paul I of Russia (+1801), it having been the anniversary of his assasination on Thursday 23 March.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday many of the faithful received Holy Communion.  In Lena Gan’s absence the choir sang under the direction of Matushka Marie Carles.  Following the service on Sunday the parish rector and the warden, Nikolai Goura, visited the Serbian Orthodox parish of Saint Naum of Okhrid in Broadmeadow on the occasion of the first pastoral visit to Newcastle of His Grace Bishop Siluan, Ruling Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and New Zealand.

The General Service of Anointing, Tuesday 4 April - 25/03/2017

In the Orthodox tradition it is customary to have the General Service of Anointing ("Соборование") during Great Lent.  In this service there are seven readings from the Apostol, seven readings from the Holy Gospel, seven prayers, and the faithful are - if there are sufficient clergy present - anointed seven times with oil, blessed and sanctified during the service, for the healing of soul and body.  The practice of anointing with oil for spiritual and physical healing is referred to by the Apostle James: "Is anyone among you sick?  Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.  And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven" (James 5:14-15).  This year our parish will have this service at 6.00pm on Tuesday 4 April.  Note: This is a sacrament in which only baptised Orthodox Christians may participate.  Those planning to confess beforehand should do so well in advance.

Palm Sunday Collection for the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem - 25/03/2017

On Sunday 9 April 2017, Palm Sunday, our parish will take up a collection to benefit the Russian Eccelesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.  This collection is taken up on Palm Sunday every year in all the parishes, monasteries and missions of our Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  Collection envelopes will be available in church from Saturday 25 March.  Many places of immense spiritual and historical significance in the Holy Land have been entrusted to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, and we have many monastics there who care for these holy places, undertake good works, and pray for the whole world.  Please give generously!  Those who wish to make a donation online direct to the Mission may do so here.

Our next services: 25-26 March, the Fourth Sunday in Great Lent - 12/03/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 25 March and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 26 March, the Fourth Sunday in Great Lent and the day of commemoration of Saint John of the Ladder.  As Saturday 25 March is a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins on this evening will be preceded by a general memorial service at 5.00pm.  This year being the centenary of the Russian Revolution, prayers will be especially offered at this memorial service in accordance with a resolution of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, for "the repose of the departed servants of God who [during the Soviet years] innocently died, endured suffering and torture, were exiled and imprisoned and tasted bitter death, whose names Thou alone knowest, O Lord".  At this memorial service we will also commemorate the ever-memorable Tsar Paul 1 of Russia, assassinated on 23 March 1801.

Services on 11-12 March, the Second Sunday in Great Lent - 12/03/2017

On Saturday 11 March and Sunday 12 March we had services for the Second Sunday in Great Lent, the day of commemoration of Saint Gregory Palamas.  As Saturday 11 March was a day of commemoration of the departed there was a general pannikhida prior to the service on Saturday evening.  This year being the centenary of the Russian Revolution, prayers were  especially offered at this memorial service for "the repose of the departed servants of God who innocently died, endured suffering and torture, were exiled and imprisoned and tasted bitter death" during the harsh years of Soviet persecution.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday the Epistle of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia on the 100th Anniversary of the Tragic Revolution in Russia and Beginning of the Godless Persecutions was read in place of a sermon.  Following the service a collection was taken up to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York, raising $280.00.

A baptism - Sofia Jardine - 11/03/2017

On Saturday 11 March the parish rector baptised Sofia Jardine, the infant daughter of Scott and Liudmila Jardine and a baby sister to Alexander.  Sofia, who was baptised in honour of the Martyr Sofia, had as her godparents Diane Jardine, William Lynch and Natalia Khyzhniak.  We warmly congratulate Scott, Liudmila, Diane, William and Natalia, and wish the newly-baptised handmaiden of God Sofia many years!

Useful information about when weddings can be celebrated, together with a list of available dates in 2017 and 2018 - 04/03/2017

In conjunction with Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford, our parish has developed and published an explanation of the reasons why weddings cannot be celebrated on certain days and dates and during certain seasons. It incorporates a list of Sundays and Fridays on which weddings can be celebrated that has now been updated to include Sundays and Fridays in 2018.  This information, which can be accessed either here or via our ‘Needs’ page under ‘Weddings’, has been prepared to help our parishioners and friends when planning weddings in parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Should anyone have any questions about this information, please contact us.

Our next services: 11-12 March, the Second Sunday in Great Lent - 26/02/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 11 March and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 12 March, the Second Sunday in Great Lent and the day of commemoration of Saint Gregory Palamas.  As Saturday 11 March is a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins on this evening will be preceded by a general memorial service at 5.00pm.  This year being the centenary of the Russian Revolution, prayers will be especially offered at this memorial service in accordance with a resolution of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, for "the repose of the departed servants of God who [during the Soviet years] innocently died, endured suffering and torture, were exiled and imprisoned and tasted bitter death, whose names Thou alone knowest, O Lord".  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday a collection will be taken up to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York.

Services on 25-26 February, Forgiveness Sunday - 26/02/2017

On Saturday 25 February and Sunday 26 February we had services for Forgiveness Sunday, the final Sunday before the beginning of Great Lent.  As is the practice in many parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, Vespers with rite of asking forgiveness was served immediately following Divine Liturgy.  A collection was taken up to benefit Orthodox Action, raising $240.00.  After the rite of asking forgiveness on Sunday many people gathered in the parish hall to enjoy pancakes prepared by the Ladies' Auxiliary.

Maslenitsa in Newcastle! - 24/02/2017

On Friday 24 February, the Friday of Cheesfare Week (“Maslenitsa”), a pancake evening was held in our parish hall in Wallsend.  This event was organised by the parish Ladies’ Auxiliary together with members of the Russian-speaking community of Newcastle and the wider Hunter region.  73 adults and 9 children were present.  The ladies prepared 500 pancakes and served them with a variety of toppings, both savoury and sweet.  Traditional appetisers (“zakuski”) preceded the pancakes, and dessert included pancakes with cottage cheese, “Mishka” cake, and fruit with tea.  The hall was beautifully decorated with Russian items.  The evening was enjoyed by all, and nearly $2,000 was raised to help the work of the Ladies’ Auxiliary.  We offer thanks to those who worked so hard to make the evening a success: Elena Ferguson, Irina Lupish, Raisa Zyza, Lucy Szabunia, Dean Crawford, Olga Martin, Oksana Grim, Anna Shvetz, Magdalina Savonov, Anu Kinnunen, Lydia Vasilik, Lena Gan, Anna Kalamoutsis, Klavdia Dalheeva, Tatiana Parish, Julia Dzhalilova, Julia and Sasha Petevskih, and Julia Dulah.

Our Autumn 2017 Schedule of Services - 24/02/2017

Our Autumn 2017 Schedule of Services - covering March, April and May 2017 - is now available in PDF format.  It includes all our services for Great Lent, Holy Week and Pascha, in addition to Radonitsa and our parish feast of Saint Nicholas on 22 May.  A copy of the English-language Autumn 2017 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Autumn 2017 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies are available in church.  

Bishop George and Diocesan clergy to serve Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in Strathfield, NSW, on Wednesday 15 March 2017 - 15/02/2017

Each year during Great Lent the clergy of our Diocese gather in Sydney to confess, serve the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts together, and discuss matters of mutual concern.  In 2017 the Diocesan Pastoral Retreat and Conference will be held on Tuesday 14 March and Wednesday 15 March.  The Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be served at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in Strathfield on Wednesday 15 March from 8.00am with Bishop George presiding.  This solemn and moving service occurs only on certain days during Great Lent.  Lay people are most welcome to attend the service. Indeed, as many rarely see this service, attendance is encouraged. Those who have confessed and prepared themselves beforehand are welcome to receive Holy Communion on Wednesday.

Diocesan-wide collection for the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville - 12/02/2017

Each year on the First Sunday in Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, parishes of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia take up a collection to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York.  The Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is the main institution of higher education in the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  This collection provides financial assistance to students, covering tuition, room and board.  As we will not have a service on the First Sunday in Great Lent in 2017, our collection will be taken up on Sunday 12 March, the Second Sunday in Great Lent.  Please give generously!

February 2017 collection for Orthodox Action - 12/02/2017

Each year in February the parishes of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand take up a collection to assist the work of Orthodox Action, a charitable organisation that operates in Sydney and Melbourne under the auspices of the Diocese and the heavenly protection of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco.  Orthodox Action works to help needy persons, destitute children and orphanages in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union.  In 2017 our parish will take up this collection on Sunday 26 February.  Collection envelopes will be distributed by post beforehand and available in church aon the day.  Please give generously!

Our next services: 25-26 February, Cheesfare Sunday and the Sunday of Forgiveness - 12/02/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 25 February and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 26 February, Cheesefare Sunday and the Sunday of Forgiveness.  On this day, the Orthodox Christian faithful customarily eat eggs and dairy products for the last time before Pascha.  In accordance with the practice of parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church ouside Russia, Vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness with be served immediately following Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  On the following day, Monday 27 February, Great Lent will begin.  For those interested, a number of services will be held in the Gosford parish during the First Week of Great Lent.

Services on 11-12 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son - 12/02/2017

On Saturday 11 February and Sunday 12 February we had services for the Sunday of the Prodigal Son and in honour of the Three Hierarchs: Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom.  In view of the extreme temperatures expected - Wallsend was expected to reach 47 degrees celcius on Saturday! - a decision was made beforehand to have the shorter service of Vespers on Saturday evening.  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday three new icons for our church were blessed: All Saints of Ekaterinburg, All Saints of Ufa, and Saint Joseph the All-Comely.  A memorial litia was then served in anticipation of the anniversary of the repose of the ever-memorable Archpriest Nicholas Grant - active in the life of the Diocese as a layman and clergyman for 45 years - and Archbishop Paul (Pavlov) - former Bishop of Stuttgart and Ruling Bishop of our Diocese from 1980 until 1992 - close friends who reposed on 14 February and 15 February 1995 respectively.  Both Vladyka Pavel and Father Nicholas were great friends of our parish.  May their memory be eternal!

A baptism - Alexandra and Sofia Unwin - 11/02/2017

On Saturday 11 February the parish rector baptised sisters Syanna (3 years old) and Sofia (3 months), the daughters of Scott Unwin and Bogdana Cankova-Unwin and sisters to Gabrielle. Their godparents were Vyara Caneva and Timothy Moss. In baptism Syanna was given the name Alexandra in honour of the Martyr Alexandra the Empress, and Sofia was baptised in honour of the Martyr Sofia. Congratulations to Scott, Bogdana, Vyara and Timothy. May God grant His newly-baptised handmaidens Alexandra and Sofia many years!

Maslenitsa in Newcastle! - 05/02/2017

On Friday 24 February our Ladies' Auxiliary will be hosting a pancake dinner at in the church hall at 3 Irving Street, Wallsend.  The cost will be $40.00 for adults and $15.00 for children aged 10-16.  Children under 10 will be admitted free. In addition to pancakes with traditional toppings, both savoury and sweet, appetisers and deserts will be served. BYO drinks. Bookings by Monday 20 February are essential.  More information in English and in Russian is available here.  Please join us!

A fundraising dinner to benefit the Presentation Convent and the Holy Transfiguration Monastery - 01/02/2017

On the evening of Sunday 28 May 2017 a fundraising dinner will be held at the Fontana Amarosa Reception Centre, next to the Greek Orthodox Church of Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene in Liverpool, NSW, to assist the Presentation Sisterhood in Bungarby, NSW and the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Bombala, NSW, monastic communities of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  During the evening there will be a performance by the Melisma Ensemble, a slideshow presentation by Abbot Sergei of the Holy Transfiguration Monastery on ‘Hagia Sophia: The Mother of Churches’, and a performance from the Russian Orthodox Choir.  Child-minding will be available.  Tickets are $50.00 for adults and $15.00 for children aged 15 and younger.  Seating will be at round tables of 12.  More information, including information about a fundraising raffle, is available at

The visit of the myrrh-streaming icon of the Mother of God, "Softener of Evil Hearts" - 26/01/2017

On Thurday 26 January, the Australia Day public holiday, our parish had the great honour of receving a visit from the miraculous myrrh-streaming icon of the Mother of God, "Softener of Evil Hearts".  Having visited the Gosford parish earlier in the day, the icon arrived in Wallsend soon after 2.00pm.  Gathered in church to welcome the icon were many of our parishioners, together with members of the Serbian and Romanian Orthodox communities in Newcastle.  A moleben with an akathist was served before the icon, with the sections of the akathist to the Mother of God read alternately in Slavonic and English and all those present commemorated by name.  The parish rector thanked the custodian of the icon, Sergei Fomin, for bringing it to Australia from Moscow, and spoke of the importance in these times of spiritual, social and military conflict of softness of heart.  The faithful then venerated the icon and were anointed with the holy oil.  Although the visit of the icon was brief, the service before it was uplifting for all those present.  Glory be to God!  For those wishing to learn more about the icon, information is available in English here and in Russian here.  The icon's schedule for the remainder of its time in Australia is available here.  The final service will be an akathist at 7.00pm on Tuesday 7 February 2017 at Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral, Strathfield, at which Bishop George and the clergy of the Greater Sydney region will concelebrate.

Our next services: 11-12 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son - 22/01/2017

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 11 February and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 12 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son and the day of commemoration of the Three Hierarchs: Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday, a memorial litia will be served in anticipation of the anniversary of the repose of the ever-memorable Archpriest Nicholas Grant - active in the life of the Diocese as a layman and clergyman for 45 years - and Archbishop Paul (Pavlov) - former Bishop of Stuttgart and Ruling Bishop of our Diocese from 1980 until 1992 - close friends who reposed on 14 February and 15 February 1995 respectively.

Services on 21-22 January, the Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost - 22/01/2017

On Saturday 21 January and Sunday 22 January we had services for the Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Hieromartyr Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia (+1569).  It being also the Sunday after Theophany, following the Prayer before the Amvon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday a brief moleben was served for the founders, parishioners and benefactors of the former Theophany church, a parish of the Moscow Patriarchate that functioned in Mayfield, Newcastle, from 1994-2009.  After the Dismissal the parish rector spoke of the good work done by the Theophany parish during the fifteen years of its existence - of the prayers offered and the good works accomplished there - and congratulated all those former parishioners present.  He then served a memorial litia for the departed members of that community.

Our next services: 21-22 January, the Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost - 18/01/2017

Our next services will by Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 21 January and Divine Liturgya at 9.00am on Sunday 22 January, the Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday after Theophany, and the day of commemoration of Hieromartyr Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia (+1569 AD).

Services on 17-18 January, the Eve of Theophany - 17/01/2017

On Tuesday 17 January and Wednesday 18 January we had services for the Eve of Theophany, the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.  Matins was served on Tuesday evening, and on Wednesday morning - a day on which the temperature in Newcastle exceeded 40 degrees celcius! - Vespers with the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great was served together with the Great Blessing of Water.  At Vespers, many of those present assisted with the thirteen appointed readings from the Old Testament.  As is common at this time of year, were joined for the service on Wednesday by friends from Sydney holidaying in the region.

Our next services: 17-18 January, the Eve of Theophany - 08/01/2017

Our next service will be Matins at 6.00pm on Tuesday 17 January for the Eve of the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, or Theophany.  At 9.00am on Wednesday 18 January, we will have Vespers with the thirteen appointed readings from the Old Testament followed by Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water.  On Wednesday afternoon, Father James will be blessing parish homes.  The main services for Theophany will be on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning in the Gosford parish.

A service on Sunday 8 January, the Second Day of the Nativity of Christ - 08/01/2017

On Saturday 8 January, the Second Day of the Nativity of Christ, we had Divine Liturgy for the Synaxis of the Most-Holy Mother of God and in honour of Saints Joseph the Betrothed, David the King and James the Brother of the Lord, kinsmen of the Lord customarily remembered on the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ.  Our choir sung under the direction of Elena Gan.  In place of a sermon, the parish rector read aloud in Russian and in English the Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  Many stayed afterwards to share in a festive meal and to enjoy a visit from Father Christmas.

Our next service: 8 January 2017, the Second Day of the Nativity of Christ - 25/12/2016

Our next service will be Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 8 January, the Second Day of the Nativity of Christ.  On this day the Orthodox Church observes the Synaxis of the Most-Holy Mother of God.  This year we will also commemorate Saints Joseph the Betrothed, David the King and James the Brother of the Lord, kinsmen of the Lord customarily remembered on the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ.  Following Divine Liturgy there will be a brief moleben of thanksgiving for the Deliverance of the Russian Church and Empire from the invasion of the French and twelve other nations on Christmas Day in 1812.  After the service we will have a festive lunch in the church hall, with Father Christmas expected to visit.

Services on 18-19 December, the day of commemoration of Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia - 19/12/2016

On Sunday 18 December and Monday 19 December, the lesser patronal feast of our church, we had services in honour of Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia.  All-night vigil with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil was served on Sunday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Monday morning.  Our small church was full for Divine Liturgy, with many of those present receiving Holy Communion.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon a brief moleben to Saint Nicholas was served for those present.  After the dismissal, our rector Archpriest James Carles congratulated parish Warden Nikolai Goura and Parish Council member Nicholas (Dean) Crawford, both of whom were celebrating their name-day.  He remarked on the importance of men taking an active role in church life before thanking them both for their work for the parish and wishing them every blessing from God.  He then thanked choir director Nataliya Rahim for her service to the church and her contribution to the community, noting that she had conducted the choir for the last time before moving interstate.  On behalf of the parish he presented her with a copy of the parish’s treasured “Newcastle” Icon of the Mother of God.  Many years was sung for Nikolai, Nicholas and Nataliya.

The 'Softener of Evil Hearts' Icon of the Mother of God will visit our parish on Australia Day, 26 January 2017 - 18/12/2016

UPDATED: On Thursday 26 January 2017 - the Australia Day public holiday - the 'Softener of Evil Hearts' Icon of the Mother of God will visit our parish.  Some English-language information about this myrrh-streaming icon is available here, and some Russian-language information is available here.  A moleben with an akathist to the Mother of God will be served before the icon at 2.00pm, after which the faithful will be anointed with the myrrh.  The icon will visit the Gosford parish at 10.00am.

Romanian Orthodox Christmas in Newcastle - 11/12/2016

On Sunday 25 December, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ according to the New Calendar, the Romanian Orthodox community in Newcastle under the care of Father Theodor Postelnisescu will have a Christmas service in our church.  Divine Liturgy will begin at 9.00am, and all who wish to attend are welcome to do so.

Our next services: 18-19 December, the feast of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia - 11/12/2016

Our next services will be All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves at 6.00pm on Sunday 18 December and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Monday 19 December, the day of commemoration of the heavenly patron of our parish, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia.  These will be our final services for 2016.  Following Divine Liturgy on Monday we will farewell our choir conductor, Nataliya Rahim, who is moving interstate.

Services on 10-11 December, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 11/12/2016

On Saturday 10 December and Sunday 11 December we had services for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Monk-Martyr Stephen the New of Mount St. Auxentius (+767 AD) and Martyr Irenarchus and his companions (+303).  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy the parish rector spoke of the principles for Christian living set out in the appointed readings from the Apostol, Ephesians 4:1-6 and 2 Timothy 1:8-18.

Our next services: 10-11 December, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 27/11/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 10 December and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 11 December, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Monk-Martyr Stephen the New of Mount St Auxentius (+767 AD).

Services on 26-27 November, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost - 27/11/2016

On Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 November we had services for the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Apostle Philip.  Receiving Holy Communion for the frist time at Divine Liturgy on Sunday was the newly-baptised Anastasia Partington.  Following Divine Liturgy, a pannikhida was served for the ever-memorable founder of our parish, Archpriest John Lupish (+1977), it having been the anniversary of his repose on Tuesday 22 November.  As the faithful venerated the Cross a collection was taken up for the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, raising $220.00.  Later, many gathered in the parish hall for a BBQ lunch, it being the final Sunday service before the beginning of the Nativity Fast.

Our Summer 2016-17 Schedule of Services - 27/11/2016

Our Summer 2016-17 Schedule of Services - covering December, January and February - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Summer 2016-17 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Summer 2016-17 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies in both languages are available in church.

A baptism - Anastasia Partington - 26/11/2016

On Saturday 26 November the parish rector baptised Anastasia Partington, the infant daughter of Bruce Partington and Samantha Bullen. Anastasia, who was baptised in honour of the Royal Martyr Anastasia of Russia, had as her sponsors Larissa Lupish and Nikolai Goura.  A great many friends and family members were present for Anastasia’s baptism, gathering afterwards in the parish hall for a celebratory lunch.  We offer warm congratulations to Bruce, Samantha, Larissa and Nikolai, and wish the newly-baptised handmaiden of God Anastasia many years!

The November 2016 meeting of the Parish Council - 21/11/2016

On Monday 21 November there was a meeting of the Parish Council.  As 22 November is the anniversary of the repose of the ever-memorable founder of our parish, Archpriest John Lupish (+1977), a memorial litia was served immediately prior to the meeting.  The usual pastoral, administrative, and financial reports were then presented, progress on various church projects was reviewed, and plans for 2017 were discussed. Father James gave a report on the work of the Eighteenth Diocesan Assembly in which he and parish delegate Irene Lupish had recently participated.  The Parish Council is scheduled to meet next in January 2017.

The Eighteenth Diocesan Assembly and the celebration of 20 years of Metropolitan Hilarion's service in Australia - 19/11/2016

From Wednesday 16 November until Saturday 19 November 2016, representatives of our parish participated in the work of the Eighteenth Diocesan Assembly of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia and in commemorative events marking the twentieth anniversary of Metropolitan Hilarion's appointment as Ruling Bishop.  At Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Thursday 17 November our rector Father James Carles was raised to the rank of archpriest "for his zealous labours on behalf of the Holy Church".  Attending the festive banquet held in Metropolitan Hilarion's honour that evening were Father James, parish delegate Irene Lupish, and parishioners Elena Gan, Dean Crawford and Lucea Szabunia.  Following the official programme they presented Vladyka Hilarion with a gift from the parish, a beautifully framed copy of the parish's treasured "Newcastle" Icon of the Protection of the Mother of God.

A collection to benefit the ROCOR Fund for Assistance - 13/11/2016

In parishes of our Diocese a collection is generally taken up every year during November to help the work of the Fund for Assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  The Fund for Assistance supports the moral-spiritual education of our youth, provides aid to our clergy, and distributes emergency relief to the missions of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  This year, the collection will be taken up in our parish on Sunday 27 November.  Collection envelopes are available in church.  Those who wish to make a donation but who are unable to be in church on this day may make a direct donation to the Fund for Assistance here.

Our next services: 26-27 November, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost - 13/11/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 26 November and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 27 November, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Holy Apostle Philip.  A collection will be taken up on Sunday to help the work of the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  As the Nativity Fast begins on Monday 28 November we will have a parish BBQ following the Sunday service.

Services on 12-13 November, the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost - 13/11/2016

On Saturday 12 November and Sunday 13 November we had services for the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Apostles of the Seventy Stachys, Amplias, Urban, Narcissus, Apelles and Aristobuls (1st Century AD) and of Martyr Epimachus of Pelusium in Alexandria (+250 AD).  On this day, the Russian Orthodox Church also commemorates Saints Spyridon and Nicodemus, the prosphora-bakers of the Kiev Caves (+12th Century AD).  In his sermon the parish rector noted how these saints had served God in different ways and at different times, encouraging the faithful to serve the Lord faithfully according to their own circumstances and abilities.

Our next services:12-13 November, the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost - 23/10/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 12 November and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 13 November, the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Thirty-Three Martyrs of Melitene (3rd Century AD) and Venerable Lazarus, wonderworker of Mount Galesion near Ephesus (+1053 AD).

Services on 22-23 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 23/10/2016

On Saturday 22 October and Sunday 23 October we had services for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council and the Venerable Elders of Optina.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday the parish rector, noting the Apostle Paul's exhortation to "remember those who have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God" (Hebrews 13:7), spoke of the work and the enduring significance of the two quite different groups of Holy Fathers commemorated by the Russian Orthodox Church on this day. He encouraged the faithful to not be "carried about with divers and strange doctrines" (13:9), but to follow the faith and life of these saints.

Russian and other Orthodox Kids' Camp, 11-17 December 2016 - 20/10/2016

A group of young families working under the auspices of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin parish in Cabramatta, NSW, is organising a camp for children and young people aged 8-17 to be held in Toukley, NSW - here on the Central Coast - from 11 December - 17 December 2016.  For those interested, more information is available here.  This year the Diocesan Teen Retreat - for young people aged 13-17 - will be held on the Queensland Sunshine Coast from 19 December - 23 December.

Our next services: 22-23 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 09/10/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 22 October and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 23 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Optina Elders.  In accordance with a resolution of the Synod of Bishops, on this day a collection will be taken up to support the work of the Synodal Liturgical Music Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

Services on 8-9 October, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 09/10/2016

On Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 October we had services for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian.  Presiding at Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning was Bishop George of Canberra, visiting our parish for the first time since August 2014.  Joining us on the occasion of Bishop George’s visit were Deacon Martin Naef, Subdeacon Nicholas Martinov, and Jordanville seminarian Reader Michael Martinov.  At the end of Divine Liturgy Bishop George gave an edifying sermon about the life of the Holy Apostle John.  Following the dismissal, parish awards and flowers were presented to three women for their contribution to parish life: Olga Rusak, Eugenia Kallaur, and Natalia Rahim.  The clergy and faithful afterwards gathered in the church hall for a festive meal.  Over lunch, Father James welcomed Bishop George to the parish, noting that it was his first visit as Diocesan Administrator.  On behalf of the parish he thanked Vladyka for his attention and wished him all the best in his archpastoral labours in the Australian-New Zealand Diocese.

The patronal feast-day of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Protection of the Mother of God, Blacktown - 05/10/2016

On Saturday 15 October 2016, the day after the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, the Russian Orthodox Church of the Protection of the Mother of God in Blacktown, NSW, will celebrate its patronal feast-day.  This parish is one of only two parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate in Australia.  The lesser blessing of water will be served at 8.30am, the Hours at 9.00am, and Divine Liturgy at 9.30am.  At 12.00pm there will be a festive lunch.  More information including the church address and contact details is available in English here, and in Russian here.

Our next services: 8-9 October, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Apostle and Evangelist John - 25/09/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 8 October and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 9 October, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian.  His Grace Bishop George of Canberra will preside at Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning.  Following the service there will be a festive lunch in the parish hall.  Please join us!

The 2016 Annual General Meeting of our parish - 25/09/2016

On Sunday 25 September our parish held its 2016 Annual General Meeting (AGM).  The 2016 Annual Report was presented and accepted, a Parish Council for 2016-17 was elected, a delegate to the Eighteenth Diocesan Assembly was chosen, and our two Child Safety Contact Persons were reappointed.  Those elected to the Parish Council were Anna Morhun, Irene Lupish, Lucea Szabunia, Olga Bogacheva, Anu Kinnunen and Dean Crawford.  Irene Lupish will represent the parish at the Diocesan Assembly and Matushka Marie Carles and Olga Bogacheva were reappointed to the role of Child Safety Contact Persons.  Our Warden Nikolai Goura, elected for a three-year term in 2014, remains in this position.

