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The patronal feast of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 31/12/2023

On Saturday 30 December and Sunday 31 December, the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday before the Nativity of Christ, our parish rector Archpriest James Carles led services at  Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast in honour of its patron saint.  The December commemoration of Saint Symeon - he is also commemorated in February, May, June and September – is the main feast-day of the saint and the patronal feast-day of the Mission.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Saturday evening.  This was the first time since its establishment that the Mission had had an evening service.  Early on Sunday morning there was a lesser blessing of water, after which the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served.  Following a moleben to Saint Symeon and the customary singing of ‘Many years’, all present shared a festive meal.  The services and lunch were held at Boambee Memorial Hall, just outside Coffs Harbour.  Concelebrating at the divine services together with Father James was Archpriest Dionysios Halim, the rector of the Holy Dormition parish in Wollongong, NSW.

2023 - The year in review - 31/12/2023

This year was a peaceful and uneventful one in the life of our parish.  The COVID-19 pandemic having come to an end, we resumed social gatherings in the church hall after Sunday and feast-day services.  Our services were regularly attended by a number of people, both young and old, interested in learning more about the Orthodox Christian faith.  We had five baptisms in 2023, two of adult converts to Orthodoxy and three of children.  There was one wedding.  Two of our parishioners were laid to rest: Tamara Adamczyk (+13 January 2023) and Maria Istomyn (+12 June 2023).  We continued to pray for an end to the fratricidal war in Ukraine and from October we offered prayers for peace in the much-suffering Holy Land.  In May our clergy participated in celebrations marking the centenary of the founding of the first Russian Orthodox parish in Australia, that of what is now the Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Brisbane.  Together with the Gosford parish we provided an English-Russian 2023 wall calendar commemorating the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese.  We continued to support the Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Mission on the Mid North Coast of the New South Wales.  In December our clergy and five of our parishioners received Diocesan medals in honour of this same anniversary, and another five of our parishioners received parish awards.  All the news from 2023 can be read here.  Glory be to God for all things!

The Epistle of the Synod of Bishops to the Clergy and Flock of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 24/12/2023

On 10 December 2023, at the conclusion of its Winter session in New York, our Synod of Bishops published an Epistle to the Clergy and Flock of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  An extract: “It is necessary, in maintaining one’s Christian character, to firmly - yet calmly and with dignity - defend Holy Orthodoxy, her doctrine of marriage, of our families, of traditional values and religious freedoms. And if our word is combined with the example of an upright Christian life, marked out by active care for our children and their upbringing in the Christian spirit, then our word will prove itself a living and convincing testimony, not only for children and youth, but also for the societies around us.  Let us seek to remember that, no matter how difficult the situation in which a Christian lives, no matter what dark clouds may gather over him, he will always emerge victorious over all evils if he is able, with God’s help, to maintain his faith.”  The complete text of the Epistle is available in English here and in Russian here.

The presentation of Diocesan and parish awards to our deacon and ten parishioners - 24/12/2023

On Tuesday 19 December, the summer feast-day of Saint Nicholas, and on Sunday 24 December, the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, the parish rector presented Diocesan and parish awards to our deacon and ten parishioners.  Deacon Michal Matys and our parishioners Subdeacon Vitaly Lupish, Subdeacon Luke Goura, Nikolai Goura, Irene Lupish, and Eugenia Millard received medals and certificates commemorating the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of our Diocese.  The face of the medal has a portrait of the ever-memorable Metropolitan Hilarion (+2022), the longest-serving Ruling Bishop of the Diocese, and the reverse has an inscription explaining the award.  Lucea Szabunia, Dean Crawford, Raisa Zyza, Olga Bogacheva and Paul Goura received parish Certificates of Appreciation.  Further information about awards in the Russian Orthodox Church, in our Diocese, and in our parish, is available here.

Services on 23-24 December, the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers - 24/12/2023

On Saturday 23 December and Sunday 24 December we had services for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Forefathers.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  In place of a sermon the recent Epistle of the Synod of Bishops to the Clergy and Flock of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia was read aloud in English and in Russian.  After Divine Liturgy there was a presentation of Diocesan and parish awards.  These were our final services for 2023.

Services on 18-19 December, the day of commemoration of Saint Nicholas - 19/12/2023

On Monday 18 December and Tuesday 19 December we had services in honour of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, archbishop of Myra in Lycia (+342 AD), the heavenly protector of our parish.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of five loaves, wheat, wine and oil was served on Monday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Tuesday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land. Following Divine Liturgy there was a moleben to Saint Nicholas and a presentation of a number of Diocesan and parish awards, after which those present gathered in the church for a festive meal.

