Saint Nicholas' is an Orthodox Christian parish of East Slavic tradition serving Newcastle and the Hunter Valley. It includes Orthodox Christians of Belarussian, Ukrainian, Russian, Macedonian, and other backgrounds. We are a parish of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. The Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, a self-governing part of the Russian Orthodox Church, is completely independent in pastoral, educational, administrative, management, property, and civil matters. Our parish is doctrinally Orthodox, liturgically traditional, and welcoming to all. In our services we use English, the language of this country, together with Church Slavonic, the liturgical language of the Slavic peoples. Established in 1952, our parish is the oldest continuously functioning Orthodox parish in the Hunter Valley and one of the oldest in our Diocese. Visiting our parish
We usually have services on the second and fourth Sundays of each month and on the preceding Saturday evenings. Our Schedule of Services can be viewed here. Our church is generally only open when we have services. Visitors are always welcome! If you would like to contact us before visiting, it is best to send an email. We check this inbox regularly and will respond to messages within 24 hours. You can also contact us in the same way to arrange baptisms and memorial services. The availability of our parish priest
Our parish priest, Archpriest James Carles, serves here in a voluntary capacity. He does not live in the Hunter Region but travels here from the Central Coast for services. He has part-time secular employment during the week and is presently undertaking full-time tertiary study. In addition to our parish, he has responsibility for Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church in Gosford and Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the New South Wales Mid North Coast. During study periods (in 2025, 17 February-12 July and 21 July-15 November) his pastoral availability is strictly limited to scheduled services in the three communities; individual “needs” that arise in connection with these scheduled services (e.g. confessions, molebens, and memorial services); essential parish administrative tasks; and end-of-life care and funerals. Father James is available to talk after Divine Liturgy on the Sundays when we have a service. He can also be contacted by email. Supporting our parish
Our parish is a small one that relies on community support and the voluntary service of our clergy to make ends meet. If you find this website to be of interest or of assistance, please consider helping us. Donations may be made directly to our bank account:
St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church BSB: 032-509 Account number: 281104
May the Lord bless you! Forthcoming services and activities
Parish Life
Services on 8-9 February, the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 09/02/2025
On Saturday 8 February and Sunday 9 February we had services for the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and in honour of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. At Matins and Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys. To the great joy of our small parish, the choir at Divine Liturgy was formed by the Russian Orthodox Male Choir of Australia (ROMCA). At the conclusion of the Sunday service the parish rector congratulated ROMCA conductor Reader Nektary Kotlaroff and his choristers on their important and edifying work, wishing them God’s continued help and a successful trip to Russia later this year. Following the service many of the faithful took the opportunity to speak with members of the choir and purchase recordings of their work. A collection taken up during the service and a donation from the Parish Council raised $1500 to assist the choir. 00001
Services on 25-26 January, the Sunday after Theophany - 26/01/2025
On Saturday 25 January and Sunday 26 January we had services for the Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday after Theophany, and in honour of Martyrs Hermylus and Stratonicus of Belgrade (+c.315 AD). Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours, Divine Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Water were served on Sunday morning. It being Australia Day, prayers for the civil authorities and a prayer of thanksgiving for the blessings bestowed upon us in this country were offered at Divine Liturgy. A prayer of thanksgiving was also offered for the work of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Theophany, a parish in Mayfield (Newcastle) that existed from 1994-2009. 00002
A service on Sunday 12 January, the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ - 12/01/2025
On Sunday 12 January we had services for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ. There was no service on the preceding Saturday evening. The Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Church, peace in Ukraine, and peace in the Holy Land. At the end of the service a prayer of blessing was read over a new icon of New Hieromartyr Silvester of Omsk (+1920), a gift to our parish from Lidia Stroud-Watts. 00003
Services on 6-7 January, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ - 07/01/2025
On Monday 6 January and Tuesday 7 January we had services for Christmas, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ. All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Monday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Tuesday morning. These were our first Christmas Day services since 2019. On both days our small church was full to overflowing. At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for the unity of the Orthodox Church, peace in Ukraine, and peace in the Holy Land. A great many of the faithful received Holy Communion, and Archbishop George’s Nativity Epistle was read in place of a sermon. Following the services on Tuesday many people gathered in the church hall for a festive meal and a visit from Father Christmas. Church & Community Life
A Pastoral Conference of the Australian New-Zealand Diocese - 19/03/2025
On Tuesday 18 March and Wednesday 18 March 2025 the clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese will gather in Melbourne for their customary Great Lenten Pastoral Conference. On Tuesday the clergy will meet at the Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral for the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion at 5.00pm and Lenten Matins and confession at 6.00pm. On Wednesday from 8.00am the Lenten Hours, the Typika and the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be served at the Cathedral with Archbishop George presiding and Diocesan clergy concelebrating. Those of the faithful who have the opportunity to do so are welcome to attend the services on Wednesday morning and may – if properly prepared – receive Holy Communion. Following Divine Liturgy the clergy will meet in the cathedral hall for lunch, to hear a number of short talks, and to discuss pastoral, liturgical and administrative matters. One of the talks will be given by Archpriest Serge Kotar, a respected and long-serving clergyman of our Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia now attached to the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York. |