Services on 24-25 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 25/09/2016

On Saturday 24 September and Sunday 25 September we had services for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost and for the Leavetaking of the Nativity of he Mother of God.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer for Ukraine was read, and following the service a collection was taken up to help the Holy Dormition Lavra in Svyatogorsk, Eastern Ukraine, assist the many refugees who have taken shelter there.  In his sermon the rector spoke about the appointed reading from the Holy Gospel, the Parable of the Wedding Feast, and the importance of weaving a fitting garment for the banquet by our manner of life.  A small icon of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye, the translation of whose relics is also commemorated on this day, was placed in church for veneration together with the icon of the feast.  As Sunday was the tenth anniversary of the repose of the ever-memorable Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov), third First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, he was commemorated at the Great Entrance and in a memorial litia following Divine Liturgy.

The tenth anniversary of the repose of Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov) - 23/09/2016

On Sunday 25 September 2016 it will be the tenth anniversary of the repose of Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov) (1910-2006), First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outisde Russia from 1986 until his retirement in 2001.  Following Divine Liturgy on this day a memorial litia will be served for the ever-memorable Vladyka Vitaly, a steadfast defender of Orthodoxy and of the historical path of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

Our 2016 Annual Report - 21/09/2016

Our 2016 Annual Report, including the independently audited 2015-16 Financial Statements, is now available.  The 2016 Annual Report will be presented to our parish Annual General Meeting on Sunday 25 September 2015.  A copy of the report is available in PDF form here. We encourage our parishioners and friends with questions or comments to contact us.

Our next services: 24-25 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 11/09/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 24 September and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 25 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the Leavetaking of the Great Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God.  On this day, a collection will be taken up to benefit the Holy Dormition Lavra in Svyatogorsk, Eastern Ukraine.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday our parish will hold its 2016 Annual General Meeting.

Services on 10-11 September, the commemoration of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist - 11/09/2016

On Saturday 10 September and Sunday 11 September we had services for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Beheading of the Holy Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John.  Following Divine Liturgy "Many Years" was sung for our choir director Nataliya Rahim, it having been her name-day on the preceding Thursday.  In accordance with the custom of the Russian Orthodox Church a memorial service was served after Divine Liturgy for all Orthodox soldiers, sailors and airmen killed on the field of battle.  Announcements were then made by the rector concerning the forthcoming parish Annual General Meeting and a collection on Sunday 25 September to benefit the Holy Dormition Lavra in Svyatogorsk, Eastern Ukraine.

Our next services: 10-11 September, the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost and the commemoration of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist - 28/08/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 10 September and DiVine liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 11 September, the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost and the commemoration of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist.  In accordance with the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church, a memorial service for all Orthodox soldiers slain in battle will be served immediately after Divine Liturgy.

Notice of 2016 Annual General Meeting - 28/08/2016

Our 2016 parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 12.00pm on Sunday 25 September 2016.  A formal Notice concerning the AGM - including the agenda and important information for parish members - is available here.  The Parish Council and Diocesan Assembly nomination form referred to in the Notice is available here.

Services on 27-28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 28/08/2016

On Saturday 27 August and Sunday 28 August we had services for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost and the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Saturday evening and on Sunday morning Divine Liturgy was served.  Receiving Holy Communion for the first time on Sunday was the newly-baptised infant Joseph Harwood.  The feast of the Dormition has a special significance for our parish as it was on this day in 1949 that the first Orthodox Christian services in the Hunter Valley were served by Archpriest John Lupish (+1977) in the chapel at Greta Migrant Camp.  Following Divine Liturgy the rector made the first announcement concerning the forthcoming 2016 parish Annual General Meeting.

Our Spring 2016 Schedule of Services - 28/08/2016

Our Spring 2016 Schedule of Services - covering September, October and November - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Spring 2016 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Spring 2016 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies in both languages are available in church.

A baptism - Joseph Harwood - 27/08/2016

On Saturday 27 August our parish rector baptised Joseph Harwood, the infant son of Peter and Anastasia Harwood and a younger brother to Isaac and Elizabeth.  Joseph, who was baptised in honour of Righteous Joseph the All-Comely, had as his sponsors Raisa Zyza and Jonathan van Wyk.  We warmly congratulate Peter, Anastasia, Raisa and Jonathan, and wish the newly-baptised Joseph many years!

Our next services: 27-28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 14/08/2016

Our next services will be All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine and oil, beginning at 6.00pm on Saturday 27 August, and Divine Liturgy beginning at 9.00am on Sunday 28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.   On this day it will be exactly 67 years since the first Russian Orthodox services in the Hunter Valley, served in the Anglican Chapel at the Greta Migrant Camp just 9 days after the arrival in Newcastle from Europe of Archpriest John Lupish and his family.

A memorial service at Greta Cemetery - 14/08/2016

Just four days after his arrival in Australia on 19 August 1949, Archpriest John Lupish served the funeral of one year-old Irene Solomko. The child Irene died in an epidemic of measles and broncho-pneumonia that swept through the Greta Migrant Camp that year.  She was laid to rest in the Greta Cemetery.  Father John later presided at five more burials at Greta: that of another child, Vsevelod Shinilov (+1949), Larisa Klebakin (+1950), Lydia Elagin (+1956), Alexander Melnikov (+1970) and Ivan Elagin (+1977).  In 2015 it was resolved that a memorial service would be held at Greta Cemetery each year on the Saturday closest to the anniversary of Irene Solomko's burial.  This year, the memorial service will be held on Saturday 20 August at 11.00am.  Serving together with our parish rector will be Archpriest Michael Solomko, the brother of Irene and a priest of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand.  At the service prayers will be offered for the repose of the ever-memorable Archpriest John (+1977), his matushka Maria (+1979), and all those Orthodox Christians buried in the Greta Cemetery.  Kutiya will be blessed, and there will be light refreshments afterwards for those who have travelled to Greta for the sevice.

Services on 13-14 August, the feast of the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord - 14/08/2016

On Saturday 13 August and Sunday 14 August we had services for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and for the feast of the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord and the Holy Maccabean Martyrs (+166 BC).  Prior to the evening service on Saturday a number of young children from the parish participated in a discussion of confession before sharing in the reading of the prayers and making their individual confessions.  Matins with the bringing out of the Cross was then served and on Sunday morning, the first day of the Dormition Fast, Divine Liturgy was served.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer for Ukraine was read following the Litany of Fervent Intercession.  The Lesser Blessing of Water was served following the Prayer before the Amvon, it being the custom of the Russian Orthodox Church to bless the waters on this day in commemoration of the Baptism of Rus’ in 988 AD.  It is also the custom on this day to bless new honey, and as in previous years a quantity of organic Wollombi Valley Honey was blessed and given to those present.  The rector took the opportunity to bless a new icon of the Holy Hierarchs of Moscow, a gift to our parish from the Rowan family.  After the dismissal, a memorial litia was served for the ever-memorable Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) (1863-1936), first First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, it having been the eightieth anniversary of his repose on Wednesday 10 August.

A confession service for children - 24/07/2016

At 5.00pm on Saturday 13 August, immediately prior to Matins for the feast of the Procession of the Cross, we will have a special confession service for children.  This service has been planned to help those children who are making their confession for the first time as well as those who feel a little unsure about it.  Our parish rector will explain confession before the service begins.  The children will be able to sing and to help read the various prayers together before taking it in turns to confess.  As the children make their confessions privately, the others will be helped to read some of the Prayers of Preparation for Holy Communion.  The English-language order of service that we will follow is available here. Some information about confession is available here. To assist children prepare for confession, a helpful list of questions for them to ask themselves is available here.

Our next services: 13-14 August, the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord - 24/07/2016

Our next services will be Matins with the bringing out of the Cross at 6.00pm on Saturday 13 August and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 14 August, the feast of the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.  On this day, the first day of the two-week Dormition Fast, the Orthodox Church also remembers the Holy Maccabean Martyrs (+166 BC). Following Divine Liturgy on Friday the Lesser Blessing of Waters will be served, after which there will be a blessing of honey.  As in previous years our parish has a quantity of organic Wollombi honey for blessing and distribution to the faithful.

Services on 23-24 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and the commemorations of Saints Euphemia and Olga - 24/07/2016

On Saturday 23 July and Sunday 24 July we had services for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Great-Martyr Euphemia the All-Praised (+303 AD) and Saint Olga, Princess of Russia and Equal-to-the-Apostles (+c.963 AD).  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday the Prayer for the Prosperity of the Russian Church was read.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the way in which these two female saints bore witness to the truth of Orthodox Christianity: Saint Euphemia by her refusal to sacrifice to idols, her acceptance of martyrdom and her miracle at the Council of Chalcedon in 451 BC; and Saint Olga by turning away from the paganism of her people and sowing the seeds of the Baptism of Rus'.

Our next services: 23-24 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and the commemoration of Saints Euphemia and Olga - 10/07/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 23 July and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 24 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Great Martyr Euphemia the All-Praised and Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, princess of Russia (+963 AD).

Services on 9-10 July, the Third Sunday after Pentecost - 10/07/2016

On Saturday 9 July and Sunday 10 July we had services for the Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Sant Sampson the Hospitable (+350 AD).  As many of our parish founders came from Belarus, in addition to the icon of Saint Sampson and the other saints commemorated on this date, the parish icon of All Saints of Belorussia was placed in the centre of the church for veneration.  In addition to speaking about the appointed readings from the Apostol (Romans 5:1-10 and Galatians 5:22-6:2), in his sermon the rector spoke about Saint Sampson's unmercenary care for the sick and the fact that this day was the anniversary of the victory, in 1709, of the Russian Empire over the Swedes at the Battle of Poltava.  Concerning this victory, the rector noted that it ultimately served for the strengthening of the Orthodox Church, both in Russia and elsewhere.

Our next services: 9-10 July, the Third Sunday after Pentecost - 26/06/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 9 July and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 10 July, the Third Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Saint Sampson the Hospitable (+c.530 AD) and of All Saints of Belarus.

Services on 25-26 June, the First Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday of All Saints - 26/06/2016

On Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 June we had services for the First Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of All Saints, the memory of whom is customarily celebrated on this day.  Since 2008, this day has also been the Day of Orthodox Youth of the Russian Church Abroad.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer for the Prosperity of the Russian Church was read and in place of a sermon the parish rector read aloud the Epistle of Metroplitan Hilarion on the Day of Orthodox Youth.  At the end of Divine Liturgy a brief moleben was served at which all the children and young people of our parish were mentioned by name, and at which prayers were offered in particular for four year-old Elisabeth Harwood, a child of the parish recently diagnosed with leukaemia.

Our next services: 25-26 June, the Sunday of All Saints and Day of Youth of the Russian Church Abroad - 12/06/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 25 June and Divine Liturgy on Sunday 26 June, the First Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday of All Saints.  As the Sunday of All Saints is also the Day of Youth of the Russian Church Abroad, we will offer special prayers on this day for the youth of our parish, our Diocese and our Church.

Services on 11-12 June, the Seventh Sunday of Pascha - 12/06/2016

On Saturday 11 June and Sunday 12 June we had services for the Seveth Sunday of Pascha and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, the memory of whom is customarily celebrated on this day.  In his sermon at Divine Liturgy on Sunday the parish rector spoke of the convening of the the First Ecumenical Council in May-June of 325 AD, of the work accomplished there to overcome falsehood, and of the importance in every age of steadfast defence of the Orthodox Faith.

Our next services: 11-12 June, the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council - 09/06/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 11 June and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 12 June, the Seventh Sunday of Pascha and the day of commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, convened in Nicaea in 325 AD.

Services on 8-9 June, the Great Feast of the Ascension of the Lord - 09/06/2016

On Wednesday 8 June and Thursday 9 June we had services for the Great Feast of the Ascension of the Lord.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Wednesday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Thursday morning.  As it was on this Great Feast in 2007 that the Act of Canonical Communion between the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia and the Moscow Patriarchate was signed, the Prayer for the Prosperity of the Russian Church was read.  The parish rector gave a brief sermon on the meaning of this feast, noting its new significance in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church.

A baptism - Oliver Timothy Regan - 04/06/2016

On Saturday 4 June the parish rector baptised Oliver Timothy Regan, the infant son and first child of Matt and Katy Regan.  Oliver, whose godparents were Natasha Goura and Ben Regan, was baptised in honour of the Holy Apostle Timothy of the Seventy.  We warmly congratulate Matt, Katy, Natasha and Ben, and wish the newly-baptised servant of God many years!

The fiftieth anniversary of the repose of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco - 01/06/2016

On Saturday 2 July the Russian Orthodox Church Church outside Russia will prayefully commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of Saint John (Maximovitch), the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco.  In the Australian-New Zealand Diocese commemorative services will be held in the cathedrals in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Canberra.  Bishop George's directive to Diocesan clergy can be read in English here and in Russian here.

Our next services: 8-9 June, the Great Feast of the Ascension of the Lord - 22/05/2016

Our next services will be All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves at 6.00pm on Wednesday 8 June and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Thursday 9 June, the Great Feast of the Ascension of the Lord.  At Divine Liturgy prayers of thanksgiving will be offered, the re-establishment of canonical communion within the Russian Orthodox Church having been accomplished on this day in 2007.

Our Winter 2016 Schedule of Services - 22/05/2016

Our Winter 2016 Schedule of Services - covering June, July and August  - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Winter 2016 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Winter 2016 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies in both languages are now available in church.  

Services on 21-22 May, the Fourth Sunday of Pascha and the Feast of the translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 22/05/2016

On Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 May we had services for the Fourth Sunday of Pascha and in honour of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas, the patronal feast of our parish.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Saturday evening.  On Sunday morning our festive Divine Liturgy was preceded by the lesser of blessing of water.  A great many parishioners were present together with friends from the Central Coast and Sydney’s north.  Receiving Holy Communion for the first time was the newly-baptised Nicholas East.  In his sermon, the parish rector spoke about the righteous life of Saint Nicholas and of his steadfast defence of Orthodoxy, the movement of his relics from Myra in Lycia (modern-day Turkey) to Bari in Italy, and the help that Christians have received over the centuries through his prayers.  Following Divine Liturgy a moleben to Saint Nicholas was served.  On what was a pleasant and sunny winter morning, there was a cross-procession around the church in which the faithful, including the children, carried icons.  After the customary singing of “Many Years” for the hierarchs and the faithful of the Russian Orthodox Church, many gathered in the parish hall for a festive lunch.

Services on 7-8 May, Thomas Sunday - 08/05/2016

On Saturday 7 May and Sunday 8 May we had services for the Second Sunday of Pascha, Thomas Sunday.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon the parish rector read the Prayer at the Cutting of the Artos.  In place of a sermon, the Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion was read aloud.  Immediately after the service a general panikhida was served in anticipation of Radonitsa, the day of commemoration of the departed appointed for the Second Tuesday of Pascha.  At the panikhida the newly-reposed Maria (Goura) and Joanne (Shalimov) were commemorated, together with a great many departed parishioners, family members and friends.  The parish rector later accompanied the faithful to Wallsend and Sandgate Cemeteries, serving graveside litias there. Edited 15 August 2022 to remove personal information.

Our next services: 21-22 May, the commemoration of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari - 08/05/2016

Our next services will be in honour of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, the patronal feast of our parish.  At 6.00pm on Saturday 21 May we will have All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves.  At 8.15am on Sunday 22 May we will have the lesser blessing of water, and at 9.00am we will have Divine Liturgy.  Following the service there will be a moleben with a procession around the church, after which we will have a festive lunch.

A baptism - Lily Way - 08/05/2016

On Sunday 8 May, Thomas Sunday, the parish rector baptised Lily Way, the three year-old daughter of Jeremy Way and Victoria Kravchenko.  Lily, who was baptised in honour of Martyr Livia of Syria, had as her sponsors at baptism Elena Gubaeva and David Wells.  We warmly congratulate Jeremy, Victoria, Elena, and David, and wish the newly-baptised Livia many years!

Vasily ("Bill") Bukovec celebrates his one-hundredth birthday - 08/05/2016

On Saturday 8 May our parish rector and a small group of parishioners participated in one-hundredth birthday celebrations for Vasily (“Bill”) Bukovec, one of the builders of our church.  At the festive lunch in Toukley on the NSW Central Coast, Father James presented Mr Bukovec with a parish gramota in recognition of the occasion and of his long association with and contribution to our parish.  Mr Bukovec was also given a beautiful framed copy of our treasured icon of the Mother of God, “Protectress of Newcastle”.  We wish Mr Bukovec good health and strength for years to come!

Our next services: 7-8 May, Thomas Sunday - 01/05/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 7 May and Divine Liturgy with the cutting of the artos at 9.00am on Sunday 8 May, Thomas Sunday.  In anticipation of Radonitsa on Tuesday 10 May there will be a general memorial service in church following Divine Liturgy, followed by graveside litias at Wallsend and Sandgate Cemeteries.

Services during Holy Week - 30/04/2016

During Holy Week we had a number of beautiful services.  Matins with the reading of the Twelve Gospels was served on the evening of Thursday 28 April and Matins with the Lamentations before the Tomb of Christ was served on the evening of Friday 29 April.  At 12.00pm on Friday 29 April, Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ was served.  On the morning of Saturday 30 April Vespers with the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil was served.  At this service a great many people received Holy Communion before the Tomb of Christ.

The blessing of Paschal eggs, cakes and festive foods - 28/04/2016

The traditional blessing of Paschal eggs, cakes and other festive foods will take place at approximately 9.00pm on Saturday 30 April, immediately following our early Paschal Matins.

Russian Orthodox Holy Week and Pascha in Newcastle - 28/04/2016

Our parish will have the following services for Holy Week and Pascha: Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ at 12.00pm on Friday 29 April, Matins with Lamentations before the Tomb of Christ at 6.30pm on Friday 29 April, Divine Liturgy at 8.00am on Saturday 30 April, and an early Midnight Office with a procession and Paschal Matins at 7.00pm on Saturday 30 April.  Regrettably, we will have no services on Sunday 1 May. For a number of other traditional Holy Week and Paschal services, our parish rector will be serving at Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford.

Services on 23-24 April, Palm Sunday - 24/04/2016

On Saturday 23 April and Sunday 24 April we had services for Palm Sunday, the Great Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.  The church was beautifully decorated with palm branches.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Saturday evening, with palms and pussy-willows also blessed following the reading of the Gospel.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning our church was full with worshippers from the Hunter Valley, the Central Coast, and elsewhere, many of whom received Holy Communion.

A confession service for children - 23/04/2016

At 5.00pm on Saturday 23 April, Lazarus Saturday, our parish had a special confession service for children.  Prior to the service the parish rector spoke to the children about the history and meaning of the Holy Mystery of Repentance and of the importance of making a good confession.  He then answered some questions before the children, about six of whom were present, confessed in turn.  As each children made his or her confession the others read some of the Prayers before Holy Communion.

A confession service for children - 21/04/2016

At 5.00pm on Saturday 23 April, immediately prior to All-night Vigil for Palm Sunday, we will have a special confession service for children.  This service has been planned to help those children who are making their confession for the first time as well as those who feel a little unsure about it.  Our parish rector will explain confession before the service begins.  The children will be able to sing and to help read the various prayers together before taking it in turns to confess.  As the children make their confessions privately, the others will be helped to read some of the Prayers of Preparation for Holy Communion.  The English-language order of service that we will follow is available here. Some information about confession is available here. To assist children prepare for confession, a helpful list of questions for them to ask themselves is available here.

Useful information about when weddings can be celebrated, together with a list of available dates in 2016 and 2017 - 19/04/2016

In conjunction with Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford, our parish has developed and published a list of Sundays and Fridays on which weddings can be celebrated in 2016, together with an explanation of the reasons why weddings cannot be celebrated on certain days and dates and during certain seasons.  A list of Sundays and Fridays in 2017 on which weddings can be celebrated has now been added.  This information, which can be accessed either here or via our ‘Needs’ page under ‘Weddings’, has been prepared to help our parishioners and friends when planning weddings in parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Should anyone have any questions about this information, please contact us.

Palm Sunday Collection for the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem - 10/04/2016

On Sunday 24 April 2016, Palm Sunday, our parish will take up a collection to benefit the Russian Eccelesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.  This collection is taken up on Palm Sunday every year in all the parishes, monasteries and missions of our Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  Collection envelopes will be available in church from Saturday 23 April.  Many places of immense spiritual and historical significance in the Holy Land have been entrusted to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, and we have many monastics there who care for these holy places, undertake good works, and pray for the whole world.  Please give generously!  Those who wish to make a donation online may do so here.

Our next services: 23-24 April, Palm Sunday - 10/04/2016

Our next services will be All-night Vigil at 6.00pm on Saturday 23 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 24 April, the Great Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem - Palm Sunday.  All-night vigil will be preceded at 5.00pm by a special confession service for children.  During All-night Vigil, wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will be blessed at Vespers and palms and pussy-willow branches will be blessed at Matins.

Services on 9-10 April, the Fourth Sunday in Great Lent - 10/04/2016

On Saturday 9 April and Sunday 10 April we had services for the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent, the day of commemoration of Saint John of the Ladder.  As Saturday was a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins on Saturday evening was preceded by a general memorial service.  On Sunday at Divine Liturgy we were joined by friends from Gosford and Canberra.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about The Ladder of Divine Ascent, a spiritual work revered throughout the Orthodox Church, and of the importance of approaching the spiritual life as if climbing a ladder: positioning ourselves on level ground, having companions to steady us and help us, and not ascending so rapidly as to risk falling.

The funeral and burial of Joanne Shalimov - 09/04/2016

On Saturday 9 April the family and friends of Joanne Shalimov gathered in our church for her funeral, many having travelled from as far away as the Queensland Gold Coast and the south and west of NSW.  Joanne, who was born in 1972 and departed this life on 31 March 2016 aged 43, was a granddaughter of Michael Shalimov, one of the builders of our small church.  After the funeral service her body was laid to rest in Wallsend Cemetery a short distance from the graves of her grandparents, Michael and Nina.  Joanne is survived by her parents Nick and Raisa and her brother Dean and his family, to whom we offer condolences.  May God give rest to his newly-departed handmaiden!

Our next services: 9-10 April, the Fourth Sunday in Great Lent - 07/04/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 9 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 10 April, the Fourth Sunday in Great Lent and the day of commemoration of Saint John Climacus.  As Saturday 9 April is a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins that evening will be preceded by a general memorial service at 5.00pm.

Services on 6-7 April, the Great Feast of the Annunciation - 07/04/2016

On Wednesday 6 April and Thursday 7 April we had services for the Great Feast of the Annunciation of the Mother of God.  All-night Vigil – Great Compline, Matins and the First Hour – with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Wednesday evening and the Third, Sixth, and Ninth Hours, Typika and Vespers with the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom were served on Thursday morning.  Following the service those present gathered in the church hall for a festive lunch.  This feast-day is customarily celebrated with great joy, it being a day on which the strict fast of Great Lent is relaxed.

The funeral and burial of Maria Goura - 31/03/2016

On Saturday 26 March we learned with sadness of the repose of our parishioner Maria Ivanovna Goura (b. 22 February 1927 in Poland).  Her funeral was served in our church on Thursday 31 March, after which she was laid to rest beside her husband, Nikolai Emilianovich, at Sandgate Cemetery.  Maria had a long and significant association with our parish. She is survived by a son and two daughters - Nikolai (our parish starosta), Anna and Katy - and by ten grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, many of whom gathered on the eve of her funeral to pray for her repose and, in keeping with Orthodox tradition, to read the Psalter over her casket.  We offer condolences to Maria's family, and pray that God will grant her rest!

The funeral of Maria Goura - 28/03/2016

On Thursday 31 March at 9.30am the funeral of the newly-reposed Maria Goura will be served in our church.  On the preceding evening, a Great Pannikhida ("parastas") will be served at 7.00pm, followed by the reading of the Psalter until the early hours of Thursday morning.  Mrs Goura, who reposed on Saturday 26 March aged 89, had a long and important association with our parish.  May God give her rest with the saints! 

Our next services: 6-7 April, the Great Feast of the Annunciation of the Mother of God - 28/03/2016

Our next services will be All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves beginning at 6.00pm on Wednesday 6 April and Hours, Typika, Vespers and Divine Liturgy beginning at 9.00am on Thursday 7 April.  On this day we commemorate the coming of the Archangel Gabriel to the Holy Virgin, her humble acceptance of God's will, and her conception by the Holy Spirit of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

A General Service of Anointing with Oil - 28/03/2016

On the morning of Monday 28 March the parish rector presided at a General Service of Anointing with Oil.  Approximately 20 of our parishioners, both young and old, gathered to pray and receive anointing with oil for the healing of soul and body.  Some information about the Sacrament of Anointing with Oil provided to our parishioners and friends before the service is available here.

Services on 26-27 March, the Second Sunday in Great Lent - 27/03/2016

On Saturday 26 March and Sunday 27 March we had services for the Second Sunday of Great Lent, the day of commemoration of Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica and Defender of Orthodoxy.  As Saturday was a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins on Saturday evening was preceded by a general memorial service.  On Sunday Matushka Marie spoke to the children about the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (commemorated on Tuesday 22 March) who were rewarded with heavenly crowns for their willingness to endure suffering for Christ's sake.  Following the dismissal at Divine Liturgy a memorial litia was served for two newly-reposed parishioners, Vera Blanch and Maria Goura.  A collection was then taken up to benefit the Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, New York, raising $235.75.

Bishop George and Diocesan clergy to serve Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts on Friday 25 March 2016 - 20/03/2016

Each year during Great Lent the clergy of our Diocese gather in Sydney to confess, serve the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts together, and discuss matters of mutual concern.  In 2016 the Diocesan Pastoral Conference will be held on Thursday 24 March and Friday 25 March.  These dates have been chosen as Friday 25 March is a public holiday for Australian Good Friday, making it easier for the clergy who have secular work commitments to attend.  The Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be served at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in Strathfield on Friday 25 March from 8.00am with Bishop George presiding.  This solemn and moving service occurs only on certain days during Great Lent.  Lay people are most welcome to attend the service. Indeed, as many rarely see this service, attendance is encouraged. Those who have confessed and prepared themselves beforehand are welcome to receive Holy Communion on Friday.

The General Service of Anointing, Monday 28 March - 20/03/2016

In the Orthodox tradition it is customary to have the General Service of Anointing ("Соборование") during Great Lent.  In this service there are seven readings from the Apostol, seven readings from the Holy Gospel, seven prayers, and the faithful are anointed seven times with oil, blessed and sanctified during the service, for the healing of soul and body.  The practice of anointing with oil for spiritual and physical healing is referred to by the Apostle James: "Is anyone among you sick?  Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.  And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven" (James 5:14-15).  This year our parish will have this service at 10.00am on Monday 28 March, the Australian Easter Monday public holiday.  Those planning to confess beforehand should do so on the weekend of 26-27 March.

Diocesan-wide collection for the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville - 20/03/2016

Each year on the First Sunday in Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, parishes of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia take up a collection to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York.  The Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is the main institution of higher education in the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  This collection provides financial assistance to students, covering tuition, room and board.  As we did not have a service on the First Sunday in Great Lent, our collection will be taken up on Sunday 27 March.  Please give generously!