Our 2023 Annual General Meeting - 10/12/2023

On Sunday 10 December our parish held its 2023 Annual General Meeting.  The 2023 Annual Report was presented and accepted, and Irene Lupish, Olga Bogacheva, Lucea Szabunia and Dean (Nicholas) Crawford were elected to serve on the 2023-24 Parish Council.

Services on 9-10 December, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 10/12/2023

On Saturday 9 December and Sunday 10 December we had services for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the wonderworking Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  At the completion of the services on Sunday, an announcement was made concerning the Annual General Meeting of the parish to be held that afternoon.

Our 2023 Annual Report - 06/12/2023

Our 2023 Annual Report, including the independently audited 2022-23 Financial Statements, is now available.  It includes information about the governance of our parish and gives a little parish history.  It also summarises the life and activity of the parish in 2022-23 and provides details of some future plans.  A copy of the report, which will be formally presented to our parish Annual General Meeting on Sunday 10 December 2023, is available here.  We encourage our parishioners and friends with questions or comments concerning our Annual Report to contact us.

Now available - the November 2023 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/12/2023

The November 2023 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. Content includes a letter of congratulations from the editor, Mitred Archpriest Michael Protopopov, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of our diocese; a brief biography of the first bishop of our Diocese, the ever-memorable Archbishop Theodore (Rafalsky)(+1955); material on the recent rediscovery in Russia of the original Kazan Icon of the Mother of God; articles in Russian on the Nativity Fast, the symbolism of icons of the Nativity of Christ, and the history of the Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, New York; the fascinating account by Mitred Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff of an Orthodox baptism and burial in the Northern Territory, with the burial having taken place on remote Yolngu land; news of the ordination of a new deacon, Father Apostolos Condolean; the decision of the Synod of Bishops in the case of Abbot Sergius (Shatrov), the respected former rector of the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Bombala, NSW; news of Russian community debutante balls in Sydney and Adelaide; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Our Summer 2023-24 Schedule of Services - 26/11/2023

Our Summer 2023-24 Schedule of Services - covering December, January and February - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Summer 2023-24 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Summer 2023-24 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies will be available in church from the weekend of 25-26 November.   Services of note will be for Saint Nicholas on 18-19 December and for the Great Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Theophany) on 18-19 January, a day on which we will have a Great Blessing of Water and commemorate Newcastle's former Theophany parish (1994-2009).

The November 2023 meeting of the Parish Council - 26/11/2023

On Sunday 26 November a meeting of the Parish Council was held.  The usual pastoral, administrative and financial reports were heard.  A decision was made to engage an architect to prepare plans for the replacement of the church entrances and for other works on the church grounds, including construction of an accessible toilet and new paving.  It was agreed that the Parish Council would meet again briefly before the Annual General Meeting scheduled for 10 December 2023 to endorse the final 2023 Annual Report.

Services on 25-26 November, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 26/11/2023

On Saturday 25 November and Sunday 26 November we had services for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Saint John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople (+407 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  Following Divine Liturgy, a memorial litia was served for the ever-memorable Archpriest John Lupish (+22 November 1977), Kenneth Cross (+18 November 2018), Alexander Evteev (+8 December 2018), and Eugenia Kallaur (+19 November 2021).  At the completion of the services on Sunday, an announcement was made concerning the Annual General Meeting of the parish to be held on Sunday 10 December 2023.

The Fourteenth ROCOR All-Diaspora Orthodox Youth Conference, Stuttgart (Germany), 25 June-1 July 2024 - 22/11/2023

From 25 June to 1 July 2024 the Fourteenth All-Diaspora Orthodox Youth Conference of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) will be held in Stuttgart, Germany.  The All-Diaspora Youth Conferences, which began in Montreal, Canada, in 1972, bring together ROCOR youth from around the world.  Over the years, many important friendships have been formed at these conferences.  The theme of the 2024 Conference is “Preserving our Orthodox Identity and Heritage in the Diaspora”.  It will be held at a retreat in the mountains near Stuttgart and lectures will be in Russian, English, and German.  The conference program will also include excursions, sports, cultural activities, and a youth ball.  Youth (aged 18-24) of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese who wish to attend should email for further information.