Our next services: 26-27 March, the Second Sunday in Great Lent - 13/03/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 26 March and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 27 March, the Second Sunday in Great Lent and the day of commemoration of Saint Gregory Palamas.  As Saturday 26 March is a day of commemoration of the departed, Matins that evening will be preceded by a general memorial service at 5.00pm

Services on 12-13 March, Forgiveness Sunday - 13/03/2016

On Saturday 12 March and Sunday 13 March we had services for Forgiveness Sunday, the Sunday before the beginning of Great Lent.  A number of friends of the parish, visiting from Sydney, were present on Sunday for Divine Liturgy.  As is the practice in many parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, Vespers with rite of asking forgiveness was served immediately following Divine Liturgy.  After the services on Sunday many people gathered in the parish hall to enjoy pancakes prepared by the Ladies' Auxiliary.

Our next services: 12-13 March, the Sunday of Forgiveness - 28/02/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 12 March and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 13 March, the Sunday of Forgiveness.  In accordance with the practice of parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church ouside Russia, Vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness with be served immediately following Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  On the following day, Monday 14 March, Great Lent will begin.

A wedding - Alexander Lupish and Kelly Hailstone - 28/02/2016

On Sunday 28 February the parish rector presided at the marriage of Alexander Lupish and Kelly Hailstone in the presence of a great many family members and friends.  Assisting at the service was Deacon Martin Naef of the parish of Saint Panteleimon in Gosford.  Our choir - under the direction of Nataliya Rahim - sang beautifully.  Following the service, all gathered in the church yard for drinks and light refreshments.  This service was especially significant for our small church as the groom is the grandson of Archpriest John Lupish (+1977), the ever-memorable founder of our parish, and was an altar-server here as a child and young man.  We warmly congratulate Alex and Kelly, and wish them many years of happiness together.

Services on 27-28 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son - 28/02/2016

On Saturday 27 February and Sunday 28 February we had services for the Sunday of the Prodigal Son.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday we were again joined by Deacon Martin Naef of the parish of Saint Panteleimon in Gosford.  Receiving Holy Communion for the first time that day was the newly-baptised infant Samuel.  Praying in church during Divine Liturgy were visitors from Port Macquarie and Sydney.

Our Autumn 2016 Schedule of Services - 27/02/2016

Our Autumn 2016 Schedule of Services - covering March, April and May - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Autumn 2016 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Autumn 2016 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies in both languages are now available in church.  

Our next services: 27-28 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son - 14/02/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 27 February and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 28 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son.

Services on 13-14 February, Zaccheus Sunday - 14/02/2016

On Saturday 13 February and Sunday 14 February we had services for the Thirty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Martyr Tryphon.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday we were joined by Deacon Martin Naef of the parish of Saint Panteleimon in Gosford.  It being the last Sunday before the beginning of the period of preparation for Great Lent, the appointed reading was the account of Zaccheus the repentant tax-collector (Luke 19:1-10).  Following the Prayer before the Amvon the parish rector blessed a beautiful new set of embroidered green velvet covers for the sacred vessels, a gift to our parish from the Novo-Tikhvinsky Convent in Yekaterinburg, Russia.  At the end of the service a collection was taken up for Orthodox Action, a charitable organization that operates under the auspices of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia. $299.50 was collected.  Before lunch a memorial litia was served for our parishioner the ever-memorable Anastasia Szabunia, it being the first anniversary of her repose on 18 February.

February 2016 collection for Orthodox Action - 31/01/2016

Each year in February the parishes of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand take up a collection to assist the work of Orthodox Action, a charitable organisation that operates in Sydney and Melbourne under the auspices of the Diocese and the heavenly protection of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco.  Orthodox Action works to help needy persons, destitute children and orphanages in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union.  In 2016 our parish will take up this collection on Sunday 14 February.  Collection envelopes will be available in church as of Saturday 13 February, and will be distributed by post to regular worshippers during the week beginning Monday 1 February.  Please give generously!

The January 2016 meeting of the Parish Council - 25/01/2016

On Monday 25 January there was a meeting of the Parish Council.  Attending the meeting was the co-ordinator of our parish playgroup, Anastasia Harwood, who gave the Parish Council an overview of the playgroup's activities and of her plans for 2016.  The usual administrative, pastoral and financial reports were then presented, and progress on various church projects was reviewed. The Parish Council is scheduled to meet next on Monday 21 March.

Our next services: 13-14 February, Zaccheus Sunday - 24/01/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 13 February and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 14 February, Zaccheus Sunday.  On this Sunday, the last before the preparatory period for Great Lent, the appointed Gospel reading (Luke 19:1-10) is the account of Zaccheus the tax-collector, one of the great Biblical models of repentance.  As there will be no services in our church from Sunday 24 January until Saturday 13 February we plan to undertake some important repairs and maintenance during this time.

Services on 23-24 January, the Sunday after Theophany - 24/01/2016

On Saturday 23 January and Sunday 24 January we had services for the Sunday after Theophany and in honour of Saint Theodosius the Great, the founder of coenobitic (“common-life”) monasticism.  At Divine Liturgy the Prayer for Ukraine were read.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon a brief moleben was served for the founders, benefactors and parishioners of the Theophany parish in Mayfield, Newcastle, a parish of the Moscow Patriarchate that existed from 1994 until 2009.

A baptism - Charli Davies - 23/01/2016

On Saturday 23 January the parish rector baptised Charli Davies, the infant daughter and first child of Peter and Kate Davies.  In baptism Charli was given the name Margaret in honour of the Great-Martyr Marina (Margaret) of Antioch. Her sponsors were Michael Davies, Tamara Goura, Patrice Farmer and Matthew MacDonald. We warmly congratulate Peter and Kate and the godparents, and wish the newly-baptised handmaiden of God Margaret many years!

Our next services: 23-24 January, the Sunday after the Theophany - 18/01/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 23 January and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 24 January, the Sunday after the Theophany and the day of commemoration of Saint Theodosius the Great, the founder of coenobitic ("common-lfe") monasticism.

Services on 17-18 January, the Eve of Theophany - 18/01/2016

On Sunday 17 January and Monday 18 January we had services for the Eve of Theophany.  Matins was served on Sunday evening, and on Monday morning Vespers with the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great was served together with the Great Blessing of Water.  At Vespers, many of those present assisted with the thirteen appointed readings from the Old Testament.  Following the service on Monday a graveside panikhida was served at Sandgate Cemetery for Natalia Tarasenko, it being the fortieth day of her repose.  Eternal memory!

Our next services: 17-18 January, the Eve of the Theophany - 10/01/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Sunday 17 January and Vespers with the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great and the Great Blessing of Water at 9.00am on Monday 18 January, the Eve of the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, also called Theophany.  Following the service the parish rector will be blessing homes in the Hunter Valley and on the Central Coast.

Services on 9-10 January, the Sunday after the Nativity - 10/01/2016

On Saturday 9 January and Sunday 10 January we had services for the Sunday after the Nativity, the day of commemoration of the Holy Kinsmen of Christ: Joseph the Betrothed, David the King, and James, Brother of the Lord.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday the choir sang under the direction of Elena Gan.  In place of a sermon, the parish rector read aloud the Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion in Russian and in English.

The 2015-16 Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 07/01/2016

The 2015-16 Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, can be read in English here and in Russian here.

Our next services: 9-10 January, the Sunday after the Nativity - 07/01/2016

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 9 January and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 10 January, the Sunday after the Nativity and the day of commemoration of the kinsmen of Christ Saints Joseph the Betrothed, David the King, and James Brother of the Lord.

Services on 6-7 January, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ - 07/01/2016

On Wednesday 6 January, the Eve of the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ, we had All-night vigil (Great Compline and Matins) with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil.  Sadly, many of our parishioners were unable to attend because of heavy rain and flooding across the Hunter Valley and on the Central Coast.  An improvement in the weather overnight, however, saw a great many people gather on the morning of Thursday 7 January, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ.  A large choir sang beautifully under the direction of Nataliya Rahim and approximately 40 people received the Holy Mysteries.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon, a brief moleben of thanksgiving was served to commemorate the deliverance of the Russian Church and Empire from the invasion of the French and twelve other nations on this day in 1812.  At the end of the service, the parish rector presented Matushka Marie Carles with a hand-painted icon of her heavenly protector, Saint Mary of Palestine, a gift from our parish and from the Gosford parish and her family in recognition of her faithful service to both parishes.  Afterwards a great many people gathered in the church hall for a festive lunch and a visit from Father Christmas.  A wonderful day in the life of our small parish!

Services on 18-19 December, the day of commemoration of Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia - 20/12/2015

On Friday 18 December and Saturday 19 December we had services in honour of Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia, the heavenly protector of our parish.  Although our parish has as its patronal feast the May commemoration of Saint Nicholas, the December commemoration is always solemnly observed.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Friday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Saturday morning.  At the end of Divine Liturgy a brief moleben to Saint Nicholas was served.  The parish rector then congratulated the Starosta, Nikolai N. Goura, on his name-day, and many years was intoned for him.

Our next services: 6-7 January, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ - 19/12/2015

Our next services will be All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves at 6.00pm on Wednesday 6 January and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Thursday 7 January, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ.  Divine Liturgy will be followed by the customary moleben commemorating the defeat of Napoleon on Christmas Day in 1812, and a festive Christmas lunch in the church hall to which all are invited.  Father Christmas is expected to visit us after lunch!

There will be no services on the weekend of 26-27 December - 19/12/2015

Our parishioners and friends are reminded that there will be no services on the weekend of Saturday 26 December (Boxing Day) and Sunday 27 December.  On these two days the parish rector will be in Melbourne participating in services and a pastoral conference in association with the Fifty-First Annual Diocesan Youth Conference.

The repose and funeral of Natalia Tarasenko - 15/12/2015

On Thursday 10 December we learned with sadness of the repose that day of our parishioner, Natalia Ivanovna Tarasenko (b. 15 March 1918 in Kuldja, China).  Her funeral was served in our church on Tuesday 15 December, after which she was laid to rest beside her late husband, Ivan Trofimovich, at Sandgate Cemetery.  Natalia had a long association with our parish and with the Russian Orthodox Church of the Theophany (Moscow Patriarchate) in Mayfield.  She is survived by three daughters and two sons – Raisa, Nickolay, Tatiana, Peter, and Nadejda – and by her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, to whom we offer our condolences.  May God grant rest to His newly-departed handmaiden!

Our next services: 18-19 December, the feast of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia - 13/12/2015

Our next services will be All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves at 6.00pm on Friday 18 December and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Friday 19 December, the day of commemoration of Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia and the lesser patronal feast of our church.

Services on 12-13 December, the Twenty-Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Apostle Andrew the First-Called - 13/12/2015

On Saturday 12 December and Sunday 13 December we had services for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called.  Joining us were friends from Sydney and the Central Coast.  It being the Nativity Fast, a number of people took the opportunity to confess and receive Holy Communion.  Following the dismissal at Divine Liturgy a collection was taken up to assist the Indonesian Mission.  This collection, taken up in all parishes of our Diocese at Bishop George's request, raised $195.00.

The final meeting for 2015 of our playgroup "Teremok" - 01/12/2015

On Tuesday 1 December our playgroup "Teremok" had its final gathering for 2015.  All the children were given presents.  Three children were attending for the last time as they will be starting school in 2016: Vika Origan, Matthew Martin and Liam Parish.  We wish them all the best in their future studies!  "Teremok" will resume classes in the second week of February.  In 2016 there will be gatherings on two days each week, Tuesdays and Fridays.  Until then!

Our Summer 2015-16 Schedule of Services - 01/12/2015

Our Summer 2015-16 Schedule of Services - covering December, January and February - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Summer 2015-16 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Summer 2015-16 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies in both languages will be available in church from the evening of 3 December 2015.

The November 2015 meeting of the Parish Council - 23/11/2015

On Monday 23 November the 2015-16 Parish Council met for the first time.  Joining returning members Anna Morhun, Irene Lupish, Olga Bogacheva, Lucy Szabunia and Anu Kinnunen was newly-elected member Dean Turnbull.  Unfortunately the Warden, Nikolai Goura, was absent because of illness.  The usual administrative, pastoral and financial reports were presented and progress on various church projects - the extension of the altar, the replacement of the choir stairs, and the painting of a new icon - was reviewed. Office-bearers were then appointed, with Anna Morhun accepting the role of Head Sister, Anu Kinnunen accepting the role of Treasurer, Lucy Szabunia accepting the role of minutes secretary, Irene Lupish accepting the role of membership and records secretary.  In addition, Mrs Lupish and Ms Szabunia agreed to act as parish Privacy Officers.  The Parish Council will next meet on Monday 25 January 2016.

Our next services: 3-4 December, the Great Feast of the entry of the Mother of God into the Temple - 22/11/2015

Our next services will be all-night vigil with the blessing of five loaves and wheat, wine and oil at 6.00pm on Thursday 3 December and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Friday 4 December, the Great Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple.  The Summer 2015-16 Schedule of Services will be available in church from Thursday evening.

Services on 21-22 November, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 22/11/2015

On Saturday 21 November and Sunday 22 November we had services for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Martyrs Onesiphorus and Porphyrius of Ephesus (+3rd-4th C. AD) and the Venerable Matrona of Constantinople (+492 AD).  In his sermon on Sunday the rector spoke about the approaching Nativity Fast and the importance of being faithful to the Lord in small ways such as fasting so to be ready to be faithful to Him in bigger ways. Following Divine Liturgy a pannikhida was served for the ever-memorable founder of our parish, Archpriest John Lupish (+1977), the anniversary of whose repose it was.  As the faithful came to the Cross a collection for the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia was taken up.  This collection, customarily taken up in all parishes of our Diocese each year during November, raised $350.00.

Our next services: 21-22 November, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and the anniversary of the repose of Archpriest John Lupish - 08/11/2015

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 21 November and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 22 November, the twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Martyrs Onesiphorus and Porphyrius of Ephesus (3rd-4th Century AD).  This day will also be the anniversary of the repose in 1977 of Archpriest John Lupish, the founder of our parish, and following Divine Liturgy there will be a pannikhida with the blessing of kutiya.

Services on 7-8 November, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost - 08/11/2015

On Saturday 7 November and Sunday 8 November we had services for the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica and the deliverance of Constantinople through his prayers from a great earthqauke in 740 AD.  The parish rector presided at both services, having returned to Australia on 29 October following his trip to Russia accompanying the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God.  Receiving Holy Communion for the first time at divine Liturgy on this day was the newly-baptised handmaiden of God Ivy Mae (Eve) Stankovski.

Fifty-First Annual Diocesan Youth Conference, 26-31 December 2015 - 01/11/2015

This year our Diocese will also hold its fifty-first consecutive annual Diocesan youth conference or "Syezd".  Established in 1965 at the instigation of the ever-memorable Archbishop Sava (Raevsky, +1976), these conferences have been an important spiritual and social event for the youth of our Diocese ever since.  This year’s conference – the theme of which is ‘The Apocalypse’ – will be held from 26-31 December in Melbourne and is open to young people aged 18 and over.  For more information visit

2015 Annual Diocesan Teen Retreat - 01/11/2015

This year our Diocese will hold its fifth annual Orthodox Teen Retreat.  Established in 2011, our Diocesan Teen Retreats cater for young people aged 14-17.  After three years in Sydney and one in Melbourne, this year’s Teen Retreat will be held on Queensland’s beautiful Sunshine Coast from Sunday 20 December until Thursday 24 December. For more information visit

"Remember your leaders": The fortieth anniversary of the repose of Archpriest Rostislav Gan - 01/11/2015

On Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 December the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia will prayerfully commemorate the fortieth annversary of the repose of Archpriest Rostislav Gan, an influential spiritual father, exemplary pastor and noted liturgist who was a priest in China before serving as rector of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin parish in Cabramatta for over 20 years.  Further information is available in English here and in Russian here.

A baptism - Ivy Mae Stankovski - 31/10/2015

On Saturday 31 October the parish rector baptised Ivy Mae Stankovski, the infant daughter of Lupco and Nina Stankovski and a sister to big brothers Darcy and Archer.  In baptism Ivy Mae was given the name Eve in honour of our Holy Foremother Eve. Her sponsors were Jacqueline and Photi Mandicos and Brett and Vera Corbett. We warmly congratulate Lupco and Nina and the godparents, and wish the newly-baptised handmaiden of God Eve many years!

Services on 25 October - 25/10/2015

On Sunday 25 October we had services for the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council. In the absence of the rector who was in the United States following three weeks in Russia as part of a delegation accompanying the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God, Archpriest Ljubomir Dvojakovski presided at Divine Liturgy. 

Our next service: 25 October, the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost - 11/10/2015

Our next service will be Divine Liturgy on Sunday 25 October, the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council.  In the rector’s absence, Archpriest Ljubomir Dvojakovski will preside at Divine Liturgy on this day.

Services on 11 October - 11/10/2015

On Sunday 11 October we had services for the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint Chariton the Confessor.  In the absence of the rector who was visiting the Yekaterinburg Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church as part of a delegation accompanying the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God, Priest Theodor Postelnisescu, rector of the Romanian Orthodox parish of Apostle Andrew, presided at Divine Liturgy.  Father Theodor served in English and Romanian, and the choir, singing under the able direction of Elena Gan, responded in Slavonic and English.  At the end of the service Father Theodor gave an encouraging sermon in English on the theme of the appointed reading for the Holy Gospel (Luke 5:1-11) and presented all present with icon-cards of the Mother of God.

The parish feast-day of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Protection of the Mother of God (Moscow Patriarchate) - 27/09/2015

On Saturday 17 October, the Saturday after the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, the Russian Orthodox Church of the Protection of the Mother of God (Moscow Patriarchate) in Blacktown will celebrate its parish feast-day.  His Grace Bishop Irinej of the Serbian Orthodox Metropolitanate of Australian and New Zealand will preside at Divine Liturgy.  The greeting of the bishop will take place at 9.00am, and following the service there will be a festive luncheon at St Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church, 33 Second Avenue, Blacktown.  More information is available from the Protection parish website here.  We encourage our parishioners and friends to attend and support the rector, Priest Samuel Vichnevski, and his small parish.

Our next service: 11 October, the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 27/09/2015

Our next service will be Divine Liturgy on Sunday 11 October, the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Venerable Chariton the Confessor (+ c.350 AD).  In the rector’s absence, Priest Theodor Postelnisescu will preside at Divine Liturgy on this day.  Father Theodor is a cleric of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of Australia and New Zealand and the rector of the parish of the Holy Apostle Andrew in Newcastle.  The Holy Apostle Andrew parish worships in our church on those Sundays when we do not have services.

The 2015 Annual General Meeting of our parish - 27/09/2015

On Sunday 27 September our parish held its 2015 Annual General Meeting (AGM).  The 2015 Annual Report was presented and accepted, a Parish Council for 2015-16 was elected, and two new Child Safety Contact Persons were appointed.  Those elected to the Parish Council were Anna Morhun, Irene Lupish, Lucea Szabunia, Olga Bogacheva, Anu Kinnunen and Dean Crawford, and Matushka Marie Carles and Olga Bogacheva were appointed to be Child Safety Contact Persons.  We now await Bishop George’s ratification of the decisions of the Parish Council.

Services on 26-27 September, the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross - 27/09/2015

On Saturday 26 September and Sunday 27 September we had services for the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves and the bringing out of the Cross was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  Elena Gan directed the choir.  After the dismissal and the veneration of the Cross, the parish rector made the third and final announcement concerning the 2015 Annual General Meeting of the parish.

Services on 20-21 September, the Great Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God - 21/09/2015

On Sunday 20 September and Monday 21 September we had services for the Great Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Sunday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Monday morning.  On Monday morning we were joined by friends from the Gosford parish, and a small choir sang under the direction of Elena Gan.

Our 2015 Annual Report - 20/09/2015

Our 2015 Annual Report, including the independently audited 2014-15 Financial Statements, is now available.  The 2015 Annual Report will be presented to our parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday 27 September 2015.  A copy of the report is available in PDF form here.  Printed copies will be posted to parish members prior to the meeting so as to allow adequate time for careful perusal.  We encourage our parishioners and friends with questions or comments to contact us.

The September 2015 meeting of the Parish Council - 14/09/2015

On Monday 14 September the 2014-15 Parish Council met for the final time.  In addition to the usual business, the Parish Council reviewed and endorsed the draft 2015 Annual Report; discussed arrangements for the rector’s absence during October 2015; finalised plans for the parish Annual General Meeting on Sunday 27 September; and considered the status of the parish iconography project and the church extension.  God willing, the 2015-16 Parish Council will meet for the first time in November 2015.

Our next services: 26-27 September, the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross - 13/09/2015

Our next weekend services will be All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves at 6.00pm on Sunday 26 September and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 27 September, the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday we will have our parish Annual General Meeting for 2015.

Our next services: 20-21 September, the Great Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God - 13/09/2015

Our next services will be All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves at 6.00pm on Sunday 20 September and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Monday 21 September, the Great Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God.

Services on 12-13 September, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 13/09/2015

On Saturday 12 September and Sunday 13 September we had services for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Placing of the Venerable Sash of the Mother of God in Constantinople in 395-408.  A greater than usual number of people were in church on Sunday, including our friends from the Gosford parish.  As this day was also the commemoration of the translation of the relics of Saints Peter and Febronia of Murom, heavenly patrons of family, love and faithfulness, a moleben with special petitions and a prayer to the saints was served at the end of Divine Liturgy.  During the moleben, all married and engaged couples in the parish were commemorated by name.  Following Divine Liturgy, the rector made the second announcement concerning the parish Annual General Meeting to be held on Sunday 27 September 2015.  He then congratulated Anastasia Harwood and her helpers on the sixth anniversary of the establishment of the Russian-language playgroup “Teremok”, wishing them continued success in their important work. Parishioners, playgroup participants and friends later gathered in the church yard for a small concert to mark the anniversary, and to share in the birthday cake.

Notice of 2015 Annual General Meeting - 03/09/2015

Our 2015 parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 12.00pm on Sunday 27 September 2015.  A formal Notice concerning the AGM - including the agenda and important information for parish members - is available here.  The Parish Council nomination form referred to in the Notice is available here.

Russian Orthodox Kids' Camp, 13-19 December 2015 - 30/08/2015

A group of young families associated primarily with the Protection of the Holy Virgin parish in Cabramatta, NSW, is organising a camp for children and young people aged 7-17 to be held in Toukley, NSW - just to our south, on the Central Coast - from 13 December - 19 December 2015.  For those interested, more information is available here.  It should be noted that this year the Diocesan Teen Retreat - for young people aged 14-17, or in Years 9-12 - will be held in on the Queensland Sunshine Coast from 20 December-24 December.

Our Spring 2015 Schedule of Services - 30/08/2015

Our Spring 2015 Schedule of Services - covering September, October and November - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Spring 2015 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Spring 2015 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies in both languages have been available in church from Saturday 22 August.

Father James Carles to travel abroad in September-October 2015 - 30/08/2015

From Monday 28 September until Thursday 29 October 2015, our parish rector will be travelling abroad as part of a delegation of clergymen of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia accompanying a visit of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God to the Yekaterinburg and Ufa Dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church.  Other participants in the delegation include His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, Vicar of the Eastern American Diocese; Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko (a cleric of the Western American Diocese and Rector of the parish of All Russian Saints in Burlingame, California); Archpriest Vladimir Boikov (a cleric of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese and Dean of New Zealand); and Protodeacon Alexander Kichakov (a cleric of the Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America and senior deacon of the Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois).  The delegation will meet in San Francisco and venerate the incorrupt relics of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco before travelling to Russia.  The official visit will begin in Yekaterinburg on Thursday 1 October and end in Ufa on Thursday 22 October.  Following this, Father James will return to the United States and visit places of significance in the Eastern American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.

Our next services: 12-13 September, the day of commemoration of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom - 28/08/2015

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 12 September and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 13 September, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Translation of the Relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, exemplars of love, faithfulness and family life.  At the end of Divine Liturgy, a moleben to Saints Peter and Fevronia will be served.  Following the service there will be activities to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the founding of our Russian-language playgroup.

Services on 27-28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 28/08/2015

On Thursday 27 August and Friday 28 August we had services for the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Thursday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Friday morning.  A number of friends from the Gosford parish joined us on the day of the feast.  As it was sixty-six years to the day since the first Russian Orthodox services in the Hunter Valley, prayers of thanksgiving were offered at Divine Liturgy during the Litany of Fervent Supplication.  Following the dismissal, the parish rector announced that the parish Annual General Meeting would be held on Sunday 27 September 2015.

Our next services: 27-28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 23/08/2015

Our next services will be All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine and oil, beginning at 6.00pm on Thursday 27 August, and Divine Liturgy beginning at 9.00am on Friday 28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.   On this day it will be 66 years to the day since the first Russian Orthodox services in the Hunter Valley, served in the Anglican Chapel at the Greta Migrant Camp just 9 days after the arrival in Newcastle from Europe of Archpriest John Lupish and his family.

Services on 22-23 August, the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost - 23/08/2015

On Saturday 22 August and Sunday 23 August we had services for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, the Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and in honour of the Martyr and Archdeacon Lawrence of Rome.  Receiving Holy Communion for the first time at Divine Liturgy on Sunday was Kenneth Cross, received into the Orthodox Church on the previous day.

A Chrismation - Ken Cross - 22/08/2015

On Saturday 22 August 2015, with the blessing of Bishop George, the parish rector received Ken Cross into the Holy Orthodox Church by Chrismation. Ken, a long-standing friend of our parish and of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Theophany (Moscow Patriarchate) in Mayfield, has as his patron saint in Orthodoxy Saint Kenneth of Aghaboe. Also present was Ken's wife, Mary Cross, with whom he is now united in the Orthodox faith. May God grant his newly-enlightened servant Kenneth many years!

A memorial service at Greta Cemetery - 22/08/2015

With the blessing of Bishop George of Canberra, on Saturday 22 August a memorial service was held at the cemetery in Greta, NSW, a village significant in the history of immigration in Australia.  It was at Greta that a Migrant Camp was established after World War 2, and it was here that many Orthodox Christians from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other places found a first home in this country.  Just four days after his arrival in Australia on 19 August 1949, Archpriest John Lupish served the funeral of one year-old Irene Solomko. She was later laid to rest in the Greta Cemetery together with a number of other infants who died in an epidemic of measles that swept through the camp at that time.   Father John went on to preside at five more burials at Greta: Wssewolod (Vsevelod) Shipilow (+1949, a boy of 18 months), Larisa Klebakin (+1950), Lydia Elagin (+1956), Alexander Melnik (+1970) and Ivan Elagin (+1977).  Following a visit to Greta by our rector in June this year, it was resolved that a memorial service would be held in the cemetery there each year on the Saturday closest to the anniversary of that first burial.  Concelebrating were our parish rector and Archpriest Michael Solomko, Irene Solomko's younger brother and a priest of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand.  At the service prayers were offered for the repose of the ever-memorable Archpriest John (+1977), his matushka Maria (+1979), and all those Orthodox Christians buried in the Greta Cemetery, amongst whom are a great many Ukrainian Orthodox, and kutiya was blessed.  In 2016, God willing, the memorial service will be held on Saturday 20 August.

The funeral of Michael Katonin - 21/08/2015

On Friday 21 August family, friends and parishioners gathered in our church for the funeral of Michael Katonin, one of the builders of our church.  Michael, born on 12 September 1918, departed this life on 15 August 2015.  After the funeral service, his body was laid to rest beside that of wife, Maria (+2005), in Wallsend Cemetery.  May God give rest to his newly-departed servant!

The repose and funeral of Michael Katonin - 15/08/2015

On Saturday 15 August we learned with sadness of the repose of Michael Katonin, one of the builders of our church.  His funeral will be served at 10.00am on Friday 21 August, with burial at the Wallsend Cemetery to follow.  May God grant rest to his newly-departed servant Michael!

Our next services: 22-23 August, the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost - 14/08/2015

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 22 August and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 23 August, the Twelfth Sunday afer Pentecost, the Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and the day of commemoration of the Martyr and Archdeacon Lawrence of Rome (+ c.225-228 AD).

Services on 13-14 August, the feast of the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord - 14/08/2015

On Thursday 13 August and Friday 14 August we had services for the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord and in honour of the Holy Maccabean Martyrs (+166 BC). Matins with the bringing out of the Cross was served on Thursday evening and on Friday, the first day of the Dormition Fast, Divine Liturgy was served.  The Lesser Blessing of Water followed, it being the custom of the Russian Orthodox Church to bless the waters on this day in commemoration of the Baptism of Rus’ in 988 AD.  It is also the custom on this day to bless new honey, and as in previous years a quantity of organic Wollombi honey – a gift from friends of our parish – was blessed and given to those present.

Our next services: 13-14 August, the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord - 02/08/2015

Our next services will be Matins with the brininging out of the Cross at 6.00pm on Thursday 13 August and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Friday 14 August, the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.  On this day, the first day of the two-week Dormition Fast, the Orthodox Church also remembers the Holy Maccabean Martyrs (+166 BC). Following Divine Liturgy on Friday the Lesser Blessing of Waters will be served, after which there will be a blessing of honey.  As in previous years our parish has a quantity of organic Wollombi honey for blessing and distribution to the faithful.

Services on 1-2 August, the day of commemoration of the Glorious Prophet Elijah - 02/08/2015

On Saturday 1 August and Sunday 2 August we had services for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Glorious Prophet Elijah (+ 9th Century BC).  Following the Prayer before the Amvon the prayers of blessing were read over a new icon of the Holy Equal-to-the Apostles Great Prince Vladimir, enlightener of the Russian people, a gift to our parish from Anna Rowan and her family.  In his sermon the rector spoke of the example of Prophet Elijah's faithful service to God at a time when everyone seemed to have turned from the true faith.  Speaking separately to the parish children, Matushka Marie described the times in which Prophet Elijah lived and explained his battle against the wicked Queen Jezebel and the priests of the pagan god, Baal.  

A memorial service at Greta Cemetery - 01/08/2015

Just four days after his arrival in Australia on 19 August 1949, Archpriest John Lupish served the funeral of one year-old Irene Solomko. She was later laid to rest in the Greta Cemetery.  Father John would preside at five more burials at Greta: Vsevelod Shinilov (+1949), Larisa Klebakin (+1950), Lydia Elagin (+1956), Alexander Melnikov (+1970) and Ivan Elagin (+1977).  Following a visit to Greta by our rector in June this year, it was resolved that a memorial service would be held in the cemetery there each year on the Saturday closest to the anniversary of Irene Solomko's burial.  With Bishop George's blessing, the first of these services will be held on Saturday 22 August 2015 at 10.00am.  Serving together with our parish rector will be Archpriest Michael Solomko, the brother of Irene and a priest of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand.  At the service prayers will be offered for the repose of the ever-memorable Archpriest John (+1977), his matushka Maria (+1979), and all those Orthodox Christians buried in the Greta Cemetery.  Kutiya will be blessed, and there will be light refreshments afterwards for those who have travelled to Greta for the sevice.

Services on 25-26 July, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost - 26/07/2015

On Saturday 25 July and Sunday 26 July we had services for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils.  In anticipation of the commemoration of the Holy Equal-to-the Apostles, Great Prince Vladimir, enlightener of the Russian people, on Tuesday 28 July, the parish rector read aloud the Epistle of His Holiness, Patriarch Kyrill regarding the 1000th anniversary of repose of Holy Great Prince Vladimir.  Following the service we received a gift  from Anna Rowan, a friend of our parish, and her family: an icon of Saint Vladimir.  God willing, this icon will be formally blessed on Sunday 2 August.

Our next services: 1-2 August, the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Prophet Elijah - 12/07/2015

On Saturday 1 August Matins will be served at 6.00pm and on Sunday 2 August, the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Prophet Elijah (+ 9th Century BC), Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am.  Although this would not usually be a weekend on which we would have a service, our schedule has been varied to allow our rector to serve in Gosford on the following Sunday, 9 August, the day of commemoration of the Great-Martyr Panteleimon and the feast-day of that parish. 

Our next services: 25-26 July, the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils - 12/07/2015

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 25 July and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 26 July, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils.

Services on 11-12 July, the day of commemoration of Saints Peter and Paul - 12/07/2015

On Saturday 11 July and Sunday 12 July we had services for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy, Glorious and Al-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Saturday evening, and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  The beautiful icon of Saints Peter and Paul placed in the centre of church for veneration was a new one acquired by our parish especially for this year’s celebration of the feast.

The commemoration of 1000 years since the repose of Saint Vladimir - 07/07/2015

In 2015 the Russian Orthodox Church throughout the world is commemorating 1000 years since the blessed repose in 1015 AD of Saint Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles and Enlightener of Rus'.  In the Australian-New Zealand Diocese, festive services commemorating this event will be held in the Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne Cathedrals on Friday 24 July and Saturday 25 July 2015.  Leaflets with further details are available in Russian here and in English here.  More information, including links to the Patriarch's Epistle to mark the occasion, will be made available on the Diocesan website in due course.

The funeral of Raisa Wielowski - 02/07/2015

On Thursday 2 July a small group of family, friends and parishioners gathered in our church for the funeral of Raisa Wielowski (nee Kallaur).  Raisa, born in Belarus on 1 March 1928, departed this life on 27 June 2015.  After the funeral service, her body was laid to rest beside that of her husband, Henryk (+1997), in Whitebridge Cemetery.  May God give rest to his newly-departed handmaiden!

Friday 3 July-Sunday 5 July: Commemorating Saint John of Shanghai and the Nativity of Saint John the Forerunner in Gunning and Canberra - 28/06/2015

On Friday 3 July and Saturday 4 July the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia will celebrate the memory of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco, the great hierarch and wonderworker whose incorrupt relics lie in the Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco.  In the Australian-New Zealand Diocese, this feast-day is also the patronal feast of the Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco Australian Orthodox Indigenous Mission in Gunning, NSW.  This year, the festive services - at which His Grace, Bishop George of Canberra will preside - will be held in Saint Edmund's Anglican Church in Gunning.  More information is available here, and directions to the church are available here.  As there will be no services in our parish on the weekend of 4-5 July, and as Canberra's Saint John the Forerunner Cathedral will celebrate its patronal feast on Sunday 5 July, our parishioners and friends are encouraged to spend the weekend in Gunning and Canberra, participating in the festive services there.

Our next services: 11-12 July, the Feast of the Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul - 28/06/2015

Our next services will be All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves at 6.00pm on Saturday 11 July and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 12 July, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Holy, Glorious, and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul. 

Useful information about when weddings can be celebrated, together with a list of available dates in 2015 and 2016 - 28/06/2015

In conjunction with Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford, our parish has developed and published a list of Sundays and Fridays on which weddings can be celebrated in 2015 and 2016, together with an explanation of the reasons why weddings cannot be celebrated on certain days and dates and during certain seasons. This information, which can be accessed either here or via our ‘Needs’ page under ‘Weddings’, has been prepared to help our parishioners and friends when planning weddings in parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Should anyone have any questions about this information, please contact us.

Services on 27-28 June, the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - 28/06/2015

On Saturday 27 June and Sunday 28 June we had services for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow and wonderworker (+1461 AD). It being the Apostles’ Fast, a greater number of people than usual were in church on Saturday evening and Sunday morning, with many taking the opportunity to confess and receive the Holy Mysteries. On Saturday evening we learned with sadness of the repose of Regina (Raisa) Wielowski, a long-term member of our parish and the eldest daughter of one of our church builders and trustees, the ever-memorable Anton Kallaur (+1990). May God give her rest! During the sermon on Sunday, Matushka Marie spoke separately to the children about the Sacrament of Confession and – in her capacity as parish Child Safety Contact Person – about the importance of safe and friendly play.

Our next services: 27-28 June, the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and the commemoration of Saint Jonah of Moscow - 14/06/2015

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 27 June and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 28 June, the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Holy Hierarch Jonah the Wonderworker, Metropolitan of Moscow (+1461).

A baptism - Sofia Marshall - 14/06/2015

On Sunday 14 June the parish rector baptised Sofia Marshall, the infant daughter of Tony and Iryna Marshall.  Sofia’s patron saint is the Martyr Sofia and her godparents are Natalia Khyzhniak and Igor Masalitin, her maternal uncle. We warmly congratulate Tony, Iryna, Natalia and Igor, and wish the newly-baptised handmaiden of God Sofia many years!

Services on 13-14 June, the Sunday of All Saints of Russia - 14/06/2015

On Saturday 13 June and Sunday 14 June we had services for the Second Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday of the commemoration of All Saints who have shone forth in the Russian Land.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday our choir sang under the direction of Elena Gan.  In his sermon, the parish rector spoke about the standard set in the Gospel readings (Matthew 10:32-33,37-38,18:27-30; Matthew 4:18-23; and Matthew 6:22-33) on the first three Sundays after Pentecost – that we prioritise our relationship with God over all other relationships, that we leave all worldly cares behind and follow Him, and that we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness – and the way in which this standard was reflected in the lives of all the saints of the Russian Land.  During the sermon, Matushka Marie spoke separately to the parish children about the ministry of the deacon in the life of the Orthodox Church, explaining the deacon’s prayers during the service, his vestments and the history of his role.

A wedding - Scott Jardine and Liudmila Kuznetcov - 07/06/2015

On Sunday 7 June the parish rector presided at the blessing of the marriage of Scott Jardine and Liudmila Kuznetcov in the presence of their family and close friends.  Our choir - under the direction of Elena Gan - sang the service in English.  Following the dismissal, Scott and Liudmila were presented with a set of wedding icons, a gift from our parish on the occasion.  We warmly congratulate them, and wish them many more years of happiness together.

Our Winter 2015 Schedule of Services - 29/05/2015

Our Winter 2015 Schedule of Services - covering June, July and August - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Winter 2015 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Autumn 2015 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies in both languages will be available in church from Saturday 13 June.

Our next services: 13-14 June, the Sunday of All Saints of Russia - 24/05/2015

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 13 June and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 14 June, the feast of All Saints who have shone forth in the Russian Land.

Services on 23-24 May, the Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council and the celebration of our parish feast-day - 24/05/2015

Our parish celebrates its patronal feast on 22 May, the day of the commemoration of the translation of the relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia (modern-day Turkey) to Bari in Italy. In view of the Great Feast of the Ascension of the Lord falling this year on 21 May, we transferred our festive services to the following weekend, Saturday 23 May and Sunday 24 May. Unfortunately Bishop George was unable to be with us, it also being the patronal feast of Saints Kyrill and Methodius Mission in Tweed Heads. All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Saturday evening, the service for Saint Nicholas being combined with that of the Sunday and of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council. The Lesser Blessing of Water was served on Sunday morning, followed by Divine Liturgy and a moleben to Saint Nicholas. In his sermon the parish rector spoke of Saint Nicholas’ renown as a man of prayer and an intercessor for all. Noting that Saint Nicholas was one of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, he also spoke of the saint’s zeal for the defence of Orthodoxy and his stand against Arianism. During the moleben there was a procession of the cross around the church in the bright autumn sunshine, with the parish children participating by carrying icons. Afterwards, approximately fifty parishioners and friends gathered in the church hall for a festive meal.

Services on 20-21 May, the Great Feast of the Ascension of the Lord - 21/05/2015

On Wednesday 20 May and Thursday 21 May we had services for the Great Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Wednesday evening. At Divine Liturgy on Thursday morning the Prayer for the Prosperity of the Russian Orthodox Church was read, it being on the Great Feast of the Ascension in 2007 that the Act of Canonical Communion between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Moscow Patriarchate was signed. In addition, the ever-memorable Patriarch Alexis II (Ridiger) and Metropolitan Laurus (Skurla), chief signatories of the Act, were commemorated at the Great Entrance. Present with us for Divine Liturgy were a number of friends from the Gosford parish.

Our next services: 23-24 May, the Seventh Sunday of Pascha, the commemoration of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, and the celebration of our patronal feast - 10/05/2015

Our next weekend services will be All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves at 6.00pm on Saturday 23 May and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 24 May, the Seventh Sunday of Pascha and the day of commemoration of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea (325 AD).  On this day we will celebrate the patronal feast of our parish, combining the Sunday service with the service for the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari in Italy.  Although it is indicated in the schedule of services that Divine Liturgy is to be a hierarchical service – that is, with a bishop presiding – this will not now be the case.  Divine Liturgy will be preceded by a Blessing of Water at 8.15am and followed by a moleben to Saint Nicholas with a procession around the church.  There will be a festive lunch afterwards to which all our parishioners and friends are invited.

The Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari in Italy - 10/05/2015

Friday 22 May will be the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari in Italy and the patronal feast of our parish.  As we will have services on 20-21 May for the Great Feast of the Ascension and our regular weekend services on 23-24 May, there will be no services on 22 May this year and our feast-day will be celebrated on 23-24 May.  On the day of the feast of Saint Nicholas, our parish rector will join with other clergy of the Sydney Deanery to participate in services at Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Fairfield (Sydney), NSW.

Our next services: 20-21 May, the Great Feast of the Ascension - 10/05/2015

Our next services will be All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves at 6.00pm on Wednesday 20 May and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Thursday 21 May, the Great Feast of the Ascension of the Lord.  At Divine Liturgy prayers of thanksgiving will be offered, the re-establishment of canonical communion within the Russian Orthodox Church having been accomplished on this day in 2007.

Services on 9-10 May, the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman - 10/05/2015

On Saturday 9 May and Sunday 10 May we had services for the Fifth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman.  Receiving Holy Communion for the first time was the newly-baptised servant of God Alexander Jardine.  Following the dismissal, a memorial litia was served for the ever-memorable Archbishop Theodore (Rafalsky) (+1955), first Russian Orthodox Bishop of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand, the sixtieth anniversary of whose repose and burial it was during the preceding week.  Before these prayers were offered, the parish rector gave a brief account of Vladyka Theodore's life and his work in laying the foundations of the Australia-New Zealand Diocese, noting that our parish, established in 1952, was one that Vladyka Theodore himself had visited, and that a number of our old parishioners still remembered him.

A moleben and akathist before the Icon of the Mother of God "Protectress of Newcastle" - 02/05/2015

On the afternoon of Saturday 2 May a moleben and akathist to the Mother of God was served before the parish’s treasured icon of the Mother of God “Protectress of Newcastle”.  This icon was painted for our parish in 2009 to mark the sixtieth anniversary of both the first Orthodox services in the Hunter Valley – on the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God on 28 August – and the establishment of the first Orthodox church in the region – the church of the Protection of the Mother of God at Greta Migrant Camp – and shows the care of the Mother of God for the Orthodox faithful here over the decades since.  It is hoped that this service will, from June 2015 onwards, become a regular feature of parish life.

A baptism - Alexander Jardine - 02/05/2015

On Saturday 2 May the parish rector baptised Alexander Jardine, the infant son of Scott Jardine and Liudmila Kuznetcov.  Alexander, who was baptised in honour of Saint Alexander Nevsky, had as his godparents Robert Dzurovski and Natalia Khyzhniak.  We warmly congratulate Scott, Liudmila, Robert and Natalia, and wish the newly-baptised servant of God Alexander many years!

Services in Strathfield on 5-6 May for Mid-Pentecost and in honour of Great-Martyr George - 28/04/2015

At Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in Strathfield, Sydney, there will be services on Tuesday 5 May and Wednesday 6 May for the feast of Mid-Pentecost and in honour of the Great-Martyr and Trophy-bearer George.  All-night Vigil will commence at 6.00pm on Tuesday evening and Divine Liturgy will commence at 8.30am on Wednesday morning, with Bishop George presiding.  The Lesser Blessing of Water will follow Divine Liturgy.  Saint George is the heavenly protector of both Bishop George and the senior priest of the Cathedral, Archpriest George Lapardin.  All are welcome to attend these services.

A moleben and akathist before the Icon of the Mother of God "Protectress of Newcastle" - 28/04/2015

At 1.30pm on Saturday 2 May we will serve a moleben and akathist before the Icon of the Mother of God “Protectress of Newcastle”.  It is hoped that from June 2015 there will be such a service every month.

Our next services: 9-10 May, the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman - 26/04/2015

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 9 May and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 10 May, the Fifth Sunday of Pascha and the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday a memorial litia will be served for the ever-memorable Archbishop Theodore (Rafalsky), the first Archbishop of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand, the sixtieth anniversary of whose repose will fall on Tuesday 5 May 2015.

Services on 25-26 April, the Sunday of the Holy Myrrh-Bearers - 26/04/2015

On Saturday 25 April and Sunday 26 April we had services for the Third Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Holy Myrrh-bearers.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke of the faithful and courageous service of the Myrrh-bearing Women and of Saint Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus who, overcoming their fear and doubt, became witnesses to the Resurrection renowned throughout the world and models of Christian service.

Our next services: 25-26 April, the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers - 21/04/2015

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 25 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 26 April, the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers.  On this day the Holy Orthodox Church remembers those righteous women and men who came to the Tomb of Christ bearing myrrh and sweet spices: Mary Magdalen; Mary, the wife of Cleopas; Joanna; Salome, mother of the sons of Zebedee; Susanna; Martha and Mary, the sisters of Saint Lazarus; Mary, mother of the Apostle James; Righteous Joseph of Arimathea; and Nicodemus.

Services on 20-21 April: Radonitsa, the commemoration of the departed - 21/04/2015

On Monday 20 April and Tuesday 21 April we had services scheduled for Radonitsa, the day of commemoration of the departed that is customarily observed on the second Tuesday of Pascha.  Matins was served on Monday evening as scheduled but later that evening wind and rain struck the New South Wales coast with great intensity, the effects being felt with particular severity in Newcastle, the Hunter Valley, and on the Central Coast.  As only four parishioners were able to make it to church on Tuesday morning Divine Liturgy and the usual cemetery visits were cancelled and a general panikhida was served at church.  Thanks be to God, our church building was undamaged by the storm.  However, many of our parishioners were without power for a number of days, and some had their homes damaged by water and by falling trees.

Deacon Constantine Moshegov elevated to the rank of Protodeacon - 19/04/2015

On Sunday 19 April, Thomas Sunday, Deacon Constantine Moshegov was raised to the rank of Protodeacon by Metropolitan Hilarion during Divine Liturgy at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in Strathfield.  Protodeacon Constantine - also a well-known eye surgeon - has served in our parish a number of times, most recently when Bishop George visited us in August 2014.  We warmly congratulate Father Constantine on his elevation and wish him many more years of faithful service to the Holy Orthodox Church.  Axios!  A Russian-language article with photographs is available on the Diocesan website here.

Services on 17-18 April, Bright Saturday - 18/04/2015

On Friday 17 April and Saturday 18 April we had services for Bright Saturday, the first Saturday of Pascha.  Paschal Matins was served on Friday evening and on Saturday morning Paschal Divine Liturgy was served.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon there was a procession around the church with the banners and icons, the singing of the Paschal irmosi, and the reading of the Gospel.  At the end of the procession the Prayer at the cutting of the Artos was read and the blessed bread was distributed to the faithful.  In place of a sermon, the parish rector read aloud the 2015 Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion.

The induction of His Grace Bishop George as Diocesan Administrator and Bishop of Canberra - 17/04/2015

On Thursday 16 April and Friday 17 April our parish rector, Priest James Carles, participated in festive services to mark the commencement of Bishop George’s service as Diocesan Administrator and Bishop of Canberra, Vicar of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  At Divine Liturgy on Friday morning thirty-eight priests and deacons of our Diocese concelebrated with Metropolitan Hilarion, Bishop George, Bishop Irinej of the Serbian Orthodox Archdiocese, and clergy from the Greek and Serbian Orthodox Churches.  Subdeacon Luke Goura and his son Daniel and Parish Council members Irene Lupish and Lucy Szabunia were also present for Divine Liturgy, with Irene and Lucy later representing the parish at the official luncheon together with Father James.  We welcome Bishop George to our Diocese and look forward to his first pastoral visit to our parish as Diocesan Administrator.  A Russian-language article with photographs is available on the Diocesan website here.

Our next services: 17-18 April, Bright Saturday - 12/04/2015

Our next services will be Paschal Matins at 7.00pm on Friday 17 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Saturday 18 April, Bright Saturday.  At the end of Divine Liturgy on Saturday there will be a procession around the church, after which the artos - the loaf blessed on Pascha and symbolising the Risen Christ, our Bread of Life - will be cut and distributed to the faithful.  For those who were unable to attend the midnight Paschal services, these services are essentially the same as the services on the day of Pascha itself.

Holy Week and Pascha in Wallsend - 12/04/2015

From the evening of Great and Holy Wednesday until the Sunday of Pascha there were six services in our parish: Matins of Great and Holy Thursday, Vespers of Great and Holy Thursday with the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great, Vespers of Great and Holy Friday with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ, Midnight Office late in the evening of Great and Holy Saturday, Paschal Matins, and Paschal Divine Liturgy.  The Paschal services were particularly well-attended, and our choir sang lightly and beautifully under the direction of choir-mistress Nataliya Rahim.  At Paschal Divine Liturgy the Apostol was read in Slavonic, English and Finnish, and the special prayer for peace in the Holy Land was read after the Augmented Litany.  Following Divine Liturgy a number of the faithful gathered in the church hall for a festive meal.

Services on 6-7 April, the Great Feast of the Annunciation - 07/04/2015

On Monday 6 April and Tuesday 7 April we had services for the Great Feast of the Annuciation of the Mother of God.  On Monday evening All-night Vigil - Great Compline, Matins and the First Hour - was served with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves. At Great Compline, the psalms and prayers were read in Slavonic, English and Finnish.  On Tuesday morning the Third, Sixth and Ninth Hours, Typica, Vespers and the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom were served. It being a working day, a small number of people were present, including friends from the Gosford parish and the Serbian Orthodox community in Newcastle.  Almost everyone present received the Holy Mysteries.

Romanian Orthodox Pascha in Newcastle - 05/04/2015

For a number of years now, with Metropolitan Hilarion’s blessing, the Romanian Orthodox Community of ”Sfântul Apostol Andrei” (“Holy Apostle Andrew”), under the leadership of Father Theodor Postelnisecu, a priest of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, has celebrated Divine Liturgy in our church on certain Sundays on which our own parish has not had services.  As we will have a midnight service for Pascha this year, the Romanian Orthodox community will use the historic Saint Luke's Anglican church in Wallsend.  The service will begin at 11.00pm on Saturday 11 April.  More information is available in Romanian and English here.

Russian Orthodox Holy Week and Pascha in Newcastle - 04/04/2015

Our parish will have the following services for Holy Week and Pascha: Matins at 7.00pm on Wednesday 8 April, Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Thursday 9 April, Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ at 3.00pm on Friday 10 April, Midnight Office at 11.20pm on Saturday 11 April, and Paschal Matins with Divine Liturgy at 12.00am on Sunday 12 April. For a number of other traditional Holy Week services, our parish rector will be serving at Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford.

The blessing of Paschal eggs, cakes and festive foods - 04/04/2015

The traditional blessing of Paschal eggs, cakes and other festive foods will take place at approximately 1.00am on Sunday 12 April, immediately following Paschal Matins.

Our next services: 6-7 April, the Great Feast of the Annunciation of the Mother of God - 04/04/2015

Our next services will be All-night Vigil (Great Compline and Matins) with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves at 6.00pm on Monday 6 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Tuesday 7 April, the Great Feast of the Annunciation of the Mother of God.

Services on 3-4 April, Lazarus Saturday - 04/04/2015

On Friday 3 April and Saturday 4 April we had services commemorating the resurrection of the Righteous Lazarus, the friend of our Lord.  Matins was served on Friday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Saturday morning.  A great many people confessed and prepared for Holy Communion, such that almost everyone present on Saturday morning received the Holy Mysteries.  The first to approach the chalice was the newly-illumined Cecilia, received into the Holy Orthodox Church on the preceding day.  In anticipation of the commemoration on Sunday 5 April of the Great Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday, palms and pussy-willows were blessed following the Prayer before the Amvon.  At the dismissal a collection was taken up to benefit the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, raising $250.00.

A Chrismation – Kelly Hailstone - 03/04/2015

On Friday 3 April, with the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion, Kelly Hailstone was received into the Holy Orthodox Church according to the Office of Receiving Converts from the Roman-Latin Confession and by Chrismation. In Orthodoxy Kelly was given the name Cecilia in honour of the Martyr Cecilia of Rome, a saint with whom she has had a connection since childhood. Her sponsor was Larissa Lupish. Also present was Kelly’s fiancé, Alexander Lupish, with whom she is now united in the Orthodox faith. May God grant his newly-enlightened handmaiden Cecilia many years!

Our next services: 3-4 April, Lazarus Saturday - 22/03/2015

Our next services will be Matins at 7.00pm on Friday 3 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00amon Saturday 4 April, Lazarus Saturday.  On this day the Orthodox Church commemorates the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead after four days in the tomb.  In anticipation of the Great Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday, (there being no Palm Sunday services in our parish this year) palm branches and pussy-willows will be blessed at the end of Divine Liturgy on Saturday.  A collection will also be taken up this day for the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.

Services on 21-23 March, the Fourth Sunday in Great Lent - 22/03/2015

On Saturday 21 March and Sunday 22 March we had services for the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent and in honour of the Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (+c.320AD).  In addition to an icon of the Forty Martyrs, one of Saint John of the Ladder (+606AD), the renowned Abbot of the Monastery of Saint Catherine on Mount Sinai, was placed in the centre of church for veneration, the Fourth Sunday in Great Lent being customarily a commemoration of Saint John.  Many people prepared for and received Holy Communion.  In the hall afterwards many years was sung for Vitaly Korotkich, a parishioner who celebrated his ninetieth birthday during the week preceding the service.  Mr Korotkich, a steadfast member of our parish from the earliest days, has served on the Parish Council and the Auditing Committee and as a singer in our choir.  He is also the sole remaining member of the Building Committee that oversaw the construction of our church in the early 1960s.

A General Service of Anointing with Oil - 21/03/2015

On the morning of Saturday 21 March the parish rector presided at a General Service of Anointing with Oil.  Approximately 25 of our parishioners, both young and old, gathered to pray and receive anointing with oil for the healing of soul and body.  Some information about the Sacrament of Anointing with Oil provided to our parishioners and friends before the service is available here.

The March 2015 meeting of the Parish Council - 16/03/2015

The Parish Council met on Monday 16 March.  The parish rector gave his usual detailed report on the life of the parish and the Diocese.  Financial reports for February and March were presented, and an account was given of the activities of the Ladies’ Auxiliary.  The Warden, N.N. Goura, reported on progress with the church extension.  He noted that the brickwork had been completed up to the level of the floor and that a carpenter had now been engaged to complete the framework.  Sketches of the work planned on the exterior of the church were discussed, and it was resolved to commence the second stage of the iconography project, a large standing frame with an icon of the Mother of God, “All of creation rejoices in thee” (“Отеберадуется”).  When completed, this icon will stand on the right-hand side of the church.