Services on 11-12 November, the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost - 12/11/2023

On Saturday 11 November and Sunday 12 November we had services for the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Hieromartyr Zenobius, bishop of Aegae in Cilicia, and his sister Zenobia (+285 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.  At Divine Liturgy our small church was full, with visitors joining us from Sydney, the Central Coast, and the Mid North Coast.  Prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  Following Divine Liturgy, an announcement was made concerning the Annual General Meeting of the parish to be held on Sunday 10 December 2023.

A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 30/10/2023

On the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 28-29 October our parish rector visited Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast. On Saturday he baptised Sophia, the infant daughter of Evan and Katerina Cotten, a couple who have been central to the life of the Mission since it began in 2019.  Sophia’s godparents were Tatiana Tobin and Gregory Alexandrovsky.  On Sunday 29 October, the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of Martyr Longinus the Centurion (+1st C. AD), the Hours and Divine Liturgy  were served at Wauchope Community Arts Hall.  Prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land, and the newly-baptised Sophia received Holy Communion for the first time.  Following Divine Liturgy there was a general panikhida, Saturday having been Saint Demetrius Saturday, a day of commemoration of the departed.  A photo-report of the weekend can be viewed at the Mission's Facebook page.  God willing, the next services of the Mission will be in Coffs Harbour on Saturday-Sunday 30-31 December, the day of commemoration of Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye.

Services on 21-22 October, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - 22/10/2023

On Saturday 21 October and Sunday 22 October we had services for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (787 AD) and the Holy Apostle James, son of Alphaeus (+1st C. AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Holy Land.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the Seventh Ecumenical Council and the Orthodox Christian veneration of icons.

Now available - the September 2023 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 17/10/2023

The September 2023 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. Content includes news of recent clergy ordinations, assignments, awards and retirements; an English-language biography of the ever-memorable Protodeacon Peter Metlenko (+24 August 2023); a Russian-language article about the feast-day of Our Lady’s Dormition parish in Dandenong, Victoria, together with a comprehensive photo-report; a Russian-language history of the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, together with an explanation of icons depicting it; the text in Russian and English of a talk given by Mitred Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff in July 2023 on ”Modern Temptations” (“Современные Искушения”); and more.  Copies are $5.00.

Prayers to be offered for peace in the Holy Land - 11/10/2023

His Grace Bishop George of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand has directed that prayers be offered in the churches of our Diocese for peace in the Holy Land.  The text of the prayer to be used in Slavonic and English is available here.  The text in Russian script, together with some Russian language notes concerning the history of this prayer, is available here.  In brief, the prayer is customarily read at Divine Liturgy throughout the Orthodox Christian world on Great and Holy Saturday, the day preceding Pascha.  In our parish the prayer will be read at each Divine Liturgy, together with the prayer for peace in Ukraine.

Services on 7-8 October, the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 08/10/2023

On Saturday 7 October and Sunday 8 October we had services for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Sergius of Radonezh (+1392 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.   At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  At the end of the Sunday service, a moleben to Saint Sergius was served at which prayers were again offered for peace in Ukraine; for our parishioners and friends, especially those studying; for the rulers of this country; and for the safety and well-being of our city of Newcastle and the wider Hunter Region.

2023 Orthodox Youth Conference - 30/09/2023

The 2023 Orthodox Youth Conference (“Syezd”) of our Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outisde Russia will be held in Melbourne, Victoria, from Tuesday 26 December until Saturday 30 December.  More information and a link to online registration is available in the attached image.

Services on 23-24 September, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 24/09/2023

On Saturday 23 September and Sunday 24 September we had services for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, and in honour of Venerable Theodora of Alexandria (+c.474 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  At the end of the Sunday service, a collection was taken up to help the Resurrection of Christ Russian Orthodox Church in Auckland, New Zealand, purchase and renovate a new parish centre.

A collection to assist the Auckland parish of our Diocese - 22/09/2023

The Russian Orthodox parish of the Resurrection of Christ in Auckland, New Zealand, was established in October 1950, now over 70 years ago.  Throughout the years since, services have been held in a tiny church in the suburb of Balmoral.  This arrangement has become increasingly unworkable in recent years as the parish has grown, primarily through post-Soviet emigration to New Zealand.  After many years of searching, the Auckland parish has recently been able to secure a four-storey building with ample off-street parking in which to establish large church, a library, a community hall, and a residential apartment.  Work has already commenced to remodel the building for parish use.  Bishop George has appealed to all parishes of our Diocese to collect funds during September to assist the Auckland parish.  We commend this worthy endeavour to our parishioners and friends, and we will take up a collection in our parish on Sunday 24 September.  Those who wish to do so may also contribute to our collection online (BSB: 032-509, Account number: 281104, “Auckland donation”), or make direct contact with the Auckland parish for its Australian bank account details.

Services on 16-17 September, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 17/09/2023

On Saturday 16 September and Sunday 17 September we had services for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Right-believing Prince Peter and Princess Febronia, the Wonderworkers of Murom.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. These were extra services, not previously scheduled, as our neighbouring parish of Saint Panteleimon, Gosford, remained closed for the installation of a new iconostasis.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  Following the Prayer before the Amvon a brief moleben was served to Saints Peter and Febronia, the heavenly patrons of family life, love and faithfulness, at which the couples amongst our parishioners and friends were commemorated by name.

Services on 9-10 September, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 10/09/2023

On Saturday 9 September and Saturday 10 September we had services for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the finding of the relics in 1659 of Venerable Job, the abbot and wonderworker of Pochaev.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the life and work of Saint Job of Pochaev and of his significance in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

Services on 2-3 September, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost - 03/09/2023

On Saturday 2 September and Sunday 3 September we had services for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, for the Afterfeast of the Dormition, and in honour of Apostle Thaddeus of the Seventy (+c.44 AD). These were extra services, not previously scheduled, as our neighbouring parish of Saint Panteleimon, Gosford, remained closed for the installation of a new iconostasisMatins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. At both services our parish clergy, Archpriest James Carles and Deacon Michal Matys, served together.  Prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and at the Prayer before the Amvon prayers of blessing were read over four icons of Great Feasts in beautiful new kiots (hinged box-frames) made by Michael Sokolsky, and a new portable chalice for taking Holy Communion to the sick. The new icons are of the Meeting of the Lord, the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Ascension of the Lord, and the Exaltation of the Cross. A matching icon of the Dormition of the Mother of God was blessed separately.

In Memoriam: Protodeacon Peter Metlenko (+24 August 2023) - 31/08/2023

Our Australian-New Zealand Diocese recently learned with sorrow of the repose of Protodeacon Peter Metlenko, a clergyman of the Diocese for over 40 years.  Born in China in 1938, Peter Ivanovich Metlenko arrived in Australia in 1962.  He immediately became a key figure in the establishment of the parish of Our Lady’s Dormition in Dandenong, Victoria; the parish worshipped for a number of years in a chapel established in his garage and he also served as the first Starosta (or Warden) of the parish.  In 1982 the ever-memorable Archbishop Paul (Pavlov) ordained Father Peter to the diaconate, and in 2002 then-Archbishop Hilarion (Kapral) raised him to the rank of Protodeacon.  In 2010 he retired to Sydney and was assigned to the parish of Saint Vladimir, Centennial Park, of which his son, Archpriest Daniel Metlenko, is the rector.  Father Peter reposed in the Lord on 24 August 2023, and has been laid to rest beside his wife, Matushka Elizabeth (+2020), in Springvale Cemetery, Victoria.  We offer heartfelt condolences to Father Daniel and his family and pray that God will give his good and faithful servant, the newly-reposed Protodeacon Peter, rest with the saints.  Царство ему Небесное!

2023 Diocesan Teen Retreat - 29/08/2023

The 2023 Teen Retreat of our Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outisde Russia will be held in Collaroy, NSW, from Sunday 17 December until Thursday 21 December.  More information and a link to online registration is available in the attached image.  The ROCOR Teen Retreat Facebook page can be accessed here.

Services on 26-27 August, the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost - 27/08/2023

On Saturday 26 August and Sunday 27 August we had services for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, the Forefeast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, and in honour of Prophet Micah (+8th Century BC).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.  Prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and at the Prayer before the Amvon there was a blessing of honey.

Our Spring 2023 Schedule of Services - 26/08/2023

Our Spring 2023 Schedule of Services - covering September, October and November - is now available in PDF format.  A copy of the English-language Spring 2023 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Spring 2023 Schedule of Services is available here.