The General Service of Anointing, Saturday 21 March - 08/03/2015

This year our parish will have the General Service of Anointing ("Соборование") at 10.00am on Saturday 21 March.  In this service there are seven readings from the Apostol, seven readings from the Holy Gospel, seven prayers, and the faithful are anointed seven times with oil, blessed and sanctified during the service, for the healing of soul and body.  The practice of anointing with oil for spiritual and physical healing is referred to by the Apostle James: "Is anyone among you sick?  Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.  And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven" (James 5:14-15).  Those who wish to confess beforehand may do so from 9.00am on Saturday morning.

Our next services: 21-22 March, the Fourth Sunday in Great Lent and the commemoration of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste - 08/03/2015

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 21 March and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 22 March, the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent.  Although the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent is customarily a day of commemoration of Saint John of the Ladder (+606 AD), the renowned Abbot of the Monastery of Saint Catherine on Mount Sinai, this year that commemoration is set aside for the sake of the feast of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (+c.320 AD), saints who exemplify patience and steadfast endurance.

Services on 7-8 March, the Second Sunday in Great Lent - 08/03/2015

On Saturday 7 March and Sunday 8 March we had services for the Second Sunday of Great Lent, the day of commemoration of Saint Gregory Palamas (+1359 AD), the Archbishop and Wonderworker of Thessalonica.  A greater number than usual of children was present, and during the period after the reading of the Holy Gospel Matushka Marie spoke to them about the history and significance of priestly vestments.  During his sermon the parish rector spoke about Saint Gregory Palamas and the defence of Orthodox Christian experience.  Following Divine Liturgy a collection for the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York, was taken up, raising $150.00.

The Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God visits our parish - 07/03/2015

On Saturday 7 March, the Second Saturday of Great Lent, the revered Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God, the "Directress" of the Russian Diaspora, visited our parish.  Brought from Sydney by the parish rector, the icon arrived at approximately 9.30am.  At 10.00am a moleben with an akathist was served before the icon, after which the faithful venerated it and received a copy of the icon printed on card.  Our parishioner and chorister Elena Gan kindly made available a small vessel of holy oil from the lampada that burns before the icon in the Synodal Cathedral of the Sign in New York, the icon's home, and the faithful were anointed with it.  In addition to many of our own parishioners, a great number of Serbian Orthodox faithful were present, together with members of an Anglican society dedicated to the Mother of God of Walsingham.  A collection to benefit the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia was then taken up, raising $419.00.

A moleben and akathist before the wonder-working Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God - 28/02/2015

At 10.00am on Saturday 7 March we will have a moleben and akathist before the wonder-working Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God, the Directress of the Russian Diaspora.  The icon is in Australia until shortly after Pascha.

Our Autumn 2015 Schedule of Services - 28/02/2015

Our Autumn 2015 Schedule of Services - covering March, April and May - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Autumn 2015 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Autumn 2015 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies in both languages will be available in church from Saturday 7 March.

The repose and funeral of Anastasia Szabunia - 24/02/2015

On Wednesday 18 February we learned with sadness of the repose that day of our parishioner, Anastasia Szabunia (b. 29 November 1925).  Her funeral was served in our church on Tuesday 24 February, after which she was laid to rest beside her late husband, Anton, at Sandgate Cemetery.  Anastasia and Anton had a long association with our parish, having arrived in Australia in August 1949 aboard MV Fairsea together with the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish and his family.  She is survived by four daughters and a son – Lucy, Olga, Valentina, Lydia and Anatoly – and by her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, to whom we offer sincere condolences.  May God grant rest to His newly-departed handmaiden!

Diocesan-wide collection for the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville - 22/02/2015

On the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy each year, parishes of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia take up a collection to benefit the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York.  The Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary is the main seminary of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  This collection provides financial assistance to students from our Diocese, covering tuition, room and board.  As we will not have a service of the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy - the first Sunday in Great Lent - our collection will be taken up on Sunday 8 March.  Please give generously!

Our next services: 7-8 March, the Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas - 22/02/2015

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 7 March and Divine Liturgy at 10.00am on Sunday 8 March, the second Sunday of Great Lent and the day of commemoration of Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica (+1359 AD).

Services on 21-22 March, the Sunday of Forgiveness - 22/02/2015

On Saturday 21 February and Sunday 22 February we had services for Cheesefare Sunday, the Sunday of Forgiveness.  In accordance with the customary practice of parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, Vespers was served immediately after Divine Liturgy.  At the mid-point of the service, the choir began to sing the Lenten melodies and the Ladies’ Auxiliary changed the church vestments to black.  As the faithful asked forgiveness of one another, the choir sang the beautiful Stichera of Pascha, “Let God arise” (“Да воскреснет Бог”).  At the end of the service, a collection was taken up for Orthodox Action, a Diocesan charitable fund based in Sydney and Melbourne.  Taken every year during February, this collection is for needy persons, destitute children and orphanages in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the former Soviet Union.  This year, our parish contributed $250.00.  In the church hall after the service, many again enjoyed pancakes for the last time before the beginning of Great Lent.

The baptism of Joshua Alfarah - 21/02/2015

On Saturday 21 February the parish rector baptised Joshua Alfarah, the three year-old son of Michael Alfarah and Marije Alfarah-Bos and a younger brother to Zara.  Joshua’s sponsors at baptism were Peter Alfarah and Eleni Simmons.  We offer heartfelt congratulations to Michael, Marije, Peter and Eleni, and pray that God will grant his newly-baptised servant Joshua many years!

A pancake evening during Cheesefare Week ("Maslenitsa") - 20/02/2015

On Friday 20 February, the Friday of Cheesfare Week (“Maslenitsa”), a traditional pancake evening was held in Newcastle.  This event was organised by our parish Ladies’ Auxiliary together with members of the Russian-speaking community of Newcastle and the wider Hunter region.  Over 130 guests were fed, including 20 children.  The ladies prepared 700 pancakes and served them with a variety of fillings.  A range of traditional appetisers preceded the pancakes, and for dessert there were pancakes with cottage cheese, honey cakes, chocolate cakes, and fruit with tea.  A highlight of the evening was the entertainment provided by Tanya Hall (accordion) and Bob Pakvet (guitar), a duet who played a range of popular Russian folk songs.  They met with an enthusiastic response and there was much fun, dancing and singing.  We offer thanks to those who took an active part in making the evening such a success: Elena Ferguson, Irina Lupish, the Zyza family (Raisa, Henry, Michael, Julia and Matt), Lucy Szabunia, Anastasia Grib, Jenny Millard, Valentina Parks, Lena Davidson, Olga Martin, Asya Harwood, Luba Totoev, Natasha Rahim, Lara Lupish, Oksana Grim, Anna Shvets, Catherine Shakhray, Galina Evteev, Olga Hall, Magdalina Savonov, Lydia Vasilik, Alexandra Shinkorenko, Anu Kinnunen, Tanya Hall and Bob Pakvet.

Maslenitsa in Newcastle! - 08/02/2015

On Friday 20 February our Ladies' Auxiliary will be hosting a pancake night at the Ethnic Communities Council's John Gebhardt Centre in Waratah.  The cost will be $35.00 for adults and $15.00 for children aged 10-16.  Children under 10 will be admitted free.  In addition to pancakes with traditional toppings, both savoury and sweet, appetisers and deserts will be served.  BYO drinks.  More information is available here.  STOP PRESS: As of Tuesday 17 February 2015, all tickets have been sold.

Our next services: 21-22 February, Forgiveness Sunday - 08/02/2015

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 21 February and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 22 February, Forgiveness Sunday.  In accordance with the practice of many parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, Vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness will be served immediately after Divine Liturgy.  During this service, the duration of which will be approximately 45 minutes, the church vestments are changed from gold to black and the festive melodies give way to the penitential Lenten melodies.  Afterwards all those present ask forgiveness of one another and offer forgiveness, in this was making a good beginning to Great Lent.

February 2015 collection for Orthodox Action - 08/02/2015

Each year in February the parishes of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand take up a collection to assist the work of Orthodox Action, a charitable organisation that operates in Sydney and Melbourne under the patronage of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco.  Orthodox Action works to help needy persons, destitute children and orphanages in Russia and other countries of the former USSR.  In 2015 our parish will take up this collection on Sunday 22 February.  Collection envelopes were made available in church as of Sunday 8 February.  Please give generously!

Services on 7-8 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son and of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia - 08/02/2015

On Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 February we had services for the Sunday of the Prodigal Son and in honour of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.  Matins with the singing of the magnification was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning.  At the dismissal on Sunday, a collection was taken up to assist an elderly woman and her daughter living in Leonidovka, Penza Oblast, Russia.  The two women, Galina Kraushkina (77) and Tatiana Andreeva (57), are the aunt and cousin of a good friend and steadfast supporter of our parish.  Their home and all their possessions were destroyed by fire on the evening of 24 December 2014.  Both women suffered burns in the fire.  This collection raised A$775.00, an amount that the Parish Council increased to A$1000.00 from parish funds.

A charitable collection to assist two women who lost their home in a fire - 03/02/2015

With the blessing of the parish rector and the approval of the Parish Council, on Sunday 8 February our parish will take up a collection to benefit an elderly woman and her daughter living in Leonidovka, Penza Oblast, Russia.  The two women, Galina Kraushkina (77) and Tatiana Andreeva (57), are the aunt and cousin of a good friend and steadfast supporter of our parish.  Their home and all their possessions were destroyed by fire on the evening of 24 December 2014.  Both women suffered burns in the fire.  They had no insurance and receive a pension equivalent to only A$170.00 a month.  Although friends and neighbours have helped, the needs of these two women are still very great.  Please give generously!  The Parish Council will work with the family of the women here in Australia to ensure prompt transfer of the funds.

Our next services: 7-8 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son and the commemoration of the New Martyrs of Russia - 25/01/2015

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 7 February and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 8 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son and the day of commemoration of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

Services on 24-25 January: The Sunday after Theophany, Zaccheus Sunday, and the day of commemoration of the Martyr Tatiana of Rome - 25/01/2015

On Saturday 24 January and Sunday 25 January we had services for the Sunday after Theophany and in honour of the Martyr Tatiana of Rome.  As this was the last Sunday before the beginning of the use of the Lenten Triodion (Постная Триодь), the service book containing all the special material relating to Great Lent, the appointed Sunday Gospel was that concerning the repentant publican Zaccheus (Luke 19:1-10).  In his sermon the parish rector spoke of the Martyr Tatiana and of Zaccheus as examples of courageous faithfulness and sincere repentance respectively.

Services on 18-19 January - Theophany, the Great Feast of the Baptism of Christ - 19/01/2015

On Sunday 18 January and Monday 19 January we had services for Theophany, the Great Feast of the Baptism of Christ.  On Sunday evening All-night Vigil (Great Compline and Matins) with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil was served.  The following morning, Divine Liturgy was followed by the Great Blessing of Water, for which our small congregation was joined by visitors from the Central Coast and friends holidaying to the north of Newcastle.  This feast-day holds particular significance in Newcastle, a small parish of the Moscow Patriarchate dedicated to the Theophany having existed in the suburb of Mayfield from 1994 until 2009.

Our next services: 24-25 January, Zaccheus Sunday - 15/01/2015

Our next weekend services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 24 January and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 25 January, Zaccheus Sunday and the day of commemoration of the Martyr Tatiana.  Zaccheus Sunday is so named because of the appointed reading from the Holy Gospel on that day (Luke 19: 1-10), the last Sunday before the Lenten Triodion comes into use.

The January 2015 meeting of the Parish Council - 12/01/2015

The 2014-15 Parish Council met for the first time on the evening of Monday 12 January.  In addition to the usual pastoral and administrative reports, consideration was given to applications for the renewal of parish membership, a request for charitable assistance, the organisation of a pancake evening during February 2014, and progress on church renovations and improvements.  The Parish Council is due to meet next on Monday 16 March, the February meeting having been set aside because of the beginning of Great Lent.

Our next services: 18-19 January, the Great Feast of Theophany - 11/01/2015

Our next services will be All-night Vigil (Great Compline and Matins) with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil at 6.00pm on Sunday 18 January and Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water at 9.00am on Monday 19 January, the Great Feast of Theophany.  On this day, the Baptism of the Lord is commemorated.  This feast has particular significance for our parish as it was the patronal feast of the Holy Theophany Orthodox Church, a parish of the Moscow Patriarchate that existed in Newcastle from 1994-2009 whose faithful joined us upon the closure of their parish.

Services on 10-11 January, the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ - 11/01/2015

On Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 January we had services for the Sunday after the Nativity and in honour of the Holy Kinsmen of Christ Saint Joseph the Betrothed, David the King, and James, Brother of the Lord.  A greater number of the faithful than is usual were present on Sunday for the sake of the feast.  At the end of Divine Liturgy Metropolitan Hilarion’s 2015 Nativity Epistle was read aloud by the rector.  Following the service many remained behind to share in a festive meal in church hall, the highlight of which was the singing of Christmas carols in Russian and English by the parish children and a visit from Father Christmas.

Services on 5-6 January, the Eve of the Nativity of Christ - 06/01/2015

On Monday 5 January and Tuesday 6 January we had services for the Eve of the Nativity of Christ and in honour of the Martyr Eugenia of Rome.  Matins was served on Monday evening and on Tuesday morning, Vespers with eight Old Testament readings and the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great.  Following the dismissal at Divine Liturgy, all gathered in the centre of the church to sing the troparion (“Thy Nativity, O Christ our God”) and the kontakion (“Today the Virgin giveth birth”) of the Nativity for the first time.

Parish Calendars for 2015 - 30/12/2014

In 2015 our parish will once again be providing parishioners and friends with two calendars to assist participation in the life of the parish and the wider Russian Orthodox Church.  The first of these is a magnetic calendar that sets out the contact details for our parish and marks the Saturdays and Sundays throughout the year on which we will have services.  The second is a Russian-English wall calendar published by Saint Innocent Press that provides details of fasts, feasts, daily commemorations and Scripture readings, and which gives both the "New" and "Old" calendar dates. This year's wall calendar commemorates three past Ruling Bishops of our Diocese: Archbishop Theodore (Rafalsky), 1895-1955; Archbishop Theodosy (Putilin), 1897-1980; and Archbishop Paul (Pavlov), 1927-1995.  Both calendars are now available for collection in church and can also be posted upon request.

Metropolitan Hilarion ratifies the decisions of our 2014 Annual General Meeting - 30/12/2014

On 30 December 2014 we received a letter from Metropolitan Hilarion ratifying the decisions of our 2014 Annual General Meeting and invoking God's blessing on our parish.  A copy of Vladyka's letter can be viewed here.

Our next services: 5-6 January, the Eve of the Nativity of Christ - 21/12/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Monday 5 January and Vespers with the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great at 9.00am on Tuesday 6 January, the Eve of the Nativity of Christ and the day of commemoration of Martyr Eugenia of Rome (+262 AD).


No services on 27-28 December - 21/12/2014

Although it is a weekend on which we would normally have services, none have been scheduled in our parish for the weekend of 27-28 December.  This is because our parish rector will participating in the Fiftieth Annual Diocesan Youth Conference at the "New-Shamordino" Convent of our Lady of Kazan in Kentlyn, NSW, the site of the first youth conference in 1965 and again from 1979-1985.

Services on 18-19 December for Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia - 19/12/2014

On Thursday 18 December and Friday 19 December we had services for the feast of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia, the lesser patronal feast of our parish. On Thursday evening All-night Vigil with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil was served, and on Friday morning, Divine Liturgy. Our own parishioners were joined by a number of friends from Gosford. After the dismissal, the parish rector congratulated the warden, Nikolai N. Goura, on his name-day, wishing him continued patience, strength and wisdom in carrying out his duties. “Many years” was then intoned for him. Many of those present then gathered in the church hall for lunch and fellowship.

Our next services: 18-19 December, the commemoration of Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia - 14/12/2014

Our next services will be All-night Vigil with the blessing of five loaves and wheat, wine and oil at 6.00pm on Thursday 18 December and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Friday 19 December.  This day of commemoration of Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia is not our patronal feast-day - our patronal feast is 22 May, the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - but one that we nevertheless celebrate with joy.  At the end of Divine Liturgy there will be a moleben to Saint Nicholas.  These services will be the last in our parish for 2014.

Services on 13-14 December - 14/12/2014

On Saturday 13 December and Sunday 14 December we had services for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Prophet Nahum (Seventh Century BC). On Sunday at Divine Liturgy there were a number of visitors in church, some local and some from as far away as Greece! Following the service on Sunday our parish held its 2014 Annual General Meeting.

Our 2014 Annual General Meeting - 14/12/2014

On Sunday 14 December our parish held its 2014 Annual General Meeting (AGM). At the AGM our 2013-14 Annual Report and 2013-14 Financial Report were presented. Our Warden Nikolai Goura was elected for a fourth consecutive three-year term, and the five regular members of the Parish Council – Anna Morhun, Irene Lupish, Lucy Szabunia, Anu Kinnunen, and Olga Bogacheva – were all re-elected. Matushka Marie Carles agreed to take on the role of Child Safety Contact Person. Subject to Metropolitan Hilarion’s ratification of the decisions of the AGM, the Parish Council will next meet in January 2015.

2013-14 Annual Report and 2013-14 Financial Report - 10/12/2014

Our 2013-14 Annual Report and audited 2013-14 Financial Report are now available.  These reports will be presented to our parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) this coming Sunday, 14 December 2014.  The reports can be accessed by clicking on the embedded links.  Parish members are encouraged to carefully peruse these documents before the AGM.

Our next services: 13-14 December - 04/12/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 13 December and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 14 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Holy Prophet Nahum.  Following Divine Liturgy on this day, our parish will hold its 2014 Annual General Meeting.

Services on 3-4 December, the Great Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple - 04/12/2014

On Wednesday 3 December and Thursday 4 December we had services for the Great Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple.  On Wednesday evening All-night Vigil with the blessing of five loaves and wheat, wine, and oil was served and on Thursday morning, Divine Liturgy.  The services were quiet and prayerful, with a number of friends from the Gosford parish joining us on Thursday morning.

Our next services: 3-4 December, the Great Feast of the entry of the Mother of God into the Temple - 23/11/2014

Our next services will be all-night vigil with the blessing of five loaves and wheat, wine and oil at 6.00pm on Wednesday 3 December and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Thursday 4 December, the Great Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple.

Our Summer 2014-15 Schedule of Services - 23/11/2014

Our Summer 2014-15 Schedule of Services - covering December, January and February - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Summer 2014-15 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Summer 2014-15 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies in both languages are now available in church.

A baptism - Seraphim Rezk - 23/11/2014

On Sunday 23 November the parish rector baptised Seraphim Rezk, the infant son of Rafail and Olesya Rezk and a younger brother to Sylvia, Ricky and Arseny. Seraphim was named in honour of Saint Seraphim of Sarov. His sponsors at baptism were Konstantin Belikov and Anna George. We warmly congratulate Rafail, Olesya, Konstantin and Anna, and pray that God will grant His newly-baptised servant Seraphim many years!

Services on 22-23 November - 23/11/2014

On Saturday 22 November and Sunday 23 November we had services for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Apostles of the Seventy Erastus, Olympas, Herodion, Sosipater, Quartus and Tertius. Receiving Holy Communion after having made her first confession of the previous day was Mia Corbett. At the dismissal a collection was taken up for the Fund for Assistance, raising $155.00. Following Divine Liturgy, it being the last service in our parish before the beginning of the Nativity Fast, a parish BBQ was held.

A first confession - 22/11/2014

On Saturday 22 November one of the children of our parish, nine year-old Mia (Natalia) Corbett, made her first confession. Mia is a student at Saint Patrick’s Catholic Primary School in Swansea and has been participating together with her classmates in the program of preparation for reconciliation, the name given to confession in the Roman Catholic Church. As there had been a formal service for her classmates to mark the end of this program of preparation, Mia – unable to participate in that service, of course – was keen to do something similar in her own parish. Arrangements were made for Mia to attend church on Saturday afternoon at which time the formal Order of Confession was served, with Mia herself reading Psalm 50 and the Creed. Joining Mia and her family for this service were the Principal of the wonderfully supportive Saint Patrick’s School, Mr Peter Green, together with his wife and some of Mia’s classmates and their families. Following the service the parish rector spoke about the importance of confession and, after explaining a little of the history of Russian Orthodoxy in Newcastle, served a brief moleben for those present before our “Newcastle” Icon of the Protection of the Mother of God. All were then given a printed copy of the icon to take home. A number of our parishioners have since expressed an interest in having the formal Order of Confession served for children making their first confession.

Services on 21-22 November, the anniversary of the repose of Archpriest John Lupish (+1977) - 22/11/2014

On Friday 21 November and Saturday 22 November we had services to observe the anniversary of the repose in 1977 of Archpriest John Lupish, the ever-memorable founder of our parish. A Great Panikhida (“parastas”) was served on Friday evening and on Saturday morning Divine Liturgy for the departed was served. Present on Saturday morning were Father John’s two sons, Subdeacon Vitaly Lupish and John Lupish, one of his granddaughters, and two of his great-grandchildren. Following Divine Liturgy the parish rector spoke briefly about Father John’s labours in our parish and amongst Orthodox Christians in Newcastle and across the Hunter Valley during the years 1949-77 and emphasised the importance of remembering him in prayer. A small group later visited Father John’s grave in Sandgate Cemetery and served a memorial litia there.

The November 2014 meeting of the Parish Council - 18/11/2014

On Tuesday 18 November the November meeting of the Parish Council was held. The usual reports were presented by the parish rector, the Warden, and the Head Sister, and the October 2014 financial reports were reviewed. The Warden advised the Parish Council that the foundations of the church extension had been laid, and plans were made for the next stage of this project, the laying of the bricks. The forthcoming parish Annual General Meeting was discussed, and the design of the parish wall calendar for 2015 was reviewed. It was agreed that the Parish Council would not meet during December 2014, with the 2014-15 Parish Council to meet for the first time in January 2015.

A collection to benefit the ROCOR Fund for Assistance: 23 November 2014 - 09/11/2014

In parishes of our Diocese a collection is generally taken up every year during November to help the work of the Fund for Assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  The Fund for Assistance supports the moral-spiritual education of the youth, provides aid to the clergy, and distributes emergency relief to the missions of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  This year, the collection will be taken up in our parish on Sunday 23 November.  Collection envelopes are available in church as of Sunday 9 November.  Those who wish to make a donation but who are unable to be in church on either of these Sundays may make a direct donation to the Fund for Assistance here.

Our next services: 22-23 November - 09/11/2014

Our next regular services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 22 November and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 23 November, the Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Apostles of the Seventy Erastus, Olympas, Sosipater, Quartus and Tertius (1st C.).  On this day we will be taking up the collection for the Fund for Assistance that is mandatory for all parishes of our Diocese during November each year.  After the service, it being the last Sunday before the Nativity Fast, we will have a parish barbeque in the church grounds.

Our next services: 21-22 November - 09/11/2014

Our next services will be a parastas - that is, a great panikhida or memorial service - at 7.00pm on Friday 21 November and Divine Liturgy for the departed at 9.00am on Saturday 22 November, the anniversary of the repose in 1977 of the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish, the founder of our parish.  Following Divine Liturgy, a litia will be served at his graveside in Newcastle's historic Sandgate Cemetery.

Services on 8-9 November - 09/11/2014

On Saturday 8 November and Sunday 9 November we had services for the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Martyr Nestor of Thessalonica (+306).  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday, the parish rector concelebrated with Hieromonk John (Macpherson) of the Holy Trinity Monastery, Monkerai. Following the Prayer before the Amvon at Divine Liturgy, the parish rector read the prayers of blessing over new burial shrouds and English-language copies of the Prayer of Absolution and the coronets ("venchiki") used at Orthodox Christian burials.  Also blessed were four new service books in Church Slavonic: a Lenten Triodion, a Pentecostarion, and two volumes of the Octoechos.  Following the dismissal, Starosta N. N. Goura and Head Sister A. P. Morhun congratulated the rector on the recent celebration of his name-day (October 23/November 5, the day of commemoration of the Apostle James, Brother of the Lord) and presented him with a gift from the parish.  The choir then sang "Many Years!" for him.  In accordance with the Normal Parish By-Laws, the first announcement was then made concerning the parish Annual General Meeting to be held on Sunday 14 December 2014 (ARTICLE EDITED).

Notice of 2014 Annual General Meeting - 08/11/2014

A formal notice concerning the Annual General Meeting scheduled for Sunday 14 December 2014 is available here.  The Parish Council nomination form referred to in the notice is available here.

Our next services: 8-9 November - 26/10/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 8 November and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 9 November, the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Martyr Nestor of Thessalonica (+306).  On this day are also commemorated the Venerable Nestor the Chronicler of the Kiev Caves (+1114), the first historian of the Russian church and people,  and the Righteous Procla, wife of Pontius Pilate, who tried to turn her husband from the shedding of innocent blood (Matthew 27:19).  In accordance with the Normal Parish By-Laws, the first announcement concerning the forthcoming parish Annual General Meeting, scheduled for Sunday 14 December 2014, will be made after Divine Liturgy.

Services on 25-26 October - 26/10/2014

On Saturday 25 October and Sunday 26 October we had services for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, the latter being commemorated each year on the Sunday on or after 21 October.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke of the declaration of the Seventh Council concerning the necessity of the Holy Icons and the sure defence of the Doctrine of the Incarnation that they provided.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon, the prayer of blessing was read over two new sets of service books, one for the First Week of Great Lent and one for Holy Week: "That the holy words of the hymns and reading speak unto the heart of them that are honouring them and listening to them" (PHOTOGAPH ADDED).

Diocesan Collection for the reinterment of the ever-memorable Bishop Constantine (Jesensky, +1996) - 24/10/2014

Emmanuel Jesensky, the future Bishop Constantine, was born in 1907 in Saint Petersburg, where his father, a nobleman, worked in the Imperial Chancery. Taken prisoner in 1918, his father was executed by the Bolsheviks. His mother, on receiving this news, died of a heart attack, leaving eleven-year-old Emmanuel an orphan. Moving to be with his surviving family to Riga, Latvia, he finished school and worked in a pharmacy. At the same time he studied iconography under the masterful Old Rite iconographer, Pimen Sofronov. In 1928 New Martyr Archbishop John of Riga blessed him to enter seminary. He graduated in 1930 and went to Paris, where he undertook postgraduate theological studies. In 1932 he was ordained to the priesthood and sent to Berlin, serving in parishes in Germany until 1949, when he emigrated to the United States and served in parishes of the Eastern American Diocese. In October 1967 he was tonsured a monk and given the name Constantine, and in December 1967 he was consecrated Bishop of Brisbane, Vicar of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese. A deeply spiritual man who loved the beauty of God's house and the Divine Services, he served in Australia from 1967 until 1978 and then in the Eastern American Diocese and the Great Britain until his retirement in 1985. From 1991 he lived at a monastery in Texas where he reposed and was buried. Sadly, the monastery was later closed, and the property passed from the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia. For many years the Synod of Bishops has endeavoured to have Bishop Constantine’s remains transferred from Texas to the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York. This has now become possible, and the parishes of our Diocese have been asked to assist in this good work. Those amongst the faithful who wish to help may obtain more information from the parish rector.

Fiftieth Annual Diocesan Youth Conference, 26-31 December 2014 - 24/10/2014

This year our Diocese will also hold its fiftieth consecutive annual Diocesan youth conference or "Syezd".  Established in 1965 at the instigation of the ever-memorable Archbishop Sava (Raevsky, +1976), these conferences have been an important spiritual and social event for the youth of our Diocese ever since.  The Jubilee Syezd will be held from 26-31 December 2014 at the "New-Shamordino" Convent of our Lady of Kazan in Kentlyn, NSW, the site of the conference in 1965 and again from 1979-1985.  For more information visit

2014 Annual Diocesan Teen Retreat - 24/10/2014

This year our Diocese will hold its fourth annual Orthodox Teen Retreat from 19-24 December.  Established in 2011, our Teen Retreats cater for young people aged 14-17.  After three years in Sydney, this year’s Teen Retreat will be held in Melbourne, Victoria. For more information visit

The October 2014 meeting of the Parish Council - 20/10/2014

The Parish Council met on Monday 20 October 2014. The usual pastoral, administrative and financial reports were presented. The Warden, N. N. Goura, reported that the necessary clearance had been given for the laying of the foundations for our small church extension, and that work would commence in November 2014. Plans for the 2015 parish wall calendar to commemorate three ever-memorable bishops of our Diocese, Theodore (+1955), Theodosius (+1980) and Paul (+1995), were discussed and endorsed. It was agreed that the parish Annual General Meeting would be held on Sunday 14 December 2014. The 2013-14 Parish Council will meet for the final time on Monday 17 November.

Our next services: 25-26 October - 14/10/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 25 October and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 26 October, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council.

Services on 13-14 October: The feast of the Protection of the Mother of God - 14/10/2014

On Monday 13 October and Tuesday 14 October we had services for the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God. This feast-day is of particular importance to our parish, the first Russian Orthodox church in the Hunter Valley – the small barracks chapel at the Greta Migrant Camp – having been dedicated in honour of it, and the parish possessing an icon of the Mother of God, “Protectress of Newcastle”.  Because of this, in recent years we have come to observe it as a second patronal feast-day, with all-night vigil served on the eve and the Lesser Blessing of Water, Divine Liturgy and a moleben served on the day of the feast itself. This year the commemoration was of greater significance than usual, it being 65 years since the first services in the Greta Camp church. A small number of people gathered for the services, it being a working day and the weather inclement. At the end of the service "eternal memory" was sung for the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish, his matushka Maria, and all those departed amongst the faithful who laboured to establish Russian Orthodoxy in the Newcastle region.

Our next services: 13-14 October, the Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God - 12/10/2014

Our next services will be for the Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, a feast of great significance in our parish and beloved by the Russian Orthodox faithful throughout the world.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves will begin at 6.00pm on Monday 13 October.  On Tuesday 14 October the Lesser Blessing of Water will be served at 8.15am, followed by Divine Liturgy at 9.00am.  After Divine Liturgy there will be a moleben to the Mother of God and a procession around the church.  This year marks the sixty-fifth anniversary of the foundation of the Holy Protection church at the Greta Migrant Camp, a place in which many of the founders of our parish spent their first years in Australia.

Services on 11-12 October & Matushka Marie's name-day - 12/10/2014

On Saturday 11 October and Sunday 12 October we had services for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint Mary of Palestine. At Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning the parish rector concelebrated with Hieromonk John (MacPherson) of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai, NSW. At the Litany of Fervent Intercession the customary petitions for peace in Ukraine were intoned. At the veneration of the Cross a collection was taken up on behalf of the Fund for Assistance to assist its current campaign for the relief of refugees in Ukraine, raising $280.00. It being the name-day of Matushka Marie Carles, Father James congratulated her on behalf of both our parish and the Gosford parish, thanking her for her unassuming yet faithful service in both churches. Many years was then sung for her, after which our Head Sister, Anna Pavlovna Morhun, presented her with a bouquet of flowers. In the hall afterwards Matushka Marie was presented with more flowers and a beautiful cake baked by Julia Zyza, a friend of our parish and the proprietor of Kitchen Treasures

Our next services: 11-12 October - 28/09/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 11 October and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 12 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Saint Kyriakos of Palestine (+556) and the Venerable Mary of Palestine.  On this day we will take up a collection on behalf of the Fund for Assistance to assist its current campaign for the relief of refugees in Ukraine.

Services on 27-28 September - 28/09/2014

On Saturday 27 September and Sunday 28 September we had services for the Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross and in honour of Great-Martyr Nicetas the Goth (+372). Although we did not have services for the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, the Holy Cross was set forth for veneration. At Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning the parish rector concelebrated with Hieromonk John (Macpherson) of the Holy Trinity Monastery, Monkerai. A greater than usual number of people were present on Sunday, a beautiful spring day, including some new faces.

Our next services: 27-28 September, the Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross - 14/09/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 27 September and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 28 September, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross.

Services on 13-14 September - Saints Peter and Fevronia, Playgroup birthday - 14/09/2014

On Saturday 13 September and Sunday 14 September we had services for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost and to mark the Church New Year. At these services we also commemorated Venerable Symeon the Stylite (+459) and Right-believing Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, wonderworkers of Murom (+1228). Matins was served on Saturday evening and Divine Liturgy was served on Sunday morning. Following the Prayer before the Amvon at Divine Liturgy, a brief moleben was served to Saints Peter and Fevronia, the patron saints of family, love and faithfulness, during which all the married couples in the parish were commemorated by name. The parish rector then blessed three new icons, all gifts to the parish: one of Saints Kyril and Methodius, another of Saint Silouan of Mount Athos, and another of a number of saints who have been given the grace of healing. Also on this day, the parish Russian-language playgroup celebrated the fifth anniversary of its establishment. A birthday cake was shared and the children held a puppet theatre on the lawn outside the church.

Celebrating five years of our Russian-language playgroup - 08/09/2014

On Sunday 14 September our Russian-language playgroup "Teremok" will celebrate its' fifth birthday.  Prayers of thanksgiving for the success of this parish endeavour will be offered at Divine Liturgy, and after the service on Sunday there will be a puppet theatre and games for the children.  There will also be a birthday cake for all to share!  Our parishioners and friends are encouraged to join us and help celebrate this important anniversary.

The September 2014 meeting of the Parish Council - 08/09/2014

The Parish Council met on Monday 8 September. The usual reports were given by the parish rector, the Warden, and the Head Sister. Trends in parish life were discussed, with particular attention given to the impact of the conflict in Ukraine on relationships within the parish and the wider Russian and Ukrainian communities in Newcastle. A decision was made to delay the 2014 Annual General Meeting, scheduled for 28 September 2014, to allow additional time for the finalisation of the Annual Report. The Parish Council will next meet on Monday 20 October 2014.

A baptism - Florence Crawford - 06/09/2014

On Saturday 6 September the parish rector baptised Florence Crawford, the infant daughter of Stephen and Deborah Crawford.  In baptism Florence was given the name Anastasia in honour of the Great-Martyr Anastasia of Rome, a patron saint that she shares with her paternal great-grandmother. Congratulations to Stephen and Deborah, and to Florence’s godparents Nathalie Crawford and Duncan Crawford.  May God grant his newly-baptised handmaiden many years!

Our next services: 13-14 September - The beginning of the Church Year & the commemoration of Saints Peter and Fevronia - 28/08/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 13 September and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 14 September.  As 14 September coincides with 1 September on the Julian ("Old") Calendar it will be the first day of the Church Year.  As this day will be the Sunday before September 19, it will also be a day on which the Russian Orthodox Church commemorates Saints Peter and Fevronia, the patron saints of love, marriage and family life.  Special prayers will be offered on this day for married couples and for those preparing for marriage.

Services on 27-28 August: The Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 28/08/2014

On Wednesday 27 August and Thursday 28 August we had services for the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God. On Wednesday evening All-night Vigil was served and on Thursday morning – Divine Liturgy. The choir sang beautifully under the direction of Elena Gan. A number of our friends travelled from the Gosford parish to be with us for Divine Liturgy, and many people stayed afterwards for a festive “cup of tea”. The Dormition of the Mother of God has a particular significance for our parish as it was on this day in 1949 – 65 years ago this year! – that the first Orthodox services in the Hunter Valley were served.

Our Spring 2014 Schedule of Services - 27/08/2014

Our Spring 2014 Schedule of Services - covering September, October and November - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Spring 2014 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Spring 2014 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies in both languages will be available in church as of Thursday 28 August 2014.

Our next services: 27-28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God - 24/08/2014

Our next services will be All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine and oil, beginning at 6.00pm on Wednesday 27 August, and Divine Liturgy beginning at 9.00am on Thursday 28 August, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.   On this day it will be 65 years to the day since the first Russian Orthodox services in the Hunter Valley, served in the Anglican Chapel at the Greta Migrant Camp just 9 days after the arrival in Newcastle from Europe of Archpriest John Lupish and his family.

Bishop George presents two commemorative parish awards - 24/08/2014

On Sunday 24 August 2014 following Divine Liturgy our former Warden Mr Oleg Kolokolow was presented with a parish Certificate of Appreciation ("Приходская Благодарность"). A second award, to be presented to Anatoly Tarasenko, a steadfast friend of the parish, was also announced.  These awards, given on the occasion of sixty-five years of Russian Orthodoxy in the Hunter Valley and 50 years since the consecration of our church, were the first under the awards policy that our Parish Council adopted in 2013.  Details of the individual citations are available here.  Congratulations to Mr Kolokolow and Mr Tarasenko!

Services on 23-24 August: Bishop George's visit to our parish - 24/08/2014

On Saturday 23 August and Sunday 24 August we had services for the Afterfeast of the Transfiguration and in honour of the Holy Martyr and Archdeacon Euplus. Matins was served on Saturday evening. On Sunday morning Divine Liturgy was served, with His Grace Bishop George of Mayfield, Vicar of the Eastern American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, presiding. Together with the parish rector, Hieromonk John (Macpherson) of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai and Deacon Constantine Moshegov of the Strathfield and Croydon parishes in Sydney concelebrated. Following the prayer before the Amvon a brief moleben of thanksgiving was served in observance of the sixty-fifth anniversary of the arrival in Australia of Archpriest John Lupish on 19 August 1949, the sixty-fifth anniversary of the first Russian Orthodox services in the Hunter Valley on 28 August 1949, and the fiftieth anniversary of the consecration of our church on 3 August 1964. After congratulating the parishioners on these significant milestones in parish life, Vladyka gave an edifying sermon on the Gospel reading for the day (Mathew 18:23-35), emphasising the importance of sincere forgiveness. At the dismissal, two parish awards were presented and eternal memory was sung for the departed founders, benefactors and parishioners of the parish. The parish rector thanked Vladyka for his pastoral care and presented him with a copy of the parish’s treasured icon of the Mother of God, Protectress of Newcastle. All afterwards gathered in the church hall for a Lenten banquet.

Services on 13-14 August, the first day of the Dormition Fast - 14/08/2014

On Wednesday 13 August and Thursday 14 August we had services for the Procession of the Wood of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord and the Holy Maccabean Martyrs. Matins with the bringing out of the Cross was served on Wednesday evening and on Thursday morning Divine Liturgy was served, followed by the customary blessing of water. In accordance with Russian Orthodox tradition there was a blessing of honey, a gift of 60 jars of organic honey from the Wollombi Valley having been given to the parish. The opportunity was also taken to bless candles for church use and – some of the faithful having brought them to church in anticipation of the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord – baskets of grapes and other fruit.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke of the way of the Cross and of the example of fasting given by the Maccabean Martyrs, who endured suffering and death rather than breaking the Old Testament dietary laws.

Our next services: 23-24 August - 13/08/2014

Our next weekend services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 23 August and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 24 August 2014.  His Grace Bishop George of Mayfield, Vicar of the Eastern American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, will preside at Divine Liturgy.  As Tuesday 19 August will be 65 years to the day since the arrival of the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish in Newcastle and Thursday 28 August will be 65 years since the first Orthodox Christian services in the Hunter Valley, a thanksgiving moleben will be served after Divine Liturgy on Sunday 24 August.  Parishioners and friends are invited to a festive banquet in the hall after the service.

The August 2014 meeting of the Parish Council - 11/08/2014

The Parish Council met on Monday 11 August 2014.  The rector gave his usual reports on the life of the parish and the Diocese.  The Warden, N. N. Goura, reported on the status of plans to extend the church, advising the meeting that the foundations would be laid before the end of 2014.  A decision was made to contribute financial support to the preparation of a commemorative book to mark the thirtieth anniversary of Metropolitan Hilarion's consecration as bishop.  Information to be provided to local funeral directors to assist them in arranging services at our church was discussed and approved for distribution, and plans for the visit of His Grace Bishop George on Sunday 23 were finalised.  The 2013-14 Parish Council will meet for the final time on Monday 8 September 2014.

Our next services: 13-14 August - The Procession of the Wood of the Cross and the Maccabean Martyrs - 10/08/2014

Our next services will be Matins with the bringing out of the Cross at 6.00pm on Wednesday 13 August and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Thursday 14 August, the first day of the Dormition Fast.  These services will be in honour of the the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord and of the Holy Maccabean Martyrs (+166 BC).  Divine Liturgy will be followed by a blessing of water and, in accordance with Russian Orthodox practice, a blessing of honey.  Once again our parish has been given a gift of organic honey, and jars of the blessed honey will be free for our parishioners and friends to take after the service.

Services on 9-10 August, the day of commemoration of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God - 10/08/2014

On Saturday 9 August and Sunday 10 August we had services in honour of the Smolensk "Hodigitria" (or "Directress") Icon of the Mother of God.  Set forth in the middle of our church for veneration at these services was a very old hand-painted copy of the wonderworking Smolensk Icon.  This copy, painted in Russia and later taken to China before coming to Australia, was badly burned many years ago but has since, through the grace of God, wondrously restored. The icon belongs to the Erzikoff family who, in an act of great kindness, permitted us to have it in our parish for the day of the icon's commemoration.  Most Holy Mother of God, save us!

Services on 26-27 July - 28/07/2014

On Saturday 26 July and Sunday 27 July we had services in honour of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday prayers were again offered for an end to the strife in Ukraine.  In his sermon, the parish rector spoke of the enduring importance of the work of the Holy Fathers of the Ecumenical Councils and of their example of uncompromising adherence to the faith of the Apostles.  That evening and on the following day, the parish rector participated in feast-day services at Saint Vladimir's Russian Orthodox Church, Centennial Park (Sydney), the oldest Russian Orthodox Church in NSW.

Our next services: 9-10 August, the commemoration of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God - 27/07/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 9 August and Divine Liturgy on Sunday 10 August, the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God.  On the preceding day, a number of us will participate in the feast-day and ten-year jubilee celebrations at Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford.

The July 2014 meeting of the Parish Council - 21/07/2014

The Parish Council met on Monday 21 July. The customary reports on the life of the parish and the Diocese were given by the Rector. The Warden, N. N. Goura, advised the Parish Council that the Newcastle City Council had given its approval to the parish’s development application to build a small extension to the church, and plans to commence this work were discussed. The financial reports for the 2013-14 financial year were considered in some detail, and attention was given to the next stage of the parish iconography project and to the need for consistent information concerning weddings, funerals and other services of need. Against the background of the tragic loss of Flight MH17, the Parish Council discussed the ongoing conflict in Ukraine with great concern, affirming the need to continue in prayer for an end to the strife. The Parish Council will next meet on Monday 11 August, the meeting being scheduled earlier in the month than is usual so as to prepare for the visit to our parish of Bishop George of Mayfield on Sunday 24 August.

The funeral of Frances Mursa - 17/07/2014

On Thursday 17 July the funeral of Frances Mursa (1935-2014) was served in our church. Frances was the daughter-in-law of Mitred Archpriest Mychajlo Mursa (+1966), a priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and was received into Orthodoxy at the time of her marriage to Benjamin Mursa, fifty years ago this year. Frances reposed on Friday 11 July after a prolonged illness. Her funeral was followed by a burial service in the Greek Orthodox section of Sandgate Cemetery. We offer our sincere condolences to Ben and his family, and ask our parishioners and friends to remember the newly-reposed handmaiden of God Frances in their prayers. May God grant her rest!

Our next services: 26-27 July, the Sunday of the Fathers of the Six Ecumenical Councils - 13/07/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 26 July and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 27 July, the day of commemoration of the Fathers of the Six Ecumenical Councils.

Services on 12-13 July - 13/07/2014

On Saturday 12 July and Sunday 13 July we had services in honour of the Holy Apostles. Concelebrating with the parish rector at Divine Liturgy was Hieromonk John (MacPherson) of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai. Following the Prayer before the Amvon, the parish rector blessed nine new gold altar server vestments, the work of Mother Christina of the Presentation Sisterhood in Bungarby, NSW, and icons of Saint Sergius of Radonezh, the Nativity of Christ, and the Mother of God, gifts from friends of the parish. After the dismissal a memorial litia was served for two longstanding friends of our parish, Michael Kallaur and Frances Mursa, both newly-reposed. May God grant them rest!

A baptism - Anastasia Rowan - 01/07/2014

On Tuesday 1 July Anastasia Rowan, the infant daughter of Ricky and Anna Rowan and a baby sister to Annabelle and Alexander, was baptised by the parish rector during a pastoral visit to the Great Lakes-Manning Valley region.  Anastasia's patron saint is the Royal Martyr Anastasia of Russia, and her godparents are Nadezhda Rakova and Vladimir Rakov.  We congratulate Ricky, Anna, Nadezhda and Vladimir, and pray that God will grant His newly-baptised handmaiden Anastasia many years!

A pastoral visit to the Great Lakes-Manning Valley region of NSW - 01/07/2014

On Tuesday 1 July the parish rector undertook a pastoral visit to the Great Lakes–Manning Valley region of mid-northern New South Wales, baptising a child in the village of Darawank and visiting Orthodox Christians and other friends of our parish in Taree and Forster-Tuncurry. This was the first such visit since December 2005, when with the blessing of Archbishop (now Metropolitan) Hilarion, Divine Liturgy was served in a Roman Catholic chapel in the township of Forster. During 2006 some effort was made by  a small group of Orthodox Christians living in the area to establish a mission, but to no avail. Consideration is now once again being given to some form of regular pastoral work there, whether it be an occasional Divine Liturgy, an akathist, or gatherings for fellowship and discussion. Those wishing to know more should contact the parish rector.

Our next services: 12-13 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and the Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles - 23/06/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 12 July and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 13 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Twelve Apostles.  On the preceding day, the feast-day of the Holy Preёminent Apostles Peter and Paul, our parish rector will participate in the services at Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Strathfield, NSW. 

Services on 21-22 June: All Saints of Russia - 22/06/2014

On Saturday 21 June and Sunday 22 June we had services in honour of All Saints who have shone forth in the land of Russia.  At Divine Liturgy, Hieromonk John (Macpherson) of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai, NSW, concelebrated with the parish rector.  In the absence of our conductor, Nataliya Rahim, the choir was ably led by Elena Gan.  After Divine Liturgy a moleben was served for the coordinator of our playgroup, Anastasia Harwood, shortly to travel to Russia with her family.

The June 2014 meeting of the Parish Council - 16/06/2014

The Parish Council met on Monday 16 June. The rector gave his usual report on the life of the parish and the Diocese and reports were heard from the Warden and the head of the Ladies’ Auxiliary. Progress on a number of parish projects was also reviewed. The Parish Council will next meet on Monday 21 July, at which time the draft 2013-14 Annual Report will be considered.

A wedding - Andrew Martinov and Holly Nairn - 13/06/2014

On the afternoon of Friday 13 June, in the presence of approximately 80 people, the parish rector presided at the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony for Andrew Martinov and Holly Felicity Nairn of Karuah, NSW. Concelebrating were Priest Dionysios Halim of the English-language community of All Saints in Kentlyn, NSW, and Protodeacon German Polorotov of Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Fairfield, NSW. Our parish warmly congratulates Andrew and Holly and wishes them many years of happiness together!

Feast-day celebrations at the Holy Trinity Monastery, Monkerai, NSW - with photographs - 09/06/2014

On Monday 9 June 2014 the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai, NSW, celebrated its patronal feast.  On the Sunday of Pentecost, Hieromonk John (Macpherson), superior of the monastery, concelebrated at Divine Liturgy and Vespers with the kneeling prayers in our parish.  That evening, Matins for the Day of the Holy Spirit was served in the monastery chapel with our parish rector, Priest James Carles, leading the reading and singing on the kliros.  On Monday morning Hieromonk John served the Lesser Blessing of Water on the site of the monastery church, with a small group of the faithful from our parish forming the choir. Towards the end of this service, Abbot Benjamin (Forbes), superior of the Monastery of the Prophet Elias in Monarto, South Australia, arrived. Fathers John, Benjamin and James then concelebrated Divine Liturgy, with monastery cleric Reader Daniel Kisliakov leading the choir.  Following the reading of the Holy Gospel Hieromonk John gave a brief sermon. During Divine Liturgy Archpriest Ljupco Dvojakovski, a cleric of Saint George Russian Orthodox Church in Carlton, NSW, arrived, together with family members and friends.  After the Divine Liturgy, the clergy and faithful returned to the site of the monastery church for a moleben to the Holy Trinity and a procession around the site. Many years was sung for the church authorities, for Hieromonk John and his brethren, and for all those present, and eternal memory was sung for the departed benefactors and friends of the monastery.  Speaking on behalf of all present, Father Benjamin congratulated Father John on the monastery's feast-day and on all that had been accomplished in establishing the monastery, wishing him continued success. The clergy and faithful then gathered in the monastery refectory for a festive meal.  Vespers for the Third Day of the Holy Trinity and for Saint Nicetas the Confessor was served at 3.15pm, with Father Benjamin presiding. This service, like the others that day and on the preceding evening, was in English. After Vespers, the majority of the guests departed.  May the All-Holy Trinity, our God, grant that this monastery named in His honour prosper and grow!

Our next services: 21-22 June, the Sunday of All Saints of Russia - 08/06/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 21 June and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 22 June, the Second Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of All Saints who have shone forth in the land of Russia.

Our next services: 14-15 June, the Sunday of All Saints of Russia - 08/06/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 14 June and Divine Liturgy on Sunday 15 June, the Sunday of All Saints of Russia.

Services on 7-8 June: The Great Feast of Pentecost - 08/06/2014

On 7-8 June we had services for the Great Feast of Pentecost, the day of commemoration of the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and Disciples. As is usual in the Russian Orthodox Church, the church was decorated with green branches and bright flowers in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity. All-night vigil with the blessing of five loaves and wheat, wine and oil was served by the parish rector on Saturday evening. On Sunday morning Divine Liturgy was served, with Hieromonk John (Macpherson) of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai, NSW, concelebrating. A great many people gathered for the feast-day, and visitors from as far away as Brisbane and Sydney joined us. In accordance with Orthodox practice, Divine Liturgy was followed by Vespers with the three long “kneeling prayers”. Following the services the family of the ever-memorable N. E. Goura, a founder of our parish and the father of the current Warden, N. N. Goura, was joined by a number of parishioners for a memorial service to mark the thirteenth anniversary of his repose and burial.

Our next services: 7-8 June, the Great Feast of Pentecost - 25/05/2014

Our next services will be All-night vigil at 6.00pm on Saturday 7 June and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 8 June, the Great Feast of Pentecost.  All-night vigil will include the blessing of five loaves and wheat, wine and oil.  As is customary on this feast-day, our church will be decorated with green branches and flowers in honour of the Life-Giving Trinity.  In accordance with the practice of parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vespers with the kneeling prayers will be served immediately after Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  On Monday 9 June our rector and a number of parishioners plan to participate in the services at the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai (near Dungog), NSW.

Services on 24-25 May: The Sunday of the Blind Man and the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 25/05/2014

On Saturday 24 May and Sunday 25 May we had services for the sixth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Blind Man.  On this day we also commemorated the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia (Asia Minor) to Bari (Italy), the patronal feast of our parish.  On Saturday evening, all-night vigil with the blessing of five loaves and wheat, wine and oil was served.  On Sunday morning the parish rector served the Lesser Blessing of Water before concelebrating Divine Liturgy with Hieromonk John (Macpherson) of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai, NSW.   After Divine Liturgy there was a moleben to Saint Nicholas with a procession around the church.  A collection taken up at Metropolitan Hilarion's request to assist the Serbian people suffering as a result of recent devastating floods raised $375.00.  Many of those present, including friends from the Gosford parish, then gathered in the church hall for a festive meal. 

The May 2014 meeting of the Parish Council - 19/05/2014

On Monday 19 May there was a meeting of the Parish Council at which the usual pastoral and financial reports were presented. The parish Warden, N.N. Goura, reported on the status of the planned extension to our church to provide for an enlarged vestry. Plans for the forthcoming patronal feast of the parish were discussed. Consideration was also given to commencement of a further stage in our parish iconography project, but in view of the possibility of commencing the extension this year, a decision was made to not proceed. The Parish Council plans to meet next on Monday 16 June.

A pilgrimage to the Holy Trinity Monastery, Monkerai - 9 June 2014 - 18/05/2014

On Monday 9 June the Holy Trinity Monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia in Monkerai, NSW, will celebrate its patronal feast. Divine Liturgy will begin at 10.00am, and will be followed by a moleben, a festive lunch, and a walk around the monastery grounds. The services will be in English and in Church Slavonic. More information is available here.

Our Winter 2014 Schedule of Services - 18/05/2014

Our Winter 2014 Schedule of Services - covering June, July and August - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Winter 2014 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Winter 2014 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies in both languages will be available in church as of Saturday 24 May.

22 May - Commemoration of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas, the patronal feast of our parish - 11/05/2014

On Thursday 22 May it will be the day of commemoration of the translation of the relics of Saint Nicholas, in 1087 AD, from Myra in Lycia (modern-day Turkey) to Bari, Italy, and the patronal feast of our parish.  As in previous years, we will celebrate the feast this year on the closest Sunday.  On the day of the feast itself, our parish rector will visit the parish of Saint Nicholas, Fairfield, also celebrating its patronal feast.

Our next services: 24-25 May - Sunday of the Blind Man and the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 11/05/2014

On Saturday 24 May at 6.00 pm we will have All-night Vigil with the blessing of five loves, wheat, wine and oil.  At 8.15 am on Sunday 25 May we will have the Lesser Blessing of Water, followed at 9.00am by the Hours and Divine Liturgy.  After Divine Liturgy there will be a moleben - a service of intercession - to Saint Nicholas with a procession around the church, followed by a festive lunch to which all our parishioners and friends are invited.  This is an important year for our parish, one in which we celebrate 65 years of Russian Orthodoxy in the Hunter Valley and 50 years since the consecration of our church.  Please join us! 

Services on 10-11 May, the Sunday of the Paralytic - 11/05/2014

On Saturday 10 May and Sunday 11 May, the Sunday of the Paralytic, Matins and Divine Liturgy were served. Concelebrating with the parish rector at Divine Liturgy was Hieromonk John (Macpherson) of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai, NSW, and assisting in the sanctuary was Subdeacon Nicholas Martinov, well-known throughout our Diocese for his faithful service over many years. On this day the readings and the hymnody of the Orthodox Church take as their theme the account in Saint John's Gospel (5:1-15) of the healing, by the Pool of Bethesda, of the man who had been paralysed thirty-eight years. In his sermon the rector, noting that scholars had openly doubted the existence of this pool until archaeological finds in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries showed the Gospel account to be true, warned of the folly of doubting the experience of Christ’s Church. At the customary cup of tea after the service, it being Mothers’ Day, “Many Years” was sung for Matushka Marie and all the mothers of our parish, and our Ladies’ Auxiliary presented Matushka with flowers and chocolate.