Services on 12-13 August, the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost - 13/08/2023

On Saturday 12 August and Sunday 13 August we had services for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Forefeast of the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, and in honour of Righteous Eudocimus (Evdokim) of Cappadocia (+9th Century AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services our parish clergy, Archpriest James Carles and Deacon Michal Matys, served together. At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine

Now available - the August 2023 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 01/08/2023

The August 2023 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. Content includes news of clergy assignments; the Russian-language text of Patriarch Kirill’s Appeal to religious leaders and representatives of international organisations in view of the persecution of the Father-Superior of the Kiev-Caves Lavra; a greatly abbreviated Russian-language text of Patriarch Kirill’s Address to the Bishops’ Conference held at the Holy Trinity-Saint Sergius Monastery on 19 July 2023; information in English and Russian about the centenary celebrations of Saint Nicholas Cathedral, Brisbane, held in late May 2023; Russian-language material on the Royal Martyrs of Russia, commemorated on 17 July; a brief article noting the repose of Michael Baden-Powell, Fourth Baron Baden-Powell, the grandson of the founder of the Scout Movement and an official of Scouts Victoria who took an interest in Russian Scouting in Australia; Russian-language extracts from the Holy Fathers on the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, celebrated on 28 August; and more.  Copies are $5.00.

A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 30/07/2023

On Sunday 30 July, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost and the day of commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils, Divine Liturgy was served in Boambee, near Coffs Harbour, at the home of Drs Ashish Sinha and Evgenia Biryukova.  Joining regular worshippers from across the Mid North Coast were friends from the Gold Coast (QLD) and Armidale (NSW), with approximately 30 people present.  Afterwards, most stayed for lunch and fellowship.  Following lunch the Mission Committee briefly discussed ideas for a portable iconostasis, a website, and plans for the Mission’s first patronal feast-day on December 30-31, 2023.  God willing, the next service on the Mid North Coast will be Divine Liturgy in Wauchope on Sunday 29 October.

Services on 22-23 July, the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - 23/07/2023

On Saturday 22 July and Sunday 23 July we had services for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Anthony of the Kiev Caves (+1073 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At both services our parish clergy, Archpriest James Carles and Deacon Michal Matys, served together.  On Sunday morning our church was full, with visitors from Sydney, Armidale and elsewhere joining our regular parishioners.  In his sermon Father James spoke about Venerable Anthony of the Kiev Caves and of living a life that shows to others the love of Christ.  In this regard, he drew the attention of the faithful to Patriarch Kirill’s Report to the Bishops’ Conference of the Russian Orthodox Church on 19 July 2023, and the emphasis in that report on loving-kindness, concern, gentleness, and compassion in the internal life of the Church.  Afterwards, many of those present gathered in the church hall for fellowship and refreshments.

Services on 11-12 July, the commemoration of the Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul - 12/07/2023

On Tuesday 11 July and Wednesday 12 July we had services in honour of the Holy, Glorious, and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Tuesday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Wednesday morning.  Prior to the services, our small church was for the first time beautifully vested in the new gold vestments received in March this year.  At All-night Vigil and Divine Liturgy our parish clergy, Archpriest James Carles and Deacon Michal Matys, served together.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  In his sermon, Father James spoke of the different backgrounds of the Apostles Peter and Paul; of their repentance; and of their great labours to spread the Gospel of Christ.

Services on 8-9 July, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - 09/07/2023

On Saturday 8 July and Sunday 9 July we had services for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of the appearance of the “Tikhvin” Icon of the Mother of God in 1383 AD.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  Joining us on Sunday were friends from Sydney holidaying in the Hunter Valley, and parishioners of Saint Naum of Ohrid Serbian Orthodox Church in Broadmeadow, their church being closed for building works.

Useful information about when weddings can be celebrated, together with a list of available dates in 2023, 2024 and 2025 - 26/06/2023

In conjunction with Saint Panteleimon Russian Orthodox Church, Gosford, our parish has developed and published an explanation of the reasons why weddings cannot be celebrated on certain days and dates and during certain seasons. It incorporates a list of Sundays and Fridays on which weddings can be celebrated that has now been updated to include Sundays and Fridays in 2024 and 2025.  This information, which can be accessed either here or via our Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals page, has been prepared to help our parishioners and friends when planning weddings in parishes of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. Should anyone have any questions or concerns about this information, please contact us.