A fundraising dinner to benefit the Presentation Convent in Bungarby, NSW - 01/05/2014

On the evening of Sunday 1 June 2014 a fundraising dinner will be held in the parish hall of the Protection of the Holy Virgin Church in Cabramatta, NSW, to assist the Building Fund of the Presentation Sisterhood in Bungarby, NSW.  Abbess Anna, the sisterhood's superior, will be present at the dinner, as will some of the sisters.  After dinner Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff, our Diocesan Secretary and the senior priest of the Protection of the Holy Virgin Cathedral in Melbourne, Victoria, will give a talk: "Christianity: Not a Religion".  More information is available here.  Mother Christina of the Presentation Sisterhood has recently made beautiful gold and red sticharia for our altar servers.  Please support the Sisterhood by attending this dinner or by making a donation to the Building Fund.

Our next services: 10-11 May, the Sunday of the Paralytic - 29/04/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 10 May and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 11 May, the Sunday of the Paralytic.  On this day the readings and the hymnody of the Orthodox Church take as their theme the account in Saint John's Gospel (5:1-15) of the healing, by the Pool of Bethesda, of the man who had been paralysed thirty-eight years.

Radonitsa, a day of Commemoration of the Departed - 29/04/2014

In the Russian Orthodox tradition, the second Tuesday after Pascha is Radonitsa, the “day of rejoicing”, a day of commemoration of the departed. In our parish, Matins was served on the evening on Monday 28 April and Divine Liturgy was served on the morning of Tuesday 29 April. Following Divine Liturgy a general pannikhida was served in church. Afterwards a group of parishioners travelled to Wallsend and Sandgate Cemeteries where many parishioners and family members have been laid to rest. After litias at a number of graves, those present shared in a festive meal in memory of the departed. Other graves where then visited, and the rector later also visited East Maitland and Martinsville Pioneer Cemeteries.

Services on 26-27 April, Thomas Sunday - 27/04/2014

On 26-27 April, Bright Saturday and Thomas Sunday, Matins and Divine Liturgy were served. In the place of a sermon on this day, Metropolitan Hilarion’s Paschal Epistle was read aloud. At the end of Divine Liturgy, prayer having been offered for the bodily and spiritual health and blessing of those who would partake of it, the artos - the large round loaf blessed on the Sunday of Pascha - was cut and distributed to the faithful.

Our next services: Radonitsa, 28-29 April - 22/04/2014

Our next weekday services will be Matins at 7.00pm on Monday 28 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Tuesday 29 April for Radonitsa, the Day of Rejoicing, the first day after Pascha on which the departed are commemorated.  After Divine Liturgy there will be a general memorial service in church, followed by individual graveside services at Wallsend, Sandgate, and East Maitland Cemeteries.  At Sandgate Cemetery we will visit the grave of the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish (+1977), the founder of our parish.

Our next services: Thomas Sunday, 26-27 April - 20/04/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 26 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 27 April, Thomas Sunday.  At the end of Divine Liturgy, the Artos will be cut and distributed to the faithful.

Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Pascha - 20/04/2014


From the evening of Saturday 12 April until Pascha, Sunday 20 April, there were seven services in our parish: All-night Vigil and Divine Liturgy for Palm Sunday (12-13 April); Matins with the reading of the Twelve Gospels on Great and Holy Thursday (17 April); Vespers of Great and Holy Friday with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ followed later in the day by Matins with Lamentations before the Tomb of Christ (18 April); and Vespers with the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great on the morning of Great and Holy Saturday, followed by Midnight Office and Paschal Matins early in the evening (19 April).  An early Paschal service was held as or parish rector was to serve at midnight in the Gosford parish.  Many people were in church on the eve of Palm Sunday for the blessing pf palms and pussy willow branches and on the morning of Holy Saturday, assisting with the fifteen Old Testament readings and taking the opportunity to receive Holy Communion before the Tomb of Christ.  Over one hundred people gathered from across the Hunter Valley and the Central Coast for Paschal Matins on the evening of Saturday 19 April.  Easter cakes, eggs and other festive foods were blessed immediately after the end of that service.  In 2015, God willing, there will be a midnight Paschal service in our parish.


Metropolitan Hilarion's 2014 Paschal Epistle - 19/04/2014

Metropolitan Hilarion's 2014 Paschal Epistle can be be viewed in English in PDF format here.  The Russian version can be viewed here.

Russian Orthodox Kids' Camp, 14-19 December 2014 - 17/04/2014

A group of young families associated primarily with the Protection of the Holy Virgin parish in Cabramatta, NSW, is organising a camp for children and young people aged 7-17 to be held in Toukley, NSW - just to our south, on the Central Coast - in December 2014.  For those interested, more information is available here.  It should be noted that this year the Diocesan Teen Retreat - for young people aged 15-18, or in Years 9-12 - will be held in Victoria from 19 December-24 December.

Our next services: Pascha - The Resurrection of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ - 13/04/2014

Our main services for Pascha this year will begin at 7.00pm on Saturday 19 April.  Midnight Office will be served, followed by a procession and Paschal Matins.  After the dismissal at Matins, the blessing of Easter cakes and eggs and other festive foods will take place in the church hall.  We will be having the services early as the parish rector will be serving at midnight in the Gosford parish.

Our next services: Great and Holy Saturday - 13/04/2014

At 6.00pm on Friday 18 April we will have Matins with the Lamentations before the Tomb of Christ (Matins of Great and Holy Saturday).  At 8.00am on Saturday 19 April we will have the reading of the Hours and the Typika followed by Vespers of Great and Holy Saturday with the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great.  After the Prayer before the Amvon, we will have the customary blessing of wine and five loaves.  During Vespers the fifteen readings will be read in English, Slavonic, Russian and Finnish.  For those wishing to receive Holy Communion at Divine Liturgy, there will be opportunities to confess during the reading of the Hours and Vespers.

Our next services: Great and Holy Friday - 13/04/2014

Our next services will be Matins withe reading of the Twelve Gospels (Matins of Great and Holy Friday) at 6.00pm on Thursday 17 April and Vespers with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ (Vespers of Great and Holy Friday) at 12.00pm on Friday 18 April.  At Matins on Thursday evening the Twelve Gospels will be read alternately in English and Slavonic.  Booklets in English and in Russian font with which to follow the readings will be available in church.

Our next services: Palm Sunday, 12-13 April - 07/04/2014

Our next services will be All-night vigil with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine, oil and palms and pussy-willows at 6.00pm on Saturday 12 April and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 12 April, the Great Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

The April 2014 meeting of the Parish Council - 07/04/2014

The April 2014 meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 7 April, the Great Feast of the Annunciation, immediately after Divine Liturgy that day. The meeting was held earlier than usual in the month to allow the Parish Council to prepare for Holy Week and for Pascha. The usual reports concerning parish life and finances were heard and plans were made for the important services ahead.  The Parish Council plans to meet next on Monday 19 May.

Services on 6-7 April, the Great Feast of the Annunciation - 07/04/2014

On Sunday 6 April and Monday 7 April we had services for the Great Feast of the Annunciation. All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Sunday evening, and Divine Liturgy was served on Monday morning. Afterwards those present gathered in the church hall for a light festive lunch, all enjoying the relaxation of the fast for the sake of the Great Feast.

The Anointing of the Sick - 04/04/2014

On the evening of 3 April, the Thursday of the Great Canon, the parish rector presided at a general service of anointing.  He was assisted by Hieromonk John (Macpherson) of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai, NSW.  Approximately 20 of the faithful attended and received anointing seven times for the healing of soul and body.  In view of the small number of clergy and people who usually attend this service, it is the practice in our parish to anoint the laity present after each of the seven sets of readings and prayers.  In larger parishes and when a greater number of priests are present, the anointing is often done only at the end of the service.

Art exhibition: 'Monks from Mount Athos'', Hamilton, 5-10 May - 01/04/2014

On Monday 5 May an exhibition of work by Newcastle artist Lee Zaunders-Maroulis , 'A portrayal of humanity: Monks from Mount Athos' will open at the Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church in Hamilton, Newcastle.  The exhibition will remain open until Saturday 10 May.  More information can be obtained from either the website or the Facebook page of the Holy Apostles Church.

Seventh Diocesan Liturgical Music Conference, 1-4 May 2014, Canberra - 01/04/2014

This year, the parish of Saint John the Forerunner in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, will host the Seventh Diocesan Liturgical Music Conference ("Певческий Съезд").  The conference will begin on Thursday 1 May and end on Sunday 4 May with a concert in Canberra.  God willing, Metropolitan Hilarion will preside at All-night vigil and Divine Liturgy.  Participating in a program across four days will be Father George Johnson (ROCOR, USA), Georgiy Safonov (Danilov Monastery, Moscow) and Abbot Sergei (Shatrov) (Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Bombala, NSW).  More information is available from the Canberra parish website here.

Palm Sunday Collection for the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem - 01/04/2014

On Sunday 13 April 2014, Palm Sunday, our parish will take up a collection to benefit the Russian Eccelesiastical Mission in Jerusalem.  This collection is taken up on Palm Sunday every year in all the parishes, monasteries and missions of our Diocese.  Collection envelopes will be available in church from Thursday 3 April.  Many places of immense spiritual and historical significance in the Holy Land have been entrusted to our Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  Please give generously!  Those who wish to make a donation online may do so here.

Our next services: 6-7 April, the Great Feast of the Annunciation of the Mother of God - 30/03/2014

Our next services will be All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves beginning at 6.00pm on Sunday 6 April and Hours, Typika, Vespers and Divine Liturgy beginning at 9.00am on Monday 7 April.  On this day we commemorate the coming of the Archangel Gabriel to the Holy Virgin, her humble acceptance of God's will, and her conception by the Holy Spirit of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Our next services: The General Service of Anointing, Thursday 3 April - 30/03/2014

Our next service will be the General Service of Anointing ("Соборование") at 6.00pm on Thursday 3 April 2014.  In this service there are seven readings from the Apostol, seven readings from the Holy Gospel, seven prayers, and the faithful are anointed seven times with oil, blessed and sanctified during the service, for the healing of soul and body.  The practice of anointing with oil for spiritual and physical healing is referred to by the Apostle James: "Is anyone among you sick?  Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.  And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven" (James 5:14-15).

Services on 29-30 March, the Sunday of Saint John of the Ladder - 30/03/2014

On Saturday 29 March and Sunday 30 March we had services for the departed and for the Fourth Sunday in Great Lent, the day of commemoration of Saint John, Abbot of Mount Sinai and author of the The Ladder of Divine Ascent, a spiritual book of immense significance in Orthodox spirituality. As the Saturday was a day of commemoration of the departed, a general panikhida was served immediately before the evening service.  In his sermon on Saint John the parish rector made particular reference to Saint John's advice in The Ladder to laymen: "Do all the good you can; do not speak evil of anyone; do not steal from anyone; do not lie to anyone; do not be arrogant towards anyone; do not be absent from divine services; be compassionate to the needy; do not offend anyone; do not wreck another man's domestic happiness, and be content with what your own wives can give you.  If you can behave in this way, you will not be far from the Kingdom of Heaven" (Step 1:21).

Our next services: 29-30 March, the Sunday of Saint John of the Ladder - 23/03/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 29 March and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 30 March, the Fourth Sunday in Great Lent and the day of commemoration of Saint John of the Ladder. As Saturday 29 March is a day of Commemoration of the Departed, Matins that day will be preceded by a general panikhida, or memorial service, at 5.00pm.  These are additional services for our parish, made possible because of the closure of the Gosford parish until 5 April 2014 for renovations.

Services on 22-23 March, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross - 23/03/2014

On Saturday 22 March and on Sunday 23 March, the Third Sunday of Great Lent, we had services in honour of the Holy Cross. Matins with the bringing out of the Cross was served on Saturday evening, and the Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great was served on Sunday morning. Concelebrating with the parish rector was Hieromonk John (MacPherson) of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai, NSW.  A number of the faithful confessed and received Holy Communion.  Following the dismissal at Divine Liturgy and the singing of "Before Thy Cross", the faithful venerated the Holy Cross, the sign of Christ's victory over sin and death.

The funeral of George Timonin - 18/03/2014

On Tuesday 18 March the funeral of George Timonin (1948-2014) was served in our church. The Timonin family has a long association with our community and George, although a resident of Sydney for many years and a parishioner of the Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in Strathfield, was a friend and benefactor of our parish. The funeral was followed by a burial service at Sandgate Cemetery. Our parishioners and friends are asked to remember the newly-reposed servant of God George in their prayers. May God grant him rest! 

The March 2014 meeting of the Parish Council - 17/03/2014

The Parish Council met on Monday 17 March. The usual pastoral, financial and administrative reports were heard. The parish rector advised that the title to the parish property at 3 Irving Street had at last – through the good offices of Mr William (“Bill”) Reid, a solicitor and a member of the Gosford parish – been formally transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church (NSW) Property Trust, opening the way for a development application to be lodged with Newcastle City Council for the planned extension to our church. The Parish Council will next meet on Monday 7 April, immediately after Divine Liturgy on the Great Feast of the Annunciation of the Mother of God

Our next services: 22-23 March, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross - 09/03/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 22 March and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 23 March, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross.  At the end of Matins on Saturday evening, the Holy Cross will be brought out from the sanctuary and placed in the middle of the church for veneration.  This feast of the Cross is always celebrated with great joy, the sign of Christ's victory being set before us on this day for our encouragement at the mid-point of the Holy Forty Days of the Great Fast.

Services on 8-9 March, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy - 09/03/2014

On Saturday 8 March and Sunday 9 March, the First Sunday of Great Lent, we had services in honour of the Triumph of Orthodoxy and the First and Second Findings of the Head of Saint John the Baptist. On Sunday the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great was served, with the choir singing beautifully under Nataliya Rahim’s direction. In accordance with the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, a moleben “for the conversion of those in error” was served following the Prayer before the Amvon. In this service, the Church prays that the faithful will be preserved from division, whether by heresy or schism, and that the minds of those who have turned away from faith will be enlightened. As the faithful approached the Cross at the end of the service, a Diocesan collection for the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York, was taken up.

Reminder: 2014 Parish Membership - 02/03/2014

It being well into a new year, parish members are asked to renew their membership, and regular worshippers are invited to consider becoming members.  Detailed information about parish membership is available on our Administration page.  As of February 2014, the annual membership fee is $30.00. Membership is granted for a calendar year; that is, from January to December. New members gain the right to vote only after 6 months of membership. Those new members who transfer membership from another ROCOR parish may vote immediately. Paragraph 12 of the Normal Parish By-Laws requires any person wishing to become a member of a parish to make a written application to the Parish Council.   To make this easier for everyone, our parish has developed an ‘Application for Parish Membership’ form. This form can be downloaded here.

Our next services: 8-9 March, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy - 02/03/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 8 March and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 9 March in honour of the Triumph of Orthodoxy and the First and Second Findings of the Head of Saint John the Baptist.  In accordance with the practice of parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia on the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, 'The Order for a Hymn of Supplication for the Conversion of those in Error' will be served after Divine Liturgy.  During this short service, prayers are offered for those who oppose the truth of the Gospel by heresy and for those who have fallen away from the Holy Orthodox Church through schism.

Sunday 2 March, the Sunday of Forgiveness - 02/03/2014

On the evening of Sunday 2 March, the Sunday of Forgiveness, vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness was served in our parish. In accordance with the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church, the vestments were changed to black at the mid-point of the service and the singing of the solemn Lenten melodies began. After the dismissal, approximately 20 parishioners venerated the icons and asked forgiveness of one another as the choir sang the beautiful Stichera of Pascha.

9 March 2014: Collection to assist Holy Trinity Seminary - 01/03/2014

In all parishes of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese, a manadatory collection is taken up on the first Sunday in Great Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, to assist the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York.  The Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary has a special place in the life of our Diocese, many of our priets and deacons having studied there.  In our parish this year's collection will be taken up on Sunday 9 March.  Contribution envelopes will be available in church as of Saturday 8 March.  Those unable to be in church on Sunday 9 March day may make a donation directly to the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary here.

Our Autumn 2014 Schedule of Services - 01/03/2014

Our Autumn 2014 Schedule of Services is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Autumn 2014 Schedule of Services is available here, and a cooy of the Russian-language Autumn 2014 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies in both languages are also available in church.

Maslenitsa in Newcastle - A pancake night! - 28/02/2014

On Friday 28 February our parish Ladies’ Auxiliary organized a pancake night at the John Gebhardt Centre in Waratah, the home of the Newcastle and Hunter Region Ethnic Communities Council.  In this, much help was received from Elena Ferguson, Family Worker at Northern Settlement Services, and from Russian, Ukrainian and Belarussian ladies from across the Hunter Valley.  Over 120 adults and children attended, enjoying pancakes and a range of traditional foods.  The week beginning Monday 24 February was Maslenitsa – Orthodox Shrovetide – during which the people customarily relax and enjoy festive foods before the beginning of Great Lent.  Over $2400.00 was raised on the night, money that will help the Ladies’ Auxiliary in its work.  Many thanks to all who helped, and to all who attended!

A wedding – Vlad Shatrov and Cheryl Hayward - 28/02/2014

On the afternoon of Friday 28 February, in the presence of approximately 100 people, the parish rector served the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony for parishioners Vladimir Shatrov and Cheryl Juliana Hayward. Our parish warmly congratulates Vlad and Cheryl and wishes them many years of happiness together!

Our next services: Sunday 2 March, Forgiveness Sunday - 23/02/2014

Our next service will be at 5.00pm on Sunday 2 March.  This service will be vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness, at the mid-point of which the vestments are changed from gold to black and the solemn Lenten melodies are sung for the first time.

Services on 22-23 February, the Sunday of the Last Judgment - 23/02/2014

On Saturday 22 February and Sunday 23 February we had services for the departed and for the Sunday of the Last Judgment. As the Saturday was a day of commemoration of the departed, a general panikhida was served immediately before the evening service. At Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning prayers were offered for the Ukrainian land and people and the newly-illumined servant of God Jani Piiroinen received Holy Communion for the first time. Following the Prayer before the Amvon the parish rector blessed nine beautiful new red sticharia for our altar-servers, the work of Mother Christina of the Presentation of the Mother of God Convent in Bungarby, NSW. These sticharia will be used by our altar-servers during Great Lent.

The February 2014 meeting of the Parish Council - 17/02/2014

The Parish Council met on 17 February 2014. The rector gave his usual report on the life of the parish and of the Diocese, with particular attention given to Metropolitan Hilarion’s visit on 26 January for the blessing of our new Cross and the receipt on the previous day of new red sticharia for our altar-servers. Parish finances and communications were considered and the parish renovation plan was reviewed and updated.   A decision was made to increase the parish membership fee to $30.00, effective immediately, and to limit expenditure over the coming year to projects already approved, the most important of which is the extension of the church to allow for a new vestry. UPDATED: The Parish Council will next meet on Monday 17 March.

"Save our Sacred Space": A campaign to preserve the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Bombala, NSW - 15/02/2014

A campaign is underway to preserve the main monastic community for men in the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, the Holy Transfiguration Monastery near Bombala, NSW, from the effects of 120 industrial wind turbines to be constructed on an adjoining property.  Our parishioners and friends can find out more by visiting the campaign website and Facebook page.

Our next services: 22-23 February - 15/02/2014

On Saturday 22 February, a day of Commemoration of the the Departed, we will have a general memorial service at 5.00pm, followed by Matins at 6.00pm.  On Sunday 23 February, Meatfare Sunday, we will have Divine Liturgy at 9.00am.

Services on 14-15, the Great Feast of the Meeting of the Lord - 15/02/2014

On Friday 14 and Saturday 15 February we had services for the Great Feast of the Meeting of the Lord. On Friday evening All-night vigil with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil was served. On Saturday morning the parish rector concelebrated Divine Liturgy with Hieromonk John (MacPherson) of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai, NSW. In accordance with Orthodox custom, candles were blessed following the Prayer before the Amvon. Fruit was also blessed, a seasonal custom of the parishes of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.

Our next services: The Meeting of the Lord, 14-15 February - 09/02/2014

Our next services will be for the Great Feast of the Meeting of the Lord, celebrated on the fortieth day after the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil will be served at 6.00pm on Friday 14 February and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Saturday 15 February.  Following Divine Liturgy there will be a blessing of candles and - in accordance with the custom of Australian parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia - a blessing of fruit.

Services on 8-9 February, the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 09/02/2014

On Saturday 8 February and Sunday 9 February we had services for the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and in honour of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. Receiving Holy Communion for the first time at Divine Liturgy on the Sunday was the newly-baptised servant of God Martin Kalyniuk.  Also with us that day were iconographer Dimitri Lihachov, his wife Rosemary, and their daughters Kira and Nika. 

A baptism - Martin Kalyniuk - 08/02/2014

On Saturday 8 February the parish rector received into Orthodoxy a young convert from Roman Catholicism, Martin Kalyniuk.  With Metropolitan Hilarion's blessing, 'The Office for Receiving Converts from the Roman-Latin Confession' was used in the place of the 'Prayers at the Making of a Catechumen', followed by the Holy Mysteries of Baptism and Chrismation.  Martin's sponsors were Nikolai Goura and Evgenia Millard, and his heavenly protector is Saint Martin of Tours (+397), one of the great saints of the Orthodox West.  May God grant his servant Martin, newly united to the Holy Orthodox Church, many years!

Our next services: 8-9 February - 26/01/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 8 February and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 9 February for the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and in honour of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

Services on 25-26 January: Metropolitan Hilarion’s visit and the blessing of our new Cross - 26/01/2014

On Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 January we had services for the Sunday after Theophany and in honour of the Holy Martyrs Hermylus and Stratonicus (+315). With great joy, on Sunday morning we welcomed Metropolitan Hilarion to our parish for the first time since 2009. Concelebrating at Divine Liturgy were Priest James Carles, our parish rector; Priest Alexander Filchakov, former rector of the Theophany parish in Mayfield, NSW and current rector of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Protection of the Mother of God (Moscow Patriarchate) in Blacktown, NSW; Priest Theodor Postelnisescu, rector of the local Romanian Orthodox Community of ”Sfântul Apostol Andrei” (“Holy Apostle Andrew”); Hieromonk Tikhon (Gayfudinov), accompanying the Metropolitan; and Protodeacon Alexander Abramoff, a member of the Diocesan Council and a cleric of the Protection of the Holy Virgin Cathedral in Melbourne, Victoria. Following the Prayer before the Amvon, Metropolitan Hilarion blessed our beautiful new Cross, the work of Sydney iconographer Dimitri Lihachov. Afterwards...

A baptism - Ava Barton - 25/01/2014

On Saturday 25 January the parish rector baptized Ava Barton, the infant daughter of Michael and Michelle Barton and a younger sister to Zac. Ava is of Serbian Orthodox heritage, and her family has as its heavenly protector the Holy Great-Martyr and Trophy-Bearer George. Congratulations to Michael and Michelle, and to Ava’s godparents Adam Barton and Karen Flood. Through the prayers of Saint George, may God grant his newly-baptised handmaiden Ava many years!

The January 2014 meeting of the Parish Council - 24/01/2014

On the morning of Friday 24 January, the Parish Council met for the first time in 2014. The meeting was scheduled at this time so as to enable the entire Parish Council to be present when the parish’s new standing Cross, due to be delivered that day, arrived. Prior to the delivery of the Cross, the Parish Council heard the rector’s customary report on parish and Diocesan life, including his participation on Thursday 23 January in the first meeting of the newly-elected Diocesan Council. Parish finances were considered, and preparations were made for Metropolitan Hilarion’s visit on Sunday 26 January, the focus of which would be the blessing of the new Cross. Other items discussed included possible arrangements for clergy remuneration, renewal of parish membership, communications, and the design of a parish gramota, a key element of the parish awards policy. During the course of the meeting, iconographer Dimitry Lihachov arrived with the new Cross, at which time the Parish Council adjourned for an extended period. The Cross was unwrapped and placed in church, after which the troparion “Save, O Lord, Thy people” was sung. The Parish Council will next meet on Monday 17 February 2014 at 7.30pm.

Collection to benefit the infant Maxim Lvov - 20/01/2014

On 11 December 2013 Metropolitan Hilarion appealed to the faithful of the Diocese of Eastern America and New York to assist in the case of Deacon Dionysius Lvov.  The infant son of Father Dionysius and his matushka Nadiya, Maxim, became seriously ill when Father Dionysius was undertaking his duties in Toronto, Canada, and as they did not have health insurance in Canada, medical expenses of US$134,023.89 were incurred.  On 16 January 2014 Metropolitan Hilarion also appealed to the faithful of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese to assist.  Detailed information about the case is provided in the Metropolitan's December appeal.  Our parish collection will be taken up this coming Sunday, 26 January, to coincide with the Metropolitan's visit to our parish.  Please give generously!

Services for the Eve of Theophany, 17-18 January - 18/01/2014

On Friday 17 January and Saturday 18 January we had services for the Eve of Theophany, with the Great Blessing of Water served on Saturday following Divine Liturgy. Concelebrating with the parish rector at the Saturday services was Hieromonk John (MacPherson) of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai, NSW. Following the dismissal and the singing of the festive troparion and kontakion, the parish rector congratulated all with the approach of the feast, making special mention of the parishioners of the former Theophany Parish of the Moscow Patriarchate (1994-2009) in Mayfield, a neighbouring suburb of Newcastle. He noted that 2014 was both the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of that parish and the fifth anniversary of its closure and the joining of its flock with the Wallsend parish, reminding all of the importance of preserving the memory of all that was accomplished for the glory of God in the Theophany parish during the fifteen years of its existence. Afterwards, many remained behind for refreshments and fellowship in the church hall.

Our next services: Theophany Eve, 17-18 January - 12/01/2014

Our next services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Friday 17 January and Divine Liturgy with Vespers and the Blessing of Water at 9.00am on Saturday 18 January, the Eve of the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, or Theophany.  On Saturday afternoon, Father James will be blessing parish homes.

Services on 11-12 January - 12/01/2014

On Saturday 11 January and Sunday 12 January we had services for the Afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ and in honour of Saints Joseph the Betrothed, David the King, and James the Brother of the Lord. At the end of Divine Liturgy, the parish rector read the Nativity Epistle of Patriarch Kyrill of Moscow and All Russia. As it was our last service for 2013 according to the Julian calendar, a year during which the four-hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the Romanoff Dynasty was celebrated, a brief moleben to the Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia was served after the Prayer before the Amvon, and following the dismissal ‘Eternal Memory’ was sung for all the pious Tsars and Tsarinas and all the departed members of the All-Russian Imperial House. Later that day the parish rector travelled to the studio of iconographer Dimitri Lihachov on Scotland Island to see our beautiful new “Golgotha” Cross, due to be delivered to our parish on Friday 24 January.  Some simple photographs of the new Cross can be seen on our Facebook page.