Services on 24-25 June, the Third Sunday after Pentecost - 25/06/2023

On Saturday 24 June and Sunday 25 June we had services for the Third Sunday after Pentecost and in honour of Venerable Onuphrius the Great (+4th Century) and Venerable Peter of Mount Athos (+734 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Matins and Divine Liturgy our parish clergy, Archpriest James Carles and Deacon Michal Matys, served together.  Early on Sunday morning Father James and a small group of parishioners newly-received into Orthodoxy again gathered in church to read the Prayers of Preparation for Holy Communion.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine, and prayers of blessing were read over two new icons for our church, one of Great-Martyr Panteleimon and another of Saint Gregory Palamas.

Services on 10-11 June, the First Sunday after Pentecost - 11/06/2023

On Saturday 10 June and Sunday 11 June we had services for the First Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday of All Saints and the Day of Youth of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  Prior to Divine Liturgy, the parish rector and a small group of parishioners newly-received into Orthodoxy gathered in church to read the Prayers of Preparation for Holy Communion.  At the end of Divine Liturgy a brief moleben was served for the children and young people of our parish, our Diocese, and of our ROCOR as a whole, asking God that He “deliver them from every snare of the Enemy, preserve them in Orthodoxy and the Faith, and in all godliness and purity all the days of their life”.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the commemoration of All Saints and of the way in which our Orthodox Christian saints show many different paths to holiness.  He also spoke about the history and significance of ROCOR’s Day of Youth, and of the importance of our children and young people participating appropriately, actively, and confidently in the divine services and in the broader life of the church.

A Pastoral Conference and services in Brisbane on 27-28 May to mark the centenary of Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral - 28/05/2023

On the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 27-28 May, our parish clergy,  Archpriest James Carles and Deacon Michal Matys, participated in a Pastoral Conference of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.  The Pastoral Conference was convened to coincide with celebrations marking the centenary of the founding of the parish of Saint Nicholas in Brisbane, the first Russian Orthodox parish in Australia.  Solemn divine services were held on Saturday evening and Sunday morning at which three bishops served: Archbishop Gabriel (Chemodakov) of Montreal and Canada, Bishop George of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand, and Bishop Luke (Murianka) of Syracuse, Vicar of the Eastern American Diocese.  Concelebrating with them at Divine Liturgy on Sunday were forty-nine priests and deacons of our diocese, including our own parish clergy, and representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church.  The Russian Orthodox Men’s Choir of Australia sang at both services.  Updated 13 June 2023: An article with more detail and links to photographs is available here.

Our Winter 2023 Schedule of Services - 22/05/2023

Our Winter 2023 Schedule of Services - covering June, July and August - is now available.  Services of particular note during this period will be All-night Vigil and Divine Liturgy on Tuesday-Wednesday 11-12 July in honour of the Holy Preeminent Apostles Peter and Paul.  A copy of the English-language Winter 2023 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Winter 2023 Schedule of Services is available here.  Printed copies in both languages are also available in church.

Services on 21-22 May, the feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas - 22/05/2023

On Sunday 21 May and Monday 22 May we had services commemorating the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, in 1087 AD.  This is the patronal feast-day of our church.  All-night Vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil and five loaves was served on Sunday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Monday morning. Divine Liturgy on Monday was preceded by the Lesser Blessing of Water and followed by a moleben to Saint Nicholas.  At All-night Vigil and Divine Liturgy our parish clergy, Archpriest James Carles and Deacon Michal Matys, served together.  It being a working day, only a small number of our parishioners and friends were able to be present.  Upon completion of the services on Monday there was an informal festive meal in the church hall.

Services on 13-14 May, the Fifth Sunday of Pascha - 14/05/2023

On Saturday 13 May and Sunday 14 May we had services for the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, the Fifth Sunday of Pascha.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning. On both days the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys.  At Divine Liturgy on Sunday prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine, and the newly baptised servants of God James and John received Holy Communion for the first time.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about our Lord’s conversation with the Samaritan Woman at Jacob’s Well (John 4:5-42), and of how all that we long for finds its true satisfaction only in Christ.

The baptism of two adult converts to Orthodoxy - 13/05/2023

On Saturday 13 May, the parish rector baptised two adult converts to Orthodoxy, Brock Savage and Jack Summerhill.  In baptism Brock and Jack took the names James and John in honour of the brother-apostles, Saints James and John the sons of Zebedee.  Both men had as their sponsor Paul Goura, and James had as an additional sponsor Natalie Thoroughgood.  Afterwards, parishioners, family members and friends – amongst whom were a number of young men who had recently been received into Orthodoxy in various Newcastle parishes – gathered in the church hall for a festive meal.  We warmly congratulate the newly-baptised servants of God James and John, wishing them good health, every blessing from above, and many years!