Services for the Nativity of Christ, 6-7 January - 07/01/2014

On Monday 6 January and Tuesday 7 January we had services for the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ. A great many people from Newcastle and the Central Coast were present for All-night vigil on Monday evening, with others having travelled from as far away as Port Macquarie. In honour of the Great Feast, for the litia at the end of Great Compline there was a procession around the church, with the first and fifth prayers of intercession intoned before the church doors, and the other prayers intoned in turn at each of the other three sides. A great many people gathered again on Tuesday morning for the festive Divine Liturgy, at which the newly-baptised handmaiden of God Juliana received Holy Communion for the first time. At the end of Divine Liturgy the customary moleben of thanksgiving was served to mark the anniversary of the deliverance in 1812 of the Russian Church and Empire from the invasion of the French and twelve other nations. A festive lunch for parishioners and friends was then held, with some 60 people gathering. At lunch a short Nativity play was presented by the parish children, and afterwards there was a visit from Father Christmas.

Two baptisms, and the blessing of new white sticharia - 04/01/2014

On Saturday 4 January 2014 there were two baptisms in our parish. The first, in the mroning, was of Cheryl Hayward, a young woman preparing for marriage in our church in February 2014. In baptism, Cheryl received the name Juliana in honour of the Righteous Juliana of Lazarevo. Her sponsor at baptism was Anka Radmanovich. We congratulate the newly-baptised handmaiden of God Juliana on her reception in the Holy Orthodox Church, and pray that God will grant her many years.  The second baptism, that afternoon, was of Dominic Rahim, the infant son of Reza Rahim and our choir conductor Nataliya Rahim. Dominic, who is a younger brother to Alexander, received the name Domety in baptism. His godparents were Alexander Drobyshev and Ksenia East. Our warmest congratulations to Reza, Nataliya, Alexander and Ksenia. May God grant his newly-baptised servant Domety many years!  On this day we also...

Services on 21-22 December - 22/12/2013

On Saturday 21 December and Sunday 22 December we had services in honour of the ‘Unexpected Joy’ Icon of the Mother of God. At Divine Liturgy our new choir conductor, Nataliya Rahim, led the choir for the first time. Many people, both children and adults, received Holy Communion. After the Prayer before the Amvon a short moleben to the Mother of God was served, at which all our parishioners were commemorated by name, the beautiful prayer from the Akathist composed in honour of the ‘Unexpected Joy’ Icon was read, and the magnification was sung. Later, the choir gathered to carefully prepare for the Christmas services on 6-7 January, and our Ladies’ Auxiliary changed the vestments and arranged the church in readiness for the Romanian Orthodox Christmas service on 25 December.

Parish Calendars for 2014 - 20/12/2013

In 2014 our parish will once again be providing parishioners and friends with two calendars to assist participation in the life of the parish and the wider Russian Orthodox Church.  The first of these is a magnetic calendar that sets out the contact details for our parish and marks the Saturdays and Sundays throughout the year on which we will have services.  The second is a Russian-English wall calendar published by Saint Innocent Press that provides details of fasts, feasts, daily commemorations and Scripture readings, and which gives both the "New" and "Old" calendar dates. This year's wall calendar commemorates sixty-five years of Orthodoxy in the Hunter Valley and fifty years since the consecration of our church.  Both calendars will be available for collection from 6 January 2014 onwards.

An archpastoral visit from Metropolitan Hilarion - 20/12/2013

On Sunday 26 January 2014, God willing, His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion will visit our parish and preside at Divine Liturgy, blessing our new "Golgotha" cross at the end of the service and afterwards joining us for a festive meal.  2014 is an important year for our parish, one in which we celebrate sixty-five years of Russian Orthodoxy in the Hunter Valley, fifty years since the consecration of our church, twenty years since the establishment of the Theophany parish of the Moscow Patriarchate, and five years since that parish closed its doors and joined with our parish of Saint Nicholas, thereby uniting the Russian Orthodox faithful of Newcastle.  It is with joy, therefore, that we will welcome Metropolitan Hilarion at the beginning of this commemorative year.  Our parishioners and friends are asked to keep this Sunday free so as to be present to welcome Vladyka.

Marking the end of the Jubilee Year commemorating 400 years of the Romanov Dynasty - 20/12/2013

During 2013 the Russian Orthodox Church has prayerfully commemorated the four-hundredth anniversary of the establishment, in 1613, of the Romanov Dynasty. The accession of 16 year-old Tsar Mikhail Romanov to the throne brought to an end the Time of Troubles and marked the beginning of a period of stability for Russia, and this year many events and activities commemorating this event have taken place throughout the world. In church life, the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia decreed that Tsar-Martyr Nicholas and all the Holy Royal Martyrs be commemorated at the dismissal of each Divine Liturgy throughout 2013, and that “Eternal Memory” be to be sung to the Righteous Tsars and Tsarinas of the Romanov Dynasty and to “all members of the family of the All Russian Imperial House” on the first Sunday of Great Lent. These instructions have been faithfully observed in our parish. To mark the end of the Jubilee Year, on 12 January 2014, our last service in 2013 according to the Julian (or “Old”) Calendar (on which calendar it will be 30 December 2013), there will be a moleben to the Royal Martyrs of Russia at the end of Divine Liturgy. After this, “Eternal Memory” will again be sung for the departed members of the Imperial House.

Romanian Orthodox Christmas service on Wednesday 25 December - 20/12/2013

For a number of years now, with Metropolitan Hilarion’s blessing, the Romanian Orthodox Community of ”Sfântul Apostol Andrei” (“Holy Apostle Andrew”), under the leadership of Father Theodor Postelnisecu, a priest of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, has celebrated Divine Liturgy in our church on certain Sundays and feast-days on which our own parish has not had services.  As the Romanian Orthodox Church follows the Revised Julian (or “New”) Calendar, it will celebrate the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ on Wednesday 25 December. Commencing at 9.00am, festive Divine Liturgy will be celebrated in our church on this day, with Father Theodor presiding. All who wish to join him and the Romanian Orthodox congregation are welcome to do so.

Commemorating Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker - 19/12/2013

On Wednesday 18 December and Thursday 19 December we had services in honour of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia, the heavenly protector of our parish. All-night vigil with the blessing of loaves and wheat, wine and oil was served on Wednesday evening, and Divine Liturgy was served on Thursday morning. Joining the parish rector for Divine Liturgy was Hieromonk John (Macpherson) of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Monkerai, NSW. The Apostol was read by the parish Warden, Nikolai Nikolaevich Goura, celebrating his name-day that day. Receiving Holy Communion for the first time was Vasilissa Dawson, baptised in our parish on 8 December. After the Prayer before the Amvon a brief moleben to Saint Nicholas was served at which all our parishioners were commemorated by name. Following the dismissal, the rector congratulated Mr Goura on his name-day, and Many Years was sung for him. A number of those present then gathered for a light festive meal in the church hall, while our parish choir had its first rehearsal under the guidance of our new choir conductor, Nataliya Rahim.

The December 2013 meeting of the Parish Council - 16/12/2013

On Monday 16 December the Parish Council met for the final time in 2013. The Parish Council heard the rector’s usual reports on parish life and Diocesan life and considered comprehensive new parish financial reports prepared by Parish Council member Anu Kinnunen. Father James and Irina Lupish reported on their participation in the Seventeenth Diocesan Conference. A range of other issues were discussed, including the preparation of candidates for baptism, fundraising, risk management, progress towards formal registration of parish property under the Russian Orthodox Church (NSW) Property Trust, and church renovations. Father James reported that our new “Golgotha” cross, the first element of a project that will culminate in the frescoing of the church, would be finished in January 2014. The Parish Council will next meet on Monday 27 January 2014.

The 17th Diocesan Conference - 14/12/2013

On Thursday 12, Friday 13 and Saturday 14 December the Diocese of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia held its seventeenth triennial Diocesan Conference. Representing our parish at the Conference were the rector, Priest James Carles, and the lay delegate elected by parish members, Mrs Irene Lupish. Delegates to the Conference heard reports from the Ruling Bishop, Metropolitan Hilarion, and from the Diocesan Treasurer, Mr Nicholas Nedachin, before discussing a range of legal, administrative and pastoral matters. On the third day of the Conference our rector, Father James, was chosen by delegates to be one of the five members in priestly rank of the new Diocesan Council. The other members of the Diocesan Council are Mitred Archpriest Michael Protopopov, Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff, Archpriest Gabriel Makarov, Archpriest George Lapardin, Protodeacon Alexander Abramoff, Nicholas Nedachin, Dimitri Roudenko, Nicholas Wirubow, and Lubov Cowall.  A photo-report of the proceedings of the Diocesan Conference and the text of the Conference Resolution can be viewed on the Diocesan website here.

The final gathering of our playgroup "Teremok" for 2013 - 13/12/2013

On Friday 13 December our playgroup “Teremok” held its last meeting for the year. The children listened to the Russian folk-tale “Repka” (“Turnip”) and ate a “rainbow” of fruit made to celebrate the conclusion of the "Colours and Seasons" theme for lessons and activities during November and December. All present sang New Year songs and joined hands for a traditional round dance. Before leaving, each of the children received a small gift. This year we had three graduates: Isaac Harwood, Ruben Reynolds and Ryan Reynolds. We wish the boys success in their future studies and all the best. The first gathering of “Teremok” in 2014 will be on Friday 7 February, the first Friday of that month. We look forward to seeing you in 2014!

The 17th Diocesan Conference - 11/12/2013

The 17th Diocesan Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia will take place at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield, on Thursday 12, Friday 13 and Saturday 14 December 2013.  On Thursday delegates will register, welcome Metropolitan Hilarion, and participate in prayers.  After dinner, Metropolitan Hilarion and the Diocesan Treasurer will give their reports.  On Friday the Assembly will give its attention to a range of pastoral, legal and administrative matters.  A report will also be given to the Assembly on youth matters, and lunch and dinner will be served.  On Saturday the Assembly will elect a Diocesan Council and Auditing Committee and discuss any general business.  The Assembly will conclude with a service of thanksgiving at 11.00am.  Representing our parish and participating in the work of the Conference will be the parish rector, Priest James Carles, and lay delegate Irene Lupish.

Our next weekend services: 21-22 December - 08/12/2013

Our next weekend services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 21 December and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 22 December.  These will be our final services for 2013, and the last before our celebration of the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ on January 6-7.

Our next services: Commemorating Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker - 08/12/2013

Our next services will be in honour of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia, the heavenly protector of our parish.  At 6.00pm on Wednesday 18 December we will have all-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves, and at 9.00 am on Thursday 19 December we will have Divine Liturgy.  Following Divine Liturgy there will be a general moleben to Saint Nicholas.  The December feast of Saint Nicholas, the day of his repose, is not the patronal feast of our parish; this is celebrated on 9/22 May, the  day of the translation of his relics from Myra in Lycia to Bari in Italy.

A baptism - 08/12/2013

On Sunday 8 December the parish rector baptised Alizetta Dawson, the infant daughter of John and Yelena Dawson. Her godparents were Olga Zybin and Vassiliy Muratov. In baptism Alizetta was given the name Vasilissa in honour of the Martyr Vasilissa of Nicomedia. Congratulations to John, Yelena, Olga and Vassiliy. May God grant His newly-baptised handmaiden Vasilissa many years!

Services on 7-8 December - 08/12/2013

On Saturday 7 December and Sunday 8 December we had services for the Leavetaking of the Great Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple and in honour of the Holy Hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome (+101).  As Thursday 5 December was the fifth anniversary of the repose of the Most Holy Patriarch, Alexey II of Moscow and All Russia, a memorial litia was served following Divine Liturgy.  The parish rector spoke beforehand of the wise leadership of Patriarch Alexey during an extraordinary period in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church, a period at the end of which decades-old division in the life of the Church was finally overcome.  May his memory be eternal!

Celebrating Saint Katherine's Day in Gosford - 07/12/2013

On Saturday 7 December a small group of our parishioners travelled to the parish of Saint Panteleimon, Gosford, for Divine Liturgy on the day of commemoration of the Great-Martyr Katherine of Alexandria.  Amongst our parishioners attending were Katy Goura, Katie Carles amd Katya Martin, all of whom celebrating their name-day.  After Divine Liturgy our playgroup co-ordinator Asya Harwood led an activity for the younger children present.  A full report and a selection of photographs are available on the Gosford parish website here.

Services on the Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple - 04/12/2013

On Tuesday 3 December and Wednesday 4 December we had services for the Great Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Tuesday evening, and Divine Liturgy was served on Wednesday morning.  A number of visitors from the parish of Saint Panteleimon, Gosford, joined us for Divine Liturgy and for a cup of tea afterwards.

Our next weekend services: 7-8 December - 24/11/2013

Our next weekend services will be Matins at 6.00pm on Saturday 7 December and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 8 December.  These services will be for the Leavetaking of the Great Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple and in honour of the Hieromartyr Clement, Bishop of Rome (+101 AD). 

Our next services: The Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple, 3-4 December - 24/11/2013

Our next services will be All-night Vigil with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil, beginning at 6.00pm on Tuesday 3 December, and Divine Liturgy beginning at 9.00am on Wednesday 4 December, the day of the Great Feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple.  All are welcome to join us!

Services on 23-24 November - 24/11/2013

On Saturday 23 November and Sunday 24 November we had services in honour of the Martyrs Minas, Victor and Vincent of Spain (+304 AD) and the Venerable Theodore, Abbot of Studion (+826 AD).  Receiving Holy Communion for the first time on this day was the newly-baptised infant David.  The customary November collection for the Fund for Assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia was taken up at the end of Divine Liturgy, raising $640.00, a pleasing amount for our small parish.  An Extraordinary Parish Meeting (Чрезвычаное Приходское Собрание) was then convened to elect a lay parish delegate to attend the 17h Diocesan Conference, to be held in Strathfield from December 12-14, 2013.  The delegate chosen by the parish was Irene Lupish.  We congratulate Irene on her election and wish her all the best as she participates in the important work of the Diocesan conference.

A baptism - 23/11/2013

On 23 November the parish rector baptised David Evteev, the infant son of Alexander Evteev and Elena Levchenko and baby brother to Sophia.  David's godparents are Yuri and Luba Totoev.  Congratulations to Alexander, Elena, Yuri and Luba.  May God grant his newly baptised servant David many years!

Services on the anniversary of the repose of Archpriest John Lupish (+1977) - 22/11/2013

In 2003 our parish began to solemnly observe the day of repose of our founding rector, the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish, who departed this life in 1977 after 25 years' service in this parish and 39 years in priestly rank.  On 22 November each year - unless it falls on a Sunday - Divine Liturgy for the departed is now served, with a panikhida afterwards at his grave in Sandgate Cemetery. A parastas, or Great Panikhida, is generally served on the preceding evening.  In accordance with this practice, a number of parishioners gathered again this year on Thursday 21 and Friday 22 November.  As it was raining when Divine Liturgy ended on Friday, the panikhida was served in church rather than in the cemetery, and those present gathered in the hall afterwards for tea.  Photographs and reminiscences of Father John - whose memory is dear to the parish - were shared, and it is expected that they will be published on this website soon.

The November 2013 meeting of the Parish Council - 18/11/2013

Our Parish Council held its November 2013 meeting on Monday 18 November.  The rector reported on parish life - including a number of forthcoming baptisms - and on the life of the Diocese.  The Parish Council also heard reports on the new parish website and other parish communications.  It reviewed progress on the church extension plans, the parish iconography project, and and other improvements to the church and hall, and considered the drafts of new financial reports and guidelines.  The forthcoming Extraordinary Parish Meeting (Чрезвычаное Приходское Собрание) on 24 November and the Diocesan Conference on 12-14 December were discussed.  The Parish Council will next meet on Monday 16 December.

Services on 9-10 November - 10/11/2013

On Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 November we had services in honour of Saint Job, Abbot and Wonderworker of Pochaev, a saint whose influence on the life and historical path of our Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia cannot be overestimated.  At these services we also honoured the memory of Blessed Theophil of Kiev, with icons of both saints set forth in the middle of the church for veneration.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday the newly-enightened infant Bridget Morrison, baptised in our church on the preceding day, received Holy Communion for the first time.  In his sermon, the parish rector referred to the second appointed reading from the Apostol, Galatians 5:22-6:2, and spoke of the manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit - "love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control" - in the lives of Saints Job and Theophil.  Following the dismissal Anna Pavolvna Morhun, our Head Sister, speaking on behalf of the parish, congratulated Father James on his recent name-day, the feast of the Holy Apostle James, Brother of the Lord (23 October/5 November).  The parish choir then sang "Many Years" for him.

Services on 26-27 October - 27/10/2013

On Saturday 26 October and Sunday 27 October we had services in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council.  Following Matins on Saturday evening, the First Hour (Ensimmäisen hetki) was read in Finnish by Anu Kinnunen, a member of our Parish Council and an Orthodox Finn.   On Sunday morning we were joined for Divine Liturgy by Subdeacon Nicholas Martinov and his family from the parish of Saint Nicholas in Fairfield, Sydney.  Subdeacon Nicholas, a longstanding friend of our parish, has assisted at hierarchical services in our Diocese from the time of the episcopacy of the ever-memorable Archbishop Savva (Raevsky)(+17 April 1976).

Spring Bazaar - 13/10/2013

On Saturday 19 October 2013 our parish will hold a Spring Bazaar in the church grounds,  There will be stalls with cakes, plants, pretty stones, childrens' and baby clothes, toys, books, sweets, fresh vegetables, souvenirs, and bric-a-brac.  There will also be a jumping castle, a raffle, and tea and coffee.  Please join us!

Services on 12-13 October - 13/10/2013

Saturday 12 October was the twentieth anniversary of the uncovering of the incorrupt relics of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco, an event that preceded his solemn glorification in 1994 by the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia.  On the evening of Saturday 12 and the morning of Sunday 13 October the parish rector presided at services in honour of the Holy Hieromartyr Gregory, enlightener of Greater Armenia.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday, a moleben was served to the Mother of God and to Saint John.  It being the eve of the feast of the Protection of the Theotokos, our icon of the Mother of God “Protectress of Newcastle” was placed in the centre of the church alongside the parish icon of saint John.  After the moleben...

A fundraiser at the Parish of All Saints of Russia, Croydon (Sydney) - 11/10/2013

On Sunday 20 October 2013 the parish of All Saints of Russia in Croydon, an inner suburb of Sydney, will host a fundraising wine appreciation evening beginning at 6.00pm.  Established in 1961 as the Residential Chapel of the Ruling Bishop of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, the church of All Saints of Russia has now been at the heart of Diocesan life for over 50 years.  Our parishioners are strongly encouraged to attend, showing support for parish life in Croydon and building friendships with the faithful there.  Click on the image to the left for more information.

The Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross - 27/09/2013

On Thursday 26 September and Friday 27 September 2013 the parish rector presided at services for the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross.  All-night vigil with the blessing of loaves and wheat, wine and oil was served on Thursday evening.  As is customary, the Holy Cross was brought forth from the sanctuary at the end of the singing of the Doxology, after which the faithful, having venerated it, received the blessed bread and anointing with oil.  Later that evening...

Services for the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross - 22/09/2013

On Thursday 26 September and Friday 27 September 2013 we will have services for the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross.  All-night vigil with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil and the bringing out of the Cross will be served at 6.00pm on Thursday, and Divine Liturgy will be served at 9.00am on Friday.

Services on 12-13 October 2013 - 22/09/2013

As there are five Sundays in September this year, there are now no scheduled services in our parish until Saturday 12 October and Sunday 13 October 2013.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday 13 October, the eve of the Feast of the Protection of the Holy Virgin, we will have a moleben before our icon of the Mother of God, "Protectress of Newcastle".  There will be no services in our parish this year for the feast of the Protection of the Holy Virgin as our rector will be participating in services at the parish of the Protection of the Holy Virgin in Cabramatta, Sydney, to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of that parish.

Services on 21-22 September, Annual General Meeting - 22/09/2013

On Saturday 21 September and Sunday 22 September 2013 the parish rector presided at services for the Afterfeast of Mother of God and in honour of the parents of the Holy Virgin, the Righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna.  Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday the Annual General Meeting of our parish was held.  At the AGM the 2013 Annual Report was received and the 2012-13 Parish Council was re-elected unopposed.  Congratulations to the members of the re-elected Parish Council!

2013 Annual Report - 18/09/2013

The 2013 Annual Report of our Parish Council is now available on our Administration page.  It can also be viewed or downloaded here.  The 2013 Annual Report will be presented to our Annual General Meeting this coming Sunday, 22 September 2013.

Services on 7-8 September 2013 - 08/09/2013

On Saturday and Sunday 7-8 September the parish rector presided at services in honour of the Holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia and of the Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in Moscow in 1395.  A new Australian government having been elected the previous day, prayers for the civil authorities were added to the Augmented Litany during Divine Liturgy...

Repose of Michael Jermolajew - 01/09/2013

On Saturday 1 September 2013 we learned with sadness of the repose, after a period of illness, of our long-standing parishioner and church builder, Michael Jermolajew.  Born in Moscow in September 1916, Michael departed this life aged 96.  May God grant him rest!  Our parish offers sincere condolences to Michael’s daughter Nella and to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  Michael’s funeral will be served at Saint Nicholas’ at 10.00am on Friday 6 September 2013.  Following this, he will be laid to rest in Wallsend Cemetery alongside his wife, Raisa.

Services on 24-25 August 2013 - 25/08/2013

On Saturday and Sunday 24-25 August the parish rector presided at services for the Afterfeast of the Transfiguration and in honour of the Holy Martyrs Photius and Anicetus.  It being the last service in our parish before the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, many of the faithful took the opportunity to confess and receive Holy Communion.  Following Divine Liturgy, a memorial litia was served for the late ever-memorable Alexander Georgievich Medwedew, it being the eve of the eighth anniversary of his repose.  Mr Medwedew was for many years both a chorister and the Warden of our parish, and it was he who led the Building Committee for our current church.  May his memory be eternal!

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord - 19/08/2013

On Sunday 18 August and Monday 19 August 2013 we celebrated the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ.  All-night vigil with the blessing of five loaves and wheat, wine and oil was served at 6.00pm on Sunday evening.  On Monday morning, the parish rector served Divine Liturgy.  As is customary, grapes and other fruit were blessed at the end of Divine Liturgy.  This year, a quantity of organic honey from the Wollombi Valley – a gift from friends of our parish - was also blessed, the jars of which were then distributed to the faithful.

The feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is an important one for us, it being the day on which the ever-memorable founder of our parish, Archpriest John Lupish, arrived in Australia in 1949 with his family and many who were to become his parishioners.  In 2014 we will celebrate 65 years since his arrival and the beginnings of Russian Orthodox life in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley.

Shortly before all-night vigil on Sunday 18 August a group of relatives and friends gathered in Sandgate Cemetery for a memorial service marking the passing of almost twelve months since the repose of the ever-memorable Anton Szabunia, who departed this life on 20 August 2012.  Mr Szabunia also arrived in Australia on 19 August 1949, travelling here aboard MV Fairsea with the Lupish family and many others.  May God grant him rest!

A visit to our parish of His Grace Mihail, Ruling Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Australia and New Zealand - 04/08/2013

For a number of years now, with Metropolitan Hilarion’s blessing, the Romanian Orthodox Community of ”Sfântul Apostol Andrei” (“Holy Apostle Andrew”), under the leadership of Father Theodor Postelnisecu, a priest of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, has celebrated Divine Liturgy in our church on certain Sundays on which our own parish has not had services.  

On Sunday 4 August 2013 His Grace Bishop Mihail, Ruling Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, visited Newcastle, presiding at Divine Liturgy in our church.  Although the parish rector could not be present because of commitments in the Gosford parish, Subdeacon Luke Goura assisted at the service and a small number of our parishioners joined the Romanian Orthodox Community in church.  A festive lunch was held in the church hall afterwards.

This was the second time that Bishop Mihail had visited our church.  We are grateful for this opportunity to assist the Romanian Orthodox community and strengthen the links between Orthodox Christians in Newcastle and the wider Hunter region.

Visit of His Grace Mihail, Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Australia and New Zealand, Sunday 4 August 2013 - 02/08/2013

On Sunday 4 August 2013 the Romanian Orthodox Community of ”SFÂNTUL APOSTOL ANDREI” will celebrate Divine Liturgy in our church, beginning at 10.00am.  His Grace Bishop Mihail, Ruling Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, will be present, together with Mr Floricel Mocanu, the Romanian Consul General.  A festive lunch will be held afterwards, and those attending are asked to bring a plate to share - bearing in mind that the Romanian Orthodox Church follows the "new" calendar, and that the Dormition Fast will commence for them on 1 August.  More information can be obtained from the rector of the Romanian Orthodox community, Father Theodor Postelnisecu on 0430-303069.

Celebrating 1025 years of Christianity in Russia - 28/07/2013

On Sunday 28 July 2013, the day of commemoration of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles and Enlightener of the Russian Peoples, Grand Duke Vladimir,  our parish joined the wider Russian Orthodox Church in celebrating the passing of 1025 years since the conversion of Saint Vladimir and the Baptism of Rus'.  The Lesser Blessing of Waters was served early that morning.  At the end of the Divine Liturgy the parish rector read aloud the Message of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia and the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church to Archpastors, Priests, Monastics and Laity on the Occasion of the 1025th Anniversary of the Baptism of Rus', printed copies of which were later distributed to the faithful in both Russian and English.  Following the dismissal, there was a moleben to Saint Vladimir together with a cross procession.  In the litany at the conclusion of the moleben, prayers of thanksgiving for God's mercy on the Russian land and people were offered, together with petitions for Saint Vladimir's help and the deliverance of the church from schism and division.

The feast day of the Holy Preёminent Apostles, Peter and Paul - Strathfield - 12/07/2013

As the feast-day of Saints Peter and Paul is the patronal feast of the Cathedral of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese, we customarily do not have services in our parish on this day.  Rather, our rector - and those of our parishioners able to make the journey to Sydney - participate in the services at the Cathedral.  This year, His Grace Bishop George of Mayfield, Vicar of the Eastern American Diocese - visiting Australia at Metropolitan Hilarion's invitation - presided at the Divine Services. Concelebrating were the cathedral clergy and a number of priests and deacons from the smaller New South Wales parishes.  At the Small Entrance during Divine Liturgy our rector, Priest James Carles, was awarded the right to wear the gold pectoral cross in recognition of his diligent pastoral service.  A photo-report, together with more information in Russian, is available here.

Pentecost 2013 - 23/06/2013

On Saturday 22 June and Sunday 23 June 2013 we had services for the Great Feast of Pentecost.  On Saturday evening we had All-night Vigil with the blessing of loaves, wheat, wine, and oil.  On Sunday morning we had Divine Liturgy followed by Vespers and the "kneeling prayers".  The church was decorated beautifully with green branches and flowers.

A visit to Scotland Island to see our new Cross - 18/05/2013

On Saturday 18 May 2013 the parish rector, Father James Carles, together with Matushka Marie and three of their children, visited the studio of iconographer Dimitri Lihachov on Scotland Island in Sydney's Pittwater.  Dimitri is working on a beautiful new "Golgotha" Cross for our parish, the first stage of a major project of refurbishment that is planned to culminate in the frescoing of the church.  God willing, Dimitri's work will be finished in August 2013.  Arrangements will then be made to transport the Cross from Scotland Island to Wallsend.











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