A service at Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast - 30/04/2023

On the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 29-30 April our parish rector visited Saint Symeon of Verkhoturye Orthodox Mission on the NSW Mid North Coast. On Sunday 30 April, the Third Sunday of Pascha, the Hours and Divine Liturgy  was served at Wauchope Community Arts Hall.  Fifteen people were present.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  In his sermon, Father James spoke about the humble and faithful service of the Myrrhbearers as a model for Christian life.

Services on 22-23 April, the Second Sunday of Pascha - 23/04/2023

On Saturday 22 April and Sunday 23 April we had services for Thomas Sunday, the Second Sunday of Pascha.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served at on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and following the Prayer before the Amvon, the Prayer at the breaking of the Artos was read.  In place of a sermon, the Paschal Epistle of Bishop George of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand was read aloud.  After the dismissal, pieces of the Artos were distributed to the faithful.

Now available - the April 2023 issue of "Word of the Church" ("Церковное Слово") - 18/04/2023

The April 2023 issue of “Word of the Church” (“Церковное Слово”), the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, is now available in our parishes. Content includes news of clergy ordinations, awards, and assignments; information about the centenary celebrations of Saint Nicholas Cathedral, Brisbane, planned for late May 2023; the Russian-language text of an interesting interview with Mitred Archpriest Gabriel Makarov, the rector of the Brisbane Cathedral; a report in Russian and English on the Great Lenten Pastoral conference of the Southern Deanery of our Diocese (covering Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania), held in March this year in Warrnambool, Victoria; a report in Russian and English on the blessing in February 2023 of a new church in Lonnavale, Tasmania; articles in both languages about the suffering Ukrainian Orthodox Church; and more.  Also included is a handy supplement providing contact details for all our parishes, monasteries and missions and their clergy.  Copies are $5.00.

Orthodox Holy Week and Pascha in Wallsend, 2023 - 16/04/2023

This year, our parish had a small number of traditional services for Holy Week and Pascha.  Matins with the reading of the Twelve Passion Gospels was served in the evening on Thursday 13 April and Vespers  with the bringing out of the Shroud of Christ was served in the afternoon on Friday 14 April.  On Saturday evening we had an early Midnight Office and procession followed by Paschal Matins and the blessing of Easter baskets with cakes, eggs, and other festive foods.  The parish rector was assisted on Thursday evening and Friday afternoon by Deacon Michal Matys, and on Saturday evening by Protodeacon Martin Naef.

Services on 8-9 April, Palm Sunday - 09/04/2023

On Saturday 8 April and Sunday 9 April we had services for Palm Sunday, the Sixth Sunday of Great Lent and the Great Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.  All-night vigil with the blessing of wheat, wine, oil, and five loaves and the blessing of palms and pussy-willows was served at on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  Prior to the evening service our church had been decorated beautifully with palm fronds.  On both days the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and at Divine Liturgy on Sunday prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.

A General Service of Anointing with Oil - 30/03/2023

On the evening of Thursday 30 March we had a General Service of Anointing with Oil.  Together with the parish rector, thirty-one of our parishioners gathered to pray and receive anointing with oil for the healing of soul and body.  For Orthodox Christians this service, otherwise served only for individuals who are grievously ill, is a customary part of Great Lent.

Services on 25-26 March, the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent - 26/03/2023

On Saturday 25 March and Sunday 26 March we had services for the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  As Saturday 25 March was a day of commemoration of the departed, a general panikhida was served before Matins on Saturday evening.  As an act of kindness in memory of their departed ones, those attending the panikhida brought non-perishable foods (tinned vegetables and fruit, long-life milk, pasta and pasta sauces, rice, cooking oils, and pantry items) to be passed to local charitable organisations for relief of the homeless. At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.

Keeping children safe in our parish - 12/03/2023

At the 2022 Annual General Meeting of our parish, members endorsed a Statement of Commitment to Child Safety and to children’s participation in the life of our parish.  In collaboration with our neighbouring parish of Saint Panteleimon, West Gosford, we have now developed new policies and procedures to give effect to these commitments.  Together with general information about child safety in our parish, we have published our policies and procedures online.  Over the next few months our parish will be fully implementing the new arrangements, facilitating training for key people, and revising the policies and procedures in light of experience.  Questions, comments and feedback are welcome!

Services on 11-12 March, the Second Sunday of Great Lent - 12/03/2023

On Saturday 11 March and Sunday 12 March we had services for the Second Sunday of Great Lent.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  As Saturday 11 March was a day of commemoration of the departed, a general panikhida was served before Matins on Saturday evening.  As an act of kindness in memory of their departed ones, those attending the panikhida brought non-perishable foods (tinned vegetables and fruit, long-life milk, pasta and pasta sauces, rice, cooking oils, and pantry items) to be passed to local charitable organisations for relief of the homeless. At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  At the end of Divine Liturgy prayers of blessing were read over new gold sets of altar and church vestments, priest’s vestments, and chalice covers.

Services on 25-26 February, the Sunday of Forgiveness - 26/02/2023

On Saturday 25 February and Sunday 26 February we had services for the Sunday of Forgiveness.  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  The parish rector was assisted at both services by Deacon Michal Matys.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  Following Divine Liturgy, Vespers with the rite of asking forgiveness was served. Afterwards, many of our parishioners and friends gathered in the church hall to enjoy pancakes and a short Russian-language play about Maslenitsa performed by some of the parish children.

Our Autumn 2023 Schedule of Services - 18/02/2023

Our Autumn 2023 Schedule of Services - covering March, April and May 2023 - is now available in digital format.  It includes all our services for Great Lent, Holy Week and Pascha.  A copy of the English-language Autumn 2023 Schedule of Services is available here, and a copy of the Russian-language Autumn 2023 Schedule of Services is available here.  Both can also be accessed on our Services page, and printed copies are available in church as of the weekend of 10-11 February.

Services on 11-12 February, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son - 12/02/2023

On Saturday 11 February and Sunday 12 February we had services for the Sunday of the Prodigal Son and in honour of the Three Hierarchs: Saints Basil the Great (+379 AD), Gregory the Theologian (+389 AD), and John Chrysostom (+407 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine and for deliverance from the coronavirus.  In his sermon the parish rector spoke about the Parable of the Prodigal Son and the possibility of each one of us returning to our Father’s house with confidence in His love and His willingness to forgive us.  He also spoke about the lives, influence on Orthodoxy, and example of the Three Hierarchs.

In memoriam - Tamara Adamczyk - 23/01/2023

On Monday 23 January 2023 the funeral of 97 year-old Tamara Adamczyk was served in our church.  Tamara, who was a member of our parish and, before that, of the Theophany parish in Mayfield, was born in 1925.  She departed this life on 13 January 2023.  We offer heartfelt condolences to Tamara's children Wanda and Stephen, to their spouses, and to Tamara's grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  Following the funeral Tamara was laid to rest in Wallsend Cemetery beside her beloved husband Stanislaw (+2017).  May God grant her rest!

Services on 21-22 January, the Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost - 22/01/2023

On Saturday 21 January and Sunday 22 January we had services for the Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday after Theophany, and in honour of Hieromartyr Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia (+1569 AD).  Matins was served on Saturday evening and the Hours and Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Water were served on Sunday morning.  At Divine Liturgy the parish rector was assisted by Deacon Michal Matys and prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine.  At the end of the service the parish rector spoke about the work of the former Theophany parish (1994-2009) in Mayfield, Newcastle, the remaining members of which joined our parish in 2009, and intoned ‘Eternal Memory’ for the newly-reposed Tamara (Adamczyk) and the other reposed founders, benefactors and parishioners of the Theophany parish.

Services on 8 January, the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost - 08/01/2023

On Sunday 8 January we had services for the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost and the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ.  The Hours and Divine Liturgy were served.  At Divine Liturgy prayers were offered for peace in Ukraine. In place of a sermon, the parish rector read aloud the Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad.  Afterwards, a great many of our parishioners and friends gathered in the church hall for a festive meal and a visit from Father Christmas.

The 2022/23 Nativity Epistle of Bishop George of Sydney and Australia-New Zealand - 07/01/2023

The 2022/23 Nativity Epistle of Bishop George of Sydney and Australia-New Zealand can be read in English here and in Russian here.  This is Bishop George’s first Nativity Epistle as Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese.  A further Nativity Greeting from Bishop George can be read here.

The 2022/23 Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Nicholas, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia - 07/01/2023

The 2022/23 Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Nicholas, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, can be read in English here and in Russian here.  This is Metropolitan Nicholas’ first Nativity Epistle as First Hierarch.

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